Hillary Clinton Leads Charge to Kill Suppressor Deregulation in Wake of Vegas Shooting

When a madman with a bunch of guns opens fire on a crowd of concertgoers from the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas hotel, it seems like the last thing on anyone’s mind in the immediate aftermath would be politics.  But that’s not the case if you’re former presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

At approximately 10 a.m. Monday morning, when many of us were just learning the details of the shooting at the Harvest country music festival on the Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, that left at least 50 dead and hundreds more wounded, Clinton took to Twitter to not only blast the nation’s gun lobby but also a popular pro-gun bill known as the SHARE Act.

Here’s what she wrote:

Among other provisions, the SHARE Act contains the language from the Hearing Protection Act, a bill that would deregulate suppressors by removing them from the National Firearms Act.

Incidentally, the SHARE Act was due to be heard on Capitol Hill in the coming weeks.  It had recently cleared a House committee and was headed to the floor for a full vote.

What Clinton did on Twitter was nothing short of incredible.  She had the temerity to explicitly say, “we must put politics aside” before making an overtly political call to action, “[we must] stand up to the NRA” while also leveraging a national tragedy to kill a policy measure that would benefit millions of Americans.

That really is incredible.  Talk about having no shame.  And talk about never letting a tragedy go to waste.

Again, Clinton sent that tweet out about silencers at 10 a.m. this morning.  Even Everytown for Gun Safety didn’t release this statement on the SHARE Act until after 1 p.m. Monday.

“Do we want to live in a country where we accept the dangerous vision being peddled by the gun lobby, which just this week is pushing a policy that would make it easy for convicted felons and domestic abusers to buy gun silencers without a background check?” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown For Gun Safety, the organization funded by Michael Bloomberg.

“During last night’s horrific shooting, people fled when they heard gun shots. Instead of pushing to vote on legislation that would gut silencer safety laws and put more lives at risk, our leaders should finally come together around common-sense gun laws that will keep people safe,” he added.

It’s a safe to assume that the SHARE Act is now dead.  Asking people to put their emotions and fear aside, and look at facts at a time like this is very difficult. Clinton knows this.  That’s why she was one of the first out the gate to politicize this tragedy.

  • ejharb October 18, 2017, 9:15 am

    2 whole minutes she waited between the condolences and the I hate the nra crap. Tells it all but in case you don’t get it I’ll elaborate.

    This pile of rotting evil meat cares less about the innocents killed and injured and more about how her ilk can enslave those of us who stand in her way. Moon labe’ suka

  • BILLYBOB October 11, 2017, 5:02 pm


  • BILLYBOB October 11, 2017, 4:56 pm


  • Mike H. October 8, 2017, 4:48 pm

    Just read a fake-news article stating that Baggy-eyed Hillary is blaming the media for her loss! Says she was not treated fairly. She’s blamed the N.R.A. , the Media and God only knows who or what else! Will we ever hear the last of this Idiot? I am so sick of having my second amendment rights attacked every time some mentally deranged freak shoots people for no reason at all! What would happen if some freak attacked and murdered a bunch of people with a claw hammer? Would we have to pass a background check to walk into a hardware store and buy a hammer? Guns don’t shoot all by themselves! Leave the SECOND AMENDMENT ALONE!!!

  • walt morris October 8, 2017, 10:12 am

    luke: well said, i couldn’t agree with you more–she really needs to be put away and all the idiots that hang on her every word are a pretty useless bunch of phonies

  • Mark b October 7, 2017, 4:49 pm

    Has anyone else noticed that when the opposition to the NRA (the left, mostly) talks about this issue, they ALWAYS use the word “silemcer” instead of the correct term “suppressor”. I do not think this is a mistake, or a lack of knowledge. They are counting on the public continuing the fallacy that suppressors = silencers, and silencers = no noise. Anytime they complain about legalizing silencers, the NRA should reply “We are absolutely NOT trying to legalize silencers, and do not have any plans to do so in the future.” Force them to use correct terminology, as the correct terms are much less inflammatory. This is analogous to the left consistently using the terms “machine gun”or”automatic weapons” when the correct term is usually “semi-automatic rifle”. This terminology replacement is not a mistake on their part – the writers of these press releases use scientifically derived terminology weighted towards maximum inflammatory action. In other words, they’s a bunch of rabble-rousers smart enough to maximize the bullshit.

  • Randy October 7, 2017, 2:59 am

    Unfortunately they table the bill. Who knows when /if they ever do vote on it.

  • someonewhowishesyouwell October 6, 2017, 10:52 pm

    Gimmie a “C” gimmie a “U” gimmie an “N” gimmie a__ ..(you take it from there), friends and countrymen.

    • Mike H. October 7, 2017, 12:44 pm

      That’s a good word! One of my favorite things! Don’t hang it on that baggy-eyed,fat- a–ed pant suit wearing Thing! Buzzards wouldn’t even touch that!

  • Montana3802 October 6, 2017, 8:55 pm

    Suppressors don’t make a gun “silent” they just reduce the noise so as it doesn’t damage your ear drums. Hillary is just beating her drums again to make herself relevant.

  • Tom October 6, 2017, 5:17 pm

    Supposedly the “girlfriend” was made aware of the shootings by a phone call from her brother. She purportedly told him something to the effect “do not worry. I will fix it. I have a clear conscience! Not sure how accurate this might be. If true, leads to a couple obvious questions. “Fix it!” How? “Clear conscience “. Why would she say that? A clear conscience is not necessarily the same as no knowledge of the plan and preparations.

  • N6JSX October 6, 2017, 4:29 pm

    Just another Hillary BIMBO ALERT — giving her free 5min of media fame to sell her book. I do blame Trump/Sessions for empowering her in letting her and there Foundation slide on the server/emails even if Obama/Billy would get implicated.

