JP Enterprises’ JPRFX Premium Rimfire Rifle — SHOT Show 2024

in Mitchell Graf, SHOT Show 2024
New JP Enterprises JPRFX 22LR Rifle Debuted -- SHOT Show 2024
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JP Enterprises introduced the JPRFX at this year’s Shot Show. This rifle is available in a side charging option called the SCI-20, or the top-charging CTR-02.

Each platform utilizes an integral barrel nut and a cryogenically treated barrel “Thermo-Fit” to receiver. The rifle is not just another addition to the market but is specifically crafted for precision shooting with a focus on 22 long rifle enthusiasts.

This competition-dedicated platform is built around the two critical attributes of a quality firearm: accuracy and reliability.


The JPRFX rifle sports a match-grade barrel, coupled with a light 22 bolt for enhanced reliability. It’s designed for those pursuing 22 long rifle precision shooting. All SCI-20 and CTR-02 uppers will fit on existing JP SCR-11 lowers.

Addressing the limitations faced by bolt gun enthusiasts in the past, particularly with semi-autos, the JPRFX introduces significant improvements.

One unique feature is the fact that this rifle will lock the bolt open on the last round. Also, it is compatible with Ruger 10/22 magazines. Users can charge the rifle while maintaining a clear line of sight on the target.

SCR-11 lower is compatible with Ruger 10/22 magazines.

However, the standout feature is the rifle’s accuracy. With a match-grade barrel, it competes with some of the top bolt-action 22s, making it ideal for NRL PRS style 22 matches.

When I spoke to them at the booth, JP Enterprises said that they have been able to achieve sub MOA groups at 100 yards using premium Norma ammunition.

Monolithic upper provides increased accuracy potential in addition to the match-grade barrel
Monolithic upper provides increased accuracy potential in addition to the match-grade barrel.

For those eager to get their hands on the JPRFX, it’s available now in two models: SCI-20 (side charge only) and a CTR-02 top charging only version.

With an MSRP of around $3,500 it will be a sought after option for the serious NRL competitors.

SCI-20 Side Charging upper receiver

Currently lead times are between 12 to 16 weeks. Those interested in the JPRFX can find more information at

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About the author: Mitchell Graf is passionate about hunting and competition shooting. During college he was the shooting instructor for Oklahoma State’s Practical Shooting Team, and these days he spends as much time as he can chasing after pigs and coyotes with night vision and thermals. You can follow Mitchell’s adventures over at his Instagram @That_Gun_Guy_

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  • PolyTrack January 18, 2025, 1:58 am

    The JPRFX is built with the goal of providing high accuracy and reliability, suitable for precision shooting competitions.

  • Ben Zimmerman January 31, 2024, 8:35 am

    The JPRFX rifles do not use Ruger 10/22 magazines. They use the S&W M&P 15-22 magazines with the addition of a shim that JP produces. The shim makes so the S&W M&P 15-22 magazines can be used in a standard AR-15 magazine well.

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