It’s Official! Indiana Becomes 24th State to Pass Constitutional Carry

Gov. Eric Holcomb this week signed legislation that makes Indiana the 24th state to recognize one’s untrammeled right to keep and bear arms.  

“The Second Amendment has been debated for years, yet time and again our U.S. Supreme Court has reaffirmed this important constitutional right that I fully support,” said Holcomb, a Republican, in a statement Monday.  

“Twenty-three other states have laws comparable to HEA 1296. Vermont has had a constitutional carry law in place since it became a state, and several other states have had a similar law for more than a decade,” he continued.  

“HEA 1296, which I’ve signed today, entrusts Hoosiers who can lawfully carry a handgun to responsibly do so within our State,” he said.

Holcomb also made it clear that prohibited persons (felons, minors, fugitives, drug addicts, mental defectives, etc.) are still banned from possessing firearms and will be prosecuted if they violate the relevant federal and state laws.  

The governor also said that the state’s permitting system will remain in effect, at no charge, should Hoosiers want to obtain a permit for carry reciprocity with other states.

The NRA-ILA, which backed HB 1296, celebrated the move.  

Research: Constitutional Carry Does Not Result in Higher Murder or Violent Crime Rates

“The government should not mandate that law-abiding citizens get permission before exercising their fundamental, constitutional right to self defense,” said Jason Ouimet, executive director of NRA-ILA.

“We thank Gov. Holcomb, bill author Rep. Ben Smaltz, legislative leaders, and every lawmaker who supported this landmark legislation,” he added.  

On the other side of the aisle, the Democrats panned the notion of permitless carry. 

“A majority of Hoosiers told Indiana Republicans directly they opposed permitless carry,” said Indiana Democratic Party Chairman Mike Schmul in a statement.  

“State law enforcement echoed their opposition to the measure a year after Republicans defunded their departments,” he said. “But unfortunately, Governor Eric Holcomb decided to put politics ahead of protecting the safety of Hoosier families by signing permitless carry into law.” 

As GunsAmerica previously reported, there is no evidence that constitutional carry endangers public safety.  

A recent study by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) examining aggregated crime data from 13 states that passed constitutional carry found no statistically significant change in violent crime, police killings, and firearm homicide after the passage of such laws.

The study also showed a drop in the murder rate, which runs contrary to the “Wild West” narrative spun by critics of expanded 2A rights. 

Along with Indiana, the following states have some form of constitutional carry: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

HB 1296 takes effect July 1, 2022.

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  • Gardner Sr March 28, 2022, 10:09 am

    TRUETH IS” – It is not real Americans, born and breed, of which most infractions exists, – If you watch the news,” Most – assaults’, come from illegals, / or others of which Biden has let in illegality ,Given jobs, given houses, given food, Yet, Oh and School, yet are not happy with some damned thing, illegals can come to our country, go to school or what ever, And Buy Guns, and Ammo all day long ” Then they think since they now have a gun, America is the same as what ever – other country they originated from, If ATF, or other agency’s wish to pass Laws, Why dont they start with a Time ( in years, or generations ) of which makes it illegal for non Americans to rightfully purchase fire arms, or ammo in America, Start with that , and see how crime slows down,

    • Gardner Sr March 28, 2022, 10:21 am

      You see, Government, yes, our U.S. keeps bringing, all from everywhere, For some un – godly reason, Trying to raise housing prices, I guess, * My problem is, The do not even have to have a Birth Certificate, just a water bill in some states, to vote, and buy a gun / or ammo, Then – IF someone like Biden, and others, decides to by pass all federal Laws, and do what they want , They end up with a BRAND NEW SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER,* of which now means Hey”” clear back ground check”” Not even Americans can have a Clear, back ground check, / or a DO OVER,,”” but it is clear, Laws are Made solely for Americans and not for everyone else of which wishes, to come here, no matter what they were in their own country, ( OR DID ) OR EVEN HOW MANY AMERICAN service people was killed, because Hey, that was another country,-

  • Stan d. Upnow March 25, 2022, 2:23 pm

    You have to pass a background check to purchase a firearm. Of course, that check is mostly, but not always, accurate. But, having to have a separate permit just to carry a weapon for SD is nonsense. The gun-banners are ALWAYS after law-abiding citizens with their hysterical hype. No matter What gun laws are passed/not passed, the criminals will use the tools of their trade as they see fit.
    The idiots don’t realize that a dedicated carry gun is carried much and shot little. Ask any cop. Dealers are always selling LE trade-ins advertised as “excellent mechanical condition, but some cosmetic holster wear.”

    • Trevor March 26, 2022, 7:25 am

      Negative, Ghost Rider…a dedicated carry gun better be one that is shot and trained with often. Otherwise, you have no business carrying it.

  • Bill bowman March 25, 2022, 12:14 pm

    I live in pennsylvania and we need a permit for concealed carry, but nothing for open carry(permitted).
    Nothing in article regarding open carry. ????

  • Gary W. Seitz March 25, 2022, 9:58 am

    “The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference-they deserve a place of honor with all that is good” -George Washington

  • Mark K March 25, 2022, 8:55 am

    Isn’t that a telling comment? The Indiana Democrat Chair says that a “majority” of Indiana folks expressed opposition to permitless carry. But, he says, “Governor Holcomb decided to put politics ahead . . . by signing [the bill].”

    If a majority of the people were really opposed to it, wouldn’t politics dictate NOT signing it, so as to maintain one’s political power? So . . . one of three things is the case: either 1) this guy is completely ’round the bend (which is possible); or 2) he knows full well that most Hoosiers favor constitutional rights and freedoms and is deliberately lying to try to preserve at least part of his preferred narrative (also possible); OR . . . to him (and most Democrats these days), political advantage among the voters isn’t important. We are an obstacle to be overcome in their pursuit of the aggregation of power in the political class. Fair elections are unacceptable because their precious theories can be (and often are) soundly defeated by the great unwashed masses out there who aren’t part of the “club”. (Possible — maybe even probable?)

    The mid-term elections are just months away. Please, people, choose your candidates carefully. Check their records, check who you trust likes who and who endorses who; don’t vote R (or D) blindly or you’ll end up with a political hack clone like Mitt Romney, who is about to vote to confirm for the US Supreme Court a woman who can’t define the word “woman”.

  • Hondo March 25, 2022, 8:49 am

    This would be the very thing the loony tunes on the left would use against him if he had bigger aspirations .

  • Ke Ste March 25, 2022, 7:55 am

    Holcomb must never be allowed to make it to the national political stage. He signed this bill kicking and screaming, only because he wants to go national. If he makes it to congress or the senate, he WILL ALWAYS side with big government, no matter which party is promoting it.

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