Hogg: ‘All we’re trying to do here is save lives’

Activist David Hogg just wants to “save lives.” He doesn’t want to repeal the 2A or confiscate anyone’s guns he said in a recent interview with CNN.

But he does want to ban black rifles and certain magazines.

“It’s one of the loopholes, and we have to address those – a ban on high-capacity magazines and an assault weapons ban,” the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student told NPR.

Hmmm.  Okay, so he just wants to infringe on the 2A not repeal it altogether.  That’s like saying, I only want to fondle you against your will, I don’t want to rape you.

As for hardening schools with more armed officers, a move that has proven to save lives, Hogg seemingly disapproves.

“When we have more of these law enforcement officers come in, yes, they’re going to help secure more students,” said the teen. “But do we really want to turn our schools into a place where we have to have police officers and basically create a war zone?”

  • John Byrum November 6, 2019, 9:49 am

    Turn into a war zone? This funny looking kid just doesn’t know anything about guns and their ability to save lives.

  • Jim Quinn August 28, 2018, 10:36 pm

    This HOGG guy is a total asshole.
    Any gun requires an operator.
    I guess this pinhead don’t know that.
    But I hope this topic really stresses this idiot out.

  • ejharb April 28, 2018, 6:14 pm

    Hoggboy it’s easy to save your life.
    Don’t come for my guns and you’ll die of old age or cancer or hiv.

  • Hondo April 15, 2018, 6:04 pm

    This little turds angry face is laughable, run along dipshit and let the adults talk.

  • kjj1564 April 10, 2018, 7:44 pm

    This snot nose teenager, spouting wisdom that has been spoon fed to him by the left wing gun haters makes me sick to my stomach. The left have made him there Anti Gun poster boy and he is eating it up as any brain dead teenager would. The left have now resorted to using children for there gratification, and when they get done with him they will discard him, i think they have a name for that.

  • Max Hoyle April 9, 2018, 1:28 pm

    Sounds like you don’t know what you want, shit head.

  • Dean McKearney April 7, 2018, 10:09 pm

    Where was David “Camera” Hogg and his merry band of anti Second Amendment idiots after any of the previous mass shootings? No marches and fiery speeches for Las Vegas? Orlando? New Town? Being on the wrong end of a mass shooting doesn’t make you a gun control expert. As a matter of fact, none of you cared until it happened in your school. And it happened in your school because you and your fellow classmates bullied a kid relentlessly. Where’s the marches to stop bullying? Where’s the on camera speeches to help at risk kids? Guns aren’t the problem moron. People like you are. Just another fame seeking, left leaning puppet who is true to the motto of his generation……look at me, look at me.

  • David Telliho April 7, 2018, 4:40 pm

    I`m curious if this boy is getting his homework done,or getting a ‘pass’ on it. Also, kids don`t set the agenda for the country,and victims do not have a place at the table , either. Their emotion and the kids immaturity clouds their judgement. Young boy Hogg, should go home and focus on graduating from High school.

  • M Hunt April 7, 2018, 10:10 am

    Don’t like the look in this kid’s eyes. Something wrong there.

  • Glenn61 April 7, 2018, 6:54 am

    Laura Ingram is a whacked out screw ball nut… and David Hogg is just a nasty little Socialist wanna be elitist…. both of them will eventually be turned into a clown characicture.

  • robert April 6, 2018, 9:36 pm

    If Hogg and his followers really want to make an immediate impact on lives… They should preach the danger of inattentive driving. I read that 400K people are injured each year by inattentive driving. Cell phone, especially texting, are the culprit. Over 100 people per week are killed by inattentive driving. Lecture young drivers on this problem – it won\’t take a change to the Constitution to limit cell phone use while driving.

  • Dennis April 6, 2018, 7:19 pm

    I will not watch anymore of this goon’s videos. I will not read articles with him in them. He is ill informed and knows nothing about guns and life in general.

