NRA’s New Anti-Hillary Ad is Most Effective Yet

The National Rifle Association has put together a great new ad that distills the 2016 presidential election to a simple choice: either you support one’s right of self-defense or you oppose one’s right to self-defense.

The ad, titled “Kristi,” highlights the real story of attorney Kristi McMains who used her firearm on Jan. 26 in Louisville, KY, against a perpetrator who stalked and attacked her in a parking garage at night.

“This election comes down to my Second Amendment rights – specifically, what happens with the Supreme Court,” said McMains in the new ad.

“Hillary has said she doesn’t think people should be able to decide where and when they are allowed to carry a gun, but I know you can be a victim of a violent crime anywhere at anytime,” she continues. “Without my gun, I would not be alive.”

The NRA will spend $6.5 million airing the ad on cable, satellite and regional broadcast stations in Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Ohio.

If elected president, Hillary Clinton will indubitably appoint anti-gun justices to the Supreme Court. Should that happen, one’s individual right to keep and bear arms will be on the chopping block.

“I know where Donald Trump stands on the Second Amendment, and I know where Hillary Clinton stands,” said McMains in an email. “I stand with Donald Trump.”

Share this ad with your friends and family.  Get the word out.  #NeverHillary

  • Charles Jubb October 7, 2016, 4:16 pm

    Hillery will make one of her judge appointments OBAMA to pay back for his election help.Now think,,,, what could be wrong with that????????? Obama for life,,,,,,,,what a down hill ride that would be…

  • Mark October 7, 2016, 11:35 am

    We know that Clinton’s like Obama’s Alinsky Marxist behavior are oriented towards destabilizing our systems and removing power from the people. The General (Feds) government has held power for so many that the public is dumbed down. The Government was created to enforce the Constitution, not tear it apart. The Feds are addicted to power and the addicts want more of the drug. Our only recourse is the Convention of States and the Jeffersonian act of State Interposition (nullification). Read all you can from the Tenth Amendment Foundation website. Then get your state legislators moving or get new ones. We haven’t much time. Lenin was right: “lies told often enough become truth.” Clinton is a living testimony to Lenin. ICE (with state compliance-see the problem?) has Homeland Security photographing license plate at gun shows.

  • Patriot October 7, 2016, 10:48 am

    An assessment of Hillary’s qualifications to be president of the United States would be DISMAL !!!! Think about the qualifications of her supporters described below !!!! Think about her very poor judgement and lies in the mishandling of the State Department CLASSIFIED EMAILS. Think about her very poor judgement and total lack of effort to help the American ambassador and three assistants who were killed in Benghzi, Libya. (Remember Secretary of State Hillary saying “ARE WE GOING BACK TO THAT?” which was a huge humiliation for her and terrible reflection on her judgement when questioned by a Congressional Committee. This also applies to Secretary of State Hillary’s poor judgement and lack of support for Americans in life threatening situations when employed by the State Department she controlled. “BENGHAZI – WE HAD THE TIME, PLANES AND SHIPS. WE DID NOT HAVE THE LEADERSHIP !!!!” Hillary as president would be very devisive and an extreme risk and would seem to be an “endless misery” to American citizens. She has already stated that her little deranged mind feels that the U.S. Supreme Court made the “wrong decision” when the Court said the Second Amendment applies to American citizens rather than militias. She declares that she and her rotten supporters will make a maximum effort to change that Supreme Court decision !! She would be a very poor person to appoint nominees for Supreme Court vacancies !! Hillary has been a strong advocate to permit practically unlimited illegal immigration and so has Obama. It has been said that the illegal immigrants get support payments from the U.S. and more than likely this is a Democrat way to get votes !! Supporting illegal immigration also hurts employment for tax paying American workers. IT WOULD BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE UNITED STATES TO ELECT TRUMP AND REPUBLICANS !!!!

    If a deranged Hillary and her rotten supporters try to usurp the Constitution and Second Amendment and there is no attempt by government or courts to stop Hillary and supporters, Americans who support the Constitution may have no choice other than forcefully resisting to save the United States.

