Find a 2A Supporter to Love on

Find a 2A Supporter to Love on

Single? Like guns? Check out Let us know what you think in the comment section below.

Can anybody find me somebody to love?  Somebody?  Anybody?  I work hard (he works hard) every day of my life…

Laura Clark may be just the right person for the job.  The CEO of a new dating website called,, Ms. Clark may be able to find you not only somebody to love but somebody who shares your passion for things that go bang!

“As someone who has used other popular online dating sites, I was constantly ridiculed about my profile picture, in which I was posing with my AR-15 at a local shooting range,” said Ms. Clark in a press release on Facebook announcing the launch of the site.

“Instead of making excuses or being forced to hide what I believe in, I decided it was time that pro-gun people had their own dating site.”

Clark said that the site is off to a great start, tens of thousands of pro-gun singles around the country have been signing up.  There are, at the low end, 50 million gun owners in this country.  Sure, maybe not all are single, but even if twenty percent are, that’s still 10 million peeps.  And if a large portion sign up, that’d be a big pool to swim in.

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“Pro-gun Americans are passionate about the Second Amendment, and what it means to this country. Being with someone who shares those beliefs is crucial for a relationship’s success, which is why we’ve launched a place for pro-gun, pro-NRA Americans to meet, chat and see where it takes them, ” explained Clark.

I wanted to sign up to see what it was like.  I mean, is it really a viable place to meet pro-gun women?  Or is it a situation where it’s one gal for every 10 guys?

Either way, I won’t be finding out.  If my girlfriend learned that I signed up for a dating website, even if I explained that I only did so to research this article, she wouldn’t be happy.  That’s an understatement.  Castration might be on the table.  LOL.

Anyways, for you single pro-gunners out there, sign up and let us know what you think.

Visit to learn more.

  • Michael Appleton October 14, 2019, 12:30 am

    Can’t pull up the site. even though I get emails from them telling me someone wants to talk to me and I’ve seen the site before I can’t pull it up!

  • Larman April 21, 2018, 1:39 pm

    @Norm, if you feel that’s the only thing women are good for, then it’s no _wonder_ that you have relationship issues. Learn to *value* the whole package — only then will you have a shot at *getting* the whole package (a confident, loving, and passionate woman).

    Back on topic, re the dating site — great idea! I, like the author, would probably look into it if I was single & available.

  • Norm Fishler April 20, 2018, 11:07 am

    Why is it that 99.99% of all the women in western civilization these days thinks that she’s got the corner on pussy?

  • joefoam April 20, 2018, 9:30 am

    I hope millions of men and women sign up, we know you are out there.

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