Following NYC Truck Attack Leadership Talks Gun Control

Following NYC Truck Attack Leadership Talks Gun Control

NYC’s leadership talks gun control after a truck attack.

Following a truck attack in New York City on Tuesday that left at least eight people dead, both the mayor and the governor started squawking about gun control.

In fairness, it was a question by a reporter that prompted the response.  Yet, their answers should have been something along the lines of “Guns weren’t used in this attack.”  Instead, we got this.

“There’s a much bigger conversation we could have about gun safety,” said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio at a Wednesday press conference.

“The NYPD has always vigorously believed that we need to keep guns out of this city and that gun safety laws are here to protect us and protect our officers,” he added.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo touted the merits of the SAFE Act. Passed in 2013, the SAFE Act expanded the ban on “assault weapons,” restricted magazines to 10 rounds and criminalized private transfers.

“As far as gun laws, I am increasingly proud that New York State passed some of the smartest gun laws in the country, the SAFE Act,” Cuomo stated at the news gathering.

“I think it is madness the number of assault weapons that we have in this country,” he added. “I think that it endangers law enforcement. I think that it costs us untold numbers of deaths. And I hope that one day we’ll have a federal policy that actually brings sanity to the gun policy laws in this country.”

Again, the assailant used a rental truck to carry out the attack. Not an “assault weapon”!

SEE ALSO: NYC Gun Permits May Come with Surgeon-General Type Warning

Cuomo needs to get his facts straight. Data shows that rifles of any make or model are used in approximately four percent of gun-related homicides. The number isn’t “untold.” It’s just not as much as Cuomo would like us to believe.

In 2016, rifles were used in the murder of 374 victims. Again, this is all rifles. Not just those dreaded “assault weapons.” Knives or cutting instruments, by comparison, were used to kill 1,604 victims.

The number of rifles used may be a bit higher because there is a category of “other weapons or weapons not stated.” But assuming that that category contains some rifles, it’s highly doubtful that they make up the majority.

All that to say black rifles aren’t the threat that Cuomo claims they are. Guns, in general, aren’t a scourge to society. But saying so makes for a good headline. Especially when the cameras are rolling and a grieving city is desperate to stop lone wolf attacks that are, by their very nature, almost impossible to stop.

Really, a well-armed and well-trained citizenry is the best way to stop spree killers.  The exact opposite of the culture that de Blasio and Cuomo have created in NYC.

  • Mark From Bristol November 4, 2017, 11:42 am

    I heard those remarks de Blasio and Cuomo. A muslim terrorist here on a “diversity visa” that they both support rents a truck and does what muslim terrorists do, KILL PEOPLE, and the first out of their mouths…the need for more gun control. It’s like then Barrack Hussein’s Chief Of Staff and now Chicago’s Mayor “Nine Fingered Ballerina”, Rahm Emanuel said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. If this were really about doing the right thing, then these rabidly anti-America politicians would be looking in the mirror. Let’s not forget that the muslim terrorist that was here and just committed the MURDERS that he did, did so because THEY PUT him here. For the last eight years before our current president, Barrack Hussein used an illegal Executive Order to erase existing immigration law legally written by Congress and legally signed into law by previous presidents, creating open borders that permit ANYONE from ANYWHERE to enter, no one knowing who they are or what their intents are, were. And then politicians like de Blasio and Emanuel create sanctuary cities protecting criminals and terrorists alike. Yet, let someone get killed by a gun or pickup truck, the first words out of their mouths are “We need more gun control”. Yet when illegals murder someone like Kate Steinle, do they whom really caused her, their murders by protecting illegals and terrorists bother to look in the mirror and call for following immigration laws? No, they call WE The People racist bigots for demanding that OUR laws be followed. Calls for increased gun controls have nothing to do with doing the right thing, they have every thing to do with the rabidly anti-America leftist ruling class disarming WE The People and bringing OUR nation, these United States Of America down as well as spitting on the graves of OUR founding fathers.

  • Rocky November 4, 2017, 10:30 am

    Politicians are a special kind of stupid aren’t they!!