    Hey BIMBO – take a good look at the leaked pictures of the shooters hotel nest of the seven rifles – NOT one has a suppressor attached. [Other issues with these Nest pics is NO spent brass or empty magazines laying on the floor – I smell a skunk or staged pictures – but why? Now lets say each magazine is 50rounds (but more like 30) that 350 spent casings are missing]
    Hilary killed the resale of Military used brass. She tried to get primers to have a limited shelf life to control ammo. She supported the elimination of USA lead smelters for bullets. How many secret-service/body-guards does she still command??? Hillary, Pelosi, Warren, Feinstien, Boxer, Waters and many more Libtards are our Congressional hypocrite’s.

    • techquad October 7, 2017, 3:27 am

      why no brass in photos??? very interesting comment

      HRC is a gun grabber first class look out for your personal safety

  • just1spark October 6, 2017, 4:10 pm

    the clinton body count…..

  • Blue October 6, 2017, 3:27 pm

    Is this woman ever going to go away. Brings to mind stepping on a piece of gum on the sidewalk. Annoying and herd to get rid of. Go away Hillary. You lost, we won.

    • RJB October 7, 2017, 7:25 am

      She needs to fall in a deep black hole never to be seen again, Hillary and her followers are like parasites you can’t ever get rid of.

  • Paul October 6, 2017, 3:27 pm

    I say we start a go FundMePage to gift all democrat Politicians an NRA Membership.
    Get over it Hillary, we will never be able to stop Crazy People.

    • techquad October 7, 2017, 3:29 am

      Dumb and just plain stupid and you can not change STUPID.

  • Mike Watkins October 6, 2017, 2:05 pm

    Hillary Idiot Clinton—when oh when Lord will we be free of the grating sound of her squawking voice?

    Guns, bumpfire stocks, suppressors—if those inanimate objects are responsible for killing people, then pantsuits are the cause of fat butts

    • techquad October 7, 2017, 3:31 am

      HOW TO I LIKE IT. pants suit and tops to match left wing commie. Fits her perfectly

  • Scotty Gunn October 6, 2017, 2:04 pm

    Hillary is a loser, literally. She lost. She needs to slither away and stop trying to influence laws, litigation, or whatever. Evil woman.

  • Ron October 6, 2017, 1:45 pm

    If silencers/suppressors would be so great an item in high round blanketing fire then why is it the military has not had them on every weapon they deploy for the last 75 years or more? Could it be they are just far more better for hearing protection then large scale shooting?

  • SGT-N October 6, 2017, 12:56 pm

    As a Patriot Life, Benefactor Level, Member of the NRA, does that mean that I’m an unregistered lobbyist if the NRA is the gun lobby? The Ditzycrats and the far-left just can’t get it through their thick skulls that the NRA is just like the AARP; an organization representing individuals with like interests, nothing more.

  • David W. October 6, 2017, 12:51 pm

    The second amendment was added in the case the people need to protect themselves against tyrannical government groups. IE the cops, army, and other nations. Which means we are allowed the right to own anything they can to defend ourselves from them.

    The second amendment has already been destroyed by the undermining from our own government which has become more and more tyrannous over the years with their unconstitutional laws, such as the N.F.A..

  • Mike Rockel October 6, 2017, 12:41 pm

    Wouldn’t it make much more sense to stand up to politicians who should be jail for treason?

  • cisco kid October 6, 2017, 12:36 pm

    I forgot to add in my post that I was speaking of an AR15 with a .22 rim fire conversation kit and yes that does lower the noise down to almost nothing and I know this because I have used them.

    • Scott Gunnell October 6, 2017, 9:16 pm

      In order for a shooter to use a silencer for mass casualties and the fire actually be silenced, he would have to use subsonic rounds…otherwise the fire is only reduced by 30 decibels or so. Still at the point of almost needing hearing protection. IF HE DID use subsonic rounds, he would have to manually chamber each round as subsonics don’t have the energy to cycle the action in rifles. I own silencers for my 5.56, .308 and .45 firearms and have loaded my own subsonic ammunition for over a decade.

      Even a .22 rimfire requires subsonic ammo to be virtually silent, and as the exception some will fire semi auto because it uses a blowback to cycle the action instead of piston or DI. A .22 rimfire, as others have said, is a very inadequate round for killing people.

    • techquad October 7, 2017, 3:36 am

      t is like a 22 short, no noise and great for snakes. etc. at short range, works great.

  • cisco kid October 6, 2017, 12:34 pm

    Lets look past all the ridiculous excuses to change the Silencer law. The original law has worked very well by vetting out maniacs and criminals and preventing the re-selling of second hand silencers to anyone without vetting which is exactly what the new law would allow. It would be a disaster. Every street punk would want on first for a prestige item and intimidation and they for actual use in assignations and crime. An AR 15 with a short barrel and collapsible stock and silencer can go easily under a coat and can wreck mass murder on crowds as well as be the perfect tool for clandestine murders as it does indeed silence the weapon down to almost nothing and with background noise like street traffic or a concert a mad man could kill hundreds before anyone realized what was happening, Clinton is right on this one and many gun owners agree, that thousands of silencers I the hands of criminals with no paperwork through second hand sales would be a society disaster. Keep the current law as it has worked as intended by keeping these deadly devices out of the hands of maniacs and criminals.

    • David Emery October 6, 2017, 2:43 pm

      Wrong Cisco. Silencers are not that quite on a high powered rifle round like a .556 or .308. On a .22 shooting subsonic rounds and with the right suppressor, they are pretty quite. However, a .22 rimfire wouldn’t be a good round for a firefight or mass shooting as it is too underpowered. So Cisco, stick to whatever it is that you actually know, rather than that which you don’t.

