Massachusetts Police Seize 65-Year-Old’s Gun Collection for ‘Improper Storage’

Cohasset, Massachusetts, police seized nearly 100 guns last week from a local resident who failed to secure his firearms in a locked container.

According to local media, police received information from a “credible source” that Stoddard was improperly storing a variety of rifles, shotguns, and pistols in his home. Massachusetts law requires all firearms to be “secured in a locked container or equipped with a tamper-resistant mechanical lock or other safety device.”

After obtaining a search warrant, police found and seized 98 rifles, shotguns, and pistols that were lying around his house, along with ammunition. They also found and seized five “military-grade ordnance shells” they believe Stoddard acquired from a former military ammunition depot inside what is now Wompatuck State Park.

The State Police bomb squad was called in to remove the shells, though it isn’t clear whether the explosives are live or not.

“It’s not something you could buy in a store,” Quigley said. “The shells do have serial numbers. Hopefully the Navy will be able to track them back to where they came from.”

Police also found grave markers allegedly from military, police and fire department grave sites. Law enforcement is working to identify the family members of the servicemen, police officers, and firefighters whose grave markers were stolen.

See Also: Massachusetts Lawmakers Weigh Confiscatory Gun Bill

Stoddard has been charged with three counts of desecrating a grave, five counts of receiving stolen property, three counts of improper storage of a handgun, and one count of possession of a firearm with obliterated serial numbers, according to CBS Boston.

Each improper storage charge will bring a fine of between $1000 and $7,500 or a prison sentence of not more than 1.5 years—or both.

Stoddard had obtained the necessary permits to possess firearms and is cooperating with the investigation, but his license to own firearms has been revoked, police said.

Massachusetts is the only state in the nation to require all firearms to be stored with a lock in place at all times, according to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Other states have storage requirements, but none are as strict as Massachusetts.

Neighbors report that Stoddard is a friendly person, though he tends to keep to himself.

“I’ve known him for years. I’ve never had a bit of problem with him,” David Stover, 76, a next-door neighbor, said.

Another neighbor, David Kneeland, expressed discomfort knowing his neighbor collected firearms.

“It’s just a little disconcerting to learn that there were so many weapons. I was aware that he had some and thought maybe he was collecting. But I didn’t give it too much thought. He’s a quiet guy,” Kneeland said. “We’d talk but he keeps to himself.”

  • Steve Buckley July 5, 2019, 7:46 am

    That state was died due to a plague of liberal disease!

  • Robert Mccallum June 7, 2019, 7:54 am

    It’s scary how stupid you people are. 2 years of investigation by people that hate trump, if he had done anything wrong they would have found it… people like you are really pathetic

  • Jeff April 22, 2017, 2:59 pm

    Stealing grave markers IS a crime. He shouldn’t have been doing that folks. This makes me wonder if the gun confiscation was a premise for the grave marker theft.

  • JungleCogs April 21, 2017, 9:31 pm

    It’s not the LEO’s fault; they get marching orders from their Marxist-Democrat political bosses.

    • John Seppanen May 8, 2017, 6:58 am

      as of late, more like from their putin/republican bosses. 😛

      • Scotty Gunn July 7, 2018, 3:10 pm

        How’s George Soros doing nowadays, troll?

    • Will Drider March 20, 2018, 1:17 pm

      Where are all those people that say LE won’t follow orders to confiscate firearms? Let this example show what the true purpose of “little common sense safety laws” are really are. Though there are other alleged violations, the firearms could have been confiscated without those issues. The only difference between this and having all your rirearms stolen is the guns will never be on the street. I can’t say they won’t end up in the hands of bad guys as thats already debatable.

  • William April 21, 2017, 9:04 pm

    What ever happened to the state that was at the heart of America’s freedom? What have they become?

    • DIYinSTL April 22, 2017, 9:41 am

      After the war the patriots became pioneers and headed west, leaving a large population of loyalists behind. The minute man statue should be dressed in lacy underwear to better represent the Massachusetts voter.

    • Maybeth March 1, 2019, 4:19 pm

      They’ve become a state i’ll ignore. I buy things on ebay – often the seller puts their home state on their selling page. Get the picture? I will not buy from people in the “People’s republic” states: NY, NJ, Mass. et. al, and I suggest every freedom loving gun owner does the same. Hit em where it hurts – right in the wallets! Buy from someone in a Free state like Arizona or Texas NOT these Marxist socialist republic states!

