Illinois Lawmaker to Gun Owner: Instead of Fines, Maybe I’ll Confiscate ‘Assault Weapons’

An Illinois state lawmaker lost her cool recently at a town hall meeting when a distressed gun owner asked her some very legitimate questions concerning a bill to ban so-called “assault weapons.” 

Known as SB107, the legislation makes it “unlawful for any person to knowingly possess an assault weapon 300 days after the effective date of the amendatory Act.”  

Current owners of black rifles would be grandfathered in provided they register their semiautos with the state and pay a fine ($25) for each restricted gun in their possession.

At the gathering before state Sen. Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) and state Rep. Bob Morgan (D-Deerfield), one gun owner pointed out the obvious flaws with this registration scheme.  

“You want me to turn them over to the state police unless I pay a fine for each firearm and register them, then I get to keep them,” said the gun owner to Sen. Morrison.  

Sen. Morrison agreed, to which the gun owner responded, “If I get to keep it–if I pay a fine and register it–then, how dangerous is it in the first place and why do you need to ban it all?”

The room erupted in applause because the citizen poked a big, gaping hole in the lawmaker’s logic.  If “assault weapons” are, as anti-gunners argue, an existential threat to society, a fine and a registration scheme aren’t enough. The government needs to take more drastic measures, like going door-to-door to seize guns. 

SEE ALSO: Illinois Gun Shop Moves to Indiana Before New Regs, Fees Kick In

Frustrated, Sen. Morrison said, “Well, you just maybe changed my mind. Maybe we won’t have a fine at all, maybe it’ll just be a confiscation and we won’t have to worry about paying the fine.”

This is the perfect corner to back anti-gun lawmakers into because confiscation of firearms that are in common use for lawful purposes is infringement.  It’s unconstitutional!  Not to mention the fact that if a government actually tried door-to-door confiscation en masse it would be the start of the next civil war.  

Black rifles are not an imminent threat to public safety.  Quite the opposite.  They’re the best chance we have for a tyranny-free existence.  Take ‘em away and we are lambs to the slaughter.  Sadly, anti-gunners like Sen. Morrison won’t acknowledge this.  They can’t see or refuse to see that the real existential threat to a free people isn’t a crazed madman, but a government going off the rails.  Madmen kill hundreds, yes.  But tyrannical governments kill millions.

The state Assembly is now considering SB107.  If passed, the purchase, sale or possession of an unregistered “assault weapon” would be a felony offense, and thus lead to the revocation of one’s 2A rights.  

Join the Illinois State Rifle Association in their fight against SB107, as well as the other anti-gun legislation currently being considered by the Legislature.

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  • Robert M Copley March 27, 2021, 9:59 pm

    A tyrannical government did a good job of killing innocent men, women, and children in WACO, Texas and Ruby Ridge, Idaho. The IRS(shhhh) has also killed its share of American citizens as the IRS has been given police powers.
    “Madmen kill hundreds, yes. But tyrannical governments kill millions.”

  • Joe June 12, 2020, 9:23 am

    Have the good senator walk thru some of Chicago’s hoods at night. Maybe she’ll change her mind,wish in one hand and spit in the other.

  • Mark Turner June 22, 2019, 11:07 am

    This senator took an oath of office and swore to uphold the Constitution and all it’s amendments, including the 2nd.

    Now she proposes subverting your rights.

    That is sedition.

    Molon Labe

  • Adam Jeppson June 22, 2019, 10:26 am

    Molan labe

  • interventor June 22, 2019, 12:23 am

    Forget civil war, any police who acted upon such order could be liable for civil and criminal charges. Obeying orders is not a defense as the Nuremberg trials showed. Kill a citizen in performance of said orders and the officer could be charged with murder. Municipal and county police, plus state troops might be co-opted to initially carrying out such orders. Most county sheriffs would state urinate up a rope, as they are directly answerable to the voters.

  • Zen June 21, 2019, 9:35 pm

    We don’t need a civil war. We need a revolutionary war. Overthrow the government instead of fighting amongst ourselves. That is the way they want to keep the people, divided.