  • Wayne Hynes November 3, 2017, 7:29 pm

    These New York politicians are a special kind of stupid, as is the public votes for them.

  • Al martinez November 3, 2017, 6:44 pm

    Gov. Cuomo loves gun control. But is ironic how when he visited Cuba the NY state police was armed in a country where no one is allowed to have firearms. Hypocrite!!!!!!

  • Chad November 3, 2017, 6:32 pm

    This is one of 10 states which will never get my tourism dollars nor will I buy anything produced in this state

  • Paul November 3, 2017, 4:37 pm

    We should have more discussion about TRUCK CONTROL, you NY morons!

  • bill kuhlmann November 3, 2017, 4:35 pm

    how about a huge increase in MURDEROUS MUSLIM control. send em all back to their mud huts and camels

  • KMacK November 3, 2017, 3:05 pm

    The Terrorist did not use a single gun in his rampage. The lack of bollards or other obstructions along the bike path gave him over a mile of open space to commit his atrocities. The only firearms used were used by the Police, to stop the ISIL-wanna-be.
    So what does New York’s Mayor do? Does he consider putting blocks of some sort on the bike path? No. Does he consider better controls on rental vehicles (the tool of choice of the casual terrorist? No. Does he consider anything useful? No. Instead he ghoulishly uses the incident to prattle on about gun control – even though the only guns used were used by the police. This points, methinks, to a cold and calculating intent to use any sort of trouble to advance a personal interest… Hey, doesn’t the POTUS do the same thing? Makes sense, Trump is from New York and Mayor de Blasio is from New York… I wonder if this is a contagious thing; the use of others’ grief and pain to further one’s own ambitions? If so, is there a vaccination for it…or should one simply avoid New York to stay safe? One thing is certain, Mayor de Blasio is the same sort of calculating creature that Trump is, ever ready to use someone else’s grief to further his own plans.

  • Carl Tests November 3, 2017, 2:52 pm

    There is a need for sound-minded groups to heavily push for things that will make a difference in combating crimes such as this to counteract the nonsense presented by the special interests opposed to guns. A lot can be learned from the approach presented by gun control groups, and that approach can be turned against them.

  • Russell Van Driel November 3, 2017, 1:30 pm

    NY needs Idiot control, not Gun control.

  • joefoam November 3, 2017, 1:06 pm

    I would advise the citizens of New York City and New York state to vote these guys out of office. de Blasio was elected with one of the smallest voter turnouts in decades. If you want to make changes, get off your butts, get active and for goodness sake vote! Let them know how you feel or this will continue on. Your last mayor wanted to tell you how much soda pop you could drink, talk about interference in your life.

  • Mike Watkins November 3, 2017, 12:54 pm

    While we’re hating on these idiot politicians, don’t forget it takes a lot of idiot voters to keep re-electing them.

    I wonder how sensible people can remain in places like Kali, NY, and Chicago. It’s quite obvious the sensible are totally outnumbered by the idiots.

    Glad I’m in Arkansas.

  • BUURGA November 3, 2017, 12:53 pm


    • Buck451 November 3, 2017, 3:33 pm

      Is that “Tactical” trucks or all trucks? And do we ban all accessories such as camper tops and spare tire?
      Good point! I am kind of with the guy above me, more idiot control, less gun control.

  • Douglas Pope November 3, 2017, 12:47 pm

    Doesn’t any one realize , that in a C.C. state there possibly could have been some one who may have been able to stop this . Thanks to the police officer who was able to stop it there were not more people injured or killed . One suggestion I do have , police need more practice shooting . The officer was called a hero , I disagree , he needs to be better trained , 15 plus shots fired in a crowed area , with 1 hit in the leg , we’re did the other bullets go ?

    • John November 6, 2017, 12:24 am

      You know, Doug……you’re right. I’ve trained at least 100 guys and girls before they went to the police academy. They couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn at first.