  • CJ April 6, 2018, 6:55 pm

    “trying to save lives”? BS. If you were trying to save lives, you’d be protesting violence. A gun didn’t kill your fellow students. A fellow youth, who thought violence was an acceptable problem solving technique, killed your fellow students. Hogg, you accept the premise that violence is okay when you don’t speak out against it. The gun is only a tool. The problem you refuse to face lies in the hearts of your fellow students. That’s why THEY come to school with guns. It’s not adults or the NRA shooting up the schools. It’s you.

  • Leighton Cavendish April 6, 2018, 5:08 pm

    This is just another form of bullying…just sayin’…

  • Leighton Cavendish April 6, 2018, 5:07 pm

    about 2,000 abortions a day…what are they doing about those lives? LMAO

  • Randy Horn April 6, 2018, 4:34 pm

    Cars and texting while driving,
    kills more people under the age of 25 than guns. Take cars and phones away from kids till age 25. This will save many more lives than taking away guns ! Stop bullying in school, too. March for these causes instead.

  • Bruce April 6, 2018, 3:41 pm

    No you snotty nosed bubblegummer. You only care about the limelight that the media has put you in.You don’t have a clue about the grown up world because your education is around video games and smart phones. Facebook and Twitter. You have no clue about the Constitution that you enjoy living under and the sacrifice of a lot of good men to protect the likes of you and your stupidity. How quick would you volunteer to join the military? I would guess, not at all. There is an old saying that is popular amongst those of mature age. YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID.

    • AWenger August 28, 2018, 9:28 pm

      Actually, the kid probably figures he has a pretty good gig going on. He gets loads of attention plus sent all over the country at someone else’s expense. Truth be told, he is probaby amassing some pretty decent coin. Good gig if you don’ t care about rights secured by our forefathers.

  • Dave Brown April 6, 2018, 1:09 pm

    Yes this young man has an agenda, and so did I when I protested our government at age 17, Draft # 252 for Nam. I also supported Our Troops, but not those clowns in DC. These young people will be our leaders someday, just like my generation, and yours. How about talking with them, trying to educate and attract them, and they need to return the favor, but the so called other side needs to at least respect Their Right To Speech.

    OK here we are complaining about the complainers which is just the same old same old. Me, Gunner for 54 years, NRA brought me in at age 12, and I am still going strong. The NRA sure ain’t what it use to be. My take is simple, I have lived with gun regulations like They are trying to pass again, and they did not hurt me. I look at this this way, Gun don’t kill people, yet people with guns kill people……. My challenge, meet me in the hallway at school, bring your Fav Daily CC (I have had one for about 40 years, so u should have one), I will bring one of my AKs or maybe my SKS BullPup, either way I will have a 30 rd mag. Guess what no one will meet me, but maybe if we did limit the mag to 10 rounds they would show up. Yet we want our Teachers to use a small CC pistol against me and my 30 round mag. Now if you are able to see but still cannot see this, I feel Sorry For You. But, please get out of the way as we can protect our kids and ourselves, and at the same time protect The 2nd!

    • David Telliho April 7, 2018, 4:43 pm

      I respectfully disagree with part of your comment. I don`t believe children are old enough to have a “right” to free speech.

    • kjj1564 April 9, 2018, 1:18 am

      The Idea of arming teachers is to stop labeling schools as target rich gun free zones. Hopefully this will be a proactive cure against a would be shooter thinking its a free turkey shoot. If its a choice of teachers carrying a gun or getting one out of a classroom wall safe and arming themselves during a school massacre im sure with training any one of them would protect there students even though they know that they will have to take a life to do it, i think that any sane reasonable person would have that mindset The left does not want this problem to end, its a problem just like illegal immigration that they use to keep getting running and getting elected on. There motto: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste” with every shooting the left feel stronger because they can now demigod gun control, the democrats are nothing but a bunch of ambulance chasers, they cant wait for the next crisis.

