In the wake of news from the ATF that “some” forced reset triggers (FRTs) are “firearms” and even “machineguns” under the National Firearms Act (NFA) and Gun Control Act (GCA), Franklin Armory issued a statement to let customers know that their products, mainly the Binary Firing System, is not affected by the new FRT classification.
SEE ALSO: Franklin Armory’s Binary 10/22 Trigger RIPS (With NEW Trigger Housing)
“We have received some inquiries from consumers who may have misunderstood how the letter applies to the Binary Firing System,” wrote Franklin Armory in a press release.
Franklin Armory then cited this sentence from the ATF letter:
Unlike traditional triggers and binary triggers (sometimes referred to generally as “FRTs”), the subject FRTs do no require shooters to pull and then subsequently release the trigger to fire a second shot.
Franklin Armory maintains that the “above statement clearly describes our Binary design as it is engineered to fire only one round on pull of the trigger and one round on release of the trigger. This further illustrates why Binary triggers are federally legal and not regulated by the NFA or GCA.”
In short, Binary triggers are still legal to own and use.
They should be illegal everywhere…
As having Jewish liniage I will have whatever I like including those triggers. NEVER AGAIN! Only a Nazi would want to disarm its citizens.
A Nazi, a Communist, a dictator and so on. All who want total control want gun control.
I knew the pansy Federal “attack dogs” (ATF)that the OBiden administration has unleashed would soon rear its ugly head! Must mean they’ve “fixed” everything else wrong with “gun control laws”, without ” adjusting ” anything else! Odd? Yes. Unexpected? Oh hell no!
Just wait till OBiden shoots himself in the eye playin with his water pistol in the bathtub! ATF be all over that!! No more “Super Shooter”!
Inadequacy causes the inadequate to feel less than. You can quote me on that…
To my knowledge these are banned in Florida too. Someone please correct me if i am wrong.
Unfortunately, you are correct. Binary triggers are banned under Florida’s unconstitutional “bump stock” ban.
From FL State Statute 790.222: “As used in this section, the term “bump-fire stock” means a conversion kit, a tool, an accessory, or a device used to alter the rate of fire of a firearm to mimic automatic weapon fire or which is used to increase the rate of fire to a faster rate than is possible for a person to fire such semiautomatic firearm unassisted by a kit, a tool, an accessory, or a device.”
That piece of garbage legislation was a parting gift from POS RINO, then Governor, now senator, Rick Scott.
Still illegal in New York I’m going to assume?