Glow Ammo Cold Tracers Ready for Prime Time

This is an actual picture of Glow Ammo in action. It is extremely hard to photograph so please watch the videos.

This is the handgun example of Glow Ammo. I have used this stuff and it is just like this. It works really well.

We actually shot Glow Ammo in a KRISS and you could see the trajectory all the way down to 100 yards away where the .45ACP has a drop of 10″ plus. Glow Ammo is a great training tool to show people what the bullet does after it leaves the muzzle.

This is a compilation video of pistols, machineguns, some hunting scenes and other fun stuff using Glow Ammo. Check out the slow motion stuff it really shows you how the technology works.

Until recently Glow Ammo didn’t actually sell ammo. It was just these trajectory marking dots that you peel and stick to the back of your hand-loaded 9mm, 40S&W and 45ACP rounds. This kit of 255 dots goes for $49.95 but a smaller $19.95 kit is also available.

Now that actual ammo is available from Glow Ammo, the rest of us can try it.

The limits for Glow Ammo are really unknown at this time. We wish Brian success with this exciting new product, and we will see where it goes from here.

Glow Ammo

The hardest thing in the world is to be the only one out there with a new product that people don’t understand. That is the challenge that Brian Hallam of Glow Ammo faces with his cold tracer, trajectory marking technology that is unlike anything else on the market.

“Most people don’t understand Glow Ammo,” explains Brian. “They think you can only see it at night like standard hot military tracers, but you can see our tracers under normal range lights, and outside at dawn and dusk, not just at dark. Our cold technology is also much less dangerous than hot tracers and ranges that won’t allow hot tracers allow Glow Ammo. ”

“We call Glow Ammo trajectory markers, not tracers, because it opens up a whole new aspect to shooters. You get to see your bullet leave the barrel and hit the target. In the video game generation this is a whole new dimension that people really enjoy. It is like a laser beam in a video game.”

“It also has a lot of practical and defensive applications as well. Only you can see the trajectory marker as the shooter. When you get more than about 15 degrees off of the bore axis you can’t see the flash of the Glow Ammo marker, and from the front, downrange, it is not visible at all. This means that your enemy can’t see your shots but you can. Whether your eyes are on your sights or not, you can see where your shots are hitting, and there is no disadvantages like you see with lasers and standard hot tracers.”

Police and Military Applications

Brian’s vision for Glow Ammo is more far reaching than a range novelty or even simple self defense, and if you think about his points, he’s kinda right. He has a long way to go before people understand and accept what he has to say, but hopefully this article will start opening people’s minds. He explains the police and military potential like this:

“Think about a classic police shootout. The first officer on scene is forced to engage in a gunfight and calls for backup. With Glow Ammo, as soon as the backup arrives on scene, they immediately see where the shots of their fellow officer are going, and the bad guy on the receiving end can’t see them. The dangers we all know that exist with lasers for the shooter, that the bad guy can see where the laser is coming from, doesn’t exist with trajectory identification technology. It is a different way to think about gunfight dynamics. ”

“It is the same thing with the military. Right now there is only red colored Glow Ammo, but soon we will have other colors. This way a team leader can carry one color marker and the team members a different color, so that in a firefight, the team sees where the team leader is directing fire, and they know it is him because of the different color. The potential is limitless for trajectory identification, and because it is a cold technology, there are no adverse side effects or potential collateral damage. It just works. ”

Transforming Competition Shooting

Perhaps the most exciting thing I learned from Brian’s vision of Glow Ammo is his view of the future of competition shooting. Already we have seen that shooting competitions are finding their way into mainstream media, TV, and even sports reporting. Brian has an interesting take on other sports and how we can learn from them to take shooting sports to the next level.

“If you look at golf,” he explains, nobody cared to watch it on television until they developed a video trajectory tracing technology so people could see the shots. The same thing with Nascar racing. It wasn’t until the TV producers could make sense of the cars on the track with video tracking that it became popular. It can be the same with shooting sports. Where right now we are limited to outdoor events where the action is people running around, Glow Ammo can bring action to even indoor events, where you can see the shots of the competitors on screen.”

“Even hunting shows can be transformed by seeing the actual bullet travel downrange to its target. The potential of this technology is exciting and could change shooting sports in the media, and get more people involved. Video gaming isn’t popular by accident. It makes you feel like you are there. Glow Ammo gives both the shooter and the spectator this same feeling for live shooting. ”

Now You Can Buy Ammo!

The story of Glow Ammo has just begun, and I think it took a leap forward with a new line of actual ammunition that is pre-loaded with the Glow Ammo dots. Until now, Glow Ammo wasn’t ammo. You could only buy sheets of the dots for use in your own handloading and reloading. The biggest question Brian and the team at Glow Ammo got was “when are you going to start selling ammo?” Now that the actual ammo is available, a lot more people will be able to actually try Glow Ammo for themselves and push the success of this cool new technology forward.