      • RJB October 7, 2017, 7:33 am

        Cisco is like Hillary, you cant get rid of him or his Socialist drivel, he’s a straight up commie who needs to leave the country. If it were up him America would be like the former Soviet Union, he’s a mindless idiot !!!

      • scott phillips October 8, 2017, 6:18 pm

        I agree, a sub .22 would be like going into a fire fight with a pellet gun, crisco needs to look at some ballistic charts. a .22 gemtec sub at 1120 fps from the distance he was at in vegas( 4-600 yds )will bounce off of a pair of jeans, at 100yds it is a ft low.. and anyone can put an oil filter on a adapter to solvent clean a .22 and hear it for yourself, it is pretty quiet, but a sling shot and a marble would get more done…AND THE HILDABEAST IN BLUE NEEDS TO WORRY ABOUT A DIET PROGRAM, that way slick willie wont be a wandering, looking for the next monica lewinski

        • Mike H. October 11, 2017, 11:22 am

          Maybe Teflon Willy needs another box of cigars!

    • Mike V. October 6, 2017, 9:19 pm

      Protecting your hearing is ridiculous? Protecting others hearing is ridiculous as well? Even with hearing protection, guns are still loud, adding a suppressor plus ear plugs or muffs would make it far more tolerable.
      Whether you agree with making suppressors easier to get or not…those are valid reasons.

    • Richard October 6, 2017, 11:27 pm

      Hey crisco you’re an idiot just like the cunt in pants, you know nothing about which you speak. Keep your mouth shut and be thought to be an idiot rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt. The “silencers” of which you speak are only in the movies, a suppressor on the other hand just lowers the sound level by about 30 Dbs protecting the hearing of the shooter and directing the noise toward the target, thus the people being shot at would notice very little difference in sound level.

  • Charlie October 6, 2017, 12:15 pm

    This woman is much like a serial killer except she lies. A total looser married to our only known predator,prevert ex-president. She is followed by others that are missing the part of the brain that lets normal people think for themselves. What does she know about the object she calls a silencer? Answer NOTHING! Because there is no such a thing. We who have used firearms most of our life know that it only suppresses the sound to a lower decibel that is less harmful to the ears. But we have these idiots that will always try to control the lives of other people.The Clintons and Obomas of this world are blood suckers,always sucking all the liberties out of this country and its people.

    • techquad October 7, 2017, 3:40 am

      could not have said it better, thank your she is an idiot. Period, so glad i voted for TRUMP

  • Harold Littell October 6, 2017, 11:45 am

    The slide fire stock works on recoil. The added wieght of the suppressor plus the fact that it acts as a muzzle brake…his slide fire wouldn’t have worked. So instead of bannig stocks, lets make suppressors manditrory!

  • wiscogunner October 6, 2017, 11:36 am

    Great, the libs attack with yet another gun-grab frenzy. Make the most of every opportunity is their mantra. Hillary, who has no personal experience with firearms that we know of…and yet, many people have mysteriously died around the Clintons…some by guns is the first to jump on the ban this, ban that bandwagon. A suppressor was not used in this attack. I can\’t even think of a killing in which a suppressor was mentioned, but of course, they must be banned. I am someone who has lost some hearing over the years from my workplace environment. I have been hoping that Congress would pass the hearing protection act, but as you may have heard, Paul Ryan says the bill is no longer up for a hearing at this time. It is moth-balled and may never be brought up for passage. Knee-jerk collateral damage thanks to the instant over-reaction to everything guns due to the psycho mass-murderer in Vegas. I was really hoping to enjoy going to the range and using a suppressor to make recreational shooting more enjoyable and safer for my ears. It would be nice not to have to wear double hearing protection all the time.News reports say remaining bump stocks are flying off the shelves. I am not sure what the buyers think they are going to do with them. Congress will certainly ban them and I doubt there will be a grandfathered-in provision for those that had them prior to the ban, so what good are they? People will still be able to bump fire their guns with their finger and belt loop. Guess they had better ban jeans with belt loops next.This Las Vegas and other mass-murder acts are devastating, horrible crimes that chill the soul by the sheer demonic evil it represents is present in some people. And yet, our Nation so shocked by these crimes, has allowed abortion to remain legal and on-going across our Land. 58-MILLION Americans do not exist that had a right to be born. 58 people were murdered in Vegas. 58-MILLION Americans have been slaughtered by abortion and yet that is just fine with the very people like Hillary and Diane Finestein who are demanding and end to killing by banning guns and gun devices. Hypocrites!!! Think about that.
    What is more evil than killing innocent human beings who have no ability to defend themselves at all…not even able to run from the bullets or the abortion clinic\’s grinding tools, suction devices, saline solutions and whatever else they use to dismember babies. What if someone came to the killing site in Vegas and started harvesting the organs from the dead bodies and began selling them on the black market? That is what Planned Parenthood is doing with the organs from the babies they kill. No one on the Left raises their voice in horror or protestation. Why is that? Why?

    • Inidaho October 6, 2017, 11:45 am

      Thank you for your article and well said!!!!

    • Steven October 6, 2017, 2:21 pm

      Amen! They always talk about bans, but could care less about the babies! Claiming it as a ‘right’ and ‘women’s choice’ for an abortion…actually that is not in The Constitution like the 2A is!! So Hillary and the like; what about everyone’s actual “right” to defend themselves with a firearm(s) if they so ‘choose’??