  • Danko June 21, 2019, 7:57 pm

    These commie politicians need to be voted out of office.

  • Jim June 21, 2019, 12:41 pm

    What a stupid law! You can’t have this type firearm unless you pay us a bribe to keep it, is basically what they are saying. The 2nd Amendment does not say what type of firearm you can have, only that you are permitted to have a firearm in order to keep a well regulated militia. In order for that militia to be effective they need effective firearms, not cap and ball muskets but weapons equal to common military firearms.

  • Keith Clark June 21, 2019, 12:35 pm

    And she would send other poor bastards out to confiscate the guns and start a Civil War. The Politician will never suffer the repercussions of their actions, the lead would only fly among us.

  • r June 21, 2019, 12:15 pm

    “The claim and exercise of a Constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime”…”No state shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and attach a fee to it”.
    Miller v. U.S., U.S. Supreme Court. 319 U.S. 105 (1943).

  • AKB June 21, 2019, 11:49 am

    Wow…she pivoted to confiscation instinctively. Shows you where the hearts of the Dems really are.
    She may as well have said :
    “Hey, if you can’t play nice and just go along with my BS, then I’ll just take your toys away! How about that?! How dare you question my infinite wisdom?! Can’t you see we know what’s best for you, peasant?”

  • Archangel June 21, 2019, 11:25 am

    The ironic thing is that when things get so bad that our “Black Rifles/Assault Weapons” are put into use to defend our constitutional rights and ourselves, they will point at us and say “SEE WE TOLD YOU SO, TAKE THEM ALL AWAY”!

  • Phil June 21, 2019, 9:50 am

    MSNBC had a reporter in Venezuela, Kerry Sanders. He stated gun ownership is not open to everyone. He then stated the military have guns. They have the power and Maduro has control of the military and he controls the country. Sanders put it together. Without firearms the citizen is powerless.

    • Winston June 21, 2019, 12:12 pm

      MSNBC is Rachel Maddow’s employer. Why do you think you are getting anything truthful from them? Why would anyone who owns firearms and is concerned about the Bill of Rights watch that channel? Venezuela’s nationalists are trying to keep out Wall Street’s corporate leftists and US globo-homo-liberals: You know the same ones gun owners complain about on this forum.

  • Ukko Wilko June 21, 2019, 9:43 am

    2A-RU Challenge: Are you as willing to die, trying to seize my weapons as I am to defend the Second Amendment (and the entire Constitution and Bill of Rights)?

  • Kevin June 21, 2019, 9:03 am

    My response would be: “If you think they are so bad that they warrant being confiscated, don’t send police to do it at their peril. No, if they are that bad, you do it yourself and face the wrath of those who still believe they have a right to defend themselves against tyrants like you.”

    • Jim June 21, 2019, 12:43 pm

      Cops are not going to confiscate firearms simply because not only do they have firearms other than those issued to them, but so do their family members and friends and relatives.

  • Link Lackluster June 21, 2019, 8:29 am

    Just when you think they have gone far enough, Illinois figures out a way to suck even worse.

  • deanbob June 21, 2019, 8:26 am

    The progressive can demand the constitution be followed in 1 breath, then completely ignore it and Supreme Court decisions in the next. Surprise, surprise!

  • shrugger June 21, 2019, 8:00 am


  • Paul June 21, 2019, 7:31 am

    It’s high time Democrats be seen as the criminals, and enemies of this country that they have become.
    The Constitution is everyone’s promise of continued freedom and firearms guarantee that tyrants , like thes will never assert their efforts to subvert our lifestyle and way of living. They ARE the enemy of the Republic.

    • Jason Rennecker June 21, 2019, 8:37 am

      Amen Sir….you couldn’t be more correct

    • Grady June 21, 2019, 1:24 pm

      It is the people’s fault for voting the idiot democrats into office. You get the representation you vote for. You think it is bad now, just wait it is going to get worse.

