Leaked: Next Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0, More Like Glock 19 2.0

Leaked: Next Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0, More Like Glock 19 2.0

A leaked product sheet of Smith & Wesson’s hopefully upcoming Glock 19-sized M&P 2.0 (Photo Funker Tactical/Facebook)

Rumor has it that Smith & Wesson is about to add a new model M&P 2.0 to their catalog and it looks a whole lot like a Glock 19. While the Glock 19 is the most successful pistol made by Glock, few companies have tried to directly imitate the proven design.

For years the only way for other companies to compete with Glock was to differentiate from Glock’s models. This means that these alternatives simply don’t have the Glock 19’s basic appeal.

The Glock 19 really is an all-purpose handgun. It has a barrel long enough for duty combined with a grip that’s large enough for decent magazine capacity. The sight radius is also long enough for self-defense even at larger distances.

It’s also small enough to conceal with most clothes. It is the perfect size for just about everyone and everything.

The Glock 19, chambered for 9mm Luger, has a 4-inch barrel and a standard capacity of 15+1 rounds. The rumored M&P 2.0, chambered for 9mm, has a 4-inch barrel and standard capacity of 15+1. It’s also “the perfect size.”

Today just about every major service pistol manufacturer makes polymer-framed, striker-fired handguns, but the bulk of Glock’s competition make guns that are either larger or smaller than the Glock 19.

To be clear, “the perfect size” also means it doesn’t excel at anything. Sure, a longer barrel would give you a longer sight radius for precision shooting, and larger magazines are always better — no one ever wished for less ammunition.

But these things make guns heavier, less portable and harder to conceal. There are plenty of guns smaller than the Glock 19, but they make some pretty big concessions.

Subcompacts have small sight pictures, more recoil and often don’t offer a full-hand grip. Rarely can they provide the same capacity without extended magazines, and those tend to be full-size mags that in turn, make the guns hard to conceal.

Smith & Wesson is one of the few companies to acknowledge this, and it’s about time. So why get the M&P 2.0 over the Glock 19, even the new and improved Gen5?

For the same reasons people bought Smith & Wesson pistols before. The M&P 2.0 product line has a lot of consumer-oriented features.

See Also: The M&P 2.0: Making a Great Pistol Greater–Full Review

The M&P 2.0 frame is very ergonomic with a deep beavertail for a high-up grip, large palm swells, and four true interchangeable backstraps.

At the heart of the M&P 2.0 is its improved trigger. The trigger is lighter with a smooth takeup, clean break and positive, audible and tactile reset.

The controls are ambidextrous and the slide has rear and forward slide serrations. And it, of course, features a full-length rail for lights and other accessories.

The M&P 2.0 is offered in 9mm and .40 S&W, with and without a manual thumb safety. In .40 S&W the compact still has a decent capacity of 13+1 rounds of ammunition. It can use full-size mags, too, with included sleeves for a complete grip.

If these rumors are true then Smith & Wesson will have truly copied Glock. And that’s a good thing.

  • Levi B September 15, 2017, 12:57 pm

    ” and it looks a whole lot like a Glock 19″.

    I read the rest of the article and figured out that in order to look like the Glock 19, a gun apparently only has to have a 4 inch barrel, full capacity mags, and some form of customizable grip…never mind the things that actually make a gun look the way it looks (grip angle, slide length, width, trigger guard, other cosmetic furniture, etc.)

    By those standards, an AR10 looks a lot like an AK47 (7.62mm, 16 inch barrel, 30 round mag), an El Camino looks a lot like an F150 (it has wheels, seats, windshield and a truck bed), and Dolly Parton looks a lot like Hillary Clinton (female, Caucasian, born in the mid-late 1940’s)

  • Texar September 15, 2017, 11:35 am

    My agency switched to the S&W 2.0, which I shot for the first time at an instructor schooling April. I really liked and shot it well, better scores than with the G17 we’d been shooting. The big difference for me is the grip size(smaller on the 2.0) which felt better in my hand. I own a G19 Gen4 and have no complaints but the 2.0 4″ will be my next purchase.

  • Dan September 15, 2017, 10:33 am

    All you have to do is pick each up (even in the dark) and you can pick out the S&W. It doesn’t feel like a brick. Life is too short for an ugly gun.

  • Charlie September 15, 2017, 10:23 am

    If it is anything like a Glock . It will not be in my gun case.Just another leveright. You either love the Glock or hate it . I am one of the later.

  • Robert September 15, 2017, 9:52 am

    Doesn’t look the least bit like a Block to me, but whatever tickles your pickle. The Smith definitely has more appeal to my sensibilities.