  • wiscogunner October 6, 2017, 11:35 am

    Great, the libs attack with yet another gun-grab frenzy. Make the most of every opportunity is their mantra. Hillary, who has no personal experience with firearms that we know of…and yet, many people have mysteriously died around the Clintons…some by guns is the first to jump on the ban this, ban that bandwagon. A suppressor was not used in this attack. I can’t even think of a killing in which a suppressor was mentioned, but of course, they must be banned. I am someone who has lost some hearing over the years from my workplace environment. I have been hoping that Congress would pass the hearing protection act, but as you may have heard, Paul Ryan says the bill is no longer up for a hearing at this time. It is moth-balled and may never be brought up for passage. Knee-jerk collateral damage thanks to the instant over-reaction to everything guns due to the psycho mass-murderer in Vegas. I was really hoping to enjoy going to the range and using a suppressor to make recreational shooting more enjoyable and safer for my ears. It would be nice not to have to wear double hearing protection all the time.

    News reports say remaining bump stocks are flying off the shelves. I am not sure what the buyers think they are going to do with them. Congress will certainly ban them and I doubt there will be a grandfathered-in provision for those that had them prior to the ban, so what good are they? People will still be able to bump fire their guns with their finger and belt loop. Guess they had better ban jeans with belt loops next.

    This Las Vegas and other mass-murder acts are devastating, horrible crimes that chill the soul by the sheer demonic evil it represents is present in some people. And yet, our Nation so shocked by these crimes, has allowed abortion to remain legal and on-going across our Land. 58-MILLION Americans do not exist that had a right to be born. 58 people were murdered in Vegas. 58-MILLION Americans have been slaughtered by abortion and yet that is just fine with the very people like Hillary and Diane Finestein who are demanding and end to killing by banning guns and gun devices. Hypocrites!!! Think about that.
    What is more evil than killing innocent human beings who have no ability to defend themselves at all…not even able to run from the bullets or the abortion clinic’s grinding tools, suction devices, saline solutions and whatever else they use to dismember babies. What if someone came to the killing site in Vegas and started harvesting the organs from the dead bodies and began selling them on the black market? That is what Planned Parenthood is doing with the organs from the babies they kill. No one on the Left raises their voice in horror or protestation. Why is that? Why?

    • RJB October 7, 2017, 7:39 am

      Because the mindless idiot liberals want control over everyone, they want to tell all of us how to live our lives, it’s not about guns, or safety or saving lives, it’s about total control. their sick people.

  • cesar pares October 6, 2017, 11:30 am

    you cannot use silencers,supressors, in a auto firing weapon……it would completely disable the silencer….too many bullets rapidly overheat and self destroy…….she should research…….which she wont because laws don’t mean nothing to her….shes Hillary…..free pass on any prosecution for her multiple crimes..

    • jeff October 6, 2017, 12:28 pm

      That is incorrect my friend.
      Many suppressors are capable of sustained fire, as in Full Auto.
      Also, the suppressor will only reduce the report of a super sonic round to around 135 decibel. Look that up and you will find that everyone will still know that a weapon is being fired. There are only a couple subsonic rifle rounds and they lose the effective range very quickly.
      If the hearing protection act passes, you would still have to pass a background check to purchase a suppressor.
      The only thing it does is eliminate the 200.00 tax stamp and the almost one year wait on delivery.
      Many people who would love to own one are not able to afford the tax and are unwilling to part with their money and wait a year to receive the goods they have already paid for.
      In addition, many of the parts are available and any thug who wants to use one in a crime can manufacture their own.
      The fact is that thugs don’t use them is a matter of course as they are bulky, difficult to conceal, and get very hot while in use.
      These items are for people who want to protect their hearing while hunting and have a pleasurable time shooting for recreation.
      Investigate, learn, and speak the truth.

  • Timothy Shuteran October 6, 2017, 11:30 am

    A suppressor in this situation would have SAVED lives. Why?

    1) Suppressors don’t make guns go “p’tew, p’tew,” like in the movies. Instead, they go “POP!” but they do it just quietly enough not to permanently damage hearing. In this case, with the echoes from the oddly-shaped, closely packed buildings, it would have been EASIER to spot the shooter, because the people would not have been overwhelmed by so many echoes.

    2) The loudest noise component of a firearm, downrange, is not the muzzle rapport, but rather the sonic boom. In order to counter this, subsonic ammunition is used. Subsonic ammo travels slower than the speed of sound, which, for a .223 like the AR-15, gives it very little energy. Accuracy would suffer and people would be less injured by the bullets.

    3) Suppressors sometimes change the dynamic of operation, changing point of aim if they overheat with continuous auto fire, even causing baffle strikes and catastrophic failures.

    I wish he had a suppressor. Maybe some of the dead and injured would still be alive and well today.

  • JoshO October 6, 2017, 11:16 am

    Can’t this old hag just die already? Her struggle to remain relevant is pathetic.
    SHUT UP HILDEBEAST nobody likes you.

    • Campbell King October 6, 2017, 1:51 pm

      My sentiments also !

  • ron October 6, 2017, 11:03 am

    If the idiot shooter wanted to add a suppressor to his guns he would have but his mass shooting was in his mind much more desire for maximum effect then stealth. In short this leftist lunatic want the sound of thunder from on high..
    Charles Whitman was more of a likely candidate for a suppressor in his sniper type role.

    The anti-suppressor arguments are just as ludicrous as the bump-stock arguments Both have been around for “decades” in one form or another other and surprise they have not been running rampant in mass shootings.

    The guy was a millionaire so they say, heck he could easily afford the FFl tags for full auto weapons, but instead hauled up dozens of wasted firearms for what reason? The real conspiracy a left wing effort to align Americans against firearms as the effort grows by the dark side to cut freedom in the world. Only question was he brainwashed or volunteered as a sacrifice.

  • Mike Dixon October 6, 2017, 10:56 am

    What this country needs is a suppressor for Hilary’s loud mouth.

