Turkey Hunting Essentials

in #HUNTGear, Authors, HUNT365, Kristy Titus, Specialty Publications
Woman with turkey and shotgun out in the mountains with sunrise
Turkey hunting is made all the more enjoyable with a few essentials.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Late evenings spent locating and roosting birds, followed by early morning hunts, are part of the joy found in turkey season. The time that we invest scouting and preparing significantly increases our chances of success while afield. As we gear up for the season, ahead investing time into our preparation ensures that we are equipped with the essentials and are ready for the hunt. When it’s time to hunt, just grab a quick cup of coffee and we’re ready to hit the woods!

Below is a list of must have items.

Binoculars For Turkey Hunting

When scouting or run and gun hunting, binoculars ensure that you will pick out those tiny red heads in thick brushy areas or feeding on distant hillsides.

Woman turkey hunting in brown camo

Hunting Vest

Being comfortable enough to remain still is important when waiting for an approaching tom. A thoughtfully designed vest with a padded seat will keep you comfortable and insulated while sitting on the ground and will provide ample space to store items that you need on hand while hunting.

Woman sitting with shotgun on the ground

Shooting Rest

Having a solid shooting rest for your shotgun, like a tripod, will not only provide a stable platform for your shotgun, but it will also help reduce muscular fatigue, movement and increase accuracy. Hunters will be able to sit still longer and benefit from improved shot placement. Shooting rests are a must have for youth hunters and people with reduced or limited strength to support their firearm.

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Turkey hunting essentials

Variety of Calls

Whether roosting or locating a gobbler on the move, having a crow call or hooter could shock that tom into gobbling, and allow you to strategize and set up for your hunt. Other calls that you will want are an easy-to-use friction box call, slate call or diaphragm call that will help keep your hands free while hunting. Having a variety of calls will allow you to create a variety of sounds and find just the right tone to fire up a gobbler.

Learn a variety of turkey calling tips from Rockie Jacobsen, the founder of Rocky Mountain Hunting Calls.

Turkey Hunting Decoys

Realistic turkey decoys can be used on their own or in combination with calling sequences for a more realistic scenario that will catch the attention and draw in a mature tom. 

Hunter setting up turkey hunting decoys

Range Finder

Knowing the exact distance to your decoys or other terrain features such as trees will help establish shot limitations lending itself to making accurate shots for the small vital zone found on turkeys.

Hearing Protection and Enhancement

Much of the joy from turkey hunting comes from hearing the gobble and drum of an approaching tom. Safeguard and optimize your hearing experience with technology like Tetra Hearing. Their unique technology that is engineered to optimize hearing for hunters while mitigating hearing loss risks.

Click here to learn more about Tetra Hearing. Use code PTW5 to save 5% during your online checkout.

Female hunter in brown camo with Kifaru bag

OnX Hunt is Great for Turkey Hunting

Beyond landowner information, OnX Hunt provides valuable tools to help increase success while turkey hunting with invaluable tools like compass mode. The compass mode tool allows you to pinpoint where you hear a gobble or see a distant strutting tom and use the rangefinder tool to add a waypoint to the location of a gobble. When you slip in to make your move on the tom, this enhanced navigation technique will ensure that you are correctly oriented and know the best spot to set up using the 3D mapping features. 

If you aren’t an elite member, use code WILD20 during your online checkout to save 20%.

Face Mask and Gloves

Turkeys have excellent vision which is why it is important to limit movement and use concealment techniques while turkey hunting. A face mask or paint and gloves will help to blend in with the terrain and avoid being spotted by an approaching tom.

Hunter in camo setting up blind

Hunting Blind

Conceal movement with a well-placed hunting blind.  Blinds are great for archers, youth hunters, or concealing cameramen and equipment. Consider placing your blind and hunting chairs in advance of your hunt in an area near the roosting tree. If possible, position the blind so that the turkey’s approach from the back of the blind as they are less likely to pick up on movement from inside the blind.

Finally, other small items that you won’t want to forget are water, snacks, a small hunting knife, headlamp and of course, toilet paper. This list is sure to get you afield with everything that you need for a successful turkey hunt.

Female hunter coming home after turkey hunting

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About the author: Kristy Titus was raised leading a pack string of mules into the backcountry of Oregon, experiencing the thrill of public land, fair chase, western big game hunting. She is passionate in the support of wildlife and habitat conservation, as well as being dedicated to protecting and defending our hunting traditions. She served on the Advisory Board for the Sportsmen for Trump Coalition, also serving as an ambassador for Safari Club International and is a member of the NRA Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Committee. Kristy is a Second Amendment advocate having served on the National Rifle Association’s Board of Directors, and the NRA Youth Programs Committee. She is an NRA certified Basic Pistol Instructor, Refuse To Be A Victim Instructor and Range Safety Officer. Kristy is also a competitive shooter participating in the Precision Rifle Series and National Rifle League Series. As a Turning Point USA Ambassador, she advocates for freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, the constitution and conservative values. She hosts and produces Pursue The Wild, a digital television series airing on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. In her series, Kristy is educating viewers while inspiring movements that broaden the reach of conservation, strengthen support of the Second Amendment and increase shooting sports participation. Kristy is an outspoken Second Amendment advocate that has dedicated her life to teaching and promoting firearms, conservation and hunting. Kristytitus.com Facebook.com/kristytitus Instagram.com/kristytitus YouTube.com/pursuethewild

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