Gun-Control Advocates Target Jersey Mike’s for Boycott for Allowing Open Carry

Gun-control advocates are targeting Jersey Mike’s Subs for a boycott.   

The reason?  

The offending sub shop made light of a photo of a customer open carrying in one of their locations as opposed to, you know, becoming outraged and offended like snowflake culture demands.  

It all started when “gun-violence prevention” activist Travis Akers retweeted this photo on Twitter with the caption, “This man is brandishing two firearms, one of which is not retained properly. I could easily take that gun from him and shoot him, and take the other gun, all within 3 seconds. If you can’t carry safely, you shouldn’t be allowed to carry.”   

First off, the man is not “brandishing two firearms.” Second, the pistols are secured in holsters.  Third, why are you so confident that you could sneak up on an armed person and “easily” kill him within seconds?  

Maybe you grossly underestimate that man’s situational awareness, experience with firearms and CQB training.  Maybe he has prepared himself for this exact scenario.  Maybe that gun that you plan to grab at his six isn’t loaded or doesn’t have a round in the chamber or has a safety you’re not used to disengaging and when you draw down on him and pull the trigger you get a “tick” instead of a “bang” which gives him time to pull that presumably loaded pistol at the 3 o’clock position and blow your head off.  Maybe he is not alone.  Maybe he has an armed buddy in the restaurant.  Maybe that buddy is behind you, watching you as you approach him.    

Point is, you really don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. The scenario you’ve created in your head is based on a series of precarious assumptions that may end up costing you your life if you were so inclined as to follow through with your plan.  But I digress…

SEE ALSO: Walmart Pulls Down Pro-2A Shirt Sold Online, Caving to Anti-Gun Activists

Anyway, not wanting to wade into the hot-button topic of gun politics, particularly open carry, Jersey Mike’s responded to concerns on Twitter with a joke on Monday.  

“If the laws were up to us, we’d make it so everyone had to eat Jersey Mike’s Subs on Sunday,” tweeted the company, as reported by Business Insider.  

The backlash from gun-control advocates was swift and fierce, culminating with calls for a boycott.   

“As long as you allow open carry in your stores, we’ll make sure to grab a sub @subway any day of the week,” March for Our Lives tweeted.

Jersey Mike’s deleted the joke off Twitter and released an apology. But it did not say whether it would consider banning open carry in its locations.

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  • Bad Penguin December 12, 2019, 10:56 pm

    I’m not an open carry fan but I’m not offended or threatened by someone who does open carry. What OFFENDS ME is a bunch of self-righteous Demoncrats that have made our country into a place where people feel they need to carry a gun for self defense.

  • John Kaline November 4, 2019, 2:49 pm

    I’ve never been a Jersey Mike’s customer but I applaud their personal stand regarding open carry where they operate, all while sometimes enduring so much criticism regarding a very minor incident, apparently blessed by the local authority. As always, let freedom ring.

  • Jay November 4, 2019, 4:19 am

    First off,s apologizing to the liberal snowflakes mental disorder crowd only gives them power to continue pushing their mental illness on the rest of us! Second, looking at the photo it appears to be a set up photo op just for this reason, if I saw someone so sloppily carrying I would say something and hope they have the sense enough to listen to advise as that protects all of ours rights. Third, no one has ever died from “gun violence” that implies guns themselves are violent, when in fact they are inanimate objects. People die from the actions of other people, guns are not dangerous or violent, it’s people who can be!

  • Jack Grenan November 3, 2019, 5:39 pm

    ok Lets talk about abortion and politics or socialism! Thank God every one is on line or some pushin and shovin opinions in your face may happen! Next comes a swing and then a real real pointed open gun from someone who later testifies in court ,” Yes I felt that my Mike’s subway was in danger and I was very hungry, so I shot and killed the guy who pushed me and tried to take my sub!!!”””
    This is how pathetic Our Country has come…just stay in your own lane..( Love that saying!) Just hold off With the need to jump into a controversy, flip a driver off, hit the brakes on a tail gator……or is it really worth spending the rest of the day DEAD! Dr Jack Grenan

  • Hondo November 3, 2019, 10:23 am

    I encourage ” Travis Akers ” AKA pajama boy to try and live out little wet dream of a fantasy.

    Nothing would warm my heart more than to see some limp wristed pajama boy get put down like the little bitch that he is.

