McCloskeys Plead Guilty to Misdemeanors, Give Up Guns, Buy New AR-15

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Current Events, Jordan Michaels, This Week
McCloskeys Plead Guilty to Misdemeanors, Give Up Guns, Buy New AR-15
The McCloskey had to give up their firearms as part of their plea deal, so they went out and purchased new ones. (Photo: Mark McCloskey Twitter)

Mark and Patricia McCloskey surprised observers last week when the couple pled guilty to two misdemeanor charges for brandishing firearms at a group of rioters who had broken into their gated community last summer.  

The pair earned national notoriety—including in the gun meme universe—for their actions, but they remained defiant following their plea deal that included a provision to give up their firearms.  

“I’d do it again,” Mark McCloskey, who is running for a U.S. Senate seat in Missouri, said from the courthouse steps in downtown St. Louis after Thursday’s hearing. “Any time the mob approaches me, I’ll do what I can to put them in imminent threat of physical injury because that’s what kept them from destroying my house and my family.”

Two days later, on June 19, the McCloskeys posted on Twitter images of themselves purchasing an AR-15 similar to the one Mark used in the incident.

SEE ALSO: McCloskeys Charged with Felony for Waving Firearms at Protesters, Gov. Vows to Pardon

Mark McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and was fined $750. Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000. The couple also agreed to give up the firearms they used in the confrontation.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson had vowed to pardon the couple if they were convicted of their original felony weapons and tampering charges. The couple also said that they were uninterested in accepting a pre-trial plea deal, so it’s unclear why they decided to accept a plea.

They may have been motivated by Mark McCloskey’s political ambitions. The lawyer is running for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by retiring Sen. Roy Blunt, and he’s made the June confrontation a central element of his campaign.

“After a violent mob stormed onto his property and threatened his family, Mark made national news when he and his wife Patty and [sic] invoked their 2nd Amendment rights to defend themselves,”  reads the home page of his campaign website.

SEE ALSO: St. Louis Couple Who Defended Themselves from BLM Protesters Speak at 2020 RNC

McCloskey also references the incident in the “Second Amendment” portion of his website.

“Mark and Patty McCloskey understand the incredible importance of the 2nd Amendment. When a mob came to destroy their home and hurt their family, the McCloskey’s were able to protect their home thanks to the right to bear arms,” it reads. “The McCloskey’s story has empowered thousands of new gun owners across the country to purchase a firearm and learn how to defend themselves. Thousands of women have written to Patty to express their gratitude for taking a stand.”

McCloskey is running in a crowded Republican primary field that includes that state attorney general, a former Missouri governor, and several members of the Missouri delegation to the U.S. House.

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About the author: Jordan Michaels has been reviewing firearm-related products for over six years and enjoying them for much longer. With family in Canada, he’s seen first hand how quickly the right to self-defense can be stripped from law-abiding citizens. He escaped that statist paradise at a young age, married a sixth-generation Texan, and currently lives in Tyler. Got a hot tip? Send him an email at

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  • Bones June 28, 2021, 12:12 pm

    So many lies and propaganda on this sight….most of you fools are brainwashed sheep…the dumb Mc closkeys should have stayed in their house …called the cops and waited for the door or window to get broke into..then defend yer lives for real…property is just means jack shit….most of you fools don’t know the laws many bad suggestions here..go back to school and gain some knowledge deplorable losers..and for you fools who talk division and bullshit lies about clowns only have one fool to blame..yer fake president trump..the loser just like you..because most of you are just as much a dumb ass as him..period..most of you are traitors disquised as go kiss Kim Jung iuns and Putin’s ass would you please? Or just go lick trumps..he’ll be close enuf to the other 2 for sure

    • Jimbo Slice June 28, 2021, 12:42 pm

      Bless your heart, fuck face. It must hurt to be so stupid.

      • Ones July 2, 2021, 7:14 am

        GFY deplorable lying loser.. terrorist traitor.. anyday… anytime…ill be yer huckleberry.. toothless hillbilly

    • John Boutwell June 28, 2021, 6:06 pm

      Put the pipe down son.

      • Yep yep June 30, 2021, 2:32 pm

        “put the pipe down son” 🤣🤣😂😂😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • Ed June 25, 2021, 7:19 pm

    If his Firm has represented BLM, I’m OK with that. All in this country have the right to legal counsel.
    I wish he wouldn’t had made a plea deal. I think they were fully with in their rights. But we don’t know what behind the scene pressure was put on them. They are not rich. Might had just been cheaper to go this route.
    Right now we need all the pro second amendment people we can get. Joe’s not the first democrat talking about Nuking the American people. If we have ever needed our guns it is now. I don’t want a fight by no means. But if and when it comes down to that, I think most the Military will be on the side of the American people. It wouldn’t be to over throw the Government. It would be to take it back from an illegitimate government like we have right now. He’s got my vote.

