NBC Infographic Ends Debate on Banning ARs

NBC ran an article this week, titled, “America’s rifle: Why so many people love the AR-15.”

Within the article was an infographic that should pretty much shut down the debate for banning AR-pattern rifles.  See below:

NBC Infographic Ends Debate on Banning ARs

(Infographic: NBC News)

Turns out ARs aren’t the death machines the media makes them out to be. They “account for relatively few murders,” as NBC notes.  Gun grabbers should put this info in their disarm-America-peace pipe and smoke it.

Of course, they’ll argue that ARs are used in mass shootings (as NBC did in the video below).  That’s why we need to ban them.  But the truth is almost any firearm can be used to kill a bunch of people in a short amount of time, especially in gun-free zones, in places where there is little, if any, armed resistance.  The Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 people — with handguns.

Shall we ban handguns? Well, gun banners tried that.  The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence used to be known as the Coalition to Ban Handguns. Why did it change its name?  Maybe because public support for banning handguns has consistently wanned over the past three decades.

SEE ALSO: Salon: ‘U.S. was actually founded on gun control’

Why does the public by and large oppose banning handguns?  Because as many times as bad people use handguns to do bad things in this country, more good people use handguns to defend themselves, their loved ones and their property.  Handguns are fundamentally tied to one’s right to self-defense. Take handguns away and you’ve effectively taken the Second Amendment away.

What this all boils down to is that it’s not the gun that matters. It’s the person behind the trigger.  We can ban either category of firearms and we’d still have gun murders and mass shootings.  Heck, we can even ban all firearms and we’d still have gun murders and mass shootings.  Just like they do in Europe.

As always, fighting crime is a function of taking bad guys off the streets.  The weapons — guns, cars, pipe bombs, knives, bats, etc. — they use are immaterial.

  • LARRY January 2, 2018, 7:20 pm

    your caps lock key is stuck on.

  • beermademeL8 January 1, 2018, 5:52 am

    unfortunatly the mass of morons is ever increased ie..( those who voted obahma bin loosin into office twice and pansy when shrillary clinton shreeks)by the ineptitude of USA failed teaching in schools of the constitution and principals leading the way in which it was written.Allowing loonitics to dismantle statues and defaceing property one group sees as offencive.We are taken back 100-150 years ago by people who have as much memory of that time as me,none,we worrent born or even thought of.Reality is the slaves were bought as slaves having been sold as slaves from other continents as an introduction to the trade in other countries as did every other country of the time.Hell our forefathers rescude africans and other races from certain death and opression still happening in many of those countries today.And here on US soil these rescude races revolt against and destroy proprty and blast assertivly how truely ignorant people are.And those who wont pledge aligence to our nation and continue to confuse kindness for weekness need to go.I personaly would hate to see a hundred rappers bustin ryms in motown Affrica as bling is very rare were thier ancestry has distroyed any resenblance of sanity.So its the whinney (you owe me) types that mellinials are mimicing and not the stronger get up and be about it not just talk about it much wiser generation that at the last minute and by the grace of whoever one may pray to, set our Trump card in national motion to begin swatting the flies from our faces so we can more clearly distroy that which is takeing from the rest that which is not theirs to claim.Film at 11

  • Steven, Wasilla, Alaska December 31, 2017, 8:58 pm

    You will never appease anti gunners. So why give in to them at all. The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting, target shooting or gun collecting. It’s about keeping our government in check, and defending our right to life and liberty. We should be proactive and not reactive on gun legislation. Lets pass a all 50 states and US territory concealed carry reciprocity. Let’s abolish the “1921, 1934, 1968, and all NFA firearms ban.” They do nothing but create government bureocracy and suppress the law abidings ability to uphold the 2nd amendment. A firearms instant check system is good, but it’s only as good as the clerk typing in the names and data related to criminal charges. If someone hasn’t ever been convicted, it will not identify them as prohibited. That’s when you need the abilities to address the threat, i.e. the 2nd amendment provision in our constitution. Let’s get real and tell the anti gunners to pound sand. They are a domestic threat to the law abiding. They often wear the label of Demacrat, Antifa, and are against what America stands for, FREEDOM!

