Hillary Clinton Bashes NRA, Compares to ‘Iranians’ and ‘Communists’

Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee for the 2016 presidential election, had some strong word’s for the nation’s gun lobby this week.

While responding to a question during a town hall style meeting Wednesday, Clinton compared the National Rifle Association to “the Iranians or the communists” with respect to the organization’s willingness to compromise.

“The NRA tries to keep gun owners – the ones who are members – really upset all the time so they can keep collecting their money, because they tell them they’re the only thing that’s going to stop the black helicopters from landing in the front yard and people’s guns being seized,” she said. “That’s the argument they make. And it works with some people and it has turned a lot of people into absolutists themselves.”

“The idea that you need more guns to stop people who are committing mass shootings is not only illogical but offensive,” Clinton added.

Clinton was asked about how she would keep her composure and her resolve if her gun control agenda is defeated by the NRA.

“I know why the president feels discouraged, because it is discouraging to see the cynicism, the greed, behind this lobbying,” she said. “And that’s why we can’t let them get away with it. We can’t just say, ‘OK, nothing we can do about it,’ and walk away. We’ve got to fight back.”

The NRA didn’t comment on Clinton’s response. But former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, another Democratic candidate for president, did chime in, releasing a statement suggesting that he is more of an adversary to the Second Amendment and the NRA than Mrs. Clinton.

“It’s no secret that the NRA named Governor O’Malley the ‘top menace’ to their cause because he has proven he will not back down to them, and that’s what he will continue to do as president,” the O’Malley campaign said.

  • law dawg October 13, 2015, 3:12 pm

    Just an opinion: maybe it’s possible that all these mass shootings are being organized and conducted by our government. It’s just a theory. Obama is a terrible leader and he likes to here himself talk. It’s obvious that his agenda is to destroy the united States. He’s a coward, liar, self-centered person. He is a law breaker and self appointed dictator. Him, the clintons, Bloomberg, Reid, Pelozi, fienstein are nothing but elitist who would rather sees the common folk die off so they can have their super world. AMERICA!!!! Wake up!!!! Their plans don’t include the law abiding citizens . They want chaos and anarchy ….it’s time they are stopped and sent packing ……the constitution was written and implemented by great men of foresight and who were God fearing. The message has to go out to these so called leaders that …They work for us, not us for them. God PLEASE BLESS our country. We who allow babies to be murdered by abortions and we who allow politicians to be elected who have agendas to bring us down. The citizens in this country run it not the politicians.. Obama thinks the white house is his…news flash for him the citizens allow him to live there. The law abiding people in this country need to stop complaining and have to ban together to stop the obamanation that has over taken us. The world looks at us as weak because of people like dumbama, frompy clinton, and Kerry. The legal citizens have been duped long enough. This conglomeration of big government crap has to STOP.

  • rouge1 October 13, 2015, 11:34 am

    The commies are the demacommies. The ones who constantly try to take your constitutional rights away. Go look at their rich history. They fought for slavery. They fought against women’s rights, like the right to vote. The kkk was the terrorist arm of the Democrat party. They murdered blacks republicans. Today they fight for the right to be baby killers. They also fight today to undermine the constitution. They have been the ones who are trying to take your individual right and replace them with collective rights. Actually many in obama’s cabinet are proud communist, van jones. But this is rich coming from an alinskyite like the Hillbag.

  • Robert Coveney October 13, 2015, 10:41 am

    Per Hillary: “The idea that you need more guns to stop people who are committing mass shootings is not only illogical but offensive”.
    I am just wondering about this statement. These are the people who insist on using the term “common sense” when they don’t seem to have any themselves. Think about this for one moment: The shooter in OR. How did the shooting come to an end? He didn’t just decide he shot enough people. He didn’t die of old age. He didn’t just have a change of heart. I believe he ended the killing when someone with a GUN – read that again – when someone with a GUN showed up. Sounds like something we’ve heard before – the bad guy stopped killing when a good guy with a GUN showed up. This is not a “concept”. This is a fact. This is not something made up by the gun lobby or from the “money mongering” NRA. This is a fact. Plain and simple but invisible to the terminally stupid.
    Now use some common sense – if one of those students or their instructors were not stripped of their right to protect themselves and were allowed to carry their self defense weapon on that day – could more lives have been saved?
    Gun control is not about making you safe. Hillary – while she is surrounded by gun toting guards is telling us we aren’t as deserving to be protected. Is she willing to go through life without the protection she so strongly feels we should not be permitted? I doubt it since that is not how elitists think.
    There are bad people out there. They are going to continue to do bad things. That is a fact of life. In Florida us “commoners” are protected by less than two law enforcement officers for every 1000 people. How many protect Hillary? Is it no wonder she isn’t concerned about (our) self defense?
    Time for us to use some “common sense” and give serious thought to the BS coming from the mouth of those running OUR government. They are supposed to lead us – not CONTROL us. We are citizens, not subjects. And our lives and safety are no less than important than ($200,000 per speech) Hillary Clinton.

