Gadsden Dynamics Minimalist Assault Chest Rig

in Accessories Misc., Clay Martin, Gear Reviews
Gadsden Dynamics Minimalist Assault Chest Rig loaded with magazines
Gadsden holds a wide variety of mag styles

This week we got our hands on one of the simplest and most elegant pieces of gear I have ever seen. So simple, in fact, that this review will probably be short on words. Which in this case is a feature, not a bug. It’s right there in the name, the Minimalist. Sewn together in Ohio by Gadsden Dynamics, they mean it.

One of the problems that come from getting a Molle Vest or chest rig is the immediate desire to cover it in every whiz-bang pouch you can lay hands to. And I get it, we’ve all been there. Gadsden short circuits that immediately by having zero ability to add to the chest rig. What you see is what you get. And that package has value all in itself.

Gadsden Dynamics Minimalist Assault Chest Rig being worn
Front view

The Minimalist Chest Rig wasn’t meant to drop from a dark sky into Kandahar and run a 9-day recce mission. It was meant for the armed citizen, more and more the modern-day minute man, to have some easily accessible “stuff”. The magazine in your gun might be fine for immediate home defense, but more and more we can see a grey area of citizen need. If your city is on fire, you might want some extra go bang. But still do not need the full Seal Team Ranger load out.

And that niche is perfectly fit by the Minimalist, as well as its little brother the Underground Partisan Chest rig. The Minimalist holds 4 rifle magazines in very secure individual elastic webbing pouches, with pistol mag pouches sewn on the front of them. The Partisan is even more streamlined, holding just the 4 rifle magazines.

Gadsden Dynamics Minimalist Assault Chest Rig back view
Rear view

The chest rig is held up by a wide cut of flat nylon webbing, in an H harness style. It is fully adjustable for user preference, so you can carry it high or low on your torso. A lower fastex strap keeps the rig secure to your body, and from flopping around during high cardio events. The rear back strap doubles as a drag handle, should the worst case happen.

Gadsden Dynamics Minimalist Assault Chest Rig side angle
Minimal side profile

All in all, the Minimalist Chest Rig is very akin to the old school SKS or AK style Chicom rigs, though updated with modern materials and design. And that is in no way an insult. It has one purpose and does that purpose exceedingly well. It is easily concealable under a light jacket and comes in a color scheme to fit that. It is also at home in the woods in its Copperhead or Multicam variants.

Either as a supplement to a belt kit or a stand-alone security item, this chest rig is absolutely dynamite. And at a price of $104-$112 USD, very hard to argue with. This is not only one of the best things I have ever bought, but I am also thinking of buying another one in a different color. It’s that good. This is one I strongly recommend while the lead time is still only 1 to 3 days because that will change as people catch on. Tell’em Clay sent you, and he needs the shotgun version for….. reasons.

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About the author: Clay Martin is a former Marine and Green Beret, retiring out of 3rd Special Forces Group. He is a multi-decade and -service sniper, as well as 3-Gun competitor and Master ranked shooter in USPSA Production. In addition to writing about guns, he is the author of “Last Son of The War God,” a novel about shooting people that deserve it. You can also follow him on twitter, @offthe_res or his website,

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  • alan May 16, 2023, 8:05 pm

    Ive been researching some chest rigs lately and reading some good articles on them from mr Pike and mr Davis accordingly. id like to have some plates some day but this is a good option for the average joe like me who cant afford to be a tactical turtle. i have some similar condors w molle but the built in pouches here prob save weight. im no expert or ex military but the one question i have is why carry both pistol and rifle mags? then u have to carry two guns when you could just carry more ammo for one gun either rifle or pistol. thus the Partisan seems ideal. if i have to go to war it will be w a rifle and thats it. no pistol just rifle ammo and whatever else i can carry like water or a small survival pack.. i guess the idea of having both a rifle and pistol seems cool, esp in the movies, but i think its too heavy for a mobile on foot combat situation. unless you are a bad ass like clay. as they say, a pistol is only good for one thing…fighting your way to a rifle. then im ditching the handgun.

  • Frank May 11, 2023, 11:02 am

    The Trolls here who are whining about a simple piece of fabric, are the same ignorant elites who actually believe the “government” has everyday citizens’ best interests at heart. Ya can’t fix stupid!

    Keep ’em coming, Clay!

  • bruce May 9, 2023, 2:37 pm

    Just the ticket for someone planning a mass shooting and can’t find where to put all his ammo.

  • Sharonna May 8, 2023, 2:28 pm

    “Meant for the armed citizen…if your city is on fire”. Even though the U.S. has only 5% of the world’s population and 50% of the world’s privately owned guns, you say it’s the person, not the gun. It’s a mental health problem. OK, what are signs of these? Of sociopathy? 1. Lack of empathy for others. 2. Delusion-believing in things with no evidence. 3. Paranoia-irrational fear (I.e., of large demographics of humans like people of color, immigrants, LGBT+, and/or people of any other religion or political party than yours.) 4. A hunger for power and dominance. (What better way to fill that for John Q. Public than with tactical weapons and gear?) While the NRA, and gun/gear manufacturers laugh all the way to the bank. You Sir, and your ilk, are one big fear and hate driven RED FLAG. Blood is on your hands.

    • Jeffrey Slaker May 8, 2023, 4:14 pm

      Sharonna sounds like she/it had too much white privilege growing up. It’s always types like Sharonna that shoot up schools after the FBI activates them. Red flag case here if I ever saw one.

    • SoundsLikeSight May 9, 2023, 3:08 am

      Wow! You are changing minds! Such an impact you have had teaching us rubes what trash we actually are! Thank you for all of your contributions to society and just remember, when you go to bed at night and feel emptiness within you…… Jesus Christ loves you and hopes for nothing but the best of you.

      Also I don’t know a single gun owner that doesn’t want more responsible black, white, gay, Latino, ect ect ect Americans to learn, own, and carry firearms. You are an ignorant pseudo intellectual.

      Bless you stranger and I hope you find nothing but happiness in life!

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