It’s Back! Legislation to Ban Online Ammo Sales Reintroduce

At least since 2015, Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) has spearheaded efforts to prohibit the sale of ammunition online.

Last month, Rep. Coleman reintroduced the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act with the assistance of co-sponsor Rep. Kweisi Mfume (MD-7).

As with prior iterations of this bill, it would, as the NRA-ILA observed, implement all of the following:

  • FORCE you to submit a photo ID in person every time you purchase any ammunition;
  • REPORT you to Biden’s anti-gun U.S. Attorney General if you purchase more than 1,000 rounds within a five-day period;
  • REGISTER ammunition buyers like you in a database maintained by Biden’s bureaucrats at the Department of Justice.

Check out these great ammo deals!

“Day in and day out men and women lose their lives at the hands of gun violence and the only response from Republicans has been moments of silence and continued inaction,” said Watson Coleman. 

“The Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act is one step in the right direction to slowing the proliferation of guns and ammunition,” she continued. “Americans did not send us to Washington to mourn them when it is our job to do everything we can as federal legislators to protect them.”

SEE ALSO: New Mexico District Attorney Downgrades Charges for Alec Baldwin

GunsAmerica reached out to Alan Gottlieb, the founder of the Second Amendment Foundation for comment.

Gottlieb was critical of the one-sidedness of legislation in that it presupposes all ammunition sold online ends up in the hands of criminals.

“Rep. Coleman’s quote should have been, ‘Day in and day out men and women save their lives with ammunition they have bought online and the only response from Democrats is to call for bans on the sale of ammunition,'” said Gottlieb in an email.

Additional cosponsors of the bill include Reps. Jake Auchincloss (MA-04), Andre Carson (IN-07), Madeleine Dean (PA-04), Suzan DelBene (WA-01), Glenn Ivey (MD-04), Sydney Kamlager-Dove (CA-37), Barbara Lee (CA-12), Betty McCollum (MN-04), Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC-At Large), Donald Payne (NJ-10), and Mike Quigley (IL-05).

The Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. 

Stay tuned for updates.

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  • Mark February 27, 2023, 11:32 pm

    I say !_#@$%! YOU , I don’t need your so called protection, and please keep your legislative nose out of my $$$ hole! Please tell us Americans,, whats in it for you? And don’t tell me you “Care Alot”

  • Ed Rush February 27, 2023, 2:19 pm

    These Democrats have no problem imposing restrictions on law abiding citizens. Criminals and gangs don’t pay any attention to these laws. All they seem to want is to make the law abiding citizens defenseless.

  • GreatGrandPa February 27, 2023, 12:28 pm

    All shall be REVEALED! The Whole Global Cabal, demoncRATs and RINOS, ALL SATAN’S DEMON SPAWN MINIONS DESERVE DIRT NAPS. NCSWIC,WWG1WGA,P.A.N.I.C. LGB,FJB! President Trump’s still my President. I’m not a BOT nor a Spammer. I’m a American Veteran,Trucker and GreatGrandpa. Yahweh save our poor souls Amen. Never give up, never give in, no surrender.

  • GreatGrandPa February 27, 2023, 12:25 pm

    It’s time to Swamp your elected officials with not just NO! but HELL NO! to this insanity. Call, write, email, message by any and all means to STOP this Ludacris BS against LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. Enough is a Damned enough!

  • Law abiding February 24, 2023, 1:48 pm

    As an Illinois resident I already have to provide phot ID to purchase ammunition in person or on line. Does the Democrats ignore that fact that honest citizens stop gun ccrimes every day and gun free zones do not stop criminals. We need to enforce the current laws with stiff penalties, unlike Illinois with their new no cash bail policy so that crimanls are like fish on a catch and release program.
    When will they learn that more laws are not the answer.

  • Stan d. Upnow February 24, 2023, 11:42 am

    Notice that the Progressive-Socialists incessantly pushing for more and more restrictions on guns & ammo NEVER address the crux of the problem– the actual criminals perpetrating the shootings.
    It’s as stupid as not going after the burglar, but trying to get the crowbar he used to break-in banned. Can they actually be That stupid, these politicos? Or, is there some sinister agenda behind it? Personally, I believe it’s a combination of both.

  • James February 24, 2023, 11:25 am

    These gun banning politicians must lay in bed at night masterbating about how to come up with more gun control.

    If they really wanted to stop school shootings, put the police and/ or national guard at each school with orders to shoot any school shooter.