  • SANDMAN November 3, 2017, 11:11 am

    Another PERFECT example of the DUMB-O-CRATS interjecting gun control any chance they get–I’m shocked they didn’t claim that the truck was full of BUMP FIRE STOCKS or the “DEADLY BLACK RIFLES”.
    Maybe every patriotic Constitution loving American should just pack up and LEAVE NEW YORK , CALIFORNIA and several other states who don’t respect our rights. Just leave those SANTUARY CESS POOL states to the illegals and the crooked politicians—–then see the states cry that they are bankrupt and need a bailout–then put it to a vote and Il bet WE THE PEOPLE will tell them to piss off –suffer your own consequences. Oh ya–maybe BAN TRAVEL FROM THOSE STATES SO THEY CANT INFEST THE REST OF THE COUNTRY.
    I don’t think it would ever happen but we could stand to get rid of them just the same.

  • Luis Bonilla November 3, 2017, 10:30 am

    The brains that these politicians have , need to go under review themselves .
    What does GUN CONTROL have to do with a Terrorist , running down humans and killing them ????
    Now if a private citizen had a CARRY PERMIT + A HANDGUN and was at the scene close enough of this horrific
    act , maybe the driver could have been stopped sooner .
    ALL they wanted was to use this act of terrorism as a platform for personal gain and using GUN CONTROL as their means to their end , nothing else ….. It’s a shameful act and sick as well !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • LJ November 3, 2017, 10:13 am

    Yes, we need to outlaw ALL paintball guns, evil BB and pellet guns, water pistols, sling shots, straws … yes hell yes I straws … could be used to shoot spitballs. While we’re at it, lets outlaw ALL use of common sense.

  • Chris Baker November 3, 2017, 10:11 am

    In 1990 a crazy person with a gallon of gasoline killed 87 people in a bar but nobody called for permits or waiting periods to buy gas and no one said anything about prohibiting high octane gas or restricting where you could carry your gas if you were lucky enough to get a permit to get some.

  • Charles Charles November 3, 2017, 9:57 am

    The writer of the article states, “In fairness, it was a question by a reporter that prompted the response.” Really, with mainstream media aligned with democrats, isn’t it more likely that those politicians had that “reporter” ask that question so it would give them the opening they wanted to talk about gun control? It also served the purpose of deflecting their support of the lottery system that let the driver into the country in the first place.

  • Scott in Atlanta November 3, 2017, 9:36 am

    They don’t give a crap about terrorism, how it was accomplished, who got killed – none of it. They shed a few crocodile tears, then jump at the chance to get back on point with their true agenda, which is disarming the populace. All the better to control the sheeple that way, right, boys? Molon labe.

  • Kris Colt November 3, 2017, 8:50 am

    Anyone remember the film Escape from New York?
    It may be time to do what the film was about to new York.

    The United States government has turned Manhattan into a giant maximum-security prison. A 50-foot (15 m) containment wall surrounds the island and routes out of Manhattan have been dismantled or mined, while armed helicopters patrol the rivers, and all prisoners there are sentenced to life, with no means of leaving.

    • Stupid is as stupid does November 3, 2017, 9:17 pm

      Sounds like a plan. Snake Pliskin is getting kinda old though, so if the president’s jet crashes in it, we should probably just get another president. It’d be cheaper.

  • Infidel762x51 November 3, 2017, 8:13 am

    We need universal background checks on all truck buyers/renters, a 10 day cooling off period, a ban on automatic transmissions or speed shifters and a 10 gal fuel tank limit. If we get rid of these assault trucks we can keep people from being run down. And yes, it is just as silly when you replace truck with gun.

    • Kevin November 3, 2017, 10:03 am

      These are “high capacity” assault trucks, with the infamous “stock Bumpers” that increase the killing effect over regular trucks. Background checks for anyone that is registered as democrat or has voted democrat over last 10 years.

    • Cyrus November 3, 2017, 10:03 am

      . . . don’t forget “warning” labels on all vehicles stating, “This vehicle is capable of killing people, please drive it responsibly”

    • srsquidizen November 3, 2017, 10:18 am

      Yeah there was a similar (tongue-in-cheek) proposal after the Boston Marathon bombing regarding the needing better pressure-cooker control laws. I mean, why are these little old ladies who claim they just use them for canning fruit excused from a FBI background check when they sell something that evil to another little old lady in their Sunday school class?

