NSSF: Governors Eager for Firearms Business – SHOT Show 2020

The SHOT Show wasn’t just a showcase for the firearms industry. State leaders are competing for firearms businesses too.

“It’s not just a matter of saying we believe in the Second Amendment. We live the outdoors.” said Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson on a SHOT Show TV appearance with Georgia’s Bert Brantley Chief Operating Officer of the Economic Development Council.  They spoke with NSSF’s Larry Keane, Senior Vice President for Government and Public Affairs.

Gov. Hutchinson and Brantley discussed efforts by Arkansas and Georgia to attract and grow the firearms and ammunition industry in their respective states, and what they believe are the key areas of praise and concern happening right now across the country. Both federal and state-level regulations and legislative policies have had a tremendous, and positive impact on recruiting firearms businesses to relocate or expand to states that offer more friendly business environments and respect the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

“The difference is in many states … gun-manufacturers are tolerated if at all, whereas in the South – they are embraced,” Gov. Hutchinson explained.

Watch the full video (embedded above) of the discussion from Keane, Brantley, and Gov. Hutchinson, and to hear more on efforts and insights from their vantage points as leaders within their states.

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  • Big Al January 27, 2020, 11:21 am

    Colorado is perfect example, where the then Governor and his Party chased a perfectly legal business like Magpul out of the State, and put people out of work.
    And then the dolts don’t understand why several Counties wanted to secede from the State.
    That’s just how stupid Colorado democrats are. And why I won’t do downtown Denver and it’s businesses, too many lefties telling you how wrong you are. Not to mention the crime.

  • Jmes Peters January 24, 2020, 11:05 pm

    Start treating criminals mean can you believe police have to be nice to some punk who just tried to kill them ,what ACLU idiot thought that one up,bet they would not last long out of their ivory towers , and gated homes , & armed guards

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