    I am sure there are many countries who support Communists and terrorists that are happy to see a clique of people in the United States who are so radical that they want to mis-interpret the Second Amendment in order to disarm the American people and
    make them as defenseless as the people of Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc. so Americans would not be armed and able to defend themselves against a tyrannical government and terrorists.
    Several of these radicals, including the network “news”, who are mostly Democrats, are listed below:

    The biased network “news” media fully supports Hillary and radical Democrats. The network “news” media and Hillary, Billy, and Chelsea supporters, such as Obama, Tim Kaine is Hillary’s selection for Vice President, Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer are rotten gun grabber politicians from California, Gov. Brown of California, Gov. Brown of Oregon, Gov. Inslee of Washington are Democrat gun grabbers from three states, Bloomberg is a major gun grabber radical and financier who contrives with “news anchor” Katy Couric to make the pro gun people seem to be confused and stupid on network “news”, Soros is a major gun grabber idiot who is a friend of Hillary and owns Progressive insurance, Sen. Schumer of New York wants to stack the U.S. Supreme Court with gun grabber Democrat justices that will comply with deranged Hillary, Katie Couric who contrived with Bloomberg to make the network “news” represent pro gun people as confused and stupid, Attorney General of Massachusetts Maura Healey who dictated that certain common guns are illegal, Sen. Harry Reid of Arizona who, as Democrat Majority Leader of the Senate, refused to hear Republican legislation, Dan Gross who is leader of the gun grabber Brady Bunch, Rupert Murdoch who is a biased gun grabber Democrat of FOX NEWS, pseudo-Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine says she will NOT vote for Trump, and so does pseudo-Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham and pseudo-Republican Sen. Mitt Romney, and all have something in common and it is the fact that all are ROTTEN TO THE CORE AND DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR THE UNITED STATES !!!!

  • Patriot October 7, 2016, 10:32 am

    An assessment of Hillary’s qualifications to be president of the United States would be DISMAL !!!! Think about the qualifications of her supporters described below !!!! Think about her very poor judgement and lies in the mishandling of the State Department CLASSIFIED EMAILS. Think about her very poor judgement and total lack of effort to help the American ambassador and three assistants who were killed in Benghzi, Libya. (Remember Secretary of State Hillary saying “ARE WE GOING BACK TO THAT?” which was a huge humiliation for her and terrible reflection on her judgement when questioned by a Congressional Committee. This also applies to Secretary of State Hillary’s poor judgement and lack of support for Americans in life threatening situations when employed by the State Department she controlled. “BENGHAZI – WE HAD THE TIME, PLANES AND SHIPS. WE DID NOT HAVE THE LEADERSHIP !!!!” Hillary as president would be very devisive and an extreme risk and would seem to be an “endless misery” to American citizens. She has already stated that her little deranged mind feels that the U.S. Supreme Court made the “wrong decision” when the Court said the Second Amendment applies to American citizens rather than militias. She declares that she and her rotten supporters will make a maximum effort to change that Supreme Court decision !! She would be a very poor person to appoint nominees for Supreme Court vacancies !! IT WOULD BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE UNITED STATES TO ELECT TRUMP AND REPUBLICANS !!!!

    If a deranged Hillary and her rotten supporters try to usurp the Constitution and Second Amendment and there is no attempt by government or courts to stop Hillary and supporters, Americans who support the Constitution may have no choice other than forcefully resisting to save the United States.

    I am sure there are many countries who support Communists and terrorists that are happy to see a clique of people in the United States who are so radical that they want to mis-interpret the Second Amendment in order to disarm the American people and
    make them as defenseless as the people of Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc. so Americans would not be armed and able to defend themselves against a tyrannical government and terrorists.
    Several of these radicals, including the network “news”, who are mostly Democrats, are listed below:

    The biased network “news” media fully supports Hillary and radical Democrats. The network “news” media and Hillary, Billy, and Chelsea supporters, such as Obama, Tim Kaine is Hillary’s selection for Vice President, Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer are rotten gun grabber politicians from California, Gov. Brown of California, Gov. Brown of Oregon, Gov. Inslee of Washington are Democrat gun grabbers from three states, Bloomberg is a major gun grabber radical and financier who contrives with “news anchor” Katy Couric to make the pro gun people seem to be confused and stupid on network “news”, Soros is a major gun grabber idiot who is a friend of Hillary and owns Progressive insurance, Sen. Schumer of New York wants to stack the U.S. Supreme Court with gun grabber Democrat justices that will comply with deranged Hillary, Katie Couric who contrived with Bloomberg to make the network “news” represent pro gun people as confused and stupid, Attorney General of Massachusetts Maura Healey who dictated that certain common guns are illegal, Sen. Harry Reid of Arizona who, as Democrat Majority Leader of the Senate, refused to hear Republican legislation, Dan Gross who is leader of the gun grabber Brady Bunch, Rupert Murdoch who is a biased gun grabber Democrat of FOX NEWS, pseudo-Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine says she will NOT vote for Trump, and so does pseudo-Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham and pseudo-Republican Sen. Mitt Romney, and all have something in common and it is the fact that all are ROTTEN TO THE CORE AND DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR THE UNITED STATES !!!!

    • AlanTheGreat October 7, 2016, 12:36 pm

      Harry Reid is a Senator from Nevada not Arizona

  • Grifendad October 7, 2016, 10:01 am

    Trump won’t take his sons’ guns away.
    If Hillary gets in, Obama’s on the Supreme Court.
    Anyone want that?

  • NormB October 7, 2016, 7:46 am

    Hillary Clinton defends our right to hire armed security guards, same as she is provided at great taxpayer expense via the secret service. Hillary knows guns save life. Her life. Yours? You can hire as much protection as you can afford. Own a gun? Protect your own life? Not so much.

    • Tom Horn October 7, 2016, 9:37 am

      Sure, pick-up Michael Moore’s auto-bio, “Here Comes Trouble,” and read about him hiring a team of armed, ex-SF soldiers to protect him and his family, while he trashes your 2A rights. Typical elitist attitude, “Let them eat cake.”

  • Martin Ford October 7, 2016, 7:08 am

    Governments do not like the public owning guns, in the UK only criminals and some police have guns.

    Make sure you keep your guns and vote for Trump it would be very hard for him to do a u turn but Hillary will stop future sales then increase the price of gun licenses to a point only a few will be able to have one.

    • Wayne Cook October 7, 2016, 10:17 am

      I had already made up my mind to spend whatever it takes to keep my license. Allready had one attempted home invasion and three assaults…all with family present. It’s a reality, not a theory…how much are my family’s lives worth?

      Love that line, “Governments do not like the public owning guns”.

  • Tom Horn October 7, 2016, 6:16 am

    We are in dire need of a blockbuster, Michael Moore type, truthful documentary about firearms, the 2nd Amendment, gun owners in America, and lessons on how to stop crime and terrorism. Many Americans could not be more brain-washed if they had been interned in Khmer Rouge re-indoctrination camps. Add to that, many voting, recent immigrants to this Country who do not have a clue about what the 2nd Amendment stands for, its purpose, and importance in today’s society. Since it seems that the majority of Americans are now forming their opinions based on entertainment/entertainers, this may be the only way to reach and educate them.

    Ideas for the Movie, “Stand up, or Bend Over”:
    * brief history of 2A, the Framer’s intentions/interpretations
    * history of firearm use in America
    * overview of firearms (the tool) and their uses (take the “scary” out)
    * meet American gun owners (Olympian, Kim Rhode comes to mind)
    * history of the M16 Rifle, the modern sporting rifle, its uses in America today, low percent of crimes committed with these tools, etc. (again, take the fear away)
    * stories of Americans defending themselves with firearms (or their 2A rights being violated, and unable to do, so) See above and below
    * show combat pistol/rifle classes where American Citizens are preparing to defend themselves (take the fear out)
    * brief history of the result of people world-wide, when they have given up their right to bear arms
    * demonstrate why 2A is as important today, as when it was made law 200 plus years ago

    Add an idea for the movie. Perhaps we can start the spark.

    • Don Hubbs October 7, 2016, 9:25 am

      Mr. Horn,

      Great idea, something like this needs to be done here in the United States. So many of our citizens are oblivious to the real world; they spend their time following the Kardashians rather than watching and really hearing the truth. After spending 30 years in the military nearly 25 in the United States Army Special Forces I have traveled the world and seen what we have compared to others when it comes to rights I know we need to defend them especially our right to keep and bear arms. If we do not, criminals like Clinton will take then away from us and then only criminals will have them similar to Europe, Canada and many South American countries.