  • BR549 April 21, 2017, 8:50 pm

    Neighbor Kneeland, no doubt voted for either Hillary or Bernie. He probably still has his Pink Pussy Hat in the closet.

  • Keith April 21, 2017, 5:04 pm

    Nice way to treat his antique firearms just throw them in a pile in the back of a pickup truck.

    • EAC June 3, 2018, 9:36 pm

      It is so typical of all LEO’s who confiscate firearms to have the attitude of…”Not my firearm…why should I care if it becomes damaged”.

  • Neil J. April 21, 2017, 4:42 pm

    Gun owners in Massachusetts are enemies of the state. And things are going to get worse with that wacky AG Maura Healy thinking of running for Governor. I fled the insanity of Massachusetts 17 years ago. God bless Arizona!

    • Keith June 1, 2018, 5:44 pm

      Good choice on moving to Arizona. They have some of the best firearm laws in the nation. It is too hot in Arizona for me though. I currently picked Utah after fleeing California over fifteen years ago. Currently I am in process of buying an unsuppressed .300 AAC Blackout AR-15 and I also have a semi automatic Springfield 7.62 x 51 rifle with twenty round standard capacity magazines. I also vote for liberty and candidates that support the United States Constitution!

  • mike April 21, 2017, 4:35 pm

    The law in MA requires either a trigger lock or a locked container… for about $98 he could have locked them all with a trigger lock and displayed them in his front window and the police could do nothing!

  • Larry Zeug April 21, 2017, 2:58 pm

    I looked at the photo of the guns that the police through in the back of a pick-up and a lot of them are antiques or C&R items. The police should get educated first before they make a decision just to confiscate somebodies collection. I’m sure the police don’t know the difference between antiques, and a modern firearm. I’m sure the state of Mass. doesn’t train their officers in the difference……………….

    • Mikial April 21, 2017, 10:24 pm

      It’s Massachusetts, the home of the Kennedy dynasty. No one, not the police or the politicians care about facts, all they care about is controlling the populace.

    • d rasher April 22, 2017, 3:07 am

      The commies that run Massachusetts, want everything more powerful than a rock locked up. They are ALMOST as stupid as Governor Moonbeam of California, and his ignorant left wing progressive, socialist’s that run California! When all these so called politician’s and all anti gun billionaires, such as Bloomberg disarm their guards, will I disarm. On second thought, I will NEVER give up my firearms. MOLON LABE ….. , … MOLON LABE!

  • Tom April 21, 2017, 2:51 pm

    Wait a minute isn’t a house a container and doesn’t each portal have a lock?

    • BR549 April 21, 2017, 8:51 pm

      Crap. I wonder why I hadn’t thought of that.


    • John Seppanen May 8, 2017, 6:59 am

      it sure is. 🙂

    • Switzerland July 14, 2017, 7:45 am

      In Massghanistan, if a person breaks into your house and gets injured YOU are liable.

  • Mike Watkins April 21, 2017, 2:47 pm

    Another great example for Free Men to see how we can’t let our own states degrade to this level.

    I have lib relatives who say to me “no one is trying to take away your guns.” F_____g lying libs. Even if this guy gets his guns back, he will probably have spent thousands on lawyers, and gets back his property with scrapes and scars all over it. That loss of value is theft in itself.

    I Thank God I live in Arkansas!

    • Dann April 21, 2017, 3:59 pm

      Thank God you do live in Arkansas. Let’s try an experiment. I think you should have no problem getting a patent for your “Freeman Safe’ . Call now for our newest invention, ‘The Freeman Safe’ it features two wooden sides with state of the art dead bolts. We also include two sides that are made from special tempered glass, these two portals not only allow you to see your valuables, you can open them (only from the inside) for free humidifier benefits made by Jesus himself, we call it oxygen! But wait, that’s not all! Call our toll free number right now and you can get our solar powered lights so you can admire everything you worked so hard for! Solid hearty pine for security, you can even bolt it to the floor! Only $39.99 for our deluxe 6′ x 3′ safe house, shipping and handling extra. Nothing but the best made by the best, Freeman Industries in Arkansas. Call now!