    • kjj1564 April 9, 2018, 1:57 am

      30 round mag, 10 round mags, as the great Hillary Clinton once said at the Benghazi hearings about the disgraceful deaths on her watch “what difference does it make” The only thing that will please the left is total gun confiscation and abolish the 2nd amendment. As for your inference that a person with a pistol would not stand a chance against a Ar-15 i think with the element of surprise and a skilled tactical marksman, with the right training using a double stack 9mm pistol would have a very good chance of stopping or at least causing the gunman to go on the defensive letting many children escape the carnage and allowing time for the police to arrive. But yes that would take a very special and well trained teacher to make that life or death sacrifice. All i know even if you have only a pistol against a Ar-15 its better to go down fighting no matter what the disadvantage then to cower in a corner waiting helplessly for your turn to be executed.

    • Wzrd April 11, 2018, 12:59 am

      You post the same exact BS comment on every GA article I read.
      I feel sorry for you, that you cannot see that magazine size does not matter. Ban them, & as with other laws, the criminals will disobey. A shooter with a 5 round fixed mag bolt gun could kill dozens of people in a gun-free zone where they’ll meet no real resistance.
      I feel sorry for you that you cannot see that a teacher having a pistol to fight a killer armed with a rifle is better than a teacher having nothing to fight with & being a helpless sitting duck, resigned to their fate.
      You are an idiot. Stop posting this dumb shit.

  • dean April 6, 2018, 12:39 pm

    might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow-citizens, the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.”

  • dean April 6, 2018, 12:33 pm

    ANARCHY is what is taught under American Education System …. so people its not really HIS fault . this is our PRODUCT

    • kjj1564 April 9, 2018, 1:20 am

      Well said!

      • kjj1564 April 9, 2018, 1:59 am

        Well said!

  • Albert Christian April 6, 2018, 12:29 pm

    Saving lives Hogg?? Your class A education doesn’t include the many histories of disarmed populations and the millions murdered to make life easier for the current ruling class there and their ideologies.
    The part that should scare you kid is truly finding out where that financing and the attention it’s buying you is really coming from?
    Being an older man and realizing you were a useful idiot ( Karl Marx terminology ) could be something you will not forgive yourself for.
    That’s of course should you really care?
    Be careful of the flame of fame boy as your just getting started and already your trotting down the primrose lane.

    • Rick April 6, 2018, 1:56 pm

      I hope you have a plot reserved just my opinion but you may need it!

  • Christine April 6, 2018, 12:24 pm

    They want a voice? Pay your dues or better yet, instill the Military Draft and raise the voting age to 21 years of age .

  • Dan April 6, 2018, 12:19 pm

    A kid that has been coached by the left without a single legitimate thought of his own. If all this kid wanted to do was save lives then take a look at the daily shootings in cities like Chicago, the numbers of youths that are killed while texting and driving, the kids that are killed as a result of alcohol and drugs, and the 60 million babies that are murdered via abortion. The lives at Parkland were lost via an open door policy, poor laws enforcement including FBI and local LE. and an administration that was totally obtuse to the safety of the kids they were in charge of.

  • Johnny B April 6, 2018, 12:09 pm

    Want to save lives? Get a vasectomy so you don’t procreate. Divisive rhetoric like yours causes hate and discontent. Remember, when you are no longer useful, you will be history, or non-history. Stop being a tool, go back to school and accept that life is a b*tch…

  • Winston April 6, 2018, 11:21 am

    Why am I now being lectured by a 17-year old gamma male rich kid instead of Princess Feinstein and Rabbi Schumer?

  • Robert Morley April 6, 2018, 11:13 am

    According to The CDC, the #1 leading cause of death among teenagers is death by automobile! 12 to 19 Teenagers die every day from car accidents THEY CAUSE!!!! These Teenagers not only kill themselves but other Teenagers and other people as well!! Let’s ask Mr. Hogg if he’s so interested in saving lives if he would be agreeable to raising the Minimum Driving age to 21 in every state!