      • Charles Moore June 21, 2019, 3:54 pm

        Yeah, but WE don’t deserve what they vote for!

  • BigC June 21, 2019, 7:02 am

    You gotta love the smug look on that do-gooder, holier-than-thou, POS!!

  • J Franks June 21, 2019, 4:21 am

    Left or right anyone who wants to take away my rights deserves death

  • George Hammond June 21, 2019, 3:06 am

    All gun laws are unconstitutional. End of story. Any politician that supports or makes one deserves to be thrown in prison for being a tyrant. We the People need to rise up and fight these domestic enemies by all means necessary before it’s too late. When the prisons become overcrowded with Democrats we can airdrop into Iran- unarmed of course.

    • Charles Moore June 21, 2019, 3:58 pm

      No, NOT unarmed, but parachuted in with non-functioning weapons super-glued in their hands and their mouths stuffed with an old sock and their lips glued together as well.

  • Dr Motown June 20, 2019, 8:41 am

    As usual, the smug plutocrat will be sending someone else to your house to do the dirty deed

    • Hardtimez June 21, 2019, 7:48 am

      Like trump?

      • Phil June 21, 2019, 9:45 am

        Hardtimez – Sounds like you would be disappointed if Trump didn’t show up at your door. Incite him over!

  • Larry Coleman June 19, 2019, 8:37 pm

    And do these idiots believe that the gangs and other career criminals are going to “register” their firearms? I think not, on both counts.

    • J Atwood June 21, 2019, 5:39 am

      Maybe they could test how successful confiscation by starting with the gangs and criminals.
      That should quickly thin out the number of Gestapo available to the state.

    • Mike June 21, 2019, 6:04 am


      These criminals will be first in line to register, we all know it. Just as soon as they commit another crime or two to pay this fee.

      Also, they wil nead to lern how to reed, rite, spel, rithmatic, cumpose senteneces first, That will be another priority you can wager on

  • Will Drider June 19, 2019, 8:02 pm

    I find it odd that: if gun bans and confiscations start, that the ones doing it; think they will be the only ones kicking down doors. History shows societies have a breaking point and they can’t wait until they are disarmed before fighting tyranny and oppression.

  • Dilligaf June 19, 2019, 7:50 pm

    Every day, anti-American liberals step and spit all over the constitution…..This is the new normal for them…..traitors to America

    • Hardtimez June 21, 2019, 7:52 am

      Yet trump supports red flag laws, banning bumpstocks and suppressors yet not a word about that? Hypocrite much?

      • Corsairguru June 21, 2019, 10:58 am

        Looks like we’ve found the closet liberal in the crowd 😉

        Don’t have a seizure, Hardtimez. Plenty of folks already consider Trump a gun-grabber for his positions on those matters. I’m waiting to see how those situations actually play out beyond the rhetoric and hype before I go so far as to lump him in with Feinstein and the other hard-line Leftist Gestapo types. Trump may say “I don’t like suppressors”, but he hasn’t pushed any laws to ban them yet has he? He knows where the line is, and how he has to walk it with the gun crowd.

      • Dilligaf June 21, 2019, 2:51 pm

        Haha not at all cupcake. Before you make assumptions, know the facts. Bump stocks are understandable. They are worthless and a waste of ammo. I’ve never liked or found bump stock fun. The original bump fire is your belt loop and finger.

        As far as suppressors, Corsairguru said it best….Trump just said he didn’t like them. He’s not going to ban them.

        As far as red flag laws, there are certain circumstances that require it.

        Again, before you run your mouth with ignorance, know the facts skippy. To answer you question…not at all a hypocrite. What else do you have to say since I have debunked your entire, ridiculous asinine post?

  • Sepp W June 19, 2019, 5:32 pm

    The only thing I give the senator credit for, whether deliberately or unknowingly, admitted she ‘s okay with confiscation and more disturbingly, the abrogation of a right and an enumerated right at that.

  • Forrest June 19, 2019, 2:38 pm

    Boogaloo it is…

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