Exclusive: Everytown Spent $200K on Losing Democrats Who Flipped Virginia House to Republicans

Exclusive: Everytown Spent 0K on Losing Democrats Who Flipped Virginia House to Republicans
All of Bloomberg’s money in Virginia just went down the drain. (Photo: Gage Skidmore, Wikimedia Commons)

Gun control is a losing issue for Democrats. At least, it was in Virginia.

According to a new GunsAmerica analysis, Everytown spent over $200,000 on six of the seven Democrats who lost seats in the House of Delegates. In addition, Everytown spent $1.8 million on Virginia statewide races over the last two months, all of which went up in smoke when Republicans swept those seats this week.

Democratic incumbent delegates Chris Hurst, Joshua Cole, Lashrecse D. Aird, Nancy Guy, Alex Askew, and Martha Mugler are all listed as “Gun Sense Candidates” on the organization’s website, but all six delegates lost their seats to Republicans this week, handing control of the lower chamber back to the GOP.

The gun-control group has spent a fortune recruiting and running hand-picked former volunteers for state and national seats, but since 2019, public records indicate that Everytown spent (i.e., wasted) a whopping $215,340 on these five losing candidates ($265,340 since 2017).

SEE ALSO: Everytown ‘Gun Sense’ Candidate Facing Felonies after Trying to Smuggle a Key into Jail

These numbers might pale in comparison to the organization’s donations to statewide candidates like Terry McAuliffe, but to local delegates, Bloomberg’s cash is no small potatoes. Everytown was among each candidate’s top-10 donors, and their money helped them out-earn their Republican opponents by millions of dollars.

Neither that money nor their commitment to Everytown’s anti-gun agenda proved to be enough to secure their seats.

Everytown cheered when its $50,000 donation helped Chris Hurst earn a seat in the House in 2017 on a radical anti-gun agenda. This year, his campaign was marred by a drunk driving arrest in 2020 and a campaign sign vandalism scandal. Still, his historic support for gun control didn’t earn him the win, despite spending twice as much as his Republican opponent.

Alex Askew celebrated on his website his commitment to “reducing gun violence in the community,” and the VCDL rated him as only 13% pro-gun.

SEE ALSO: Moms Demand Action Candidate Loses State Election in Wealthy Connecticut Suburb

In 2019, Everytown founder Michael Bloomberg made a personal trip to visit Nancy Guy. She gave him his money’s worth that year by helping Democrats pass a universal background check bill, but Bloomberg’s cash wasn’t enough to save her this year.

She outspent her Republican opponent, Tim Anderson, by $1.2 million, but he edged her out by 732 votes. Anderson featured prominently on his website his support for the Second Amendment and highlighted his previous work as a lawyer advocating for gun rights.

It’s unlikely this poor showing from “Gun Sense” candidates will encourage Democrats to pull back from their radical gun control agenda, but until they do, gun owners will continue to flock to the polls.

As GunsAmerica reported this week, nearly 70% of Republican governor Glenn Younkin’s voters came from gun-owning households, and 483,000 more Virginians who came from gun-owning households voted for Youngkin than voted for Republican Ed Gillespie in 2017.

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  • Vladimir G Derugin November 12, 2021, 4:44 pm

    A new California bumper sticker:


  • Chum Lee November 12, 2021, 11:13 am

    Bloombergstein bought and paid for the last administration. Apparently he didn’t know that inflation caused the price of corrupt leftists to go up to $300,000 in Biden dollars.

  • Stan d. Upnow November 12, 2021, 10:26 am

    The problem is, as we’ve just seen with the “infrastructure bill,” the Progressive-Socialists ALWAYS stick together(with one or two exceptions), while the GOP is infested with RINO collusionists. The idiots believe that if they yield to the Left’s demands on one gun control point, they’ll be satisfied and go away. History refutes that stupidity! Bottom line: Never, Ever, give them an inch!

  • Russ November 12, 2021, 9:46 am

    Great job everytown, please start supporting more of these imbecilic democrats. It appears that you giving them money causes them to lose. Keep up the great work.

  • jd November 12, 2021, 9:12 am

    I don’t live too far from the Remington factory. Also own several Remington rifles and shotguns. Took a factory tour there several years ago. Very interesting and it was American made products. Gone now. Thank you ex-Governor Cuomo. Sorry to all those people in upstate NY that will lose badly needed good paying jobs. Not just the Remington employees but those that sold services and contractors to the Remington plant. Thanks again NYS politics. I love NY but hate all the liberal politicians.

    • Philip November 12, 2021, 12:09 pm

      JD, NY isn’t any different than the rest of the country where large metro areas tend to be liberal havens while the more rural areas lean conservative. No different in the southern tier its just that NY and CA have very large metros that lead their state around like a dog on a leash. Too bad the respective state senate bodies are not composed like our national body based on area, such as county, representation as opposed to population districts. That would help level the playing field.

  • Budd November 12, 2021, 8:14 am

    GOOD! GOOD! Too bad it wasn’t 200 billion! That communist POS needs to move to New Guinea and feed the natives.

  • Tarheel November 12, 2021, 7:38 am

    Hopefully these asshats will eventually run out of money. I don’t believe most Americans are ready to give up their constitutional rights for self preservation.

    • Stan d. Upnow November 12, 2021, 10:33 am

      Uh, our Constitutional rights are all about self-preservation!

      “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin

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