      You make this too easy. God to be a lawyer in Arkansas, just like good old Bill and Hilary are! No wonder they are rich. I’ll give you a free one, maybe help you in the patent process. An ordinance safe or even a flammable liquid container have to have an NFPA rating of at least one hour. Give me a lighter and a glass of water and 30 seconds, I’m in your ‘safe’. Or I just punch it. Now I have your stuff. Would you feel your family was protected by a wooden door, or the windows in your house? Because nothing says safe like windows. Good luck with that

    • Dann April 21, 2017, 4:01 pm

      Thank God you do live in Arkansas. Let\’s try an experiment. I think you should have no problem getting a patent for your \”Freeman Safe\’ . Call now for our newest invention, \’The Freeman Safe\’ it features two wooden sides with state of the art dead bolts. We also include two sides that are made from special tempered glass, these two portals not only allow you to see your valuables, you can open them (only from the inside) for free humidifier benefits made by Jesus himself, we call it oxygen! But wait, that\’s not all! Call our toll free number right now and you can get our solar powered lights so you can admire everything you worked so hard for! Solid hearty pine for security, you can even bolt it to the floor! Only $39.99 for our deluxe 6\’ x 3\’ safe house, shipping and handling extra. Nothing but the best made by the best, Freeman Industries in Arkansas. Call now!You make this too easy. God to be a lawyer in Arkansas, just like good old Bill and Hilary are! No wonder they are rich. I\’ll give you a free one, maybe help you in the patent process. An ordinance safe or even a flammable liquid container have to have an NFPA rating of at least one hour. Give me a lighter and a glass of water and 30 seconds, I\’m in your \’safe\’. Or I just punch it. Now I have your stuff. Would you feel your family was protected by a wooden door, or the windows in your house? Because nothing says safe like windows. Good luck with that

      • Oaf April 21, 2017, 7:15 pm

        WTF are you babbling about? I’m sure you feel safe and secure in your iron pen along with the rest of the sheep.

  • Dan April 21, 2017, 2:45 pm

    There is so much temptation to answer back all of the brave constitutionalists that are compelled to write about what happens in the state that you don’t live in. Some of us live here because of family or work, we have no choice for personal reasons. I respond to uninformed people to give them the facts so they will at least understand, not agree, but understand the laws that we have. I take exception to those who say we elected certain officials, when they were appointed. As much as Ms. Warren is puke worthy as any other official mentioned, she has yet no enact any legislation that affect my right to bear arms. She neither adds nor detracts from this case, neither does Horseface Kerry. You are diluting the rights that we do have with people who are not involved. So mind your own business and unless you can factual statement that helps gun owners, just stfu.

    The author of this article makes a statement that is an opinion that I agree with about how restrictive it is to be a gun owner here.
    Our AG banned further sale of any magazine fed long guns in August 2016. She has no authority at all to do so. Gun store owners are a very smart group in MA, and simply found that if they sold one of these weapons, it was an automatic loss of license and $5,000 fine per weapon. Thanks to the genius of some contributors to this web site, they were writing in and suggesting ways around the ban. Nice job. Every week the ban got more specific. There are other forums rather than this to share your thoughts. All you did was help a ban go from ‘any black gun’ to now where I believe the only exception is some .22 rifles. We are not allowed to hunt larger game with rifles. Too populous in some places, which I do agree with. But that is simply safe hunting. I do well with shotgun and slug.

    As the result of that ban, you can’t find nor buy those weapons mentioned. What was amazing is the number of 1998 pre-ban M16, M4, all manner of AK type weapons that are generally sold on consignment that came out of the woodwork. It is not unusual too see them still wrapped in plastic and cosmoline. This is almost 20 years post ban. So if you think this situation was a victory for the state, think again. Yes, the gun shops should be able to go about their business before this idiotic ban came in, and now with a revised SC, this ‘unenforceable’ ban will likely be repealed. Which one of you is going to risk losing your business by defying this ban? Bueller? Bueller? We are not standing idly by, so unless you live in this state, once again, stfu.