    In that scenario if that man turned around and grabbed you by little chicken neck , your response would probably be to shit your pajama bottoms .

  • Peter Preston November 2, 2019, 2:00 pm

    Besides that Jersey Mike’s makes good sandwiches and besides that anti-gun people are as entitled to their opinions as pro-gun people and besides that he is carrying sloppy and showing a bit of plumber butt, and besides the compulsion of everyone to respond to Twitter, Tweeter, Twatter or whatever irrelevant social media posts, why ate both weapons only accessible to his right hand? Goes to the training mentioned in some other posts.

  • Gourdhead November 2, 2019, 11:48 am

    Great for Jersey Mikes. Here I come.

  • DAVID MILLER November 1, 2019, 10:37 pm

    What is the point of open carry be the grey man

  • Bob Gee November 1, 2019, 8:18 pm

    I agree with another comment here, that it looks “staged.” Atho, insofar as I know, there is no limit set by law and just how many guns one may carry….. , something about the photo just doesn’t ring true. Why would someone with an IWB holster (PURPOSELY designed for CC) yet not have his shirt concealing it, indeed, with the shirt looking to be knowingly pulled up. AND,… a 2nd pistol carried within several inches of the first??? C’mon!!!! The pic looks staged but — by WHO? Pro-gunners trying to make an in-your-face statement, anti-gunners trying to instill fear or, a competitor of Jersey Mike’s trying to drive away business??

    • Chuck November 2, 2019, 11:11 pm

      Good points, all; also, methinks that the shirt is possibly a wee bit on the smallish side for successful concealed carry with ANY (or no) holster.

  • Michael Keim November 1, 2019, 5:20 pm

    Great subs and great attitude.

  • Nick Emerson November 1, 2019, 4:19 pm

    Good for Jersey Mike’s. Damn good sandwiches, damn good ownership. I’m going to go out of my way to eat there more often.

    • Chuck November 2, 2019, 11:16 pm

      To spread your support for deserving sandwich shops, split your business between Jersey Mikes and Firehouse Subs. Both good!

  • Featherbuster November 1, 2019, 1:27 pm

    I think I will go buy an extra sandwich at Jersey Mike’s. Good for Jersey Mike’s! Need to let everyone know when the planned boycott is. They tried that on Chick Fil A a couple of years back. Every restaurant in Midland/Odessa Tx sold out by lunch that day. Can’t let these whine bags win.

  • Robert McBride November 1, 2019, 1:06 pm

    That’s a staged photo op. I wont at Jersey Mike’s subs, they are to far left leaning for my TASTES. 2NDS COUNT.

  • Denny Parker November 1, 2019, 12:50 pm

    I will continue to eat at Jersy mikes and feel safe doing so, knowing some . “good guys” are there to return fire at a bad guy. I personally dont open carry, I prefer to tuck it away, but I support the right to do so..Good for them for not caving into the snowflakes…

  • BRASS November 1, 2019, 12:14 pm

    I wouldn’t carry in that manner for a number of reasons. I rarely carry open, for my own purposes I don’t want the attention and don’t want anyone to know I’m carrying, let alone where and how.

    This man is not brandishing but, the manner of carry does invite criminals who see two guns, one behind his right hip to try and take one.

    Neither holster, even when I enlarge the picture appear to have any kind of retention device to prevent someone from pulling them out. The 5 o’clock holster is an IWB like a Crossbreed and the 3 o’clock holster is an OWB or paddle types that doesn’t clearly show if it does or doesn’t.

    I’ve been carrying almost everyday since 1995 with both civilian and military training. I’m not claiming any particular expertise but decades of real world experience and training does give me a valid perspective.

  • The SGM November 1, 2019, 11:37 am

    These anti-gunners are freaking out over a legally carried firearm in facility which allows open carry. I would suspect that their hatred stems from a lack of knowledge, lack of experience developed over time by molly-coddling parenting and an education system which does not teach civics, history, critical thinking and requiring demonstrated knowledge of all subjects not just test scores.
    For them this instance is similar to hearing something on the radio or seeing something on TV which offends their molly-coddled butts, just turn the dial or walk out; but I doubt they can think that far ahead.