    • kjj1564 April 9, 2018, 2:29 am

      Or-Or Lets see how Mr Hogg and all these kids at all these schools out demonstrating for gun control would feel about making it against the law for them to own or us a cell phone until there 21 because of the many deaths while texting and driving. Yea lets blame all these driving deaths on the phone and i’m sure these responsible children would throw a tantrum and would most assuredly blame the kids that are using them and not the phone.

  • kane April 6, 2018, 10:50 am

    What demands does David Hogg make on the “entertainment industry”? Will David Hogg demand the “entertainment industry” stop violent portrayals with firearms for profit?

  • ~ Occams April 6, 2018, 10:40 am

    I find it interesting – again – that no one talks about the 3 other shooters in black (on video), 70 CCTV’s inside – but no one will release those vids (much like 86 traffic cams at the Pentagon which would show…..nothing), or the FACT that in every obituary search, NOT ONE PARKLAND ‘VICTIM’ CAN BE FOUND (nor, actually, for Las Vegas, either, as a matter of FACT).

    But hey, truth and fact is ALWAYS a ‘conspiracy theory’

  • kane April 6, 2018, 10:38 am

    So, does David Hogg oppose the firearm bans in Deerfield?

  • wayne smith April 6, 2018, 10:26 am

    seems to me that Hogg is a little twerp that’s more interested in self-aggrandizement/self-promotion than in anything else.

  • Robert Bradley April 6, 2018, 10:22 am

    This kid scares me more now than Hitler ever would have.

    • dean April 6, 2018, 12:23 pm

      All he really wants is a little elbow room …RIGHT . sure . and then there was one

  • atn April 6, 2018, 10:06 am

    If his argument is so compelling, why are there still guns in his house?

  • James Summers April 6, 2018, 10:03 am

    If he just wants to save lives, then there is a way to do so and only effect the persons of his age group.
    1. Abolish the 26th amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
    2. Stop spring break
    3. Stop alcohol sales to anyone under the age of 24 years.

    If the age of franchise raised to 21 or even 25 all young adults would immediately stop drinking and breaking the law. Franchise would be granted to those who show the responsibility of serving their country.

    The deaths, dwis, assaults, rapes and injuries caused by alcohol during spring break would vanish.

    If no young adult allowed to have a vehicle over 45 horsepower or capable of traveling in excess of 80 mph then deaths due to traffic accidents would fall in the 18 – 24 year range.

    We all know, if a young adult has a vehicle capable of high speeds then they are sure to break the law. Slower keeps them alive longer.

    And the good thing, as they age they work themselves out of the category and into the roles of responsible adults .

  • atn April 6, 2018, 10:02 am

    Another Cover Your Behind moment for School Officials, Police, and fellow Students.

    Note how no one asks questions about his role in the years long bullying of Cruz the shooter. Did Hogg engage in bullying, did he witness it? Is his anger because of guilt?

    The gal with the bad haircut said: ” YOU DIDN’T KNOW HIM!!!!!! ” No one asks her to elaborate as to what exactly, that means. If she didn’t bully him when he was alive, she certainly is bullying now.

  • Alex L April 6, 2018, 9:45 am

    Having LE or armed security in the Schools is a deterrent, like metal detectors or the Death penalty. We are not trying to create a war zone; just the opposite. The idea is to detour violent crime but if someone wants to come to a school with a firearm to hurt people, we all are way better off having a trained officer with a firearm there, ready to act to defend and save lives than letting the Criminals waltz in in-detoured and waiting for the Police to come.

  • KimberproSS April 6, 2018, 9:42 am

    Boy, hard to believe Allison was once on Fox News. She must have mad ea deal with the devil..

  • KimberproSS April 6, 2018, 9:33 am

    All he is trying to do is establish himself with the Democrats so some day he can run for office so he can rake in millions of $.

  • s229 April 6, 2018, 9:33 am

    I think it’s way past time that this guy should just be ignored. Saying or writing anything more about him just gives him more attention that he desperately desires. Forget about him and his other Parkland punks so they can all melt away.