  • S Wages December 29, 2017, 5:13 pm

    People kill with hammers if we ban hammers what would carpenter’s do?

  • JOHN T. FOX December 29, 2017, 1:26 pm


  • Johnh December 29, 2017, 11:27 am

    If you do your own research on Sandy Hook you will find that it was a staged even at a condemned school house where no classes were supposed to be conducted. The school was built on a land fill and could not pass safety codes. Hand-i-cap ADA codes were not up to date. The parking places were still the older style of marking. There are too many things in their own recordings that prove if was a staged event. You can find persons playing duel rolls.

    • Ed Sunderland December 29, 2017, 12:31 pm

      You are exactly correct. Sandy Hook was another federal lie, a scam engineered by the other scam president with 4 known aliases one being Barack Obama and FEMA, FBI (another group of liars) and Connecticut law enforcement paid off liars.

      One super fact no one talks about is if you remember the feds scouring the woods looking for and finding someone behind the closed Sandy Hook School? That happened about 4 hours “after” the fake shooting time.

      Thanks for pointing out the truth. We also need to keep pressure on congress t expose this scamas well.

      • Glenn61 December 30, 2017, 3:42 am

        Yup, and President Obama had a hand in it too, along with Eric Holder and the Communist infecting the Federal Government.

    • Jonathan December 29, 2017, 1:51 pm

      Suppose you are correct in your assertions: How was the Las Vegas mass shooting faked by the government? Your argument is irrelevant.

      • Steve December 29, 2017, 9:04 pm

        The Vegas Concert shooting was created by the federal government in order to push for an abolishment of the 2nd Amendment. There are three different videos taken at the same time that shows a lower floor with what appears to be muzzle flashes going off and matching with a full auto rifle that was likely on a tripod for stability.
        This was supposed to happen with hitlary clinton sitting in the presidency, but that part of the plan failed.
        Currently, no one is talking about the Vegas shooting and the number of conflicting “official” reports that are out there smacks as a major cover up of a government psy-op gone wrong for the deep state inserts of the democrat party.
        Squatting Slav on youtube has all three videos. The first one is kinda crappy, but is there. The following two have excellent video, reference, and sound.
        Following up with the recorded videos, an audio analyst actually picked up on two different firearms with two different rates of fire.
        All of it is a MAJOR attack upon the citizens by the US government in order to try to remove the 2nd Amendment.

        • Darryl January 1, 2018, 4:24 am

          thing i wondered about was why did the guard go missing for so long? then i think he comes back and talks but some of his story is out of line with what was said by others in office, different cops i mean. it just seems now and in the past that big things happen just about the time that they need to when certain people are pushing for things. but sadly we won’t know just look at the Kennedy killing. they were to release all the papers on that yet still hundreds are held back and what you do goto see are all blacked out.

        • Cam January 1, 2018, 12:45 pm

          I’m sceptical that it was a bumpstock that was used. I also don’t think there would be enough rearward movement to reset shooting at that downward angle.
          I’ve never seen anyone that without a lot of practic, and I mean a lot of practice, actually been able to do full mag dumps as heard in the videos.most people can get 5 to 10 then a slightest of pause. The video has no pause except for mag changes. It was too consistent.
          They need a red herring like a semi that can easily be modded with a stock to do this to push to ban narrative.
          It’s also weird that Special Agent in Charge Jill Snyder, said in the begaining that their was 23 or so guns, and 12 were modified with bumpstocks. But never did they disclose what was used. It’s a fact to try and leed you to make you conclude it was the bumpstock guns. In reality some of the other guns may have been a missing military full auto SAW or two.

          • Doc January 1, 2018, 7:08 pm

            There is also video of a helicopter flying over the area with muzzle flash is coming out of it and it wasn’t an AR it was probably a 240 due to the rate of fire.
            I’ve also listen to audio from the Vegas Airport of a controller stating the fact that there were Shooters on the tarmac

        • Boss January 1, 2018, 7:09 pm

          Not the U.S. Government. By the Obammy 5th coulomb.
          In Sandy Hook and Los Vegas the hard drives were somehow lost or unreadable. Who were these people talking to that the FIB, and local liberal law enforcement don’t want us to know about!

