New Poll Finds Lowest-Ever Support for Ban on Modern Sporting Rifles

New Poll Finds Lowest-Ever Support for Ban on Modern Sporting Rifles
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BELLEVUE, WA – Amid the renewed clamor by anti-gunners for a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” the Second Amendment Foundation today pointed to a new Quinnipiac University poll showing public support for such a ban to be at an all-time low.

Support for a ban has fallen to 50 percent, while 45 percent oppose it, and according to the survey, “This is the lowest level of support among registered voters for a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons since February 2013 when the question was first asked by the Quinnipiac University Poll.” Four years ago, 67 percent supported a ban and 29 percent opposed the idea.

SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb said this is clear evidence the public is waking up to the reality that gun bans are not the answer to violent crime.

“Semiautomatic rifles have been around for more than a century,” Gottlieb noted, “and the popular AR-type rifles have been owned by private citizens for at least 60 years. Their use in crime is statistically minimal, so to blame their availability and demonize their technology is a false flag that borders on fraud.

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“Increasing numbers of people realize there is far more to this dilemma than firearms,” he added. “For example, the same Quinnipiac poll shows a 40 percent plurality of voters think the real problem is rooted in mental health issues, more than twice the 19 percent who think the availability of firearms is at the core of the current crime spike.

“And don’t overlook political bias,” Gottlieb added. “Quinnipiac found that Democrats by a 91-8 margin want stricter gun laws, while Republicans by a 64-32 percent margin oppose stricter laws. Party affiliation clearly is a factor in whether one is guided by a knee-jerk dislike for firearms, or by common sense and rational analysis.

“The annual FBI Uniform Crime Report has consistently shown that rifles of any kind are involved in a fraction of all homicides in any given year,” he said. “Only 2 to 4 percent of all murders are committed with rifles, so this push to demonize and ban an entire class of rifles is not simply wrong, it borders on being delusional, and it is certainly dishonest.”

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  • Jerry June 17, 2022, 11:42 am

    The polls, as unrealised by many, can be severiously slanted depending on where they were taken. Depending on whether taken in midwest, rural, urban, megalopolis, or corporate office tower, 500 or 5000 samples, the results can absolutely flip. And since 90% of the usa population is in a 600 mile circle on the atlantic coast, you understand why anything between jfk and lax is considered flyover territory; people with mud on their tires and boots, hay in their hair, gun and bible deplorably to-hand, and an irredeemable tendency to vote R on the ballot.

    • John Boutwell June 19, 2022, 7:05 pm

      And your spin can be considered
      bullshit too.

      • Jerry June 24, 2022, 2:00 am

        I spun nothing, john-boy, and if you pay attention to the news long enough, you too can hear the “pundints” actually espouse such things; explain them, even. They dont repeat them often, because you can hear how much they despise the ones who wont ever vote for them, and the sneering indulgence for the ones foolish enough to vote for them. I just dont have to-hand a selection of soundbites like rush or sean to backup my memory of having heard the politicals and talking heads say these silly things. This is still America, you are entitled to your opinion, but if you waste it on such dribble….eh..drivel…you will find yourself likened to beavis and his headbutting friend. Or, you may simply have a strange sense of humour. Whatever.

    • Kane June 20, 2022, 9:30 pm

      Yeah, you cannot trust polls, hell you cannot even election results.

    • Ed July 6, 2022, 4:03 am

      You must not have paid attention to the left coast. California has almost 40,000,000 residents of the US population of 330,000,000. That alone would be close to 13% of the population. Add to that, Texas and Georgia are numbers 3 & 4 in population. They account for almost 15%. So, the “600 mile circle” can’t be 90% unless you are using the CORE curricula’s version of math.

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