Moms Demand Action Isn’t Done Pushing Gun Control in Washington State

Moms Demand Action isn’t done pushing for tougher gun laws in Washington State.

After the passage of I-594, the universal background check mandate, in November, activists for the group now have their sights set on passing laws that would establish criminal penalties for adults who fail to keep firearms out of the hands of children and “Extreme Risk Protection Orders.”

“My brother shot me when I was 8 years old,” said Liz Hjelmseth who was one of the members to appear at the state capitol on Wednesday to present more than 10,000 signatures on petitions to lawmakers.

“It’s a weapon, it only has one use. It’s to kill and children just shouldn’t have to make those kinds of decisions,” she said.

With respect to the Extreme Risk Protection Orders, members believe it will provide law enforcement and family members with a tool to disarm those who are believed to be a danger to themselves and others.

“(That) will help parents and law enforcement (officers when they) see those kinds of issues happening. They (will) have a way to intervene and temporarily remove guns from an individual who might hurt themselves or others,” said activist Jane Weiss.

Many on the pro-gun side view “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” as a way to open the door for false accusations and the unjustified confiscation of one’s firearms. However, the sponsor of the bill, Sen. David Frockt (D-Seattle) says those fears are overblown.

“No, it will not be abused because, No. 1, it’s a penalty, a criminal penalty if anyone files a false affidavit. No. 2, they have to get a judge (to agree),” said Frockt.

  • SPendry July 16, 2016, 4:26 pm

    Look at the back of your Social Security Card. It states in plain english “Not to be used for identification purposes” Hmmmm, now the same Agency who issued that card, identifies you HOW, by our SS number. So does the IRS.
    When the SS Act was passed that law stipulated that the SS funds could not be utilized for any purpose than the payment of claims.
    Sen. David Frockt (D-Seattle) says those fears are overblown.

    “No, it will not be abused because, No. 1, it’s a penalty, a criminal penalty if anyone files a false affidavit. No. 2, they have to get a judge (to agree),” said Frockt.
    Yeah, cuz the Feds never lie, yeah, bullshite.

    • SPendry July 16, 2016, 4:27 pm

      If a politician’s mouth is open, he’s lying.

  • Thomas February 17, 2015, 1:14 am

    The big difference is this confiscates guns prior to breaking a law. We already have dozens of laws that do this after breaking a law. Every felony, every serious crime. Judges would make a decision not based on facts but what might be. This is another gun control law being passed off as a do good law.

  • Dean February 15, 2015, 12:59 pm

    It’s the old I don’t like them so you can’t have them idea, this is another way to slowly take guns from all

  • joe February 14, 2015, 10:12 am

    The part at the end about giving false information….that may be true, but guess what….in that scenario your weapons will still have been confiscated and will remain that way while until you get it straightened out. The burden of proving yourself innocent after the fact will be on you, more than proving any real accusations will be on the other side. Not too mention who knows how long it could take to reverse false or incorrect charges/confiscations.

    • Joe February 10, 2017, 5:43 am

      Ya that whole false accusation shit is gonna happen all the time. Hell i just lost my kid to my evil ex-wife Traci Lynn Williams Ridgefield washington She had her facebook boyfriend with her and she got him to say i was endangering my daughter because i went the speed limit and passed to close are you kidding me i had no one to say anything for me but since she had him in the truck it must all be true lol i had to turn in all 30 of my guns for bullshit took a month to get them back at least and thousands of dollars in lawyer fees plus I don’t get to see the one person i care about most int the world my daughter until shes 18 shes 14 next month i get to miss everything. And two of my guns came back reported as stolen my $1500 HK USP TACTICAL and my Ruger Mark 1 both the only two i bought at a gun show lol back before background checks were mandatory at gun shows. The crazy thing is i have had them registered and back ground checked on those two guns several times had them for years. It took me 4 months to get those back thank god whoever had them stolen or just sold them and reported it stolen had no proof it was theres. But still all this because she made an accusation and had her boyfriend with her to say whatever she wanted. Its gonna be the same shit with guns this cannot happen. If i have to ill move states to Texas or Nevada where you can own whatever you want. This is such bullshit my guns are my life savings probably $40,000 in guns thats what im passing down to my kid and the Cabelas Ambassador 50 safe lol. They need to kick these powder puff pansies womans antigun group out of the country.

  • MrApple February 14, 2015, 9:01 am

    The slippery slope has begun. You are looking at the slow conversion of Washington into the NEW North California.

  • Al February 12, 2015, 8:13 pm

    ‘Moms Demand Action’ – Isn’t that the same group whose last protest only had 8 members?

  • james February 12, 2015, 7:38 pm

    There are already to many laws so accident happen but to make laws because your family didn’t train you and your brother the rest shouldn’t have to suffer because of your brother. What an idiot

  • D Wareham February 12, 2015, 2:51 pm

    Many on the pro-gun side view “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” as a way to open the door for false accusations and the unjustified confiscation of one’s firearms. However, the sponsor of the bill, Sen. David Frockt (D-Seattle) says those fears are overblown.
    “No, it will not be abused because, No. 1, it’s a penalty, a criminal penalty if anyone files a false affidavit. No. 2, they have to get a judge (to agree),” said Frockt.

    Hmm If I am correct, aren’t there already penalties for shooting someone? Aren’t there already penalties on the books for killing someone? Finally, I have to wonder if the good Senator has ever heard of “Swatting”?

    • LHTwist February 12, 2015, 3:11 pm

      @D Wareham – Surely you know the term “good Senator” is an oxymoron.

  • Ian K February 12, 2015, 2:46 pm

    Yes because people have never given false statements, even under oath and penalty of perjury and a judge’s decision has never sent an innocent person to prison.

  • Chris February 12, 2015, 2:04 pm

    Well they passed I-594 and what a success that is. It hasn’t done anything to prevent gun violence or keep guns out of the hands of criminals who don’t abide by the law anyway (that is why they are criminals). It only creates another burden & hurdle that the law abiding citizen has to go through in order to buy or sell a gun to an individual. Now they want to pass another law. I see how this works- wash, rinse & repeat, wash, rinse & repeat until you make it too difficult to own, buy or sell a gun. Enact enough laws to deter people from exercising their 2nd amendment rights. Wait until your GP asks your children in a doctors visit if there are guns in their home and where they are kept, all in order to make sure they are healthy. Then who gathers that information and who does what with it. Oh wait yes I see a new law on the horizon if they get this one passed as well. No 1. Do you really think they would go after someone who files a false statement? they could simply say “oh I was wrong, misinformed or misunderstood” you really think that they would go after them with as much fervor as they would after you and your guns. No 2. They might have to get a judge to agree until they revamp the system and get it streamlined.

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