  • W.P. Zeller September 15, 2017, 9:03 am

    The M&P 2.0 standard-size continues to surprise me. I’m just plain a 1911 shooter. We have a lot of guns, though, in the course of our instruction business, and I have to shoot them all to attain a modicum of proficiency- the instructor needs to be adept with everything, right?
    So I have no real affection for any striker polymer gun (nor do I do much with 9×19), and typically don’t shoot them outside of work. But the M&P 2.0 somehow ends up in the range bag on non-work trips to the club.
    The ergonomics are so good that the M&P is our standard 9mm for first-centerfire-shots in our Intros. It fits more people and is easier to deal with for a wider spectrum than the other nines available. We found that out years ago, thousands of first-timers ago, and we know we get the best results from this gun.
    Heck, if I ever go about carrying a 9, it could well be the M&P.
    The semi-compact version would be even better, then. Bring it.

  • ToddB September 15, 2017, 8:57 am

    Yea the S&W looks so brick like. Has glock patented a color now or something? And anybody who makes a sub compact pistol is now copying glock? I see S&W also copied glocks ‘accessory rail’ well sort of. The shop near me had the new gen 5s in the case. Yea glock finally figured out an ambi slide lock might be something people want, but other than no finger grooves I saw little difference between new and old.

    • Mikelasnicov September 15, 2017, 12:04 pm

      ” And anybody who makes a sub compact pistol is now copying glock?”
      Are you saying the Glock 19 is a subcompact? Because I’m pretty sure it is a compact, not subcompact.

  • Joe September 15, 2017, 8:20 am

    Wow they do look exactly alike. Well in color anyways.

    • kimberpross September 15, 2017, 9:24 am

      Being an Engineer out of the polymer manufacturing/polymer processing industry, my experience is anything gray to black is loaded up with lower cost recycle materials. Gray and Black colors cover off colored resins that didn’t meet specification, or cover black carbon specs or inclusions (degraded/burned polymer) that don’t meet other application specifications. Since the resin manufacturer can’t sell this resin as virgin high quality material, they hide it in black and gray and likely sell it for less. This is why most of your automobile plastic interiors parts/dash/etc. are black or gray. It is a way to lower the cost and likely why the colors on these two are similar.

  • Robert Sweeney September 15, 2017, 8:00 am

    Cool! Now you can carry a “perfect sized pistol” without looking retarded!

  • Larry September 15, 2017, 7:31 am

    Glock sued S & W in the past for the Sigma, & if memory serves Glock won ?

  • Lon September 15, 2017, 7:20 am

    Very interesting….
    I have had many Glocks (mostly 23s) but my most recent 19 has feeble ejection and the dreaded “brass to face” issue. A bit of a let-down. Nice to see more manufacturers are stepping up to the plate an making what many CCW folks consider the perfect size pistol. Now, if they would only make one without a rail…

    • Christopher Sourp September 15, 2017, 8:35 am

      If there is a Glock armorer in your area there is a part they can change out to solve the “brass to face” issue. I can’t remember the part but it has to do with the extractor I think. Some have the little raised bump and that is the issue. I had mine changed out on a couple of my Glocks and it solved the issue. I could of sent them in to Glock but I have an in town Glock guy at Glockmiester here in Phoenix. It is a solvable issue. Good luck and keep on shootin !

  • Al M. September 15, 2017, 7:20 am

    Don’t forget the crappy plastic sights on the Glock 19. The M&P has much better sights.

    • Christopher Sourp September 15, 2017, 8:38 am

      I always change out my Glock sights as the first upgrade on a new one. They have metal sights that don’t cost much or the trueglos are really nice…. Just dont let plastic sights ruin your opinion of the gun because it’s an easy remedy. Peace……. And keep on shootin !!

      • Al M. September 15, 2017, 11:10 pm

        Don’t get me wrong, I love my Glock 19 now that I’ve put night sights on it. But, the gun should come with basic, durable, metal sights.

  • Bryan September 15, 2017, 7:03 am

    Bout time for this. Sign me up.

  • Connie September 15, 2017, 5:03 am

    Hilarious. Look at the safety in the picture… it’s not ambi… as a matter of fact, it’s the “lefties-only” model.

    • Lon September 15, 2017, 7:13 am

      The image shows 2 different pistols. One with thumb safety, one without.

    • Quincy September 15, 2017, 7:29 am

      I think what they’re showing is one without any safety, the top one, and one with an ambidextrous safety, the bottom one. They’re just showing right side instead of the left.

  • JAMES Ferrese September 12, 2017, 7:05 pm

    Bring back 632 327 Federal mag

    • Robert September 15, 2017, 11:21 am

      Those could be had in my LGS for $700 back in the day. One of the guys working there told me to pick one up because they were soon going out of production and would eventually double in value. Well, I didn\’t pick one up, the gun was discontinued, and they can be found on online gun auctions for as high as $1,450 (kicking self).The 632 in 327 Fed Mag is a terrific revolver.

  • Ton E September 12, 2017, 2:32 pm

    Next handgun purchase!!

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