As a training aid, something to excite new shooters, and just an overall neat little idea, Glow Ammo is an exciting product. It won’t light your targets on fire or damage your gun. It doesn’t leave any residue in the barrel and the dots are non-toxic. I did ask Brian what they are made from, because they smell like red rolls of children’s caps, but he of course wouldn’t tell me. If you are a reloader, you can try Glow Ammo dots for as little as $19.95 and the full kit for treating 255 rounds is $49.95. The ammo is also available in all three calibers of 9mm, .40S&W and .45ACP for as little as $19.95, so it isn’t a big stretch to try this exciting new technology. Like anything else, extra fun costs extra money, but in the case of Glow Ammo you will most likely find that it was worth it, and you’ll be one of the people that will be able to say “I remember when…” after Glow Ammo becomes a household word, like Kleenex.

  • C.N.Guerriere August 29, 2014, 11:14 am

    Have you considered making luminous shot shells for skeet and trap shooters ?? Should be a fairly large market !!
    Several years ago I wrote to American Cyanamid,asking if they would sell the chemicals used in their light sticks as I was interested in making a cold arrow and shot shell tracer,but they refused to reveal or sell the bulk chemicals.

  • mark June 28, 2012, 3:21 pm

    Did you ever consider make glow ammo for 4.5mm BB’s for BB guns?
    You would make a killing.

  • TK Collins December 5, 2011, 2:41 pm

    I have some 40’s enroute and was going to buy some of the dots to reload. Why is the mailing $7.50 when the post office is using boxes that are flat rated for anywhere in the US. Since this isn’t a pyrotechnic, why the cost? Just asking

  • m miller November 30, 2011, 8:37 pm

    Unfortunately I live in comunist ca. were it’s illegal…:( or is it??? It IS different than std. tracer.

  • Gary Johnston November 30, 2011, 7:10 pm

    Why can’t I see the video’s??Just a blank box,,,has been that way lately on all your post??

    • Administrator November 30, 2011, 7:58 pm

      Usually that means you have to update your flash player.

  • Walt Wilkinson November 30, 2011, 6:20 pm

    So how well can the shooter see these things? Some professional associates of mine are saying that with the recoil of the weapon, it basically blocks your view of the trace. This was why Hornady dropped their Vector ammo as it didn’t really help the shooter at all, provided they had their eyes on the sights and not looking over the weapon at the target. What makes your product different out of a handgun at close range?

    • Administrator November 30, 2011, 6:49 pm

      We didn’t notice not being able to see it.

    • Mike December 28, 2011, 4:29 am

      Sounds like they’re not shooting with both eyes open. Regardless, they should be focusing on and tracking their sights at distance, not looking for the trace, a partner could watch the trace allowing for precise calling and diagnosis of control issues. It would be very valuable for instructed training.

      For self-defense use at closer ranges where threat focus is usually unavoidable, with both eyes open it should certainly be visible and might remind and enable someone who misses the first shot under stress to correct and get the hits rather than panic-shooting. The flip side is that, for some people, it might shock them seeing vividly that they’re punching holes in a human being and cause them to freeze and cease fire before the threat is neutralized. Knowledge can be a tricky weapon.

      The key for the company is to either get solid defensive ammunition lines to incorporate the markers, or make sure they do their research and produce high quality defensive loads that are more than a gimmick. I’m talking high QC, flash suppressed, heat stable powders, strong, consistent crimps preferably with cannelures, and heavyweight bullets of modern design that perform to FBI standards of penetration, expansion, and weight retention through the usual barriers. If they can do that for a reasonable markup, they could get somewhere with this in the defense-ammo market.

  • Bruce Redding November 30, 2011, 2:41 pm

    I was lucky to be able to see some of this ammo during the development stage. Wait until you see the glowing shotgun wadding!

  • Earl Wendt November 30, 2011, 10:52 am

    Clicked on the link for the ammo but all I get is a blank page.

  • Todd November 30, 2011, 9:58 am

    We always carried a few .45 tracer rounds (from sub caliber training and co-ax zero barrels) in the Army and later 9mm. They make great location identifiers. Think pencil flare and the like.

  • bladerunner Gun shop November 30, 2011, 8:28 am

    where do we get it

  • laderunner Gun shop November 30, 2011, 8:26 am

    where do we get it

    • Administrator November 30, 2011, 8:34 am

      There is a link in the article to the page to buy it on. Does anyone else not see the link to their website at the top and bottom??

  • tim November 30, 2011, 8:00 am

    That KRISS in the second video looks al lot like a Highpoint.

    • Administrator November 30, 2011, 8:24 am

      It doesn’t say that the rifle in the video is a KRISS. We have shot it with our KRISS.

  • asdf November 30, 2011, 1:21 am

    i want to see it shot at the camera direction….

    • Administrator November 30, 2011, 7:32 am

      Are you volunteering to hold the camera lol?

  • David November 29, 2011, 6:13 pm

    I’ve got some Glow Ammo in 9mm and it’s fantastic stuff!

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