    Also arrest and put the school shooters parents in jail and charge them. After all, they raised these monsters , it’s all the parents fault! Arrest the parents.

    Home school your children! The public schools are full of gangs, drug dealers and pedophiles!

    Allow more concealed carry. Several gun sites have mentioned how concealed carry have stopped many shootings. The far leftist news media refuses to mention this

    In commie Canada, their dictator wants to ban thousands of firearms.
    Never mentioned about putting criminals in prison, just banning firearms.

    He wants to ban all semi auto rifles, shotguns and handguns. He also said any firearms that hold over 10 rounds are “assault weapons”. This includes lever action rifles and bolt action rifles.
    He also said that rifles that are ” too powerful” are “assault rifles” and are to be banned. Like the Weatherby MK 5 in 460 Weatherby, he said that’s an ” assault rifle”! I doubt that there has ever been one used in a crime since it came out.

    Many of these gun banning groups and gun banning far leftist politicians are watching what happens in commie Canada. As they want to do the same thing in the USA.

    The bye dumb administration is having sections of the border wall taken down and sold off for scrap. This allows the cartels, M 13 gang members, M18 gang members, drug dealers, felons, murderers, criminals, terrorists, spies, saboteurs, and prostitutes to cross the border and the administration welcomes them and the crime that they bring.

    The administration blames crime in America on “white supremacists terrorists”, what nonsense.

    The Central America countries and South America countries are emptying out their jails and prisons and sending thousands of criminals and felons to America and the administration welcomes them and the crime that they bring.

    Finish the border wall now!

    Haiti is now 60% controlled by warlords and drug gangs. They are sending thousands of their gang members to America posing as refugees.

    This administration wants crime to get so out of control, so they can declare martial law and suspend the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and start up concentration camps. That’s one reason why this administration wants to ban guns.

    Stock up now on guns, ammo and magazines before it’s too late!

    Many of these demoncrap run cities have a ” gun buy back” scheme.
    Where they will give people a $50 gift certificate to purchase tennis shoes for turning in guns and ammo.

    If anyone has a firearm that they don’t want, they can take it to the local gun store and sell and get a lot more for it and get paid in cash

    At these “gun buy backs”, the police will have a undercover agent in disguise putting guns on the tables to make the gun buy back look more effective.

    Also at these gun buy backs, the police will have a surveillance van taking photos and videos of everyone who shows up and of their car license plates.

    Also be on the look out for “Flock surveillance cameras” set up on streets in various cities. They take photos of license plates and note anything unusual about your car and send the information to hundreds of police departments across the country.

    During WW2, Germany and Japan had plans to invade the east coast and west coast of America and have Mexico invade the southern states promising Mexico to give them Arizona, New Mexico and Texas but they were afraid of all the Americans who owned firearms and would fight them off. Now they are joining up to ban all firearms in America.
    The gun banning group Brady bunch is now helping foreign countries to sue American gun companies and gun shops ( in Arizona) to put them out of business. The Brady group is a traitor to America and all Americans!

    The evil, power crazed far leftist politicians want to ban all semi auto firearms. Then they will want to ban all bolt action rifles, lever action rifles and shotguns, leaving only black power , single shot muzzle loaders for citizens to own. I suppose that they will want to ban those also.

    Why is it that back in the 1950’s, one could walk into a hardware store, gun shop or mail order all kinds of firearms and ammo, with no background check, no federal forms to fill out and no waiting period, and crime rate as much lower back then.

    Repeal the illegal 1934 gangster gun control act now.
    We no longer have gangster bank robbers riding on sideboard of cars robbing banks.
    Today they rob banks using computers

    We no longer have bootleggers riding sideboard of cars shooting at other bootleggers.

    Allow shoulder stocks to be put on handguns. If it’s a handgun, how can putting a shoulder stock on it make it a sawed off rifle? But if you take off the shoulder stock it’s a handgun again. Huh?

    No one knows why this was put in the 1934 gangster gun control act.
    Make it legal to own “trapper style” lever action rifles.
    Prior to 1934, trapper lever action were popular with 12″, 13″, 14″, 15″, barrels.

    Make it legal to own sound suppressors to save shooters and hunters hearing.. The only reason this was put in the illegal 1934 gangster gun control act was that some joker with the Fish & Game had a senator for a friend and told him to ban silencers to stop poaching!

    Join and support pro gun groups, pro hunting groups and pro trapping groups.

