Navy Arms
Navy Arms is back, although it didn’t really go away; it has just been a long time since it has sold firearms. The company has entered into collaboration with Winchester and Turnbull to create a remarkably well-built and beautiful 1873 Winchester lever action. The guns are manufactured in Japan by Winchester and then given a rich color case-hardened and blued finish by Turnbull here in the states. The walnut is high-grade wood from Missouri that Navy Arms hand selects and ships to Japan for these rifles.
The examples that Navy Arms has here at the SHOT Show have smooth actions and crisp triggers coupled with the deep luster and brilliant colors we’ve come to expect from a Turnbull finish. These are genuine eye candy and the type of deep mottled finish that makes you much more conscious of your fingerprints.
Other features include your choice of 20” or 24 ¼” barrels, square butt-plates and gold bead front sights with semi-buckhorn rear sights. The initial models will be chambered in .45 Long Colt and .38/.357 Magnum. Navy expects to ship by July. The MSRP will be $2,500, which may seem like a lot for a Winchester, but not one that looks and runs like this.

Cabela’s price for these is $2999.00. I have been to my local store and held one chambered in.45 Colt,it’s a real beauty. I would worry about scratching it up if I owned it. Are these rifles so rare that Cabela’s can charge this price for them.Does anyone have any more info on these rifles they can share? Will they be manufacturing these on a regular basis,different calibers?Any info?
I have a beautiful 1873 357, with pistol grip, fancy wood, etc. Out of the box I had some issues that were fixed in due time. Don’t over look keeping the dust cover screwed down tight, that was a problem that many of us overlooked and it raised holy hell when shooting. I also have a Winchester 92, shoots great but doesn’t compare to my Uberti 73. I cowboy shoot in Wash state. I would buy the Uberti again if needed, hopefully not! New 73 with a price tag of $2500, seems a bit steep?
Buy Henry , they are not made in Japan.
No they aren’t made in Japan, but they aren’t worth buying.
Every once in a while we’ll see one turn up at a match.
The owner usually sells it, or hides it and claims he never had one after one match.
They are heavy as an anvil, their actions have more slop than a pigpen…AND…if you’re referencing the “big boy” it is NOT a faithful replica of a true period piece.
It’s a hideous monstrosity made to sell by invoking the name of a piece of American history.
What a sham.
If you are referencing the new addition to their line; the copy of the 1860, it is a close copy, but, like this new Winchester offering it is incredibly, ridiculously overpriced.
The simple lever, elbow joint, lifter action is simple to manufacture, but since the ae “made in USA” and have the name (which they “liberated”…they have nothing to do with the original Henry) these smug jokers think thy can demand twice the price for half the gun.
Uberti filled a niche for Hollywood originally, creation working replicas of the real 1860 Henry,the 1866 Yellowboy and the 1873 Winchester for decades.
When cowboy action shooting took off in the 90’s the shooters had only Uberti to rely on, either that or plunk down $5000 – $25,000 and up for real ones – and who wants to take a historic piece out every weekend and beat it to death?
SASS shooters told Uberti where the shortcomings were and Uberti always listened and responded.
Their rifles, and pistols, are accurate, dependable, beautiful and affordable….well….relatively.
The Henry company has had almost zero effect on Uberti’s sales….if anything…they may have helped.
Every competition shooter that ever bought one of these bass boat anchors ended up buying a Uberti.
It is a shame that no American company will build a reasonably priced faithful repro of the guns that won the west.
When Saturday and Sunday roll around and it’s race day, all day long, rain or shine, hot or cold – competitors demand not only a beautiful authentic copy of that times most legendary guns, they demand they work, and not break the bank.
Uberti has that market sewn up.
For someone who just has to have the name Winchester stamped on it – in Japan – and doesn’t mind paying more than twice as much….hey, great for them.
I, like 99% in SASS, NCOWS and WTG will stick with what works.
While they’re USA made, they tend to be more of a display item than a useful item.. I’ve had a couple, they don’t make good saddle partners…
I sold them, saved the money, and used my great-grandpa’s ’94 30-30…(Not something I really wanted to do). But I got a pistol and rifle from Cimarron in .357/38-spec, and they work great at a rather gentle cost… Had enough money left over to get a holster and bullet belt as part of the same order. AND Took the GF to a steak dinner and Texas Roadhouse..
Might not be important to some folks, but out here, things like that matter..
And Gpa Wallace’s rifle is back on display….
everything about the henry is top shelf except the trigger system .
Let me know when they decide to bring their prices into a realistic price range. How many rifles can you sell at this price? Not that many. Bring the price down to a grand and watch them fly off the shelves.
This is beautiful work, no doubt,
what I truly do not understand, is that Uberti is making some awesome 1873 lever action rifles, and occasionally you find one that has superior color case hardening and great figure in the stock.
I recently did a search to try and find an outfit that would fabricate a stock out of my select wood, and got a negative from all I contacted. Am I missing something here or are these folks just not interested in making any money. I can almost guarantee that there is a market for retrofit quality gunstocks for the Uberti 1873 lever action. With a great figured stock, the Uberti would have no difficutly in competing with the Japanese Winchesters. I am pleased to hear, though, that an American company is dressing them up.
