K9 Saves Officer from Multiple Attackers

Deputy Todd Frazier of the Hancock County Sheriff’s Department in Mississippi is lucky to be alive today. Frazier survived an attack from three men, at least one armed with a box cutter, Monday night in Pearlington.

But he didn’t do it alone. He had assistance from his K9 partner, a black Belgian Malinois named Lucas, reports the Clarion Ledger.

“They told him they were going to slit his throat, and they were dragging him toward the woods,” Chief Deputy Don Bass said, adding, “he was able to break one hand free to activate the button that opens the door and it released Lucas.”

Authorities believe that the men, who ambushed Frazier after he went to inspect a car that was off to the side of the road, were planning on murdering the deputy.

But thankfully Lucas came to the rescue, biting one of the suspects, maybe two, and sending the assailants running for their lives.

“We don’t know how many he got, we just know he had blood all over him,” said Sheriff Ricky Adam.

The mechanism that pops open the door to release the K9 was only added recently.

Police are still searching for the men responsible for the attack on deputy Frazier.

  • Nick M February 10, 2018, 10:30 am

    I never thought of having a “thumb safety” for a canine. Clearly a remote release is a good idea.

  • MikeB July 24, 2017, 12:26 pm

    Love a good story about man’s best friend.

  • Larry Koehn June 6, 2015, 1:17 pm

    Thank God for a fearless companion with teeth. I do hope the dog is fine and the perpetrators have the start of a good septic infection going for them. People who attack cops who obviously have homicide on their mind deserve death whether successful or not on their attempt. What is wrong with this upside down world where the criminal has more rights than the victim. Execute the criminals.

  • Larry June 2, 2015, 4:21 pm

    Hunt those bastards down & kill them! Stop taking cop killers & wantabees alive! If you start killing them when & where found, you will reduce the incidents of this activity before it becomes an absolute epidemic in our country.

  • Jason June 2, 2015, 1:45 pm

    according to this http://abcnews.go.com/US/deputy-ambushed-woods-men-saved-dog/story?id=31333283, the dog just chipped a few teeth and got a bruised shoulder.

  • Guido June 1, 2015, 5:40 pm

    Why no mention of the real hero here? How is Lucas, the Malinois doing?
    I’m hoping he got one heck of a steak dinner that night! What a GOOD BOY!!!!!!!

  • Lui June 1, 2015, 1:39 pm

    Why did I think the suspects were black when there is nothing in the article that says they were. You have to watch the video to know that indeed they were black, the spokesman mentioned 2 black males. . Also, I am sure these guys were after his gun and equipment. Thats one reason why I am all for conceal carry but totally not in favor of open carry. Would you carry a thousand dollars flapping in the breeze on your hip? Then why let the scumbags out there know you have a commodity they want? Do many of the open carry fanatics think that if someone comes after them for their gun, that they’ll confront them head on? No, they’ll wait and plot and when they can get the jump on you they will. Then they’ll take your gun and if you are lucky they may not kill you.

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