    • blh557 November 3, 2017, 12:55 pm

      Actually, I think limiting the number and size of the wheels will be more effective. 10 inches sounds good, just like 10 rounds. Add to that the limiting number of two (yes, 2) lug nuts per wheel will assure any vehicle attempting to jump a curb with three 10″ wheels sporting two (yes, 2) lug nuts each would certainly be inhibited from civilian contact with the aforementioned stock bumper. Call the law the Democrat Two-inch Wheel and Lug Nut Access Limitation Law in honor of Governor Cuomo and the people the law will save (which by all logic is ZERO just like the SAFE Act).

      Makes as much sense as what they’re proposing…

  • Roy Murphy November 3, 2017, 8:08 am

    NY should ban vehicles and stupid, lying, self-serving politicians !

    • AK November 3, 2017, 10:06 am

      Then, NY would have neither politicians nor vehicles.

  • srsquidizen November 3, 2017, 8:07 am

    I thought the brain-dead blue states already required idiot warnings on guns. Figured that’s why some new guns have an ugly RTFM notice permanently engraved on them though there’s no such requirement in this state. At least the warnings they put on motorcycles which reveal the deep dark secret that they can cause “serious injury or death” are removable.

  • Steven November 3, 2017, 8:00 am

    Sounds like they are dissappointed that a real gun wasn’t used in the attack. Spineless p.o.s.!

  • Gunflint01 November 3, 2017, 7:56 am

    If a car runs over people politician’s talk gun control. If a terrorist sets off a bomb, politician’s scream gun CONTROL !! If politician’s screws up & sells guns to drug dealers they talk gun control. Personally l think we need “Politician Control”. One way or another it will come to it, & they know it.

  • Jake November 3, 2017, 7:32 am

    Why is \”officer safety\” a viable talking point for taking the rights of citizens?
    The government has no right to infringe on the rights of citizens ESPECIALLY for the reason of keeping the government (in this case the police) safe from the citizens…. the police kill more American citizens then any government agency.
    The government repeatedly pushing the narrative of safety for the government from the citizens is a huge RED FLAG.
    Citizens on the other hand have EVERY right to limit the rights ( in this case firearms) of the government. I say that the average police officer has no reason to be armed (yep, unarmed) in there daily duty of contacting American citizens for things such as traffic stops and the like. If a situation calls for armed officers to be present bring in a SWAT team BUT, and this is a big hairy butt, there better be a damn good reason for confronting and American citizens with such hostility. Officers being scared is not good enough. For the government to assault a citizens and be justified, the citizens had better have been equally as violent to deserve such a response. Non compliance is not a reason for violence.
    I say the men who are tasked with ( and happily carry out) enforcing the SAFE act and other laws that are blatantly unconstitutional get no more then a taser and pepper spray for defense. A pistol is no longer part of the equation.
    Never should you see a police officer in his daily activitys carrying a rifle, rather a camera and a ticket pad are appropriate. The so called \”safety\” of the officers in not a concern the citizens should have, it should be the opposite.

    • Gunflint01 November 3, 2017, 7:59 am

      The day is coming when We must chose..Full Gun Control or Politician Control.

  • Robert November 3, 2017, 7:32 am

    Come in now , you know that moronic mutant just had to squeeze a gun control comment in there somewhere. “Never let a crisis go to waste” the Leftist montra. Let’s see this was on the bike let’s say a mile , maybe Just maybe if there were citizens with carry permits the carnage would have stopped much sooner.