Try Treebone, in New Mexico. He’s on the web.
Taylors and Cimmaron are Ubertis with a little finer finish….hit the gun shows or if you don’t mind used find the SASS clubs in your area and check their classifieds.
Try Treebone in New Mexico. He’s on the web. There’s also a few shops in Missouri that do them: Macon, Wenig and Triple River.
All are on the web.
Another foriegn made firearm. That is just what this country needs. Join Browning. No sale to me. A Veteran of foriegn wars. I buy American.
And you speak in incomplete sentences. Agent orange? For those of us who want a shooting 1866 or 1873 to hunt, shoot and compete with THERE ARE NO AMERICAN MADE CHOICES.
Spew your rhetoric somewhere else.
“For those of us who want a shooting 1866 or 1873 to hunt, shoot and compete with…”
All 1500 of you?
I guess the “Dusty” in referring too your brain. You clearly haven’t been using it for the last 30 years.
Between SASS (single action shooting society) NCOWS (national congress of western shooters) WTG (western 3 gun) there are well over half a million ACTIVE members worldwide with 98% of them here in the USA.
Add in the other 100,000 non members who come out and shoot once a month or a few times a year and that’s a lot of people who want a fast reliable race gun. Th 66 and 73 are THE choice.
The 92 and 94 Winchesters are slower, fussier and far more apt to break due to the loading ramps. The 94 Marlin is famous for jamming under race conditions.
As of 2011 Uberti 9with their polished models sold by Taylors and Cimmaron has sold over 3 million 73’s and nearly 3 million 66’s.
Probably because every competition shooter like me wants more than one for all the different categories.
When you further show your lack of comprehension by comparing rifle caliber guns to this class of carbine you lose all credibility.
People buy these guns because they want THE guns that won the west. Whether to hang on the wall or to take out and beat and run 300 rounds a day through at a match.
A good cowboy action shooter can get off 10 shots from a 66 or 73 in 2.5 seconds…and hit.
I doubt you could manage 10 in twice that time since you are obviously ignorant of the capability of these carbines.
Before you go running your mouth again without engaging your brain….just go to youtube and educate yourself.
There are THOUSANDS of CAS videos to open your eyes to a world you obviously don’t know exists.
If I sound a bit smart alecky….I mean to. Your dumb*** remark deserves a smart*** reply.
I was going to say something. But cowboyactionshooter said it all perfectly.
Some people are clueless.
Here in Texas we have over 40 clubs.
That’s more than 40 clubs, each a little western town like a movie set, entirely devoted to cowboy action shooting.
Excuse me, that is just SASS. If you throw in NCOWS and WTG the number nearly doubles.
Clubs that is. The different schools or organizations often share a range or location.
One thing.
The article I think you were citing was based on the author’s talk with the #1 distributor of Ubis. Distributor, not importer.
If you check the replies to that article and see the importers figures, they are even higher.
I know several shooters who just have to have a 19″ saddle ring carbine, a 20″ octagonal short rifle, the 24″ sporter and even the 30″ in both 66 and 73.
Cowboy action shooting is a fun obsession!
There’s more than 1500 just in my part of Colorado.. (SE Corner) that want range carry to have pistols and rifles the same caliber. .357 meets that.. Snakes, coyotes, rustlers.. trespassing jerks with a know it all attitude…
while it’s a great looking rifle the price is going to hurt ,you more them me, who can afford it .
AGREED! This gun has half the parts of a 94. Simpler to make.
Nothing justifies this ridiculous price.
Cowboy action shooters have been beating the Ubertis like demolition derby drivers for 25 years now and they have proven themselves super accurate, strong and reliable – at HALF the price.
The Winchester name? ….Lol…it’s made in Japan so there’s no flag to wave here.
I’ll stick with my trophy winning spaghetti rifles.
Agreed. Sadly; the vast majority of guns I’ve seen listed in these kinds of ads lately have had some RIDICULOUS pricetags. There aren’t a lot of people who can afford to just up and drop 1000$ on anything (particularly with how many people Obama terrified into buying markup AR-15’s and other semi-automatic weapons), much less 2500$ on a lever action with a tube magazine and all the range of a sharp rock. Sure if you’re in a state like Pennsylvania where semi-automatic hunting is illegal or a state like Ohio where a strict straight-wall casing subset applies then, maybe, you’d be interested. The problem there? There are plenty of 400$ish dollar levers that fire .357, .45LC, even .454 Casull if you look into the Pumas. Then there’s the pump action Remington 7600, a FAR better choice for most than any lever, the Browning BLR with a box magazine capable of firing high-power, modern rifle ammunition. You can even get your hands on a fine Ballard falling block for roughly the MSRP of one of these Japanese made levers with even more luster, beauty, and most importantly; ACCURACY. Marlin recently went out of business but there is no shortage of fine levers in that category as well…many of which come in far more powerful or sought after hunting loads.
So…who does this rifle really target? People who want to spend entirely too much money on a fancy, tubefed levergun because they already own all the aforementioned guns. It’s bad enough that ammo prices and gun prices have surged without this bombardment of 1500$+ guns that, in all honesty, have no real advantages over far more reasonably priced firearms.
Gorgeous…must have!