From Iraqveteran8888, “We got the parrott rifle out to the range for a first look. This is very preliminary guys, we will doing a lot more work with this gun in the future, so stay tuned for that. Kevin came out to give some of his expertise on the subject of civil war cannons and just have a good time. If you guys ever have any questions about anything blackpowder related give him a call at Moss A(770)968-4949.”
I remember even as late as the 1960s it was common to see a cannon sitting in someone’s front yard next to the flagpole.
If I could afford it, I’d have a smooth bore cannon in my front yard under the oak tree, and I’d light it off on the 4th every year. It’d be heard for miles. (Strangely enough, California does NOT ban the possession of cannon.) I may have to settle for a thunder mug.
Try a golfball cannon.