No Guns at the NRA Show… Not Even Close

A few days ago gun control advocates were in an uproar over the hypocrisy of the NRA. Apparently, at the NRA Annual Meeting, or NRAAM, visitors would not be allowed to bring guns. What is more apparent is that people thought this was true instead of what not only the NRA but all the President’s men had to say.

No Guns at the NRA Show... Not Even Close

President Trump and Vice President Pence are giving speeches at this year’s NRAAM. (Photo: Trump/Facebook)

“Wait wait wait wait wait wait you’re telling me to make the VP safe there aren’t any weapons around but when it comes to children they want guns everywhere?” tweeted Matt Deitsch, a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student.

“NRA banned nothing. The media does this every year,” said spokeswoman Dana Loesch. “It’s Secret Service SOP and they supersede all start and local control. Don’t complain about your eroding credibility and people calling you ‘fake news’ when you publish things like this.”

Both President Trump and Vice President Pence will be in attendance at this year’s NRAAM. Because of that, certain parts of the conference will be secured by the Secret Service and only the Secret Service.

See Also: Woke Hollywood Elites to Descend on NRAAM to Push Gun Control

“Due to the attendance of the Vice President of the United States, the U.S. Secret Service will be responsible for event security at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum,” explained the NRA. “As a result, firearms and firearm accessories, knives or weapons of any kind will be prohibited in the forum prior to and during his attendance.”

This is standard operating procedure. After the President and Vice President leave, standard, legal arms-bearing will resume. This isn’t the NRA’s policy, it’s the Treasury Department’s.

“I am honored to welcome President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to the NRA Convention in Dallas this Friday,” said NRA-ILA director Chris Cox. “While I’m sure there will be a meltdown on the Left, we will be unapologetic in our celebration of American Freedom.”

He also said that it’s an honor to have Vice President Pence at the event. “He is a lifetime supporter of the Second Amendment and he has a long a record of fighting to defend our freedoms,” added Cox. “Now more than ever we need principled people in public office who will fight to defend the Constitution. Our members are excited to hear him speak and thank him for his leadership.”

The organization contributed more to Trump’s election campaign than any other organization — $30 million. An estimated 75,000 to 80,000 attendees are expected to attend this year’s NRAAM.

We’re attending the show!  So, stay tuned for updates and stories on cool new products.

  • TejanoViejo May 4, 2018, 7:28 pm

    RE: “This isn’t the NRA’s policy, it’s the Treasury Department’s.”

    Actually, the Secret Service has NOT been under the purview of the Treasury Department since 2002 when it was quietly transferred to the newly established Department of Homeland Security !!!

  • Winston May 4, 2018, 6:08 pm

    Don’t worry the Secret Service will protect all of you. Just ask John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

  • RGE May 4, 2018, 2:48 pm

    Er emm … you can’t enter any public or private space where the president and vice president are found, without being searched for weapons. That was true during Ronald Reagan’s administration as well. Duh! And Pres. Reagan and his wife both carried their own firearms.

  • joefoam May 4, 2018, 2:18 pm

    Are you trying to tell me the media reported this in a manner that cast a bad light on the NRA. Impossible, they are always well informed and totally honest. Ha!

  • Mike Watkins May 4, 2018, 12:31 pm

    Any venue where the President or Vice President appear has to be secured. There are too many nuts in this country, some on the Right, some on the Left, who might decide to become “famous” by committing an assassination.

    The Left is just a bunch of effing morons if they want to call the NRA hypocrites for supporting security for Pres. Trump. Besides, the Left would love to see Trump killed.

    Eff the Left!

  • tyler kent May 4, 2018, 11:14 am

    Someone needs to point out that firearms will indeed be permitted at the NRA ILA forum. They will be carried by Secret Service agents. In other words, people with GUNS will be protecting the president and vice president — the very same circumstance that NRA urges will help students at schools. Security personnel with GUNS should be allowed to protect students just as personnel with GUNS protect the president. Why didn’t NRA make this point??

    • gary May 4, 2018, 1:17 pm

      and an excellent point it is…I guess emotions clouded their thinking…

  • Capn Stefano May 4, 2018, 10:35 am

    Chump the anti gunner comes to speak to gun owners and they are disarmed. I guess he meant it when he said he “Likes to take them early”. Goodbye Mr one termer and to the NRA Fudds: You will ever get one more red cent from me

    • gary May 4, 2018, 1:30 pm

      How long has your vision been impaired? Your right to carry is not being infringed…I will be carrying while the President is at the convention, might even shoot a little…it’s still a free country and no one is forcing you to go anywhere near the President much less Texas.

      You sound as if you’re type, is the reason no one with a weapon other than those vetted are allowed around the President…Your kind gives government the opportunity to regulate freedoms away.

  • Giovanni May 4, 2018, 9:33 am

    Many years ago, when I lived in Kodiak, Alaska, Congressman Don Young came to Kodiak and visited with us members of the Kodiak Island Sportsmen’s Association. He came to our indoor range and participated in some of our pistol matches. It was great to see a leading U.S. congressman shooting with us. We all carried and shot pistols right alongside of him, and there was no worry about any possible attempt on his life, nor were we disarmed by anyone because of his presence among us. I bet Mr. Young would have been much more at risk, being on the board of directors of the NRA, if he’d been seen by a mob of anti-gun extremists.

  • Keith J Martin May 4, 2018, 4:36 am

    If everybody that watches this video would turn around and send it to at least five people that they know whether or not they believe in the Second Amendment maybe just maybe we can make people start to think

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