‘He’s a hero,’ Illinois Resource Officer Shoots Gunman to Prevent Massacre

'He's a hero,' Illinois Resource Officer Shoots Gunman to Prevent Massacre

Student Resource Officer Mark Dallas.  Good guys with guns do save lives!   (Photo: City of Dixon/AP)

A school resource officer in Illinois is being hailed as a hero after he successfully subdued an armed intruder who fired several shots near a crowded gymnasium.

In stark contrast to the massacre in Parkland, Florida, Dixon High School Resource Officer Mark Dallas proved yesterday how one individual with a firearm can prevent tragedy.

When Dallas heard shots being fired during a graduation rehearsal in the school’s gym, he charged towards the former Dixon High School student and forced him to retreat, police Chief Steven Howell said.

The suspect, who authorities have identified as 19-year-old Matthew A. Milby, fired at Dallas as he fled, and Dallas fired back. One of Dallas’ shots landed, and authorities took Milby into custody with non-life-threatening injuries.

“I could not be more proud of the police officer and the way he responded to the situation,” Howell said. “With shots ringing through the hallways of the school, he charged toward the suspect and confronted him head on. Because of his heroic actions, countless lives were saved. We are forever indebted to him for his service and his bravery.”

Officials have charged Milby with felony aggravated discharge of a weapon and set his bond at $2 million. It is unclear how he acquired a firearm, and the type of firearm he used has not been reported. In any case, opening fire in a gymnasium full of students would have doubtless resulted in multiple casualties. But because of Dallas’ actions, no one was injured, authorities said.

SEE ALSO:  Armed Resource Officer Stops Maryland School Shooter

“A lot of things went right today when a great many of them could have gone wrong,” Dixon Mayor Liandro Arellano Jr. said. “Things could have gone much worse. We are deeply indebted to our officer and the actions he took today.”

Local media reported that Dallas’ neighbors believe he was the best person to have on the ground when the situation began to escalate.

“You see all of these shootings and all of a sudden it’s here in your town,” said Barabra Harney, who has lived next to Dallas for over a decade. She says Dallas is not only a standup officer but a standup man.

“He’s a community guy, and he’s a family guy, and thank god he’s the one that’s in that school working,” she said.

SEE ALSO: FBI: Concealed Carriers Stopped 8 Percent of Active Shooter Incidents in the Last Two Years

Dallas’ next-door neighbor John Schafer agreed. “He didn’t let this situation get escalated and it never got escalated so he did a wonderful job and I accommodate him for that,” Schafer said.

“He is a hero,” Dixon High student Devon Scott said after the incident.

The mainstream media will let this story fall out of the news cycle in 24 hours because it doesn’t fit their false narrative (school shootings are actually down from the 1990s). For now, it’s nice to know that some schools aren’t helpless when an evil person with a gun opens fire on innocent lives.

  • Jake May 18, 2018, 12:39 pm

    Officer Dallas is one of the good guys and all who know him can tell you that. The gun was some kind of 9mm semi auto with the local rumor mill saying it was an Uzi carbine with the collapsible stock.
    The mother said she had no idea where it came from but it looks like she may have bought it in 2012. The father is a convicted felon so of course he could not legally own it. As usual, the existing laws were all ignored so the Prog idiots will try to pile on more laws for criminals to ignore. Our town is proud. Our school cop ran TO the sound of the gunfire. Technically he was outgunned but he would have kept coming on with nothing but his bare hands. This is what a real lawman looks like.

  • Andrew May 18, 2018, 9:40 am

    How about we give this guy a $100,000/yr pension and pay for it by taking away that coward in Florida’s!

  • Dr. Strangelove May 18, 2018, 7:35 am

    Dixon, boyhood home of Ronald Reagan. I think that the Gipper would be proud of Officer Dallas.

    Local radio reports that the shooter used a 9mm rifle.

  • Andy Buckmichael May 18, 2018, 7:08 am

    He is just another useless cop that got lucky.

    • tommy jones May 18, 2018, 9:55 am

      Shut up you dumbf#&k…

    • I Love Liberty May 18, 2018, 12:00 pm

      Your comment is absolutely ridiculous. This police officer is a hero. Please go move to another country or change your rotten attitude.

  • Jake May 17, 2018, 7:22 pm

    Holly shit… my hats off to this guy. It’s rare as hell to see police officers actually doing the job we pay them to do. Really, good job buddy. You are a shining odditie it the slime pit that is law enforcement. God speed sir

    • Don May 18, 2018, 11:07 am

      Jake, I think you are speaking from a lack of experience. As a former cop, I can tell you that the vast majority of LEOs are fine, decent and dedicated individuals. Yes, there are some bad apples, and they eventually expose their rottenness. I had to testify against a couple one time, so I know of what I speak. Just like I shouldn’t condemn you for your comments, since I don’t know you or your background, neither should you condemn this officer who risked his life for strangers. Remember that saying (not sure exactly how it goes), “Don’t condemn a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes.”

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