CrossBreed RAM Mount Holster
The CrossBreed RAM Mount allows you to put a holster just about anywhere. This system combines their Kydex holster shell with a flat back that is completely covered with hook-and-loop fasteners. Behind that, a RAM mount offers directional flexibility. Screw down the base mount, put the system together and get it into place, and then tighten everything down. It is rock solid, and the gun (in this case a GLOCK 19) is easily drawn.
I tried the holster in several different places. I’d originally thought about installing it under my desk, but I couldn’t find the right angle. And I carry at home anyhow, so there are relatively few times when I’m not within arm’s reach of my GLOCK. I’d like to have one of these mounted inside my safe. I keep thinking of all of the places that should have firearms tucked inside–my gear closet, the safe, my desk–but in the end, I have to accept a certain reality. I have a son. While I can trust him, I don’t trust him. My choice. And I certainly don’t trust his friends. So I can’t leave a gun anywhere if it isn’t locked up.
There are times, though, that having an IWB holster is a nuisance. I drive a fair amount. I took the RAM base-plate and screwed it into the floorboard of my old Jeep. Now the gun is easily accessible by the driver (usually me) and decently accessible by the passenger (usually my wife). When I get in the car, now, I simply roll the GLOCK into this holster and I’m sitting much more comfortably. It is subtle, and easy to hide the motion.
The great thing about this system is how quickly the holster itself can be removed. I would never leave this in the Jeep while I was out. But it is so easy to remove (everything but the screwed down base plate). Then tuck it under the seat in a lock-box, or tuck the holster under the seat and holster the gun in another holster (CrossBreed would like for me to remind you that they make other holsters, too).
The base price on the flat surface RAM Mount Holster is $92.95. This is a steal.
The sweat shield is unnecessary and interferes with drawing the gun from either side.
The photos are hard to visualize how it works. Maybe a video would work better.