    • rouge1 October 13, 2015, 11:40 am

      Most all of these ssri users go into fits of rage then go suicidal. When their rage subsides they see what monsters they are and then commit suicide.

  • demscray October 12, 2015, 12:05 pm

    The mistake Hilly and the other control freaks make is thinking of the NRA as some monolithic gorgon headed monster that if eliminated will give them an open pass to whatever they want. The NRA is 4 million member-voters. It is they the polls fear. That said, we members and the many non-member gun owners need to be informed, and know who we are voting for. The sure way to elect Hilly is apathy and ignorance .

  • law dawg October 12, 2015, 11:33 am

    Frompy Hilary… Aka female Hitler…needs to go to prison for her lame excuses and lies about Benghazi and other violations of law she has broken. The truth is she will stop at nothing to obtain her agenda…. If we think Putin disrespects us now with obamanation…. He’ll really think we’re nothing with frompy in the white house or rainbow house. Putin laughs @ us now. If frompy dumpy Hilary gets elected we’ll really need our guns then.

  • law dawg October 12, 2015, 10:52 am

    Remember Adolf Hitler? Hilary (frompy) Clinton is the female version. Her whole persona is that of a lying, hypocritical, dishonest, money grabbing, self-centered, conniving rattle snake without the rattles. She and her pedifial husband, just like the anti- christ, obamanation want to force the citizens of our country to bow down to their destructive nature. They are not God fearing people. They are the devils decipels and are hell bent on destroying the United States. They could careless about victims of mass shootings.

    • Dave Hicks October 13, 2015, 9:42 am

      I’m from ARKANSAS, Clinton is a disgrace to this state and the entire country.

  • Donald October 12, 2015, 10:32 am

    Communist will attack anyone who disagrees with their belief’s including the Communist Hilary Clinton. Her belief’s are that NO person should be able to defend themselves, to think for themselves or do anything for themselves. She totally believes that the Socialist Federal Government should be doing that for them. By telling each and everyone who lives in America where to work, how much you be paid, where you are to live, that you will need to place your children in to a Federal Regulated School (like China).
    And if anyone totally disagrees (except those that too cowardly to stand up for right) will be place into camps ran by the New World Order of Socialist/Muslims and the people left will obey everything said by the foul ruler Obama.

  • Donald October 12, 2015, 10:31 am

    Communist will attack anyone who disagrees with their belief’s including the Communist Hilary Clinton. Her belief’s are that NO person should be able to defend themselves, to think for themselves or do anything for themselves. She totally believes that the Socialist Federal Government should be doing that for them. By tell each and everyone who lives in America where to work, how much you be paid, where you are to live, that you will need to place your children in to a Federal Regulated School (like China).
    And if anyone totally disagrees (except those that too cowardly to stand up for right) will be place into camps ran by the New World Order of Socialist/Muslims and the people left will obey everything said by the foul ruler Obama.

  • john lalman October 12, 2015, 5:40 am

    hildebeeste is a disgrace to all Americans

  • Steven October 12, 2015, 5:33 am

    All of those brainwashed young Americans in the background on the video, and so many more brainwashed young Americans who will vote for her. Mindless sheep.

  • shrugger October 12, 2015, 3:35 am

    Seems to me Hillary is a great deal closer to Communists and Iranians than the NRA will ever be.

  • DRAINO October 9, 2015, 7:55 am

    Ok, this sleaze bag low life wanna-be prez poor excuse of a female is that last person to point fingers and talk about greed and cynicism. Apparently she needs to read Mr. Devon Standards article that has 12 good ideas to mitigate mass shootings. ACTUAL IDEAS…..not worthless laws that criminals don’t pay attention to anyway! She is a washed up “never was” dirty old rag who’s name should never be mentioned again…..thinks she is ELITE, above the laws of the land….and has no clue what its like to be a common American. Wants to take everybodies guns away while she has armed body guards. She is the EPITOME of HYPOCRISY!! I don’t give my money to the NRA, and I make my own decisions….mainly based on Christian/constitutional principals, not emotion or fear-mongering. And one last thing……..O’Malley who?

    • DRAINO October 9, 2015, 1:01 pm

      Correction…………………..Devin Standard……not Devon. My Bad.

      • Chief October 12, 2015, 11:05 am

        Well Said ,Well said indeed.

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