  • Jake November 3, 2017, 7:31 am

    Why is “officer safety” a viable talking point for taking the rights of citizens?
    The government has no right to infringe on the rights of citizens ESPECIALLY for the reason of keeping the government (in this case the police) safe from the citizens…. the police kill more American citizens then any government agency.
    The government repeatedly pushing the narrative of safety for the government from the citizens is a huge RED FLAG.
    Citizens on the other hand have EVERY right to limit the rights ( in this case firearms) of the government. I say that the average police officer has no reason to be armed (yep, unarmed) in there daily duty of contacting American citizens for things such as traffic stops and the like. If a situation calls for armed officers to be present bring in a SWAT team BUT, and this is a big hairy butt, there better be a damn good reason for confronting and American citizens with such hostility. Officers being scared is not good enough. For the government to assault a citizens and be justified, the citizens had better have been equally as violent to deserve such a response. Non compliance is not a reason for violence.
    I say the men who are tasked with ( and happily carry out) enforcing the SAFE act and other laws that are blatantly unconstitutional get no more then a taser and pepper spray for defense. A pistol is no longer part of the equation.
    Never should you see a police officer in his daily activitys carrying a rifle, rather a camera and a ticket pad are appropriate. The so called “safety” of the officers in not a concern the citizens should have, it should be the opposite.

    • Pete O November 3, 2017, 11:21 am

      Jake, I hope you’re being a bit facetious with this banter. It’s talk like this that puts us a few more steps backwards. LEOs need their weapons to protect the citizens who are unarmed against quite a number of thugs who are armed. We don’t all carry you know. LEOs are the key to everyone’s safety and they must be armed and armed with better weapons than what most thugs carry. If you’re carrying legally and you are a honest person you don’t really have to worry about LEOs with guns. You may even sometime be able to assist said officer and possibly even save one’s life.

  • Gary November 3, 2017, 7:08 am

    ….I don’t understand….where’s Diane Feinstein and Bloomberg? Ok guys we are gonna have to just do this without them. I’ve written up a hill to present to Congress that will restrict the production of cars and other type of automobiles to not be able to exceed 25 mph. Only law enforcement and the military should be able to get their hands on these d Daly assault vehicles. Vehicular homicide is a growing cause of concern in the world. From drunk driving to texting while driving this just needs to be addressed now. While the bodies are still warm and before the blood dries we need to address this NOW NOW NOW!!!!!…..anyone? No one….? I’m sorry I don’t understand why no one is back this up….aren’t we concerned about all these deadly assaults with vehicles? …..Pfft, hypocrites.

  • Dan November 3, 2017, 5:24 am

    Unfortunately, the political propaganda most Americans mistake for news confuses many into thinking we have a Democrat or Republican problem. In reality, our politicians, Democrats and Republicans are all working for, and therefore representing, the corporate money that put them in office, and that pays to keep them in office. If public sentiment turns against us, and there is a way for them to restrict our rights without offending their corporate handlers, they will not hesitate to restrict them. Tobacco products kill over 480,000 Americans per year, and the annual cost of treating the effects of using tobacco products is staggering in comparison to any type of gun related violence, yet most of the related restrictions have been put on the users, not the producers and sellers! This is because the manufacturers and distributors of tobacco products contribute to the politicians who make the laws that affect their businesses. Please, if you are one of those deluded Americans who think our problems are related to political affiliation, turn off that talk radio show and start advocating public funding of elections, and a ban on lobbyists, political contributions, and especially corporate control of the news we rely on to determine what issues should really influence our votes!

  • Amisenemigos November 3, 2017, 4:13 am

    Ohhh noooo! Better ban those assault trucks! The black ones with large brush guards, lifted with large, meaty tires are particularly evil, grubers…

  • Amisenemigos November 3, 2017, 3:49 am

    Better ban those assault trucks dummies!

  • Amisenemigos November 3, 2017, 3:47 am

    Figures that the gun control Nazis in NY would use a vehicle attack as a piss poor excuse for their gun control bs! They need to go away and let somebody who is not a criminal and is a Constitutionalist rather than a Lib Communist take the reigns.

  • Davis Bush November 3, 2017, 3:38 am

    Truck attack? Is it a transformer? The attack was a MAN, the method was vehicular homicide. The result was MURDER.

