NRA: Anti-gunners were dealt ‘significant blow’ in midterms

in Authors, S.H. Blannelberry
Chris W. Cox, NRA's chief lobbyist.

Chris W. Cox, NRA’s chief lobbyist.

The National Rifle Association is claiming victory for a number of “impressive wins” in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

“Yesterday, America’s gun owners sent a strong message to Washington, D.C. that their constitutional freedoms must be respected,” said Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF.

“Michael Bloomberg and national anti-gun groups were dealt a significant blow by Second Amendment supporters across the country,” Cox continued. “A clear takeaway from these elections is that candidates who support gun control do so at their political peril.”

The NRA said pro-gun candidates won in Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia. Additionally, pro-gun governors won in Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Texas and Wisconsin, while a Bloomberg-funded governor in Maryland was ousted.

For a full breakdown of the wins, check out

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Michael Nellett April 13, 2018, 4:02 am

    Cantaffordya is the state that exemplifies what happens when the Socialist’s get total control of state government.

  • william massi jr November 25, 2016, 5:08 am

    YES. I Think That The N.R.A. Must Do LOT:S More For , All Of CAL. And Do It Now. Thay Need The Help. YES. ???

  • Gary Schaefer November 11, 2016, 11:50 am

    Dear NRA,
    I don’t feel very respected here in Kalifornia.
    You know that state you’ve completely left to the liberal gun control leftists.
    We’re getting it up the yazoo big time here, which by the way is one of the reasons I quit the NRA and went grass roots.
    I’m not seeing anything out of the NRA here so sorry but I don’t feel very excited.

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