Everytown launches campaign against Kroger’s gun policy

(Photo: Everytown)

A girl eating ice cream next to a man openly carrying a long arm. (Photo: Everytown)

In attempt to get the Kroger Company to ban open carry in their grocery stores and supermarkets, Everytown for Gun Safety unveiled a new advertising campaign Thursday to pressure management into changing its policy.

“Guess Which One” is the name of the campaign, and it features a series of print and digital ads that juxtaposes behavior that is banned by Kroger (not wearing a shirt, eating food, and carrying a skateboard) next to a person openly carrying a firearm with the tagline, “One of them isn’t welcome at Kroger. Guess which one.”

“These images bring into stark contrast Kroger policies that prohibit skateboards, food and a lack of appropriate attire in stores, but allow the open carry of loaded guns,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which along with Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns makes up Everytown.

“This inconsistency is particularly shocking given that the laws in a majority of states do not require a background check, permitting or even training to open carry a firearm,” Watts continued. “In all states, but especially those where gun laws are lax, businesses have an obligation to protect their employees and patrons.”

Teen with skateboard next to man openly carrying. (Photo: Everytown)

Teen with skateboard next to man openly carrying a long arm. (Photo: Everytown)

The Kroger chain of stores include: Fred Meyer, Food 4 Less, Foods Co, Gerbes Super Markets, Ralphs, Smith’s, Harris Teeter, Jay C Food Stores, Owen’s, Pay Less Supermarkets, City Market, Dillon’s Food Store/Marketplace, Baker’s, King Soopers, QFC and Fry’s Food and Drug.

The advertisements are appearing online as well as in print in major publications across the county, such as USA Today, the Cincinnati Enquirer, Columbus Dispatch, Houston Chronicle, Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, among others.

“Kroger’s leadership has been resistant to prohibiting open carry because, as they’ve stated, we don’t want employees to have to ‘confront’ a customer openly carrying a firearm, but neither do moms when we’re carrying children,” said Watts.

“If Kroger is concerned about the safety risks an armed individual poses for staff, management should put in place specific policies against open carry in and around its stores to protect both employees and customers,” she concluded.

In the past, Moms Demand Action has been successful at getting other retail outlets and restaurants to issue policies that request gun owners to leave their firearms at home. Target, Starbucks, Chipotle, Sonic, Chili’s and Jack in the Box have all capitulated to Moms Demand Action’s anti-open carry agenda. It’ll be interesting to see if Kroger follows suit.

  • Art January 13, 2017, 6:50 am

    Here’s a thought. Let the special groups against guns get their way. For every shooting at a business or in a parking lot they want gun free, they are now responsible for any legal (civil or criminal) action coming from that incident. If I cannot protect myself, they are expected to do that. So listen carefully Mr. Bloomberg – YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SANDY HOOK!

  • David September 10, 2014, 11:24 am

    I feel safer at Kroger when I’m carrying. There have been numerous shooting at the Kroger parking lot where I live, involving gang membets. Having a firearm with me is the only way I can protect myself and my wife if something were to ever go wrong.

  • Ziggy September 9, 2014, 11:32 am

    Factions are getting the citizens to disarm and to be ashamed of even owning a gun. I would rather walk into a Kroger store with most of the shoppers who are citizens of a free country openly carrying than to be in a dictatorship country with armed troops standing around were there is no freedom. What country is going to invade us with every person armed without a great loss on their end. They want to take over from within and these people against owning and carry guns are helping them to do so are anti-AMERICAN and traders to America.

  • Tom LeBar Jr September 9, 2014, 7:55 am

    No one walks into a store with a rifle or shotgun to go shopping (except overseas in the MidEast). Open or concealed handgun carry? Definitely YES!.

  • Dusty September 9, 2014, 4:49 am

    Scaring people does us no good at all. Those undecided voters that we frighten just to make a point are the ones that could ultimately vote away rights we hold paramount. It may not be reasonable or ‘right’ but it can still happen. People- escpecially scared people- have no problem giving away something they have no need for, or do not value. For example- I have no issue with giving away France- never been there, have lost nothing there, and thus don’t particularly value it. Who to give it to is a tough question though…

  • Robert Martin September 9, 2014, 4:29 am

    Taking a long gun to the supermarket? And we wonder why all gun owners are portrayed as gun nuts, idiots etc. I know it is your right but look at it from the other side. A long gun or any open carry gun can be quite intimidating to just about anyone and can possibly sway a person to support gun bans. Pretend you are going to hold up a grocery store. Who would be the first person you would shoot? The person with the exposed fire arm who you know is a threat to you or the average customer who doesn’t pose a threat? May as well pin a target on your back. What about to a police officer called to a disturbance in the area? The first thing they see is someone carrying a rifle and it can just be disastrous. A little common sense please. Conceal carry gives you the element of surprise.

  • Jack Marsh September 9, 2014, 12:59 am

    I carry a firearm in my pocket EVERYWHERE I go. If a business does not want my gun in their establishment, no problem. I don’t buy from them.
    I hate gun free zones, they make me nervous. That is where all the killings by “off the wall” lunitics occur.

  • Lancer September 8, 2014, 11:23 pm

    I think the vast majority of these comments have missed the point. These pictures are the adds placed by MOMs to incite the radicle discussion. Not legitimate photos of actual events. Very rarely will anyone walk into a Grocery store and see someone carrying a long gun around the store. Handguns perhaps, but long guns? It is simply a shock factor employed to excite people who have not already picked a side about firearms and the Second Amendment!!! Argue among yourselves and the Anti-Gun movement gains ground. Consolidate don’t fracture!

