Glock 19X Accessorized   

in Accessories Misc., Clay Martin, For Handguns, Gear Reviews, Optics/Sights


Glock 19X Accessorized   

Despite what the mall ninjas and bearded pretenders think, I happen to really like the Glock 19X. When the complaints started rolling in, I wasn’t sure that the “Glock went the wrong direction,” wasn’t an April Fools joke. Turns out, you really can buy a G34 slide on a G26 frame, at the low price of $2000. At any rate, I like the 19X so much that I bought the one that came in for review. And this week, I finally got around to the add-ons and mods I prefer.

First rattle out of the box, the sights that come as the only option on the 19X are weak sauce. They aren’t the Glock plastic “ placeholder “ sights, but it isn’t the new hotness either. Same old 1994 model standard Trijicons. Nothing actually wrong with the Trijicons, they have a proven track record of toughness. But the NEW Trijicon HDXR models are a night and day improvement. I wrote about them at length earlier this year, and they are awesome. The HD XR models have a narrower front, a wider rear notch, improved tritium glow, and a super bright orange ring on the front sight now. All of that stacks up, for me at least, to faster engagements. I love the new models, and can’t say enough good things about them. They were an obvious choice as an upgrade, and I actually can’t believe Glock didn’t choose them in the first place.

Glock 19X Accessorized   

Old and new styles side by side


Glock 19X Accessorized   

new front sight in old rear sight channel.


Next up is not so much an upgrade, as an out of the box change. I reviewed the gun the first time just as it came from the factory. But for the Gen 4 & 5 models, I do really like the included backstrap with the extended beavertail. If you have anything near large size hands, you have gotten the infamous slide bite on your shooting hand. An extended beavertail that uses the second Glock pin to hold it has been available on the aftermarket for years, and I am glad to see they started making it a factory option. It also makes the grip just a little bit bigger, which in this case is a win.


Glock 19X Accessorized   

While I was fixing the grip, the 19X obviously needed the sandpaper treatment. But here, I didn’t want to ruin the look of my new tan gun with regular black skateboard tape. I found pre cut grip tape at US Night Vision in ATACR Arid, which is a good looking camo pattern. I am normally not a slave to aesthetic choices, but it was a good one for this project.


I prefer Taran Tactical magazine extensions, which presents a small problem with the 19X. The 19X has a built-in lanyard loop, which hits the locking pin for a TTI mag extension. Fortunately, Glock made the lanyard loop removable. Without much effort, it pops free, allowing you to use any Glock magazine. Unless you are left-handed, in which case Gen 4 or 5. Taran doesn’t make an extension in coyote or FDE, but the Burnt Bronze model fits the color scheme well enough.

Glock 19X Accessorized   

Last but not least, what does else does a pistol need? A flashlight of course. The options here are myriad, but I went with old reliable. Surefire makes an X300 Ultra in tan, which is pretty much a perfect fit.

Glock 19X Accessorized   

And there we are. 10 minutes later, the 19X is both range and Instagram ready. The 19X is a mean little bugger, one that I think history will judge well. If you are in the Glock camp, the time to grab one is now. Before Glock caves to the Troll Army and starts making 17L/43 hybrids, or some other useless paperweight.

***Shop GunsAmerica for your next Glock 19x***


Glock 19X Accessorized    Glock 19X Accessorized   

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  • Eroc July 17, 2018, 10:08 am

    Clay, I agree on the sights and the need for a light and mag extensions but; the funky grip tape went too far in my opinion. Who’s lookin like a mall ninja now???

  • Lugnut July 17, 2018, 9:56 am

    So, if I understand many of the commentators, individualized preference achieved by individualized customization is a bad thing. Bernie Sanders would agree, as he thinks there should only be one deodorant option. Wouldn’t it be easier when shopping for a car or truck is there were only one standard issue car or standard issue truck? Heck, if all the guys could just wear gray pants and a gray top like the Norks, dressing in the morning would be a snap.

    Go away.

  • Rip July 17, 2018, 9:33 am

    Just like buying a Harley then changing it all around ,you don’t need it you just want it.

  • The Bearded Pretender July 16, 2018, 3:25 pm

    Well, you made that thing look like a POS and can you find a bigger light to hang off of your POS?
    Maybe an Olight Mini and that tape and mag extension really finish off the \”I\’m a Mall Fighter\” look.
    Take a gun designed for compact carry with max amount of ammo and turn it into a piece of shit looking crap.
    Great job….You are the one looking like a frick\’n Pretender with that POS! …….Signed, The Bearded Pretender

  • Chip July 16, 2018, 2:13 pm

    There are no perfect guns out there, as there are no perfect cars. We like to personalize and show our friends. Nuff said.

  • Rodney July 16, 2018, 12:51 pm

    The only thing I would change is the light I would use Viridian it is lighter and more compact.

  • lukeum July 16, 2018, 12:30 pm

    do you really need an explanation just read the comments there you have it not nice to bash clay because he likes one gun or another we are fortunate to have his input come on guys everybody play nice

  • Michael Lewis July 16, 2018, 10:44 am

    Please explain what Mall Ninja’s and bearded Pretenders are ? Is it really necessary to hang names on those who may disagree with you ? Mike

  • MB July 16, 2018, 10:20 am

    I don’t understand the logic of buying a gun then making it almost unrecognizable with modifications and enhancements that correct some perceived flaw. I you have to do all those things to the gun you just bought, you bought the wrong gun.

  • joefoam July 16, 2018, 8:42 am

    Typical Glock. Buy one and immediately start replacing/modifying all the stuff that doesn’t work up to bring it up to ‘perfection’.

    • Johnny Raygun July 16, 2018, 10:52 am

      I thoroughly agree with @joefoam on this one. If Glocks were less expensive, I would be OK with upgrading the pistol.. By the time the buyer is done “Building a Glock”,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well you get my drift.

    • Joe July 17, 2018, 9:36 am

      I agree with you two about the Glocks. If it’s perfection out of the box… why are there so many upgrades and enhancements on the market? I have 2 Glocks… only reason… factory threaded barrels…. and they take a 33rd mag…. if my Glock turned up missing… who cares…