  • EasyEddie February 24, 2023, 10:59 am

    It is laughable when she states “…when it is our job to do everything we can as federal legislators to protect them.” They are ‘protecting’ us by allowing dangerous felons out on no bail, by allowing nearly unrestricted ‘immigration’ through our southern border…many of whom are violent gang members, rapists, child sex traffickers, etc. That’s some ‘protection’. This bill should die in the house, and any republican that votes for it should be immediately drawn and quartered.

    • Stan d. Upnow February 24, 2023, 11:47 am

      Drawn & quartered, flayed alive, boiled in oil, broken on the wheel….. so many choices; all good.

      Along with the RINOs, don’t forget to include All the Progressive-Socialists, aka, “Democrats.”

  • RLD Montana 454 February 24, 2023, 10:59 am

    It appears Bonnie Coleman likes to hear her 4 lips flap . Go sell your “gun violence” BS somewhere else commie Bonnie . No such thing as gun violence dumb twat . Guns are an inanimate object incapable of violence but the criminals you Democrats protect are violent but you clowns do nothing about that so nice try idiot .

  • Brian February 24, 2023, 10:13 am

    If what she says is really true, that they are elected to protect Americans, then they should eliminate all crooked politicians, enforce the laws already on the books and have truth in sentencing of criminals. There is absolutely no reason for someone that commits murder, when found guilty, to be housed rent free, fed, educated and given free medical care.

    • Stan d. Upnow February 24, 2023, 11:58 am

      Yep. They “care” so much about about public safety. That was very evident when they sat back while the BLM/Antifa scum rioted, looted, burnt our cities, and even murdered people. On the contrary, they encouraged it and even aided them. Our POS bogus VP, Harris, bailed them out of jail to continue the violence, sorry, “peaceful protests.”
      The idiot Republicans with their ready-for-primetime investigations will do Nothing to counter the Progressive-Socialists destroying our country. It’s all for show & appeasement, folks. Yeah, we’re Still waiting for Durham to show some results. BTW, is that worthless breather still collecting a paycheck on our backs?

  • James February 24, 2023, 9:53 am

    This is just another way for the gun banning politicians to get a list of gun owners.

    Prior to 1986, anyone purchased ammo at stores had to sign in atf book.

    Finally, even the ATF said requiring lists of ammo buyers did nothing to stop crime. So it was finally eliminated and mail order was allowed again.

    So the gun banning politicians want to bring this back again? For what?

    Maybe if these far leftist politicians would stop listening to a bunch of loud mouth criminals, rioters, looters protesters and arsonist and stopped trying to defund-abolish the police and allowed the police to go out and arrest these criminals and put them in prison for long sentences then the crime rate would go down. It’s as simple as that.

    Some demoncrap run cities have a no bail required and release criminals back onto the streets to commit more crimes.

    In commiefornia, shoplifters walk into clothing stores in broad daylight, grabbing arm fulls of clothes off the racks and walk outside to a waiting car and drive off. No one does anything to stop them except to film it on their cell phones and post it on YouTube. If and when these shoplifters are ever caught, they are not charged with any crime and are let go because they are a ” minority and poor”.

    These same demoncrap run cities have a $1.00 bail for murderers and release them back onto the streets to commit more murders.

    The gun banning groups are run and funded by Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, the Chinese government, the Russian government, North Korea, Iran and Cuba.

    Michael Bloomberg and George Soros give money to gun banning far leftist politicians.

    China wants the 2nd amendment repealed in America.

    Check says that it’s citizens are forbidden to own firearms and only the police, military and politiicians can own firearms in China.
    How else can they control 1.3 billion people?

    China is buying up American farmland and ranch land and no one does anything to stop them.

    AOC and the squad and Letitia James want to repeal the 2nd amendment.

    AOC and the squad want to replace the Constitution and Bill of Rights with something out of Castro and Stalin handbook and turn America into a communist workers paradise.

    AOC and the squad want to replace the American flag too.

    Support and protect your right to keep and own all types of firearms,ammo and accessories.

    Don’t let the evil, power crazed, Satan worshipping politicians to restrict and ban firearms and accessories.
    Never, ever register your guns and ammo.
    Gun registration equals gun confiscation equals concentration death camps!
    Don’t forget that the USA had concentration camps during WW2!
    Some of these gun banning far leftist politicians want to bring them back!