    • joefoam April 6, 2018, 8:52 pm

      s229-gotta agree with you there. If we ignore him and the MSM can’t make money or further their cause with him he will disappear like a f**t in the wind.

  • AK Johnny 1 April 6, 2018, 8:59 am

    Tough shit, junior! 2A proponents are NOT picking up the tab for some irresponsible douchebag’s actions. The way the 2A is written, we don’t even owe the socialists a CONVERSATION on guns. So that’s that…. Molon Labe, and don’t worry…. Puberty attainment is merely a matter of patience.

  • MB April 6, 2018, 8:59 am

    He’s the next Cindy Sheehan, his rising star status is about to burn out, and he will be discarded by the media like a MacDonalds hamburger wrapper. Just another in a long line of narcissistic, self-righteous, want-a-be that can’t tell the truth, and would not know it if it bit him on the nose. His story has changed a few times, first he was in school, then he wasn’t. Zero credibility. But the liberal sheeple worship his every word right now, that makes him dangerous. The media and liberals will soon get bored with him and move on to the next shiny object.

  • Driver45 April 6, 2018, 8:58 am

    If this clown really wants to save lives, he needs to address and get rid of LIBERAL judges!!!

  • Fred April 6, 2018, 8:40 am

    Should we be trusting anything anyone from Hollywood says these days?

    Let alone a teen?

    Besides, last we read the back portion of the 2A, it didn’t say…..”to keep and to bear arms…….except high capacity magazines and “assault rifles” that look scary.”

  • Chris S. April 6, 2018, 8:37 am

    Jesus Christ, What a little fag.

    • Storm45 April 6, 2018, 9:06 am

      My thoughts exactly. Well said.

      • Larry April 6, 2018, 6:19 pm


  • Jay April 6, 2018, 8:11 am

    Hogg, if you want to be an activist for safety get with the program! !0 people die everyday from drowning. 33 die and or maimed everyday from driving and texting! Put that in your pipe and smoke it a while so it sinks in. By the way has anyone checked this kids bank account or that of his parents??

  • BigC April 6, 2018, 8:11 am

    So tell me, who the F gives a tinker’s damn what this pencil-necked geek has to say????

  • Joseph Kiesznoski April 6, 2018, 7:32 am

    BS, All you are trying to do is make us all subjects like Germany in 1938.

  • GENO KNIGHT April 6, 2018, 6:30 am

    David Hogg is a paid crisis acting corrupt whiny protesting Nazi who Needs his ass whooped and thrown into the front lines of the battlefield in syria

  • H Gene Lawrence April 6, 2018, 6:27 am

    If David Hogg is serious about wanting to save lives, then he should turn his attention to where lives are destroyed daily: abortions, overdoses, car accidents. There, millions of lives are needlessly lost.

  • Nfafan April 6, 2018, 6:16 am

    All he’s trying to do is hogg the spotlight – and catch the eye of the captain of the boys swim team…

  • Baco April 6, 2018, 6:15 am

    This kid looks like an alien freak from another planet, like in the movie Men in Black. He’s so full of crap about wanting to save lives too. He’s just an alien freak that is being used to influence all the bleeding heart dumb asses in the world.

  • Donald Hall April 6, 2018, 5:50 am

    What we need is a teacher to stand up to this wannabee snowflake and tell him to go stand in the corner and put the pointee hat on. What’s he getting out of all this? A free ride at U of C Berkley. When Bloomberg and Soros are done with him, he’ll be just another snowflake living in his parents basement.

    • ssgpat April 6, 2018, 10:43 am

      And he will be calling it my pad.

  • Warren April 6, 2018, 5:50 am

    The clock on this kid’s 15 minutes of fame is ticking, and it will soon be up.

    Who cares what he has to say? He is 17 yrs old and is NOT an expert on gun control policy.