  • Michael November 1, 2019, 10:14 am

    While I prefer to carry my handgun concealed whenever possible (I prefer not to give the bad guys a “heads up” that I am armed and prepared to defend myself), if others choose to do so when legal, so be it. I would have preferred the CEO of Jersey Mike’s (or the Company’s spokesperson) To simply respond to critics by tweeting “It was a joke – get over it!” And let it go at that. Those who say they will not eat at Jersey Mike’s probably never ate there anyway. Those who say they will patronize that company now may, who knows. Anyway, everyone has a right to their opinion and to speak it – that’s what the 2nd Amendment does – it ensures that if our “govern”ment Ever forgets that “We the People” are in charge, we can throw the bastards out by whatever means is necessary.

  • Ron November 1, 2019, 10:06 am

    I’m on my way to Jersey Mike’s. Love their subs and will continue to support a company that supports my lifestyle.

  • DHernandez November 1, 2019, 9:40 am

    I don’t understand the desire for open carry. People can do whatever they want to with respect to how they carry, but open carry takes away the element of surprise and also makes that person the first target of an attacker. Any trained individual will address the primary threat. A person with an exposed firearm presents that primary threat. Keep it concealed, keep the element of surprise on your side. Speed, surprise, overwhelming force wins the day.

    • Blkjk6 November 1, 2019, 7:26 pm

      I mostly CC but there are days where that is impractical, like when I run out of shirts that cover and I haven’t done the laundry. It is also nice to know if “it” shows, I’m not going to be arrested. I agree, why give them any warning. Pay attention to signs that say “no weapons”, they usually have small print at the bottom to the effect of “except in accordance with Section … state law”. That means CC is allowed. It was fun one day to hear two of the office ladies saying they “just wouldn’t feel safe” if someone had a gun in the office. I just smiled, I’d been carrying there for years and I never noticed they didn’t feel safe.

  • Paul November 1, 2019, 9:17 am

    A real gun guy would who are as a group safety minded first would probably like to see the IWB covered. The idiot that suggest he could take it from him is saying that he is willing to commit two felonies in order to prove a point? I would say that person is the danger to society.

  • johnnyraygun November 1, 2019, 9:17 am

    The author used six “Maybe” in explaining what appears to be a stupid open carry situation. I saw a video a couple of years ago of a man carrying in his back pocket and a teen came from behind and stole his pistol. Be smart and at least wear a shirt that covers his butt crack

  • Glockster1966 November 1, 2019, 9:03 am

    I don’t like open carry for myself but if it is not against the law then people should be allowed to carry this way. I prefer concealed. I am going to Jersey Mikes today for lunch…

    • Blkjk6 November 1, 2019, 7:28 pm

      I always make it a point to support establishments that support the 2A, and CC in those that don’t. LOL. I just don’t buy anything if they don’t.

  • Bragg Eric November 1, 2019, 8:56 am

    Personally, I too, would rather not open carry. HOWEVER, I would NOT put down someone who DOES. In fact, I applaud them for encouraging others to carry.

    I have met people who are afraid of guns. I can’t relate. But after getting to know one of them, and showing them kindness and love, revealed that I carry. I then encouraged this (single) woman that she, too, really ought to be carrying for self-protection, explaining how safe training would change her point of view.

    Today, she still does not carry, as far as I know, but I believe her sons, who were both in high school while we knew them, are now licensed carriers. I believe my wife & I had an impact on them all.

    Anyway, as I said, open carry may single you out in a bad situation. On the other hand, your gentle kindness as a carrier, might rub off on others and change their perspective of the kinds of people who do carry.

    Furthermore, in a room filled with open carry patrons, a bad guy is like going to become very uncomfortable. And maybe that’s the point. When those that want to do bad things start thinking that all America is armed, they might decide to go get an honest job somewhere, instead of getting killed.

  • Keith C G Kyle November 1, 2019, 8:56 am

    I live in Florida, no Open Carry, unless hunting rural area. I have never been to a Jersey Mike’s, but I will now. CCW is better, don’t let the fool know you are carrying. If and when he makes a foolish move, you can respond with legal lethal force. Scratch one bad guy.

  • Sk Eagle November 1, 2019, 8:34 am

    This is Fine example if you’re going to carry open or concealed you need proper training I wonder if he cares if that gun falls out and goes off and hurt someone remember the video of the FBI agent who dropped his gun dancing and accidentally discharge

    • ExNuke November 1, 2019, 10:43 pm

      The FBI guy’s gun didn’t “go off” when he dropped it, it went off when he pulled the trigger while picking it up.