    • Mike H. October 6, 2017, 5:55 pm

      Technology has not advanced to the point that anything can be created to muffle that squeaky mouth and the sounds that it makes!

  • Erick October 6, 2017, 10:51 am

    Use a tragedy to ban something that the attacker didn’t even use….sounds logical to me. But why stop there? Why not ban airplanes and 3D printers, b/c after all, he COULD have used those to kill!! Quickly everyone! Take to the streets and riot against things completely unrelated!!
    What’s even more sad are all the nitwit lemmings believing her nonsense…lmao, it’s funny but incredibly embarrassing as an American that we have these brainless people among us. :/
    If there’s ever a need for a hyphenated word to denote different Americans, then it should be “American” and “progressively-stupid-American”….that way the world doesn’t group all of us together.

  • Leonard Ziegler October 6, 2017, 10:30 am

    Clinton is a 4 faced liar and hypocrite. She should just shut up and fade away like last weeks news

  • Russ October 6, 2017, 10:19 am

    This worthless Bitch Lost,and she can’t shut up.Just dry up already.

    • Mike H. October 6, 2017, 5:59 pm

      Have patience! Even dogshit eventually crusts over and quits stinking sooner or later.

  • greenman9 October 6, 2017, 9:37 am

    This blubberbutt just doesn’t know what she is talking about. A rifle projectile, aka bullet, traveling at supersonic speeds give off a sonic “boom”. Sounds like a sharp snap that can sting your ears as it goes by you. You may not even hear the report of the rifle but still hear the sonic boom.

    • someonewhowishesyouwell October 6, 2017, 10:42 pm

      Blubberbutt..may I use that original, from now on – Sir!

  • Paul October 6, 2017, 9:26 am

    I’m not exactly sure (obviously she isn’t either) on how silencers…BTW, they are suppressors would have made it any worse. She obviously thinks that a suppressor makes no noise at all. The level of ignorance is scary.

    • Sudon't October 6, 2017, 12:23 pm

      Your point about ignorance is an important one. Ignorance is what drives a lot of the fears people have about guns. Many people are under the impression that you can just walk into a gun store, and walk out with a machine gun. They get their notions of what a suppressor is capable of, and who uses them for what, from television and movies. We need to counter that.
      Calling people names, like “libtard”, is not helpful in this regard. We should be pointing out that gun control, which is a reduction in civil rights, is antithetical to liberalism. Indeed, gun rights were traditionally a liberal cause, and were so up until the 1980s. Instead of belligerence, we should be trying to educate people, so that we can get them on our side. What we have now are liberals calling for more conservative gun laws, and conservatives calling for more liberal gun laws. We should see this as an opportunity.

    • Frank October 7, 2017, 1:05 am

      Thank God she’s not President!

      • Mike H. October 10, 2017, 2:34 pm

        If It was president,we would be on the path of the next Civil War! It’ll be a cold day in Hell before my Guns are taken! Not unless I’m dead!

  • WVinMN October 6, 2017, 9:16 am

    Don’t blame Hillary, she’s just acting like the filthy Marxist that she is. Blame the GOPe majority that has capitulated on repealing Obamacare, enacting tax reform, continues to fund Planned Parenthood, raised the Debt Ceiling, and absolutely refuses to hold Obama’s Administration felons accountable for their many crimes against the nation. You want to make a difference in 2018? Do what you can to retire Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake and any other GOP establishment slime!

  • Mike H. October 6, 2017, 9:15 am

    I knew this was going to happen. If we get lucky the pathetic old Hag will take another walk in the woods and fall in a deep hole!

  • JMichael270 October 6, 2017, 9:14 am

    Sessions Do You Job…….Prosecute and Sentence for crimes against America and Humanity……HILLARY FOR PRISON

  • Pete October 6, 2017, 9:03 am

    For God sake Hilldabeast, just SHUT UP and go AWAY!!!!!!!

  • Paul M October 6, 2017, 8:48 am

    Wonder how many people Hillary had killed using suppressors.

  • Ronnie October 6, 2017, 8:45 am

    Most people do not understand that there are lunatics in this world that cannot be stopped from doing things like this monster just did.Even if he bragged he would do it, Nothing could be done until he fired the first shot.
    Crazy monsters seem to know this and the supposed to be intelligent elected leaders have no clue of constitution rights.
    This will probably happen again someplace after some monster sitting home watches this on his TV.
    They blame Bumpstops, OMG. How dumb.
    Thousands of these things have been sold all over the world and this is the only time I have heard them mentioned on the Bloomberg owned news media.
    Oh! N.B.C. news one morning was blaming the wall as well as the hotel.
    They can
    t understand it was “””THIS PERSON””” and he is the blame. “”NOTHING ELSE””” Him only.

  • Reticent Rogue October 6, 2017, 8:44 am

    It makes perfect sense: she does not want people to be assassinated in silence…unless she says so.

  • joefoam October 6, 2017, 8:30 am

    The sad part about this response from Hillary is that there is a significant part of the population that is so weak minded and uninformed that they would believe everything she says and use the power of the voting booth to elect her and her kind

  • Mattie October 6, 2017, 8:23 am

    For the love of God . . . . . PLEASE JUST GO AWAY.

  • morris jaskula October 6, 2017, 8:19 am


  • RGE October 6, 2017, 8:15 am

    You can’t stop someone hell-bent on mass killing if they’re clever enough to lay low, fly under the radar, keep a low profile, and then pull of their deed.

    No law ever stops criminals. We in the U.S. don’t get the benefit of real journalism or true international coverage. Oh yeah, every once in a while a news story bleeds into our newsfeeds about something happening overseas in some 3rd world country somewhere. But the reality is there are murders, some of them horrific by the masses, occurring all over the world that are not reported here.