  • Randy April 6, 2018, 5:42 am

    Hogg is what Lenin called a “Useful Idiot”. This is the exact strategy that Lenin and Stalin used to destabilize governments by creating situations were you no longer trust the current government institutions. They are creating deep divisions in this country that could be become dangerous. This is exactly why we don’t let kids vote. He is in it for the spotlight and at the same time being used by people who have their own agenda and could care less about him or anybody else in his group. He contradicts himself all in the same sentence. He is absolutely trying to repeal or make the Second Amendment irrelevant and promoting legislation that is creating circumstances where guns are being confiscated in other words lying about there real intentions.

  • Joe April 6, 2018, 5:22 am

    Yeah. I’m sure Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, King George and several other blood stained Leaders were just trying to save lives too. This idiot fruit loop kid hasn’t a clue what happens to a citizenry when they have no means to protect themselves from the bloody hand of communism .

    • Winston April 6, 2018, 11:37 am

      Stalin did not take up guns, but he did defeat Hitler.

      • Joe April 6, 2018, 11:01 pm

        Stalin murdered upwards to sixty million Russians in his quest for total control.

  • Ale April 6, 2018, 4:22 am

    You & your family are nothing but hipocrets that hates AMERCA USAF SSGT THAT LOVE HIS COUNTRY & FOUGHT FOR IT & WILL FIGHT FOR THE 2ND AMENDMENT

  • Ale April 6, 2018, 4:09 am

    Screw off until you are IN WAR a SSGT that’s been there

  • Charles Second April 6, 2018, 3:50 am

    Hogg’s whining against cops in schools is typical of adolescent myopia. We had “rent-a-cops” in schools 40 years ago. And we were sometimes irresponsible kids who disrespected them. Then we grew up.

    He’s rebelling against the very real adult requirement that we defend ourselves, our loved ones, our institutions and our property. He’s doing it by playing grownup while he gets bottle fed an agenda by a clique of older persons who never quite grew up.

  • FB April 6, 2018, 3:30 am

    @Hogg Go crawl back in the dark cold wet carcass hole you came from.

  • SuperG April 3, 2018, 12:34 pm

    And yet teen texting while driving kills more than guns ever will, and he utters not a peep about that. I say we take away the cell phones of all teenagers, after all, it will save lives!

  • Pseudo April 2, 2018, 2:58 pm

    It never ceases to amaze me how gullible so many have become in our society today. We have no parents anymore just biological donors for propagating. What pasts as parents are more likely friend wannabes for the results of their propagating, not a parent, everybody gets a trophy. I am sure many who read these pages could just as easily probably shoot 40 or so rounds from a common double action revolver. Take a six or seven round revolver, some moon clips and viola. Now if one uses two revolvers? So what is the hubris about the AR type weapon and the magazines? It is the person, not the gun, doing the shooting.

  • Dilligaf April 2, 2018, 8:34 am

    He is a soros paid actor. He wasn’t in the same building. Sooner or later America will see that this is a Hitler idol and take him out

    • Darryl April 6, 2018, 4:26 am

      you are correct, he wasn’t in the school when it happen. i seen a video of him being interviewed by some news people at the school and he goes into a long thing of where he was and what happened, all lies. then when he was in a room with the others he go together with the so-called anti-gun kids, he’s asked again about where he was and he says, his words not mine, that he was AT HOME when it happened and he heard about it, got his camera, got on his bicycle and rode the 2 miles to school so he could film all he could of what was going on. his own words out of his own mouth. he knew in front of all the other kids that knew he wasn’t at school he couldn’t sit there and say that he was there. he’s just being paid by the Soro’s and other billionaire’s to say what they want him to. just like he was first saying all guns have to go and now is saying no we don’t wan to take away your guns.

      the main thing is all the laws he wants to be passed, everyone of them, are already on the books but he and others like him are to stupid to look it up and really thats not what matters to them behind closed doors, taking away everyones guns is. bottom line.

  • Jonny5 April 2, 2018, 4:00 am

    He looks untrustworthy. And he looks like a rent-boy.

