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The U.S. Supreme Court is set to weigh in on an unprecedented case that could reshape the legal landscape for firearm manufacturers.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) have stepped up with amicus briefs opposing a lawsuit filed by Mexico against major U.S. gun makers, including Smith & Wesson.
Mexico’s lawsuit blames American firearm manufacturers for crimes committed by narco-terrorist cartels within its borders, seeking $10 billion in damages.
Critics argue the case sidesteps Mexico’s internal corruption and lawlessness while attempting to impose foreign control over U.S. firearm policies.
PLCAA in the Crosshairs
At the heart of this legal battle lies the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), a law that shields firearm manufacturers from liability when their products are used unlawfully by third parties.
Both organizations warn that allowing this lawsuit to proceed would undermine Congress’s intent behind the PLCAA and open the floodgates for similar cases targeting the firearms industry.
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The NSSF’s brief highlights concerns about U.S. sovereignty, suggesting Mexico’s lawsuit aims to dictate American firearm regulations and restrict Second Amendment rights.
SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut adds that these types of lawsuits are “designed to bankrupt the firearms industry,” directly threatening Americans’ ability to exercise their constitutional rights.
The Stakes Are High
If the lawsuit is upheld, both groups predict dire consequences. SAF’s Alan Gottlieb warns of a wave of expensive litigation targeting gun makers, potentially crippling the industry.
The NSSF emphasizes that the case attempts to sideline Congress and misuse the U.S. court system for political gain.
Originally dismissed by U.S. District Judge Dennis Saylor in 2022, the case gained new life when the First Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the ruling earlier this year.
The Supreme Court’s decision will now determine whether the PLCAA continues to protect firearm manufacturers from liability for crimes committed abroad.
A Clear Message to Congress and Courts
Both the NSSF and SAF make it clear that this case isn’t just about one lawsuit. It’s about preserving the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment and preventing foreign governments from influencing domestic firearm policy.
With arguments echoing through the highest court, the stakes couldn’t be higher for gun makers and gun owners alike. What do you predict will happen?
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This lawsuit is easily winnable, and, in fact, would be quickly withdrawn by Mexico, with a strong, America First, leader in the White House. Mexico should be viewed and treated like the political and military enemy that they are to America. By working with the anti American, Jewish groups, such as the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti Defamation League, the communist American Civil Liberties Union, and all the members of AIPAC, who are, in reality, advocates for a foreign nation, Israel, rather than the best interests of America. Mexico, working with these traitorous groups who are, in reality, filled with insidious vermin that are intent on the destruction of America, and Western civilization itself. America haters and former Nazi aide himself, the despicable George Soros, is, no doubt, helping Mexican criminal politicians to fund this lawsuit, as he did with the anti White, anti American, communist Black Lives Matter, and the equally as violent “anti fa” Jewish organization. Typically, if something damages America on a national level, you will find the likes of Soros, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Spielberg, obama, Dershowitz, etc., and ALL the anti American, Zionist organizations that these people fund and direct. If President Trump were really sincere about it, he would actually BUILD THE WALL, which would include NO GATES, NO DOORS, and NO WINDOWS! Meanwhile, Congress would pass an immigration law totally stopping ALL immigration for fifty years. ALL illegal immigrants, actually they are ILLEGAL ALIENS, should be deported immediately with NO TRIALS, NO HEARINGS, and NO EXCEPTIONS! If they have killed an American, they should be quickly executed themselves. America should charge Mexico a ONE MILLION DOLLAR FINE for each “illegal alien” that is found inside America, and America should withdraw from the horrible “trade deal” known as NAFTA. The people that pushed that monstrosity, the Bush Family, the Clinton Crime family, and many other wealthy and corrupt, dual citizenship Zionist individuals, want that “treaty” to continue due to the enormous cocaine and fentanyl supply that comes in by the TONS due to this totally corrupt legislation, as less than ten percent of the hundreds of thousands of trucks crossing the border are even inspected by border agents. That is the reason why, since the Clintons passed that “treaty”, the illegal drug trade has skyrocketed, and will never stop without stopping Mexico and their corrupt politicians who are at the very center of the cartel drug trade. President Trump, and his justice department, as well as the secretary of state, could, and should, start making Mexico act like the “little brother” to America that they actually are….instead of some untrained, unchained, mongrel dog that shits wherever it wants then runs back home without ever being punished or even scolded. America’s leaders need to get some “back bone” and act like the true leaders that founded this country , instead of the weak, scared-of-their-own-shadows, politicians such as Jimmy Carter, Slick Willie Clinton, the Kenyan born obama, and the spineless pedophile, Joe “The Sniffer” Biden. NO foreign country should ever be allowed to even think that they can force ANY type of legislation or laws to be passed that restricts the God given rights of ANY American that the Founding Fathers spelled out in beautiful, handwritten, cursive ENGLISH in our sacred documents of the Declaration of Independence, and the United States Constitution. American politicians should believe, and act, as the Founding Fathers did by putting America First….Last….and Always above ALL other nations, especially the murderous, rogue nation of Israel. As far as Mexico….”Pinche pendejos.”
Tread lightly
Chevy will be next, and Louisville
Slugger will be after that.
Mexico should fix their own problems, instead of blaming us🙄
Get Mexican govt sued for drug trafficking into the USA
Those Mexican trash need to be kicked out of our country and the illegals should be shot at the borders. Pure and true.
Much like Ancient Rome , the barbarism ( not just south of the border )
is already inside the gates .
I truly believe this has been orchestrated at the top of our government .
With gleeful assistance from others of the new age “ Comintern “ .