    Some years back, decades ago, I read a story about some Hindus that ran pigs through a mosque somewhere in India along the border with Pakistan. A Muslim decided to make someone pay for it. So he picked some remote village and slaughtered everyone in it. It didn’t matter to him whether they were Muslim, Hindu, Sikh etc. He killed everyone: men, women and children. And that’s exactly what the mix and match death toll was. A whole village wiped out. When he was caught he readily confessed that he was doing “God’s work”, basically his decision to do something about pigs being run through a mosque.

    Now look at the Charlie Hebdo thing in France. Right. We heard about that one. Only because it happened in a so-called “civilized” country. Since then there have been bombings, truck massacres, knife and machete attacks, all over the world. It happens every day. Just because we aren’t told about it by our wonderful un-professional journalists does not mean it didn’t happen.

    Today news reporting is really just opinion pieces and blogposts that get repeated over and over again.

    I hate to say this, and I have no love lost for Nazis, but Joseph Goebbels reportedly said it, and its probably the only truth he ever spoke that is certainly true assuming he ever said it to begin with: “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.” Now we don’t even know if Goebbels said it, but it is contained in the Congressional Record and was attributed to him in 1946, at the end of WWII.

    These techniques have turned journalism into a propaganda machine for special interests, and politicians whose only motive is their own agendas, not the greater good for all of the American people. We don’t have real Peabody’s or Murrows, or other objective reporters who report the simple facts as best as they can be uncovered. They, instead, report spins, snippets, speculation, and the like.

    Our new level of journalism is the lowest the world has seen since the modern era of propaganda machines. That’s what we have today.

    Today I look to foreign news services that have no dog in our fights. The Vegas shooting has a who, what, where, and when set of facts. The why is unknown. In essence a real journalist would report that the motive remains unclear and the police are investigating.

    What I have read thus far is a lot of speculation about motives, a lot of speculation about a lot of things. Bottom line is, we may never know “why”. What we do know however is very little other than the who, what, where and when.

    But this has nothing to do with law-abiding gun owners anymore than a mass truck killing has anything to do with you and your truck, or a knife attack has anything to do with that carving set on your kitchen counter.

    • michael fransene October 6, 2017, 8:41 am

      i agree 100%

    • Howard October 6, 2017, 11:01 am

      RGE: I’ve read a lot of “responses” over the years, but this one is, by far, the best one yet! Thank you for taking the time to write a really meaningful piece.

    • Sudon't October 6, 2017, 12:32 pm

      That the media spends so much time going into the details of these mass-murderers lives is worth noting. IMO, this is the very thing these people crave – the notoriety, the infamy. They want someone to finally pay attention to them. I think that, if the media simply stopped reporting on these people’s lives, and refused to even name them, that these mass killings would end pretty quickly. The media’s endlessly speculating on “why” is easily answered. It is the media’s endless speculating that is the reason they do what they do.

  • Res Flag October 6, 2017, 8:14 am

    Let Hillary and the elites of Hollywood protection crew surrender their guns and weapons first then we will see if she and they means what she says, after all most of us do not live in gated communities and high fences with security systems match none!

  • Jeff October 6, 2017, 7:46 am

    Sorry, political and personal insults aside, I listened to the police dispatcher’s recording.
    They used the sound of gunfire to help locate the shooter. Yes, there were a lot of echoes among the buildings and it was difficult.
    They used muzzle flashes to locate the shooter. Yes, the shooter had cameras and officers said there were strobe lights.
    They also used the sound of high rates of fire which, had this monster not killed himself, might have greeted them at the door of the room he was in.
    I carry, I’m a former groundpounder and LEO. Yes, full auto can be “fun”, I guess, but do we seriously need it? Is that our definition of freedom? Is the domino theory of advancing gun control really valid when all other signs show it going the other way? The cat’s out of the bag, my friends. There are millions of guns out there in America that will never be “Grabbed”. Can’t be done. We need ways to identify potential monsters, and ways to manage them. That is what I wish for and that also is what I am afraid of.
    And, yes, my hearing is very diminished, probably due to very loud noises in defense of my country in a youth that was not misspent one bit. So, for the price of a cheap gun, I have a good set of sound suppressors on my head. If I were to hunt again, I’d spend the some of the extra ammo money on high-end electronic ear protection that would actually aid in hearing game, but cut off the sound of the shot that takes them down.
    I don’t have to look like James Bond; no white tux. Sold the PPK/S.

    • larry October 6, 2017, 8:50 am

      I don’t recall anything in the Constitution about “need”, nor anything granting you or anyone else the right to decide what I do or do not need. I guess we should expect this attitude from a former enforcer for the state.

    • Alan October 6, 2017, 11:00 am

      Honestly, you don’t understand suppressors at all. Don’t get me started on the fact that I can rig a trigger with a pair of rubber bands and “float” it, it’s been done before. They won’t stop with Bump Stocks, they aren’t that dumb.
      You’ve lost sight of the real problem with all the minutiae of the press.
      And they did this before, after the Assault weapons ban of the Clintons, they introduced more bills to go further., that included popular hunting rifles. Remember, they went for “sniper” rifles, that’s MOST popular scoped rifles for hunting.
      Have you been paying attention? They don’t want gun control, or “sensible” laws, they want YOU to not have at all.
      Talking about suppressors and bump Stocks is pure obfuscation, the real problem is mental health, and that won’t get talked about.

  • Joe October 6, 2017, 7:39 am

    I have an awful feeling she and her like are behind this somehow. Why is it all we hear about on the news is the reports of gun fire the boom boom boom, or this person HEARD bang bang bang bang and the flash flash flash!? Whats the first thing she said; Imagine if this guy had a suppressor no one would hear the shots. I feel this is the libral machine trying to gain control of the people by paying someone to reek havoc with guns…again! So they have support on the hill to stop the new gun bills from ever happening or possibly to create new bills against the second amendment. The kind of government they seek is one built on fear.

