Gun Gripes: ‘2014 Body Armor Ban’

From Chad and Eric on pending legislation to ban body armor in the Golden State: “WE are a little (sic) to the punch in this video, but the information is still rather pertinent. This bill as of October has only made it our of committee and has not been introduced on the floor of the House yet. That may change with time.

“You can however write or call your elected representatives and let them know that you feel that this bill infringes on lawful peoples rights to procure legal body armor for their own personal use.

“Also, let it be known that this bill will do nothing to prevent criminal activity. Legislation such as this only empowers those with power, remember that politicians do not like the idea of a well armed and well armored society.”

  • John October 27, 2014, 12:43 pm

    Hey guys,
    Please don’t think that many law enforcement officers like this bill any more than any other citizen. Most law enforcement officers are issued only lvl 3 body armor, and unless you are part of special operations you have to pay out of pocket if you want anything with a higher rating. So if this bill passes even sworn officers would have a very difficult time of obtaining it, at the very least, if at all. And as for these criminals obtaining body armor, even if the ban passes it will not stop well-connected criminals from obtaining it anyway. It’s just like The firearm ban, you will never hear about a criminal being caught using a gun he obtained through legal means. And body armor will be the same way!

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