    Which brings me to the part I hate, answering the idiots who can’t shut up. A house is not a safe. This is just stupid. Hell, even the guy from Texas agreed that you should be smart about leaving guns out. I have kids. Sure, call your house a safe and believe it so with all your heart. Leave the loaded mossberg on the kitchen table. Thank you, now I can pick your house first because I can see it through your glass all that I need. If you were so confident about a house being a safe, what do you do with your valuables? I’ll bet your sweet Kimber isn’t sitting out in the open on the coffee table. Just because you can, does not mean you should. Right?

    Cohassett is a very, very wealthy community of old money that sits on the cliffs of the Atlantic. Look up burglary stats for that town. Get it? The police throw people like me and probably you out. They care for their jobs I guess. To anybody with a slight ability to read between the lines, grampy was a few bricks shy of a load. None of you mentioned the stolen grave markers, stolen armory items, this guy is not one I would go to the range with. Family got concerned (allegedly) and dropped a dime. I would not have handled it that way, nor would most of you. Ignorance of the law is not a defense. If you live here, you know what the laws are, which does not mean you like them, but you would ensure that what happened to him would not happen to you. When you see a traffic stop and a mouthy driver, saying you have a right to carry CC because you do is not part of the discussion. But if you can’t help yourself and decide to tell the cop that, we have seen a broken tail light turn in to a search warrant which goes to the house and if you don’t have your weapons squared away, your mouth lost your guns not the cops. Still can’t stfu can you?

    The ‘argument’ you pose about the cops now storing this guys weapons improperly thus breaking the law? Hey Forrest Gump, that argument would then mean we would have to arrest the cops in a drug bust for having illegal drugs that they were tagging for evidence. Did you make it to 4th grade? Now I sound anti-gun answering unoriginal and wrong assertions that you posted. This situation in our state was not passed through the legislature. They were on vacation when our AG (appointed) passed the ban. We did NOT vote on this. But hey, for all you pot smokers out there, the smoking lamp is lit! As long as you are outside of the ‘no smoking’ zone of a police department. You can spliff away with impunity. Still think we’re a bunch of tight asses here? Some of you would love to be able to do that. I completely disagree, but I voted and I lost.

    In conclusion, unless you were the first guy to drink cows milk, then you may have an idea of what you have at risk as a gun owner or shop owner. It’s your fault for not knowing the law. I completely disagree with things as they now stand. But I’m not going to risk losing my self protection by being careless. I also believe that following an amendment that was created when the constitution also permitted slavery, addressed not burning witches, (sorry, didn’t stop it from happening), and we had the balls of an original tea party… you need to open your eyes. 2a did not stop legal owners of weapons from massacre. Our city was attacked with deadly force created in cook ware. We are the only state that was told to shelter in place due to a terrorist attack. With deference to New York and 9/11, not one of you has had to shelter due to warnings that showed up on your cell phone because terrorists that were loose. I did. My family did. I was prepared and we knew what to do. I had no unwarranted fears, I was ready. If you want to stand there because you feel you have some sort of protection by our LE community, think again. They can’t protect everybody. Yes, our laws and bans are indefensible to me. I’d rather have my own protection at the ready instead of losing all of it because you think you have the answers to our issues. In following laws that I can’t change, I am and was able to feel I could handle what could have come though my door. Ironically, I could do all of this while being as stoned as I wanted, legally. I don’t like having to write stuff like this, however all I ask is rather than use idiotic platitudes about your house being a safe, get creative and give us something we can use. Respectfully,

    • Jeff April 21, 2017, 10:21 pm

      I wholeheartedly agree with your comments. If you don’t live in the state, how can you determine right from wrong according to that state? I can only hope the good people of Massachusetts can regain control of their state and return it to what the founding fathers envisioned.
      I will never visit Massachusetts, nor California nor any other state that violates the 2nd Amendment. What is said and done there in those states is none of my business (think States Rights). I will stand up for my rights in my home state and I will use my vote to support the 2nd Amendment at the national level.
      Last note, tourists spend dollars that support anti-gun state economies. If you don’t like what they’re doing, spend your money elsewhere.

    • Switzerland July 14, 2017, 7:50 am

      Move to NH, VT or ME. All have constitutional carry now. For you to continue living there is dumb. You can commute anywhere in MA from one of this three states. Your taxes will go down too.