    • Ron Stidham October 6, 2017, 8:52 am

      Joe you are on the right track. Hillary has been in arms with the drug makers to be able to sell their poison, with more harmful side effects than what is really wrong with you in the first place. As soon as the news leaked of this sorry attack, my first thought was of Hillary-the evil bitch. Some Americans may find it hard to believe, but she has had a lot of people exterminated in her mad grab for the presidency. She is not going to stop now what has gotten her this far, nor does she plan to. Exile her to some where(Prison) where she has belonged for a long-long time.

  • Infidel762x51 October 6, 2017, 7:37 am

    If the hag was going to put politics aside then she would have to come to the conclusion that there are no laws existing or proposed that could have prevented this. Unfortunately, due to her mental illness, that is not possible.

  • David October 6, 2017, 7:34 am

    In the UK moderators are legal. They can quiet very low powered rifles where there are no noise complaints. We need them for high powered rifles due to hearing destroying potential of these guns. A moderator attenuates the noise over time so the sonic crack is spread over time. It\’s the sonic \”crack\” that destroys hearing. I have very significant hearing loss from high powered rifle shooting. I can hardly hear the phone ring. I can\’t buy law
    mower or a car without a muffler however if I attenuate the noise at the muzzle of a 30-06 a few decibels I subject to arrest and imprisonment for ten years under federal law. The Congress has literally legislated hearing loss for target shooters, hunters, and soldiers. OSHA insisted on engineering controls for noise for routine noise exposure over 80 decibels or the point where you have to shout to be heard. Personal protection devices such as ear muffs at ear plugs as the last choice unfer OSHA regulations as they tend to leak noise or the plugs give infections. I gotten the infections and subsequent ear drum scaring that has contributed to the loss. This is a serious issue and deserves serious attention. Sensationlizing this issue only ensures future hearing loss for generations of American shooters.

  • David October 6, 2017, 7:33 am

    In the UK moderators are legal. They can quiet very low powered rifles where there are no noise complaints. We need them for high powered rifles due to hearing destroying potential of these guns. A moderator attenuates the noise over time so the sonic crack is spread over time. It’s the sonic “crack” that destroys hearing. I have very significant hearing loss from high powered rifle shooting. I can hardly hear the phone ring. I can’t buy law
    mower or a car without a muffler however if I attenuate the noise at the muzzle of a 30-06 a few decibels I subject to arrest and imprisonment for ten years under federal law. The Congress has literally legislated hearing loss for target shooters, hunters, and soldiers. OSHA insisted on engineering controls for noise for routine noise exposure over 80 decibels or the point where you have to shout to be heard. Personal protection devices such as ear muffs at ear plugs as the last choice unfer OSHA regulations as they tend to leak noise or the plugs give infections. I gotten the infections and subsequent ear drum scaring that has contributed to the loss. This is a serious issue and deserves serious attention. Sensationlizing this issue only ensures future hearing loss for generations of American shooters.

  • Ed October 6, 2017, 7:03 am

    I think that they’re taking too long to “lock-r-up”.

  • Jay October 6, 2017, 6:51 am

    Can anyone out there see these staged events by the shadow government for what they are? Agenda scapegoats. The story is always the same and there are always not enough facts, the facts change along the way to meet criteria, to even look at them with the idea of finding answers because they are put on events to drive home the Agenda! These events can always be picked apart and the Las Vegas one is no different. You best not think that these elites don’t just look at you and I as cattle in a field to weed out and make the world what they want, anyway they want, and killing you doesn’t mean a thing, Hitlary is an example and many deaths are own her a Billy boys hands already!

    • Joe October 6, 2017, 7:44 am

      I couldn’t possibly agree more. Every mass shooting has details to them that never make any sense. No do they ever see the light of day.

  • Jason b October 6, 2017, 6:38 am

    Once again in America the call goes out to let the worst of us be used to define liberty for the rest of us. Political cowering will be the rule of the day.

    • Jay October 6, 2017, 7:49 am

      It’s all a part of the Agenda! These things only happen when some thing pro gun is going on! The efforts of We The People needs to be spent on uncovering the Agenda behind these mass shootings!

  • John Birge October 6, 2017, 6:29 am

    Again clinton is running her mouth about something she knows nothing about. The word “silencer” is not correct, people watch too many James Bond movies.A suppressor takes the sharp tone out but it is still loud. If this crazy had suppressors it would not have mattered one iota. If they would have made a difference he would have had one, after all, he was wealthy.
    Remember you can buy a suppressor legally it is expensive and it takes a long time.

  • Altoid October 6, 2017, 6:09 am

    She’s setting herself up for a 2020 run.
    Make no mistake, if she or someone equally as vile is elected, it will be extremely detrimental to this country possibly resulting in a second civil war.

  • Rob October 6, 2017, 5:49 am

    She can do the American people a favor and have a massive heart and drop dead.

    • Roger F. Garner October 6, 2017, 6:16 am

      The thoughts of half of America.

  • Steve in Detroit October 6, 2017, 5:31 am

    Never waste a good tragedy is Hillary’s MO. I am no Tin Foil Hoarder, but a few things on this are odd. Did this nut become a Jihad convert, as ISIS claimed? Older white guy with a couple million in bank, film from outside showing flashes from 4th floor, not 32nd floor? Investigation just starting and Anti 2nd Amendment forces pouncing on NRA. NRA not making any Logical, Legal Statements. Maybe we need a “Special Prosecutor” to Investigate this fully. Some times things are too convenient.

