Montreal Mayor: Ban handguns because ‘it’s a scourge right now’

Montreal Mayor: Ban handguns because ‘it’s a scourge right now’
Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante wants the fed government to step in and ban all handguns. (Photo: Facebook/Plante)

The mayor of Montreal is calling on Canada’s Parliament to outright ban handguns.

In front of the city’s executive committee on Wednesday, Mayor Valerie Plante argued that a nationwide prohibition on pistols and revolvers is the best path forward because localized bans imposed by municipalities aren’t enough to curb gun-related violence.  

“With assault weapons, we’re happy that the federal government took their responsibilities, but we ask that it be done also for handguns, because it’s a scourge right now,” she said.

“It’s not normal that it’s just cities that legislate one after the other, because guns move around,” she continued.

The city-by-city approach to banning handguns was embraced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s administration last year.  

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Minister of Public Safety Bill Blair said in a tweet on Sept. 23, 2020, “We are committed to giving municipalities the ability to further restrict handguns and will strengthen measures to control the flow of illegal handguns into Canada.” 

Canada overhauled its gun laws following the Nova Scotia attack last April, during which a spree-killer posing as a law enforcement officer murdered 22 people and injured three others by setting fires and shooting victims with firearms that were illegally obtained.   

Immediately following the incident, Trudeau via executive fiat announced a confiscatory ban on “assault-style” weapons. Current owners of prohibited firearms were given a two-year amnesty period to figure out how to dispose of, sell, or destroy their once lawfully owned property.

The clock is ticking on the seizure of those firearms. From the sounds of it, handguns could be next.

Based on the numbers provided by TheGunBlog.Ca, approximately 300,000 licensed Canadians possess handguns that are registered with the police. ‘They represent 14% of all permit holders and about 1% of the country’s adults,” according to the site.

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  • Kevin N Stich February 13, 2021, 2:07 pm

    Once again the Canadian eastern Provinces are throwing their weight around. What does a female politician know about firearms? If you do not study a subject, how can you vote responsibly? Guns are not the problem, Woke pols are the problem with their social experiments

    • Lawrence Ducharme March 6, 2021, 4:55 pm

      More people are killed every year on their e bikes but no one cares about that.Does she have any idea how many people are killed with stabbings but no cares about that. Once again government will not go after the criminals they go after law abidding people who enjoy their firearms legally because they do not educate themselves and think the criminals are just going to walk up and had in their guns. It only will make a deeper underground trade for illegal weapons.

  • Russ February 13, 2021, 12:59 pm

    Valerie Plante is an idiot. Why do these idiots infringe on people who lawfully own firearms instead of going after the human filth that uses guns illegally?? Set minimum mandatory sentences for illegal gun crimes. No plea bargaining, no time for good behavior. Every time it happens the sentence is doubled. Pretty soon the scum will never get out of prison. Problem solved. Can’t commit crime in prison for life.

  • SquidbillyCPO February 12, 2021, 3:26 pm

    “approximately 300,000 licensed Canadians possess handguns that are registered with the police.”

    In every single tyranny gun licensing and registration was instituted followed by confiscation. The democrats along with some establishment republicans are working on registration and licensing laws in America. You know what comes after licensing and registration.

  • Quen Es Veritas February 12, 2021, 12:33 pm

    It’s a scourge to even think about taking a citizens God Given Right to defend themselves away. In that cute little smile she has, I see an EVIL grin from Karl Marx.

  • Michael J February 12, 2021, 11:55 am

    Not all nuts live in the United States.

  • David Welsh February 12, 2021, 10:18 am

    Being a “criminal” under socialist tyrrany means you’re probably doing the right thing; you are exercising your God-given, natural rights.

  • Stu February 12, 2021, 8:57 am

    Canada is a screwed up socialist dump that PROGRESSIVEly get worse.

  • D.J. February 12, 2021, 8:30 am

    I was under the impression that Johnny Canuck had no right
    to possess ANY handgun in their Utopia .

    I may be incorrect , but it would hardly be the first time .

  • Jesse Scott February 12, 2021, 7:58 am

    And yet another lunatic will come along anyway.

  • Mark N. February 12, 2021, 12:17 am

    I guess that will leave only shotguns and hunting rifles–and once the anti-hunters get going, they will ban those too.

  • Dr Motown February 11, 2021, 2:54 pm

    “Progressivism” is always about control over every aspect of your life

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