Hunter finds naked, drug-addled concert goer in woods

Given that there’s video evidence as well as pictures recovered by The Blaze it’s difficult to write this off as a tall tale, but one never knows. As The Blaze conceded, they weren’t “able to independently verify the story.”

Yet, supposing that it’s true, and the gentlemen involved are not lying, it’s quite a story. Here’s the recap:

Avid hunter Casey Sanders was on his way to his tree stand near Atlanta, Georgia, when he saw something and heard something strange in the woods.

As he told The Blaze, “I was walking to my stand. I had set down my bow and my stuff at my stand and was going to check a game camera I had set up, and I heard somebody yell. … And I hear him say, ‘I’m naked!’”

The man he saw was “Carl” (a faux named used to protect his identity), a concert goer who had recently attended TomorrowWorld, a new age hippie music festival held in the woods of Chattahoochie. Carl was not wearing clothes and appeared to be disorientated.

Fearing that something bad might happen, Sanders began recording their conversation.

“Honestly, I wanted it to be a video recording in case something crazy happened. If I was to get hurt or something I wanted other people to know what happened,” said Sanders. “At that point, anything goes.”

In the video, Carl tells Sanders that he was jumped after the concert and that the perpetrators took his clothes and belongings. However, later on in an interview with The Blaze, Carl confessed that he was naked in the woods not because he was beat up by ruffians but because he had ingested “sass,” a combination of MDA and LSD. After taking the drug, Carl vaguely remembers being “restrained” in a medical tent while someone was attempting to inject him with something. He then awoke in the woods, dazed, sans clothes.

“I said what I said in the video because I was really afraid that Casey was going to shoot me and I was trying to explain myself,” he said. “It’s not exactly something [that I was high on drugs] I want to tell somebody with a loaded bow.”

Sanders, being the good samaritan, gave Carl some food. Up until that point, Carl was subsisting on very little.

An alleged photo of Carl's feet.  (Photo: The Blaze)

An alleged photo of Carl’s feet. (Photo: The Blaze)

“Up until I found the stream, the only water I was finding was in little holes and puddles and then drinking off of leaves. I had a couple of half-rotten crab apples, and that was the only thing I had to eat in, like, five days,” he said.

Sanders called Carl’s girlfriend, who then came and picked him. As for why she didn’t report Carl missing to the authorities, Carl said that “For a while there her and my friend weren’t sure if I had left on purpose– they didn’t know if I was in legit danger until Casey called. They had assumed I decided to take that moment to break off on my own.”

Carl is still recovering from the experience. He sent The Blaze photos of his battered feet.

Both men are standing by their story, rejecting the notion that it was some kind of elaborate hoax.

“Anybody that knows me knows this isn’t something I would make up,” said Sanders. “You can hear it in my voice, and you can hear it in his, … I was legitimately worried. People are always going to be skeptical.”

“I would think that if it was a hoax they would have done a better job,” added Carl. “Most of the people online don’t think it’s real, because they don’t think I would be able to live that long without water.”

Carl said that Sanders “absolutely” saved his life and that he’s “utterly done with all drugs.”

“I don’t think I was moving out of that creek,” said Carl. “That was just 100 percent fate.”

  • D Hicks October 13, 2014, 10:24 am

    Perfect example of a hunter saving a dope heads life. Who’s the dummy? Gotta give the hunter a thumbs up, even if I don’t like dope heads.I do like hunting.

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