    • Steven October 6, 2017, 6:45 am

      The whole thing has the smell of Radical Left on it.

  • Kim B October 6, 2017, 5:12 am

    Felons and Domestic Violin Abusers would not be able to buy suppressors they would be subject to the same laws as buying a firearm

    • JPLen October 6, 2017, 10:54 am

      WOW!!! If you actually believe that, maybe you can explain why Hand Guns are basically Illegal in Chicago but there’s most likely a million or more on the streets… That also goes for most other major cities.. Guess they were all bought legally and passed on as Birthday and Christmas gifts ??? Gun Laws will only start be effective when you Convince Criminals and Gang Bangers to become law abiding citizens. Good Luck on your Challenge… Please let us know how it works out.

  • Dr. Strangelove October 6, 2017, 4:25 am

    Gun grabbers love to dance in the blood of the victims while it’s still warm.

  • Justista October 6, 2017, 3:19 am

    She is dumber than old dog poop and people know it. If she had any influence she would be president and not a full time loser/excuse maker.
    Did you expect anything less from the likes of her?

  • JGinFlorida October 6, 2017, 3:10 am

    We are told that there was a large Russian advertising campaign on social media sites designed to “create chaos” in the US. Advertisements on every side of the spectrum.
    I object to the words “create chaos”. At best they sought to enhance divisions. The divisions are already their, fueled by the Hillaries, Black Lives Matter, LBGTQXYZ, AntiFa, KKK, White Supremacists, ISIS sympathizers.
    Need we blame the Russians for the VP of CBS who posted that she had no sympathy for the victims in Las Vegas because they were likely Republicans?

    • someonewhowishesyouwell October 6, 2017, 10:50 pm

      Isin’t it “Black Lies Matter” ? Thx for your reply to the string of comments.

  • David Keith October 6, 2017, 2:41 am

    I’m not understanding why this witch is in charge of silencers. Her understanding of them is ridiculous, and don’t we control the Congress? What’s the deal with this stinking pile of crap?

  • Brian Wilson October 4, 2017, 9:50 am

    I’m surprised she didn’t start turning a tragedy into a marketing opportunity for herself much sooner. Again, she fails to research the person or topic of her nonsense rant. Hilary……. A suppressor, or ” silencer “, (a more sinister term) does NOT make a high caliber, fully automatic, military rifle, in-audible to anyone. Why do you chose to immediately attack the weapon, rather than the criminal, or the hotel’s incompetent security? The man got by security with 23 guns that varied in caliber, including the fully automatic rifle, along with a large amount of ammunition, and various explosive devices. Further-more, the hotel has security camera’s that monitor all of the hall ways. Surely they failed to notice this man setting up his own counter surveillance camera’s IN THE VERY SAME hallway’s equipped with the same security camera’s of the hotels. I’m sure you’ve been to Vegas? Anyone with any common sense knows that along the Vegas strip, you can count on being caught on camera everywhere you go, yet you feel the need to “Thank God” he didn’t use a piece of equipment that you know very little about. You continue to be an embarrassment to the USA. Please, do us all a favor, and please…………. just go away.
    PS – I agree with the post above by Mark!

    Brian Wilson

    • Cyrus October 6, 2017, 6:43 am

      Agreed . . . and where was Housekeeping on a daily basis? They noticed nothing out of the ordinary? They are the number 1 Hotel room snoops while your not in your room so I guess he had everything hidden in there and never left the room for the 4-5 days he was there? Many unanswered questions!

  • Jeff R October 3, 2017, 5:23 pm

    As a gun owner the time has come to admit that there is no inconvenience or sacrifice too great to make sure this absolutely does not happen again. Since criminals will always find ways around or disregard laws & regulations, I propose this: Artists, promoters, and sports events will all need to limit ticket sales to 400 per venue. Sure the ticket prices would skyrocket (if you could get them to “work” for less money) and they would be hard to get (probably even a waiting period) but the dead and wounded could never reach these levels again. Guaranteed to work unlike messing with the second amendment

  • TRUBRIT October 3, 2017, 9:31 am

    She should have stayed quiet on this and kept selling her books. If the latest news is correct, I would be more worried if I owned or intended to buy a bump stock. If it is indeed true that the Guy used a bumpstock then I can see these getting outlawed real quick. Might take some of the heat off the SHARE act.

  • Miles October 3, 2017, 8:00 am

    Yea hitlery nevermind the background check that youd have to go through if it would pass the 200 dollars tax and rediculous wait times being eliminated would put a “silencer” in every felon and wife beaters hands. A terribly tragic event and thats gonna be one of the first narratives pushed by a “presidential candidate”. Such a sad state of politics.

  • Mark October 3, 2017, 2:27 am

    If the Republicans cave on this, I’m done with them!

    • Luke October 6, 2017, 3:03 am

      Republicans? They are part of the problem. They’re even more impotent than democrats as a group. Hell, they had eight (8) freakin’ years to draft an alternative to the ACA and couldn’t get it done. I’m convinced that none of these people could find their ass with both hands. That, and every time that bitch opens her mouth I can’t help but wonder why SHE hasn’t been shot. She does nothing but lie, incite histrionics and cultivate hatred: and people fall for it every damn time. She is, by far, the most obsessed, legitimately recognized, criminally insane female on this planet that we can read about and see in action. The tragedy is that there are oxygen thieves who believe everything that shithead says. Why does she even have a voice in anything? Disgusting piece of work who should be in federal prison.

      • Altoid October 6, 2017, 6:12 am

        Luke, you beat me to the keyboard. Agree with every point you made.

    • Dave edder October 6, 2017, 5:22 am

      Ok Mark, I;m sure your a troll and a lib

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