    • Wayne Cook October 7, 2016, 10:20 am

      I agree…a first class, Mel Gibson level film with top actors, producers, direction, and scripting. It would take around 100 mil…Dinesh did a great job with Hillary’s America….but I so agree with you! We have to win the hearts..and movies do a damn good job of motivating people.

      • Tom Horn October 8, 2016, 7:31 am

        Yeah, I’m thinking Shelby Foote as narrator (From Ken Burns documentaries, such as the Civil War). He has that, Walter Cronkite like trust factor going for him. I am unsure of his politics. Joe Mantegna, of Outdoor Channel’s, ‘Gun Stories,’ would be another excellent choice. I know he’s on board for our 2A rights.

        • Tom Horn October 8, 2016, 11:34 am

          I was unaware of the passing of Shelby Foote, in June, of 2005. I always enjoyed his works, and loved the velvet-smooth character of his voice. He will be missed.

  • Tom Horn October 7, 2016, 5:06 am

    On the same note, here is an excerpt from IL St Rifle Assoc, Executive Director’s (Richard A Pearson) Message from Thurs, 10/08/16. His weekly bulletins are always well written and timely:

    “This week’s book is “Denied A Chance” by Nicole Renee Goeser. Nikki, as I have come to know her, watched her husband being murdered in front of her because she was in a “Gun Free Zone” and was forced to leave her permitted carry pistol in her vehicle. Her story was on Discovery I.D. On February 25, 2014. It is a compelling book and I recommend it.”

  • Dustin Eward October 7, 2016, 4:41 am

    I know Hillary is a fail on the 2A. But Trump is not a win. He’s been anti-gun his whole life, and is merely speaking the words he know he needs to say to get elected. Maybe. Trump is no safe haven for Gun Owners.

    • Doug October 7, 2016, 6:44 am

      …so you’ve never changed your mind on ANYTHING your whole life? It must be incredible to be you, always making the right decision and never having to change your mind.

      We’re not just voting for President. We’re also voting for FIVE Supreme Court justices. Do you want Hitlery and her demon making those choices?
      We’ve got two choices. Vote for the best one for Freedom.

      • Chip October 17, 2016, 12:37 am

        Trump has fully supported the Clintons FOR THREE DECADES! ONLY for this race has he decided to say anything at all against them. Wise the hell up!
        Video: Trump Praises Hillary While Dismissing Benghazi!

    • Art Svane October 7, 2016, 7:18 am

      Trump is the ONLY choice for real 2nd Amendment supporters. We all have had our opinions adjusted one way or the other over the years. Trump has come around to our side, why not applaud that?

      • Wayne Cook October 7, 2016, 10:21 am

        If EVERY NRA member and gun owner doesn’t vote, we are deep yogurt.

    • Tom Horn October 7, 2016, 8:12 am

      Again, from Richard A Pearson’s, IL St Rifle Assoc., Executive Director’s Message, Thurs, 10/08/16:

      “On Monday the office received a call from a member who indicated they were going to vote for Hillary Clinton, misguided to say the least. It has taken millions of dollars, an enormous amount of time, massive efforts by organizations like the ISRA, NRA and SAF as well as personal sacrifices by people like Dick Heller, Otis McDonald and others to bring the Second Amendment back to its real meaning. If Hillary Clinton is elected President, Heller v DC, which is the cornerstone of the Second Amendment movement, will be reversed. McDonald v City of Chicago will be overturned, as well as many other cases and will fall by the wayside and turned into the dust of history. Moreover, there are other important cases waiting like Peruta v County of San Diego, which seeks to destroy concealed carry. In this case, the County of San Diego insists there is no right to carry concealed in the Second Amendment and that a person must prove his or her life is in danger before being issued a permit. The 9th Circuit upheld the County’s position by a margin of 7-4. Before you say that it’s “just California”, Hillary’s court will make that the law of the land.”

    • dave c October 11, 2016, 3:30 am

      “He’s been anti-gun his whole life”

      That is a bit unusual for someone who does a concealed carry and he and his kids belong to the NRA –
      His boys target shoot and hunt…… Hardly look like Bloomberg material…..

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