  • 1Braveman April 21, 2017, 1:45 pm

    The longer I live the more I long for yesterdays when man lived free from fear of his government. What use to be right is now wrong, and once was wrong, is now right. We citizens use to have a Constitution to protect us from government. Sad that the people now fear government and buy weapons to protect themselves from our own government.

  • bjg April 21, 2017, 1:32 pm

    Over 30 years of Kennedy commie brain washing.

  • Gman April 21, 2017, 1:16 pm

    Does a gun shop in mass put all of there guns in a locked safe at the end of the day or do they leave them on the racks and in a glass case????

    • Dan April 24, 2017, 1:54 pm

      Some smaller shops do actually go thru the labor of putting the weapons away every night. Most that I have seen, do leave them in the glass case. The thinking that this is the only manner of security that they use is a bit obtuse. I dont know if there is a law that they have to have regarding safety measures. What I will tell you is that when they purchase insurance, deductibles as well as type of security measures are a part of the pricing. When a legitimate claim is filed, they do not receive the marked price of the weapon, only what they actually paid for the weapon. The safety of the inventory is one of the owners primary concerns, and the company will price according to these measures. If they want to save money, they will probably make sure the best security they can afford will be used.

  • BRUCE MARSTON April 21, 2017, 12:12 pm


  • Who Cares April 21, 2017, 11:33 am

    Another major criminal bust. I feel a lot safer now.

  • Raskolnikov April 21, 2017, 11:25 am

    I lived and worked in Mass. for as long as I could stand it. It is a complete mystery to me how so many people can morph into Massholes.

  • rbrittne April 21, 2017, 11:22 am

    FASCISM AT ITS FINEST! This new….or should i say….recently exposed movement is like something taken out of a 1939 movie about the beginnings of nazism! These are not liberals…..These are hard core leftist insurrectionists! Im talking about the thugs on the street attacking anyone with an American flag, a trump hat….or anything else that doesnt appeal to their marxist/fascist ideals. Along with the thugs are the white collar thugs known as \”journalists! They are crouched down……waiting to leap and attack (propaganda wise) with vitriol, hatred and all of it lies…..any possible way to discredit Trump or conservative or American…….They are not disguising it anymore! This is an all out attack on American liberties and values…..If we let them succeed America will become Venezuela!!! Mass residents….gun owners or not…..recognize this for what it is and stand up , unite, and FIGHT! FIGHT now with ballots before you have to fight with weapons!

  • rbrittne April 21, 2017, 11:16 am

    FASCISM AT ITS FINEST! This new….or should i say….recently exposed movement is like something taken out of a 1939 movie about the beginnings of nazism! These are not liberals…..These are hard core leftist insurrectionists! Im talking about the thugs on the street attacking anyone with an American flag, a trump hat….or anything else that doesnt appeal to their marxist/fascist ideals. Along with the thugs are the white collar thugs known as “journalists! They are crouched down……waiting to leap and attack (propaganda wise) with vitriol, hatred and all of it lies…..any possible way to discredit Trump or conservative or American…….They are not disguising it anymore! This is an all out attack on American liberties and values…..If we let them succeed America will become Venezuela!!! Mass residents….gun owners or not…..recognize this for what it is and stand up , unite, and FIGHT! FIGHT now with ballots before you have to fight with weapons!

  • KenL April 21, 2017, 11:16 am

    It looks like the Mass..les have struck again. If we aren’t EXTREMELY careful, their senior senator – Pocahontas – a.k.a. Liz Warren will be the Dems choice for the 2020 Presidential election.

    • C. Aldridge April 21, 2017, 12:46 pm

      They probably already have.

  • Maha April 21, 2017, 10:40 am

    You gotta wonder about the brainwashing that occurs in a place like Mass. The neighbor was concerned because this guy “collects guns”? When I meet firearms enthusiasts, collectors, who are all folks like me with a CCL, I feel the most comfortable.

    • deanbob April 21, 2017, 2:05 pm

      Seems like the younger the person, the greater the likelihood of having no (safety) training or exposure/use of guns. My father loved to hunt and trained us well.

  • Joseph Burke April 21, 2017, 10:29 am

    I will keep my tourist dollars out of Massachusetts and spent them elsewhere.