  • Ken June 25, 2021, 9:36 am

    Legally speaking… smart move. By avoiding a possible felony conviction they retain their right to possess firearms.

    Additionally, McClosky saves his law license from being revoked due to a felony conviction. A Governor’s pardon doesn’t mean squat to the bar association.

    Tactically speaking the man’s an idiot… pointing an AR at a crowd like he did is foolish. If he wanted to do a show of force he should have held his AR down by his side while slightly inside his doorway.

    What he did demonstrates he is neither a good lawyer nor a savy gun guy.

    Lesson learned: We live in a world of video cameras.

    • Maglide June 26, 2021, 1:40 pm

      I agree mostly. Do it behind cover where you really are safer. However, had anyone charged him in the open and he fired, the show that he was defending his house would put the blame squarely on the attacker. Someone kicks at your front door and a sniper round rings out, the clowns would argue they were just protesting making a statement and meant no real harm. it’s a balance. Show you intend to defend, and then disappear behind cover. Agreed, I wouldn’t have paraded around like they did. That invites a shot from a crowd and you can’t defend against that standing in the open. Of course he’s not a cop or a gun tactics guy, but I have to give him some credit for not caving like the rest of corporate America has. True, not the best response, but I’m not calling him an idiot. I hope he gets elected.

  • Laughable June 25, 2021, 8:51 am

    Rioters? Violent?

    This “article” is a joke. Not a single person rioted or was even confrontational. They were simply marching down the street. These idiots run out on their lawn with guns drawn over people walking down the street and that’s okay? Funny how the insurrectionist at the Capitol were just taking a tour but people walking down the street are rioting.

    All I want to know is what is the flavor of the Kool Aid yall are drinking?

    • steven peters June 25, 2021, 10:13 am

      We’re you there? Uh those peaceful protesters broke down the gate to get in and were threatening violence. No one was hurt unlike the Capital protesters where a woman was murdered in cold blood.

    • Richard June 25, 2021, 10:15 am

      I see we have a democrat troll here. Go back to your bridge troll.

    • David June 25, 2021, 10:25 am

      What is not violent about breaking down private property and threatening to kill people and or pets. Sorry, but you got the cnn version of that news story. But thanks for the laugh!

    • David June 25, 2021, 10:43 am

      They trespassed, broke down their gates/fencing, threatened to kill them and their pet.

      And the Capitol riot was burn, loot, murder, auntqueefa & fbi agents, read the charging papers instead of getting your news from twatter or the (c)omedy (n)ews (n)etwork. Talk about deinking kool aid! But we appreciate the laughs!

    • Walleye June 25, 2021, 11:07 am

      Wrong again Laughable….

      Your “peaceful” protestors violently destroyed an iron gate that protected the private property they trespassed upon.

      Your “peaceful” protestors assaulted the McCloskeys with verbal abuse and threats.

      The McCloskeys were on high alert after BLM protestors rioted, destroyed, looted, and burned FERGHANISTAN (Ferguson, Missouri) and many other businesses in St. Louis, and one BLM proteseter murdered security guard & retired police captain, David Doran (who was black).

      So the McCloskeys had every reason to be in fear of their lives and property.

      Lastly, there was no insurrection at the US Capitol on Jan. 6th. In order for an insurrection to take place, the insurrectionist must be organized and armed. Neither was the case on Jan. 6th. However, a black police officer did shoot and kill a white, unarmed woman who was peacefully protesting inside the Capital on Jan. 6, He has not been charged.

      Enjoy your delusional alternative universe, and have a nice day.

      • John Boutwell June 28, 2021, 10:43 am

        Well stated.

    • Ej harbet June 28, 2021, 8:40 am

      Found the troll.
      They were verbally threatened and the threat had the means to do what was threatened by force of numbers. But the couple needs training especially the wife. You keep the finger straight and don’t muzzle until you are ready to fire. Low ready is a great way to express your desire not to be a victim. And don’t dance around in the open. Use cover after you announce your presence. Anyone with a Lorain could’ve put 3 rounds into both of them from out of that crowd and one of the was armed because he was clapping 2 mags together while expressing his threats.

    • John Boutwell June 28, 2021, 1:18 pm

      This is STL home of Ferguson where blacks destroyed, looted and broke the law. Now with even more “black leaders “ criminal blacks continue run amuck, the longer this is allowed to go unabated to harder it will be to reign in the criminals when the working people of America have their fill of the blm etc. BS.