  • Gaines Tyler November 3, 2017, 3:35 am

    Imagine how high the death toll would have been if that truck had been equipped with a silencer. Sorry to be joking in the aftermath of this tragedy, but the talking heads use similar logic in their attempts to influence the uneducated and ill informed.

    • Jake November 3, 2017, 7:40 am

      Like a muffler?

      Yep, the people just couldn’t hear it coming.
      Straight pipes on headers only from now on…. for safety

  • TPSnodgrass November 2, 2017, 7:10 pm

    DeBlasio and Cuomo are both so mentally incompetent, they have no concept of how to offer up anything other than their false “Guns bad, Muslims mean diversity” pig excrement. Perhaps it’s time for the Sheeple of New York to take away THIER armed police officers, and see how long these two schlubs would really last, in that great bastion of tolerance called NYC. Never going to happen, because the Sheeple of New York are too dependent upon the entitlements granted them by these paragons of Marxism. New York State and City residents deserve DeBlasio and Cuomo.

  • woodchuckwacker666 November 2, 2017, 3:22 pm

    … all it takes is a Muslim idiot to murder some people with a pickup truck for liberal Democrats to start screaming for more gun control for the NWO agenda that Obama pushed for every since he was put into office… I really wonder how many lives would have been saved if the CCW holder had the chance to shoot & stop the attack before it was too late…

    • Davis November 3, 2017, 3:42 am

      It could have been prevented with no more than motorized vehicle blocking posts that are quite common for pedestrian and bike paths elsewhere. Granted this idiot would have chosen another destructive way but we have no way to prevent religious fanatics.

      • mtman2 November 3, 2017, 8:04 am

        \”religious fanatics\’ = NO-!!!
        I\’m a religious fanatic because I follow Christ Jesus-?Use the proper term- not lump me and millions of believing Christ followers with Islamo extremists; as Far-Leftist like to lump us all together and they do it all the time.
        The Jihadist\’s are murdering, torturing, raping and selling Christians in Iraq/Syria, Africa+Asia as WE speak= 10\’s of thousands per year.
        Christians aren\’t the ones advocating and recruiting killers- in fact true Christian\’s missionaries are over there and around the world(even N.Korea) helping save people both physically and spiritually on behalf of Christ- and being killed for it;
        this is voluntarily for no or little pay nor any guarantees of safety.
        RUN Ministries
        and many others risk their lives in Islamo hotspots worldwide making a real difference in these oppressed peoples lives that have no hope.
        I financially support all the above ministries and several more that are working+fighting for Americans God given Rights as layed out in thr Declaration and Bill of Rights esp the 1st+2nd, ProLife, States Rights, smaller federal government as is Constitutional and Article V for \”Convention of States\” (w/Tom Coburn).
        99+% of us doing these things are Christians as were the Founders.All this is financially supported by us \”religious fanatic\” Christian\’s across America in the $billion$ of dollars freely given to help free the world from the darkness of hate – and America from the criminal Far-Left Globalist\’s and useless RINO\’s stealing OUR God given Liberties.
        Words mean things and a broad paintbrush covers everyone when a pen will do to encapsulate a needed point.
        The ACLJ just won the federal court case proving the IRS intentionally targetted Conservative/Christian TEA Party Patriot groups to affect election outcomes. Please do send them help w/funding, same for S.A.F. w/Alan Gottlieb who won both DC+Chicago scotus \”Right To Bear\” cases(Jesus wanted us to \”buy a sword\” but to \”keep it in its place\” til needed and not to live by it = an all American conceptual phenomena.

        • Valiant Thor November 3, 2017, 8:33 am

          The “Founders” were deists, not Christians.

          • Steelhog November 3, 2017, 9:10 am

            Where’s the proof for that argument? I could say the founding fathers were islamist, but it doesn’t make it true.

  • Keith November 2, 2017, 1:44 pm

    If the truck is painted black, is it an assault truck?

    We need to limit trucks in the state of New York to four tires. Nobody needs a high capacity truck with 18 wheels.

    • Mike November 3, 2017, 5:37 am

      Only if it had a high capacity fuel tank

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