NRA urges you to vote

in Authors, S.H. Blannelberry

A message from NRA chief lobbyist Chris Cox:

NRA Friends,

The future of our Second Amendment rights comes down to one day— Election Day—Tuesday, November 4.

Tuesday’s elections are the most important of our lifetime. Our fundamental right to keep and bear arms has never been in greater jeopardy. This election cycle, we face the best organized and most well-funded attack on our freedom since our forefathers put pen to paper to ensure our Second Amendment rights.

As a Second Amendment supporter, you belong to one of the most effective civil rights advocacy organizations in the country. But make no mistake; our opposition is not to be underestimated. Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has declared war on the NRA and the Second Amendment. We must not sit back and let him use his billions of dollars to impose his radical and elitist anti-gun agenda on the American people.

Your vote on Tuesday could ensure the strength of the Second Amendment for generations to come. Stay home, and we will only be able to watch as anti-gun politicians advance and enact legislation to erode our rights and disarm the American people. We must be sure our collective voices are heard loudly and clearly on Tuesday— the future of our freedom depends on it!

To ensure you know which candidates support or oppose our Second Amendment rights prior to voting on Tuesday, please visit

Without the hard work of millions of NRA members, our right to keep and bear arms would have already been rendered all but meaningless, just as it has for the people of Australia and England, places that President Obama cites as model gun control jurisdictions.

We salute our members and their determination to win each and every battle, and the culmination of that battle is Election Day on Tuesday. You, the voters, ultimately determine America’s fate this year and for years to come. Freedom can be lost or gained incrementally. Your votes on Tuesday will ultimately determine which way the fate of our freedoms will sway. Now is your time to stand and fight!

Yours in freedom,

Chris W. Cox
NRA-ILA Executive Director and Chairman, NRA-PVF

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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