    • Steven April 6, 2018, 7:11 am

      And he looks like a perfect fit in a Children Of The Corn remake.

    • Chris S. April 6, 2018, 8:42 am

      Hahaha. I freakin love it. I’d like to punch him in his itty bitty mouth!! Haha.

  • larry kelley April 1, 2018, 3:29 pm

    why should she have to, she just stated the facts, she said nothing wrong. if anyone should mr hogg should. why is It that he can say what he wants and if it hurts some ones feeling to damb bad. some of things he says is not true like the NRA is killing people and the stupid lady that did the interview you just called the college’s stupid asses for not accepting mr Hogg into there college . so she needs to be suspeneded from work . she can say derogatory remarks and its ok

    • DC April 6, 2018, 4:34 am

      Booboo go home with that BS

  • Bobs your uncle March 31, 2018, 6:57 pm

    “And a child shall lead them” That child should lead the protesters to their local FBI and sheriffs dept. According to 60 minutes they received several million dollars from Hollywood and other celebrities, I wonder how the fight for control of that is going.

  • Ricky B March 31, 2018, 5:04 pm

    I understand that it’s just human nature to want to demonize people who have such stark differences from our own when it comes to issues we are passionate about. It’s impossible to not feel bad for this kid though… There was no such thing as “school shooters” when I was growing up. I had already graduated by the time those fucking freaks shot up Columbine. This kid has lived his entire life in a world where random mass casualty events driven by a single psychopath are becoming more common than natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes & earthquakes.

    People who see hardening schools as a perfect solution primarily live in places with small enough populations that you don’t have to worry too much about shot placement when addressing physical threats, which are most commonly of the animal kind. Many cities and suburbs are so densely populated that having everyone armed with the kind of ordnance necessary to address these kinds of preplanned attacks could result in just as many casualties from “friendly fire” even if everyone was willing to participate in this kind of neighborhood civil defense force.

    I don’t support limitations to our 2nd amendment freedoms but we’ve damn well got to start segregating crazy people from the rest of society like we used to. What ever happened to the asylums we used to warehouse these freaks in? I also think legalizing euthanasia might help some… I mean if someone is so miserable and depressed that they are willing to randomly slaughter a large group of people who in many cases they don’t even know, why can’t we just allow them to go be humanly put out of their misery instead?

    • CockyRocky April 6, 2018, 8:13 am

      Suicide booth!

  • Batman March 31, 2018, 4:21 pm

    CNN FAKE NEWS, that being said I wonder if this little Twink asked his FBI Daddy why did his agency fail the students of Parkland and allow Nickolas Cruz to kill his classmates. BTW nobody at the FBI hasn’t been disciplined or fired after this major Fuc* up. Why isn’t the director of the FBI fired? And finally fuc* gun control, how about we provide the same security measures we use at TSA Airport screening and Court houses and jails?? VOILA! no more gun violence.

  • Jimmy KL March 31, 2018, 3:29 pm

    There he goes, with a gun free zone sign in one hand and a bag of Tide pods in the other.

  • Sepp W March 30, 2018, 9:23 pm

    New poster boy for MDA and Everytown.

    School shootings happen for one reason; gun-free zone.

  • Alan March 30, 2018, 9:02 pm

    David Hogg is a liar. He wasn’t at the school during the shooting.


    • GearheadTony April 1, 2018, 3:07 pm

      This has been disproven a million times already. Even the original outlet that started this falsehood has retracted it. He rode his bike to school AT 6PM AFTER SCHOOL HAD BEEN LET OUT. The more you keep perpetuating stupid inaccuracies like this, the more you actually become one of those “right-wing nut jobs” that liberals just pass us off as. This is seriously hurting the conservative movement.

  • Jaque March 30, 2018, 5:58 pm

    This little communist was appropriately named.

    • Steven April 6, 2018, 7:03 am

      Boss Hogg, and don’t cross the boss!

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