  • RGE April 21, 2017, 10:17 am

    Looking at the pile, I see the police have failed to secure those guns in a locked container. An open pickup truck bed is NOT a locked container. So the cop is breaking the law, too. I mean if he stopped at a stop light and I were a crook, and saw that many guns just laying there for the pickins, well what’s one or two missing rifles?

    On the other hand, all I see is K98’s, side x sides, levers, and odd caliber stuff that all looks like its CCR stuff. Whoever the “credible source” is, its obviously someone he knows as I doubt a burglar would break in and steal a toaster and leave all those guns just sitting there. So the only other people would be friends, family, or a cop posing as a Fuller Brush guy.

    • Dan April 24, 2017, 2:10 pm

      Hey RGE, since the last time a ‘Fuller Brush Salesman’ went door to door was in 1968, you have already self identified as old and uninformed. Yep, I’m sure there are thousands of criminals just waiting in this exclusive community for a cop car, escorted, who would jump out and grab a few rifles unnoticed driving from the house to the police barracks. Less than 2 miles. It was a family member worried about the kids at grampy’s house. I would be too. At my range, anybody who leaves their weapons unattended is automatically suspended, and also a freaking clueless idiot. I’m sorry to see a guys collection taken from him, but RGE it sounds like you are older than this guy. Maybe that’s your storage method too. If I found out that my fathers Marine Corp medallion from his grave was in his house, I’d drop the dime myself because if I faced him in person, I’d end up in the cell next to him. Enjoy your freaking brush you old bastard.

  • Jim April 21, 2017, 10:08 am

    Grat to live in a free country.

  • Jay S Leonard April 21, 2017, 10:06 am

    Another reason….Massachusetts is SUCKING!!!!

  • Dennis M April 21, 2017, 10:05 am

    Is the back of that pickup considered to be proper storage? I suspect he had them ‘stored’ better than that.
    Texas requires ‘proper storage’ if there is any chance of a child gaining access to the firearm. But that is called common sense.
    Only 3 charges of improper storage? Then the other 95 must have been stored properly. Illegal seizure.

  • Norm Fishler April 21, 2017, 10:04 am

    True, he probably should have had a safe, but that was his decision to make, NOT the State’s. As it was, the biggest thief on the block broke in & got them all. How very sad that today the man’s sissified neighbors, quaking in their boots & pissing down their collective legs are what caused this travesty to come to pass. Personally, I do not even like the idea of driving east of the Mississippi & this is illustrative as to why. The Nanny State mentality prevails in every nook & cranny back there from how to store your guns to how often you use your windshield wipers & one likes their eggs cooked.

  • tony April 21, 2017, 9:58 am

    What a waste of police time and taxpayer money.

  • Dexter Winslett April 21, 2017, 9:54 am

    The fat Sgt. needs a donut. The tree of liberty needs to be watered!

  • Mike Dolqueist April 21, 2017, 9:17 am

    Looks like the old guy was a collector of old guns, I see nothing but old shotguns, lever actions and maybe some old single shot rifles and revolver. Obviously all would be considered antiques. And it looks like they just through them up in the back of a truck scratching and denting them without reguard. He reminds me of a lot of older men that grew up in a free state and fell behind with all the new restricted freedoms. You could go into anybody’s home and nit pic and find what ever you can to trump up charges, in the old days in this scenario the cops might have just told him to lock up his guns ASAP or take them to a gun shop for safe keeping but now they revel in runing a retired man’s life. This event would be different if the guns were modern ARs with 30 round mag and stock piles of ammo owned by a criminal but come on lets keep perspective here, realy.

  • Vern April 21, 2017, 8:51 am

    This Gentleman , did exactly what was required of him to secure his weapon collection by locking it up .
    Both He and I locked it ( collection ) up – it’s called a Front Door lock on the House , if you got past that it is because you were let in or you broke the law and let yourself in !!!

    • Byrne April 21, 2017, 9:39 am

      That is exactly correct. Door and window locks should make anything in his home secure.

  • Herbert Beck April 21, 2017, 8:49 am

    If the people nowadays in Massachusetts lived there in colonial times, America would still be subservient to Great Britain. Voters in Mass. are totally brain dead. Electing Senators like John Kerry and Elizabeth Warren have proven that.

  • Cam April 21, 2017, 8:48 am

    His guns were contained in a locked container. I call it a house and it has these things called locks.

