Georgia Governor Vetoes ‘Campus Carry’ Bill

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal vetoed a ‘campus carry’ bill Tuesday, arguing against proponents of the legislation who said allowing law-abiding students with valid concealed carry permits would make colleges and universities safer.

“If the intent of HB 859 is to increase safety of students on college campuses, it is highly questionable that such would be the result,” Deal said in a statement.

“From the early days of our nation and state, colleges have been treated as sanctuaries of learning where firearms have not been allowed,” he continued. “To depart from such time honored protections should require overwhelming justification. I do not find that such justification exists.”

Under HB 859, public college and university students, 21 and over, with valid handgun permits would be allowed to carry anywhere on campus except for dormitories, fraternities and sorority houses and athletic events.

In an attempt to negotiate with the General Assembly, Deal asked lawmakers to also make day care centers, university disciplinary hearings and faculty and administrative offices gun-free zones. But the General Assembly did not give in.

The National Rifle Association bashed Deal for vetoing the measure, accusing him of flip-flopping on the issue.

“We agreed with Governor Deal when he said that the arguments against the campus safety bill lacked validity. He was right then, but he is wrong today,” said NRA spokeswoman Catherine Mortensen.

“It is unfortunate that Governor Deal vetoed a bill that would have made Georgia campuses safer for his constituents,” added Mortensen. “The NRA is thankful to Lt. Governor Casey Cagle and the legislators who worked to protect law-abiding citizens’ constitutional right to self-defense on campus and we look forward to working with them next session to pass this important safety legislation.”

It’s not yet clear whether the General Assembly will attempt to override the veto. But one House Republican said the battle is not over.

“I’m disappointed, of course, in the veto,” said state Rep. Rick Jasperse, the sponsor of HB 859, in an interview with CNN. “I thought we had made a very good case to the legislature and the public.”

On the ultimate fate of the bill, Jasperse added, “Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from swinging the bat.”

While critics of campus carry argue that it makes colleges and universities infinitely more dangerous, reality doesn’t seem to match that assessment. To some degree, campus carry laws already exist in Texas, Colorado, Arkansas, Kansas, Oregon, Wisconsin, and Utah. The result? Pretty much the same as it was before the law was passed. Students are still safe, and there haven’t been a spate of accidental shootings or wild, wild west shootouts as some critics may have prognosticated.

The one thing that is different, however, is that those students who want to exercise their 2A rights can do so — and who knows, maybe that will come in handy one day not just for the lawfully armed student but for his peers and professors who may find themselves in situation where they are immensely glad to be in the company of a student who believes that it is better to have and not need than to need and not have.

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Ned Harrison May 7, 2016, 8:51 pm

    “From the early days of our nation and state, colleges have been treated as sanctuaries of learning where firearms have not been allowed,” he continued. “To depart from such time honored protections should require overwhelming justification. I do not find that such justification exists.”

    I’m sorry, when is he talking about? Which universities/colleges? because the “No guns on campus” rule so prevalent now is a recent phenomenon. I nkow my father carried concealed on campus when he attended, as did his father before him. I’ve asked both. And that’s just in the last seventy years of our nations 240 year history….So, mid 20th century and back, carrying WAS permitted. I’m not sure where he gets the idea that it’s a “time honored protection”.

  • buck May 6, 2016, 1:04 pm

    this lame duck idiot needs to be taken out and horse whipped ! he should be rode hard and put up wet ! he has got to be impeached along with obuma !!

  • LWAPolitics May 6, 2016, 10:31 am

    If there is a school shooting in GA, and my kid was killed or hurt, I would sue this idiot PERSONALLY for his failure to lead.

  • jim May 6, 2016, 10:16 am

    Recall this idiot, it time to send a clear message to all politicians who go against the constitution. Lets make an example of him.
    Vote Trump 2016, Lets make this country great again!

  • Peter May 6, 2016, 10:12 am

    “To depart from such time honored protections should require overwhelming justification. I do not find that such justification exists.”

    So that means the time honored tradition of marriage between one man and one woman should be protected, along with if you got a outtie between your legs, you go to the men’s restroom and if you got an innie, you got to the ladies restroom. Any changes to those two should also require ‘overwhelming justification” as well you liberal scumbag.

  • Bob I May 6, 2016, 8:32 am

    “From the early days of our nation and state, colleges have been treated as sanctuaries of learning where firearms have not been allowed,” said the traitor and liberal sell-out lunatic Deal.
    This line of “thinking” has to be the dumbest anti-gun argument around.
    Akin to saying:
    “I’ve signed a bill that abolishes crime, therefor we’ve laid-off the entire police force, state-wide.”

  • Traiman May 6, 2016, 8:09 am

    The jerk is a lame duck governor and doesn’t have to worry about getting elected again.
    So,,,, he is doing whatever he wants despite what the people of GA. are asking for.
    And,,,,,, don’t forget,,,, PLEASE VOTE FOR TRUMP!

  • Larry Simpson May 6, 2016, 7:09 am

    We use to call him “The Real Deal”, but after that young man was stabbed to death at FVSU coming to the add of young ladies being assaulted, the Governor will now be known as “The Bloody Deal”. You got blood on your hands “Bloody Deal”. Turncoat!

    • Gary Kretsinger May 6, 2016, 9:16 am

      Actually, there were TWO attacks at Ft. Valley State University, the 19 year old student who died and a campus security officer who was seriously wounded but is expected to live. Once again, this shows that “No Weapons on Campus” policies are a total failure.

      Governor Deal did a classic flip-flop on the campus carry bill. Right after it passed the State Assembly he was all for it. Then he started hearing from the Board of Regents and college administrators who orchestrated opposition to the legislation and he caved in.

      This is all about control and the arrogant twits that run the State University System don’t want to lose control over “their” institutions or “their” students. Well, screw them. I’m all for boycotting the University System — hit ’em someplace they’ll understand, in the pocketbook. Tell them no, you won’t be sending a fat tuition check to them every semester because you are sending your kid to college elsewhere. Get a whiny fundraising letter from them begging for money? Tell ’em nope, your wallet is empty. Season tickets for the football or basketball season? Nawh, I’m gonna support my local high school teams this year. Maybe they would begin to get the picture if they had less money to spend on their plush offices and cushy salaries…

  • DRAINO May 4, 2016, 7:57 pm

    Good Bye, Gov Deal! You liberal sell-out. Thanks for your time, but Georgia will be electing a more conservative governor, next election. You have been a great disappointment to this state. First denying religious protections, now ensuring plenty of “easy target zones” for criminals. Enjoy your un-earned state benefits provided by the voters that put you in office that you didn’t stand up for. Good Bye, and good luck.

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