  • Terry (SquirrelSlayer) November 1, 2019, 7:48 am

    Travis Akers
    You’re Just so damn bad you’ve got everybody scared to death! Try grabbing MY gun!

  • Dick Baynes November 1, 2019, 7:45 am

    This guy carrying is clueless…I wouldn’t say he is brandishing the guns as they are in holsters (although the one at his 5-o’clock doesn’t appear to be properly secured to his belt and he’d probably draw gun and holster in a critical situation) – I would say however, that he’s an idiot for open carrying and I guarantee he would not be able to get his gun(s) out past his fat butt to be effective – he’s got his hands in his pockets!!! He’s a youtube trained gun carrier…a showoff. He could be real good on a square range, but put him in a situation and he’ll probably mess his pants or hurt himself or another innocent person…to many action movies for this dude. There is absolutely NO NEED to open carry unless it’s hunting season and your HUNTING – why ask for trouble – why show your cards??

  • Bobby Jackson November 1, 2019, 7:20 am

    Yeah for Jersey Mikes!! All 2A supporters should make it a point to eat JM’s soon. And tell them youre patronizing them for there 2A stand and support.

  • Dan November 1, 2019, 7:19 am

    I personally choose not to carry open carry. I choose not to advertise that I am armed. Anyone with intent to do harm will focus on the open carry person and take him/her out first – and thus have an additional firearm. Not to mention the number of police officers who have been killed while on duty and in uniform. That’s about as open carry as you can get – yet they still died.

    I want it to be a surprise. If I encounter a so called ‘gun free’ zone, I have to make a choice whether to ignore the sign, comply, or leave the location. Gun free zones are a joke. Criminals by their very nature ignore regulatory signs.

    Note: I am not referring to locations such as courtrooms and airports for example, where you typically have armed security to ensure compliance.

    I prefer to blend in, not stand out.

    • Mark Warner November 1, 2019, 9:21 am

      I agree, conselment is the way to go, bad guys would definatly focus on the open carry persons first. Surprise is always a better choice!

  • Chris November 1, 2019, 6:40 am

    Well, looks like I’m done with Jersey Mikes. Companies that cave to such threats are a disgrace to those of us that support our great Country and the rights we are guaranteed. And it would appear that the entire incident was staged That looks to be a left hand holster at the 6 o’clock position from the rake of the holster and if so, should’ve been worn behind the opposite hip. And what self respecting person would attempt to carry like that while wearing “skinny” jeans while sporting that roll of blubber around the midsection. If that hipster is indicative of our future, we are screwed anyway. Jersey Mikes can cater to the far left, this hard working and self thinking man will spend his money with another establishment.

    • SeaHunt November 1, 2019, 8:51 am

      Agreed!!! What kinda “top” people in these companies are there, when you have done NOTHING wrong and you cave the the mainstream all to save some sales, well you just did the opposite with ALL the folks like us who see through the BS!!! The JM head honcho must have come from the starbucks training academy…..

  • Will Drider October 30, 2019, 11:54 pm

    Jersey Mikes was doing okay at first but should have said
    “We do not condone nor encourage unarmed persons attacking armed persons and Visa versa especially when there are no violations of the Law. We comply with the law and any patrons that do not will be addressed. Done! Kiss my ass snowflakes!”

    If flake comments continue “It is a Free Country and another freedom is choosing you Sub Shop, We Support all of it.”

  • SeppW October 30, 2019, 7:26 pm

    Ackers is a clown and a card-carrying member of the incapable and unproductive guild. What’s even more disgusting is he claims to be a veteran, who was in combat, and took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution. Too bad he wasn’t in my Army, he would’ve have been kicked so hard he’d be wearin’ his ass for a hat. Liberal sum bitch.

    • John Rogers November 5, 2019, 11:14 am

      Liberalism always overrides the constitution for these people. It is a mental illness after all. I’ll bet his combat experience was fighting with Windows, while doing payroll.

  • SuperG October 30, 2019, 1:52 pm

    Personally, I don’t want you to know that I am armed until I need to use it, but I respect those who do open carry. One less sheeple is always a good thing, though I do not understand why he’s carrying it that way. Hurray for Jersey Mike’s! I will be a patron if I ever get the chance.

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