    • Stan d. Upnow February 24, 2023, 12:02 pm


  • Kent San February 24, 2023, 9:49 am

    Morons. I have never understood the outright freakout that occurs when they “discover hundreds of rounds of ammunition” in someone’s house. They appear so clueless as to think ammo equals killing. Am I at risk of filling a wheelbarrow with ammo and going to the mall and leisurely empty and then refill mags unmolested and just shoot 1,000 people because I have 1,000 rounds? All this does is remove an option for an avid shooter to take advantage of buying in bulk to minimizing cost. Just pure dumbass, but that encapsulates the intellect of the typical gun grabber in Congress. You could trust them more to remove a brain tumor than unload an AR.

    • James February 24, 2023, 11:33 am

      I know of prairie dog shooters who will shoot 2,000 rounds over a weekend.
      So should they have their names turned into some 3 letter agency ?

      • James February 24, 2023, 11:41 am

        There are hunters who go wild hog hunting in Texas and will shoot 100 to 200 rounds of ammo in a weekend!

  • James February 24, 2023, 12:26 am

    This is just another way for the gun banning politicians to get a list of gun owners.

    Prior to 1986, anyone purchased ammo at stores had to sign in atf book.

    Finally, even the ATF said requiring lists of ammo buyers did nothing to stop crime. So it was finally eliminated and mail order was allowed again.

    So the gun banning politicians want to bring this back again? For what?

    Maybe if these far leftist politicians would stop listening to a bunch of loud mouth criminals, rioters, looters protesters and arsonist and stopped trying to defund-abolish the police and allowed the police to go out and arrest these criminals and put them in prison for long sentences then the crime rate would go down. It’s as simple as that.

    Some demoncrap run cities have a no bail required and release criminals back onto the streets to commit more crimes.

    These same demoncrap run cities have a $1.00 bail for murderers and release them back onto the streets to commit more murders.

    The gun banning groups are run and funded by Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, the Chinese government, the Russian government, North Korea, Iran and Cuba.

    China wants the 2nd amendment repealed in America.

    Check says that it’s citizens are forbidden to own firearms and only the police, military and politiicians can own firearms in China.
    How else can they control 1.3 billion people?

    China is buying up American farmland and ranch land and no one does anything to stop them.

    AOC and the squad and Letitia James want to repeal the 2nd amendment.

    AOC and the squad want to replace the Constitution and Bill of Rights with something out of Castro and Stalin handbook and turn America into a communist workers paradise.

    AOC and the squad want to replace the American flag too.

    Support and protect your right to keep and own all types of firearms,ammo and accessories.

    Don’t let the evil, power crazed, Satan worshipping politicians to restrict and ban firearms and accessories.

    • Stan d. Upnow February 24, 2023, 12:07 pm

      “Prior to 1986, anyone purchased ammo at stores had to sign in atf book.”

      No, that is incorrect. There was absolutely NO federal law requiring that, then or now.

      • Mitchell February 24, 2023, 12:37 pm

        “ Bingo “ . Then a correction ?
        Go take a nap . Last thing needed here is
        another wise-ass .

  • Bulletcatcher February 23, 2023, 9:23 pm

    What a dumbass speech. How does someone so stupid get elected in the first place?

    • Stan d. Upnow February 24, 2023, 12:11 pm

      Ah, now you hit upon the real problem– the dumbass voters who not only elect garbage like Coleman in the first place, but keep reelecting them! Guaranteed, if Dementia Joe runs again, there will be many who will vote for him, despite what they’ve seen and experienced by his horrifically bad policies.

  • Christy Curry February 23, 2023, 7:17 pm

    I can’t believe that our political representatives are this ignorant in believing that if they band the ability to acquire ammunition, “online” is going to stop their so called mass shootings. And far as that goes, to band.
    What they call “assault weapons” {what they really mean is “ALL WEAPONS” is what they really want. Is Not Going To Stop Gun Violance. Plain And Simple. The only thing that their actions will accomplish would be to punish, restrict and take away “god given rights” of law abiding citizens. While the true criminals run rampid
    at their free will. With guns that they will still be able to obtain. Because they do not go by the same laws that we
    “the Law Biding citizens” follow.
    Why are they so Ignorant?? This is my “Question”.

  • GreatGrandPa February 23, 2023, 7:06 pm

    These p.o.s.’s need to be Stopped. All shall be REVEALED. The Whole Global Cabal, demoncRATs and RINOS, ALL SATAN’S DEMON SPAWN MINIONS DESERVE DIRT NAPS. NCSWIC, WWG1WGA, P.A.N.I.C. LGB,FJB! President Trump’s still my President. I’m not a BOT nor a Spammer. I’m a American Veteran, Trucker and GreatGrandpa. Yahweh save our poor souls Amen.

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