  • Anthony Romano June 25, 2021, 7:05 am

    Cowards!! They should have never kowtowed to the prosecutor! They’re lawyers but apparently not very good ones. I wouldn’t vote for him!

  • Laughinghawg June 25, 2021, 6:53 am

    The laws were on the McCloskey’s side in this situation and if he had decent representation, he would have won his case which was wrongfully brought against them by a corrupt Soros backed DA.. The only reason he took the settlement was so he could continue his run for Senate just in case he didn’t get the type of ‘win’ he wanted. These people are not to be trusted and Mo shouldn’t elect him to the Senate.

    • Kane June 25, 2021, 10:39 am

      There was also the matter of the pistol being tampered with to make the firearm operational after confiscation. Also the Govenor promised to pardon the couple if convicted. I was very disappointed in their decision to cut and run.

  • Slim June 25, 2021, 6:24 am

    I am sure that the McCloskey’s have made the wrong decision and a decision that will haunt them forever.

  • Rock Daddy June 25, 2021, 5:44 am

    You Know I understand Why they took the Plea, But That doesn’t Make it any Easier to Swallow When Americans Can’t Rightfully Protect Their Property and Their Lives Against a Clearly Angry and Violent Mob who Had already Damaged their Property, were Trespassing and Threatened the Couple with Bodily Harm. What were they Supposed to be wait until they were Attacked or Possibly Killed. I don’t Think so! This was nothing More than Hatred and Racism toward the White Couple by the Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, It was a Clear Abuse of Her Power with the Intention of Attacking and Harassing the McCloskey’s. I would have liked to have seen these same Circumstances But with a Black Couple Defending Their Property and Their Lives. I would Bet Good Money there would Have been a Different Outcome. Not to Mention How Many of the MOB/Protestors were Charged with Trespassing or Threating the McCloskey’s….???

  • Leo June 25, 2021, 5:44 am

    I don’t think it is anyhow good news, now these people who open it will think they won this case.

  • robert June 25, 2021, 5:23 am

    read william coopers book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE then you will understand crookedness in our government

  • Cattmann June 23, 2021, 11:45 am

    Okay…but weren’t the McCloskeys and their firm defending BLM activists prior to this incident? The prosecutor was rightfully criticized for using this case to promote her political ambitions…isn’t McCloskey doing the same? Yeah…no interest in him being my senator.

    • Dr Motown June 25, 2021, 7:31 am

      McCloskeys have a history of supporting Democrats and libs when it suits their business interests and bottom line….hopefully Missourians are doing their research

  • DonP June 23, 2021, 10:50 am

    The thing I want to know is that since he was buying a new AR-15, and he is obviously left handed, why didn’t he buy a left handed AR-15?

  • Shim Sorensen June 23, 2021, 10:01 am

    So proud of their stance. Pathetic that bad people have more rights than good people.

  • Joe Heimsch June 23, 2021, 9:53 am

    The person responsible for bringing charges against the McClosky’s should be removed from office. They have every right to protect there property

    • brian brewington June 25, 2021, 8:35 am

      I get it and it is what it is but if we’re being honest that “angry mob” didn’t destroy/damage their property and wasn’t even their intended target. They were enrout to another residence in that neighborhood

      • David June 25, 2021, 10:27 am

        They broke down their private gates/fences and threatened to kill them and their pets. You clearly got the cnn version! So it’s ok to destroy peivate property, tresspass and threaten to kill?! Ok, no critical thinking skills person.

  • jefferson June 23, 2021, 9:19 am

    That’s how our legal system works now: the government threatens you with financial ruin unless you agree to a plea deal. That’s why so few cases go to trial.

    Even if you go to trial, juries are then manipulated into rubber-stamping every conviction – they are incorrectly told they can’t judge the law.

    Consider reading “The Tyranny of Good Intentions”.

  • DeltaLimaEcho June 22, 2021, 9:29 pm

    Not just pardon but award a public service medal.

    • Madman June 25, 2021, 3:09 pm

      Oh wow. You are all so ignorant. ALL OF YOU. You pick sides, Dem vs Rep. It should be us against them (civilians vs politicians). It’s so sad that you all let them divide us. Look at the majority of politicians, they all use drama to clime the political ladder, they don’t care about our safety and well being. We are just another vote for or against them and they will say anything to get your vote: both Republican and Democratic politicians do this. If you don’t believe this you are bound to the truth. (Yes, there are some politicians who care for the public well being, but very, very few).

      This country has gone to the crapper.

  • SuperG June 22, 2021, 10:19 am

    Disgusting that Americans were prosecuted for protecting their property from criminal trespassers. The Governor should pardon them.

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