  • Bob B April 21, 2017, 8:33 am

    I have always felt that it was my responsibility to keep my firearms safe and secure. All of my guns and ammo are in safes or have trigger locks. My carry piece is always in a small, fast-delivery, four-digit safe when not being carried. This is common sense to me and not an attach on our 2A rights. I feel for this guys lose but it could easily have been avoided.

    • JT April 21, 2017, 10:28 am

      Bob -The most pertinent phrase you wrote is \”This is common sense to me…\”. While it may be common sense to you with your particular circumstances, it is not common sense to me, and I suspect many others. Being retired with all children long gone from our household, I don\’t worry much about having firearms un-secured within my home. I do own a gun safe, and my most valuable firearms reside there, however, I have a few on display and several strategically located throughout the house in case of an emergency. Common sense to me is having a loaded firearm unlocked and immediately available in those situations.Your situation is your situation, and if you feel better having all of your firearms under lock and key, then good for you. My point is that what may be right for you is not necessarily right for everyone else. Although you never come out and plainly voice your support for the Massachusetts law, your last line \”…it could easily have been a avoided\” implies that you do. If that\’s the case, I couldn\’t disagree with you more. You also state \”…is not an attack on our 2A rights\”, but in reality, it is just that. Surely you\’re intelligent enough to realize that this law is not the end-all/be-all of gun control in Massachusetts nor any of the other states that severely restrict firearms, but just one more incremental step on the path towards the liberal dream of abolishing ALL second amendment rights. As such, it definitely qualifies as an attack in my book.In summation, if you wish to live under these types of laws, go for it. But if you want to impose these laws of the rest of us, then you\’re no better than a liberal politician in my book and deserve the same amount of respect – absolutely zero.

      • John t April 21, 2017, 11:12 am

        John t

    • Jeff April 21, 2017, 10:32 pm

      Common sense to me goes back to the day when guns were tools and could be carried just about anywhere and everywhere. Most pickups at my high school had rifles in the back window during hunting season. I was a member of a zJunior NRA shooting club. Guess where our range was. In the basement of the middle school I was attending. I never heard nor saw any of those guns hurt anyone. What’s changed? 30+ years of nosy people who hate guns getting into power who then force their cowardice on everyone else.

  • survivor50 April 21, 2017, 8:22 am

    Neighbors said he’s quiet, good neighbor, keeps to himself…
    Then exactly how did the police get involved, who made a complaint, and “IT’S HIS HOUSE”…that should be enough right there. Stay OUT !!!

  • Cole April 21, 2017, 8:05 am

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Massachusetts strikes again

  • David April 21, 2017, 7:46 am

    His guns are his property, and on his property he can do whatever the hell he pleases.. Isn’t that what freedom is?!
    The ones who should be facing charges are the police department, judge, and who’s responsible for passing that law. Violations of the constitution of the United States of America. Right to bear arms, and illegal search and seizure.
    What right did they have to search?! Here say is inadmissible in court, regardless of how many heresayers.

    Oh I forgot, they’re ABOVE THE LAW!

  • Joe April 21, 2017, 7:33 am

    He obviously had enough money to purchase several large guns safes judging from the size of his collection so I have no sympathy for him and his stupidity.

    • John t April 21, 2017, 11:19 am

      “I have no sympathy for him and his stupidity”
      And I have no sympathy for your stupidity!!

      • D Day Dog April 21, 2017, 8:11 pm

        He “obviously has enough money to purchase several large gun safes” … You have no idea how much $ he paid (if anything) for those firearms. So HTF do you know he has enough $ to buy enough safes to store 100 firearms? Because he chose to have his firearms stored inside his locked home (his castle) makes him stupid? The stupid thing he did was invite (or not) the wrong MF over to his house who probably had an axe to grind with him or is some snowflake lib who learned he had some firearms that called the cops to satisfy some personal self indulgence.

        The stupid thing he did was have grave markers in his possession. That wasn’t too bright.

    • Joe April 22, 2017, 6:03 am

      It is what it is folks, he most likely knew the law of the State he resided in and chose to ignore it by non compliance which jeopardized the entire collection.

  • Chazz440 April 21, 2017, 7:26 am

    Just one more reason I don’t live in Massachusetts, New York or California, besides all the nuts and fruits there. I should be able to store my guns any way I please, and I do. Why must the government tell us how to store your guns??

