Georgia Deliveryman Fights ‘Short Gun Battle’ During Hardee’s Armed Robbery, Wounds Perp

A Georgia man intervened during a fast-food restaurant robbery which lead to a “short gun battle” between the “hero bread deliveryman” and the suspect.

The deliveryman, Joseph Chilton, identified by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, reportedly shot and wounded the alleged robber Damario Parrish in the ensuing gunfight.

Chilton was delivering bread to a local Hardee’s restaurant last Saturday morning. He arrived while the robbery was taking place according to the police.

Georgia Deliveryman Fights 'Short Gun Battle' During Hardee's Armed Robbery, Wounds Perp
Joseph Chilton received accolades from the Sheriff’s Department for his part in ending the robbery. (Photo: AJC)

According to the Clayton County Sheriff’s Office Chilton immediately became aware that something was wrong when he saw people fleeing the restaurant’s back door. Inside, he heard a woman screaming for help, and he acted.

Just before the breadman arrived in his truck, Parrish allegedly jumped the counter with a firearm and held a female employee at gunpoint demanding money.

“Chilton ran back to his truck to get a firearm and ran back in to help the female in distress,” said the report. “Chilton ended up shooting Parrish twice, but Parrish managed to flee the scene.”

Georgia Deliveryman Fights 'Short Gun Battle' During Hardee's Armed Robbery, Wounds Perp
Suspect Damario Parrish was apprehended at a house nearby, fleeing after the gunfight. (Photo: AJC)

See Also: Armed Employee Stops Robbery at Mary Jane’s Vape Shop in Savannah, Georgia

Police were able to follow Parrish to a house nearby. A SWAT team was called to the site when police reported the possibility that children were inside the house, but Parrish surrendered before the unit arrived.

“Deputies are now watching Parrish at a local hospital where he is being treated for gunshot wounds so that he will be healthy enough to face the wall at Georgia’s toughest para-military jail, ‘The Hill-ton,’” the news release said.

According to the local press, Georgia Sheriff Victor Hill was so impressed with Chilton for “defending those who could not defend themselves” that he made him an honorary deputy and added him to the department’s Posse Hall of Fame.

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  • Nick January 7, 2022, 8:07 am

    Sad to say but if this happened near Chicago where i live, the good guy might have been charged. Meaning, if i were that delivery guy i might not have intervened as my life wasn’t under immediate threat. Of course, I cannot say for sure what i would have done since I could have been shot (just being honest)

  • chupakis December 7, 2019, 12:56 am

    I guess the neck tattoos are still a work in progress for the little angel Damario..

  • SD December 6, 2019, 4:34 pm

    Chalk up one for the good guys

  • Don December 6, 2019, 2:09 pm

    This is a great example of what happens when the country has a 2nd amendment. Fight hard to keep it.

  • MikG December 6, 2019, 11:22 am

    Interesting. I live about 20 miles from this location and this is the first I’ve heard of this robbery attempt. More proof of fake and biased news media.

  • Ronnie D. Stidham December 6, 2019, 8:26 am

    As Will mentioned, the local media will not air this as a local Hero. Instead it will be another gun toting, lead slinger. I applaud Mr. Chilton for his quick decision, need more people carrying to stop these scumbags. Would I have done it the same way, no one knows until thrust into a situation. None the less, another scumbag off the streets, at least for awhile. Good job Mr. Chilton

  • Dr Motown December 6, 2019, 7:55 am

    WIll this hero lose his job for violating the bread company’s policy on guns? Let’s hope not…

    • SD December 6, 2019, 4:32 pm

      If he does, the sherriff might give him a job in law enforcement

  • Will Drider December 3, 2019, 11:43 pm

    Well Done. Its too bad this heroism will not be announced by the major media controled by the Left.

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