GOA Urges DOJ and FBI to Act on Reports of Secret Forms to Disarm Americans

in News Wire

Washington, D.C. – Today, Gun Owners of America (GOA) sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray after reports surfaced earlier in the week that the FBI had been utilizing a secret, unauthorized form to potentially pressure citizens into giving up their right to own or purchase firearms. In the letter, GOA highlights the lack of statutory authority for the FBI to utilize this form, and demands that all records related to its use be destroyed, and that the agency certify this action and certify that the form is no longer in use. 

Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, issued the following statement:   

“This is the latest example of the FBI going around the American people, and their elected representatives, to purse a radical anti-gun agenda. The FBI has imposed a Minority Report system to secretly disarm even more Americans, and this dangerous attitude underscores the failure of NICS and why GOA has opposed the background check system from the beginning. While we hope that those in the administration will act on our demands, we urge Congress to act and ensure that this breach of the public trust is fully corrected and those responsible are held to account.”  

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  • Grampy Tom September 13, 2022, 8:36 am

    The second amendment…….. use it or lose it. This is the rogue government that it was written to defend against. The people who have made so many conflicting “pro-gun” organizations are in it for the money, fame, prestige, etc. If they did succeed in preserving our rights, there would be no need for them anymore….. so why would they do that? If the Cancer Society beats cancer, the people working for the society would have eliminated their lucrative jobs. Same with the many gun organizations. Fire us up, get the dues and donations and do their thing…. but not enough to eliminate the problem. A single, large organization might stand a chance if they learned from the successful civil rights organizations of the past. Hit the streets with civil disobedience, disrupt peoples lives….. get the anti-gunners to fear us enough that they will be afraid to screw with us. Parliamentary procedures don’t work when the politicians are all criminals making their backroom deals. Our rights are nothing more than a bargaining chip to them. We have the power and right is on our side….. our main weakness lack of true leadership. Our second greatest weakness is our multiple, fragmented and competing organizations. Imagine if all those dues were put to work by a single organization lead by unified leadership team… true believers in civil rights and the limits placed on government by our constitution. If you say this isn’t possible if we try, then sell your shooting stuff, get on your knees and submit….. Freedom that has been fought for is valuable to those who fought, but the value seems to diminish with each succeeding generation. Freedom that is inherited is taken for granted by most people and its value is diluted by time. Those of us who fought and sacrificed a part of ourselves to defend these freedoms still hold them as valuable rights and would fight again to preserve them. The problem is that fewer of us have taken on that duty over time and most of those that benefit from the sacrifices of the few don’t appreciate the value of the freedoms that were gifted to them.

  • Floyd Hawk September 12, 2022, 2:23 pm

    Catch 22. You have to be crazy to sign such a form, but a doctor has to sign also certifying that you’re not crazy.

  • Rodney Steward September 12, 2022, 10:01 am

    The FBI has truly become the enemy of this country, they are the swamp protectors and must be done away with.

  • SuperG September 10, 2022, 10:29 am

    I doubt writing a letter to the NewKGB (FBI/DOJ) is going to do much good. At this point, it is obvious that they think that they are above the law, and do not care about any repercussions. They are the lap-dogs of the Communist Democrats in Congress. If the Democrats steal the mid-terms, then it is only going to get worse for law-abiding citizens. Trump will be framed, and leaders of any Republican group that has on-line sway will be arrested. I really think that America as we know it hangs in the balance of the mid-terms.