  • singleshotcajun April 21, 2017, 7:25 am

    Anyone else see the Marlin falling block rifle so haphazardly thrown on the pile ?

    • G450 April 21, 2017, 8:40 am

      I wonder if he will be reimbursed for the damage to his weapons after they go bouncing down the road in a pick up truck? What do you expect from a state that has Elizabeth Warren as one of their senators.

  • Dj April 21, 2017, 7:22 am

    I would argue that they were all locked in a container- his house. Keep the f out!

  • Glenn61 April 21, 2017, 4:39 am

    If you own one gun, ten guns or a hundred guns,,,, a sturdy gun safe is always a good purchase. You can secure guns and many other valuables and should. because just like the gun stores that leave their guns out in the display racks after closing, a home with guns easily accessible will eventually become a target too.
    Just keep your favorite carry pistol out for an emergency and lock your other pistols and rifles in a quality gun safe. That’s common sense.

    • Mark Are April 21, 2017, 8:32 am

      And SHOULD be his CHOICE.

    • Ordinary Joe April 21, 2017, 8:33 am

      You must be a safe salesman. “Public” safety is not affected by how you store guns in your own home. It is “Private” property.

    • Mark Are April 21, 2017, 8:34 am

      We now have added another to the bottom of the list for Wackachusettes
      The NEW Second Amendment of the amended US Bill of Rights… (sorry, we no longer follow “proper procedure” for amending these pain in the ass listed rights)
      A well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed EXCEPT:
      You are buying the firearms for yourself.
      EXCEPT: you are under indictment or information for a felony for which the judge could imprison you for more then one year.
      EXCEPT: you have been convicted of a felony or any other crime for which the judge could have imprisoned you for more then one year, even if you received a shorter sentence including probation.
      EXCEPT: you are a fugitive from “justice”
      EXCEPT: you are an “unlawful” user of or addicted to marijuana or any depressant,stimulant, narcotic drug or any other controlled substance.
      EXCEPT: you have ever been “adjudicated” mentally defective or you have ever been committed to a mental institution.
      EXCEPT: you were dishonorably discharged from the armed forces.
      EXCEPT: you are subject to a restraining order restraining you from harassing, stalking or threatening your child or an intimate partner or child of such partner.
      EXCEPT: you have been convicted in a court of a MISDEMEANOR crime of domestic violence.
      EXCEPT: you have ever renounced your “United States” citizenship
      EXCEPT: you are an illegal alien
      EXCEPT: the firearm fires more then one round with the pull of the trigger
      EXCEPT: the firearms doesn’t have a vertical grip attached if it is a pistol
      EXCEPT: the barrel on a shotgun is not shorter then 18″
      EXCEPT: for sound suppressors
      EXCEPT: the rifle has a barrel no shorter then 16″. (It used to be 18″, but we accidentally sold some 16″ carbines to the public so we had to fix this and so we shortened the length to 16″ to cover our screw up.)
      EXCEPT: if it is a pistol there is no shoulder stock attached.
      EXCEPT: that you store it in a locked container so that you cannot gain access easily (Massachusettes)
      EXCEPT EXCEPT EXCEPT…stay tuned for updated version. We the psychopaths who own you have now concluded that this new 2nd amendment is in force and effect and that you have no rights guaranteed by ANYTHING UNLESS you are in the “big club” which of course you are NOT. So screw your rights. We are in control of your television set, your phone, your computer, your air, your water and especially your pretend rights. Oh, and by the way, just in case you are wondering…we have ENFORCERS for this who are willing to shoot your children in the back, your wife in the head, burn down your church with 17 children inside just in case you think we are kidding.
      One other thing…none of these exceptions apply to us. We are allowed to have whatever we want to kill you and maim you any time we want for whatever excuse we want. Just take a look at some of the wonderful things WE get to have by looking up Dillon Aero on YouTube.

    • Derp April 21, 2017, 9:45 am

      Anyone ever notice that the entire house constitutes “secured in a locked container or equipped with a tamper-resistant mechanical lock or other safety device.”? Even harder to prosecute if the ol’ fart lives alone….

      A $10 lawyer should be able to argue that BS out of court in about…. 15 minutes.

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