      • Doc January 1, 2018, 7:16 pm

        The Vegas shooting was not fake it was a false flag.
        The Sandy Hook shooting was fake the only victim was Adam Lanza.

        • Doc January 1, 2018, 7:18 pm

          And his mother

        • HyperLoose September 7, 2020, 6:49 am

          I lean to it being both faked & a false flag. The most obvious evidence for my judging it to be a total theatrical staged event is with all the shooting heard I could not find one video with one solid view of a bullet striking the ground, an object or a person! Believe me, I’ve searched diligently every video I could find of the event and to date have NOT found any evidence of bullet strikes. Oh, and the so called bullet holes found in the side of a tank some miles away at the airport are after the fact if even real as I’m referencing the impact being seen during the shootings.

  • AK December 29, 2017, 11:16 am

    It didn’t end the debate at all.

    The whole rant was shot through with ‘Congress failed by not reinstating the ban’ and ‘despite their popularity, these military weapons don’t belong on our streets’ ending with a distinct tone of “unfinished business.”

    • DaveW December 29, 2017, 4:06 pm

      They are NOT “military weapons”. Just ask any GI. No GI would ever go into battle with a semi-auto rifle when they know the opposition is using full auto rifles. Besides which, the AR-15 was being sold to the public prior to the military testing of the M-16 and adopting it as the standard arm of the armed forces. In 1964, the AR was sold by Armalite and/or Colt as the Varminter; a rifle ‘good for controlling varmints like foxes around the hen house, or hunting small game for dinner.’ With the exception of the full auto ability, it was the same rifle later adopted by the USAF. For the next 30 years, it was sold to the public. It has outsold nearly every rifle available except for the period of the AWB. By the way, we never classified the M-16 as an “assault weapon”. I still have my official issued field booklet from Vietnam titled “Care and Cleaning of the M-16 Rifle”. As for use in criminal activities, PA was putting a display of “assault weapons used in crimes” in front of the state house. Word went out to the PA State Police to bring such firearms which had been used in crimes. The head of the state police had to report back that no such firearms existed anywhere in the state. The display was a flop.

  • John Bird December 29, 2017, 10:07 am

    This has everything to do with globalists and elitists controlling every aspect of your lives. If they are successful in dumbing down a majority of the populace, take our guns, our freedoms, and our sovereignty, we will become nothing more than slaves.

    • Chained December 29, 2017, 4:23 pm

      We are already enslaved via the fiat fractional reserve financial system. Word on the street however is that Trump is in a war with the satanic globalist cabal running the planet and they are losing….badly. If Trump would be unfortunate enough to be taken out then we the people need to step up to bat.

      • Doc January 1, 2018, 7:11 pm

        You mean like we should have done for JFK

  • Brad M December 29, 2017, 8:58 am

    They wrote “Murder Victims By Firearms 2016”, I would like to know if anyone actually did their due diligence in finding out if they were all “Murders” or if that includes Suicides and Accidental Homicides, where there was no “Murderous Intent”. Not that the Media would ever report inaccurate or “Fake” news…

    • g December 29, 2017, 10:04 am

      I’m guessing, but I don’t think it included suicides because the numbers would have been closer to the 30K mark.

  • joefoam December 29, 2017, 8:20 am

    The real fight is the one against the mainstream media who as a group feel that banning firearms will create some kind of utopian society with no violence or crime. I see that in science fiction movies, with the emphasis on the fiction part. Wake up folks, man has been killing man since Cain & Abel with everything from rocks to H-bombs. Banning guns is not going to change human nature.

  • David R. Fiedeldey December 29, 2017, 7:42 am

    The fight is not even against crime, as the article says when you read between the lines. The fight is against those who are ignorant enough to want to disarm our country and set freedom back several centuries. Tbat is why they continue to refer to AR’s as assault rifles, for example, knowing the ignorant will suck up such misinformation.

  • Flight-ER-Doc December 29, 2017, 3:18 am

    Yeah, but what about the AR’s with the chainsaw bayonet?

    BTW, where can I get one of those?

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