  • Marvin in Idaho September 8, 2014, 11:09 pm

    One reason for open carry. It provides an avenue to exercise 2nd amendment rights without the need for a permit. What other right guaranteed by the constitution requires a permit to exercise? Why should concealed carry be any different?
    All states need to be like Arizona, Alaska, Vermont and Wyoming, where as long as you can legally own a firearm you can carry concealed. Any realistic person already knows criminals do not follow laws, they carry concealed regardless. So the concealed carry permit only applies to law abiding folks not criminals.

    Get the concealed carry laws changed so the 2nd amendment is your carry permit, then you have reason to question open carry.
    BTW I only carry concealed (with appropriate permits); I want the tactical advantage of have a concealed weapon and only disclose it if necessary. If I was to open carry, I would spend all of my time trying to prevent someone from whacking me on the head and taking my gun. Open carry folks need to understand that if someone is to rob the store, you will either be relieved of your gun as mentioned above or shot without warning. Open carry is not a deterrent it is an invitation to get assaulted first.

    Kroger has taken the correct approach, “we follow local laws, period”. I hope they stick with this approach, Fred Meyer is one of my favorite places to shop. I do not think Kroger “volunteered” their stand on firearms, I suspect Bloombergs group asked and received an answer they did not like. Hang in there Kroger, I am cheering you on, maintain this course for the good of USA.

  • Russ September 8, 2014, 9:29 pm

    Man, it’s real simple folks.

    1. Open Carry Outdoors, if you so feel inclined.
    I’m with the crowd that dost want you to know or be concerned about what I have on me, for many reasons.

    2. Conceal Carry Indoors. Be respectful to others and don’t show off your ignorance.
    I still believe you should be able to OC but it’s a bad idea. Your scaring people and making us look bad.

    3. All Businesses should follow that rule by posting a big sign out front that says “Please,Conceal Carry Only”.
    That way crooks and good citizens know who’s welcome
    4. All the misguided and 2nd amendment illiterate business owners, please post huge signs all around your establishments that say “Gun Free Zone”
    That way we all know where the armed robberies and violent crimes will be committed, so as to stay away.

  • Jerry Bryant September 8, 2014, 2:46 pm

    You know this shows how the anti-gun nuts lie, compose misrepresentations, and refuse to press for invocations of presents laws that are now in place for prevention of lunatics, felons, and any other crazies from having access to guns long or hand guns! It appalls me that these anti-gunners would rather have the above be allowed to roam the streets free, but would rather revoke a law abiding citizen’s rights! They must process a perverted enjoyment of lying, staging scripted pictures for support of their lies, and have an inherent gene for stupidity and fear of honest people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Russ September 9, 2014, 1:00 am

      Your giving then too much credit.
      They are as your said, just plain “stupid”
      If only they had a brain and spent all that money and time on insanity.

  • Sal September 8, 2014, 2:40 pm

    I’m a second amendment guy and gun owner. I carry concealed because I don’t want anyone to know I’m armed. First of all, it scares people who aren’t familiar with firearms. Carrying an AR15 into a grocery store makes no sense. This will only feed the anti-gunners. Stash your 1911 or whatever under your shirt so no soccer mom will have a hissy fit.

  • The Pilgrim September 8, 2014, 11:41 am

    You people are being conned by this bunch! They fabricate their propaganda there hubbies and man friends are the ones carrying in the guns so they have a platform for getting some ink or the liberal news media involved no one would pay them the time of day without the guns showing up you know it and so do they!! They know how to poison the well and its all PHONY.
    Don’t be taken in by this stupid bunch of women who are being paid from Blomberg this is there job to be an protester its there job to get you to go along with there thinking and they remind me of the hateful Baptist Church west brook who insight hate and muddy the waters so Good thing the store chain is not buying there crap like Target did!

    • Russ September 9, 2014, 12:55 am

      You may have hit the nail on the head with that statement- The Pilgrim.
      Because I don’t know any firearms enthusiast that would act in that manner above.
      All the one’s I know are kind ,respectful, courteous and calm people that mind their own business.
      Thanks for the probable insight.

  • listen to this September 8, 2014, 11:02 am

    For of you who think open carry is stupid it can be for the MOMENT. However lets not forget where our country is heading with internal corruption-$17,000,000,000,000 debt and GROWING and kind of future this leads to down the road. At a time of collapse people should be able to open carry without fear. The more businesses that cave in to this, the less likely this is going to happen at a time when the global elite have manipulation of our government and country by use of the Federal Reserve.

  • Del H September 8, 2014, 10:53 am

    Come on guys. Do you think these photos are actually of open carry in the store to shop? It should be obvious that they are posed pictures by the anti-gun faction that can’t do any better than to fabricate their propaganda. There are two goals in doing this, first is to scare other shoppers so they will stand up and tell the stores not to allow guns where they shop. The second part which is more harmful to the gun carrying community, getting just what is happening here. Dividing the gun carrying citizens by dividing us into open carry and concealed carry. Unless I missed something the right to keep and bear arms didn’t have any fine print disclaimer to not include open carry.
    My personal choice is not to open carry living in a state that allows it. However I will never openly condemn anyone that open carries. I will call foul when I see something that is staged to try and take my 2nd Amendment rights.

  • Roger Bullard September 8, 2014, 10:32 am

    When my father went to school back in the 1940’s he would take his rifle or shotgun with him. He would lean it up in a corner or wall beside him and nothing was ever said. Today are society is being brainwashed by the repeated articles and rants of the evils of firearms. Firearms are what allowed us to become a free country and to those who haven’t noticed is what is used to keep it free. Every country that has taken its citizens freedom first took their ability to defend themselves. If I want to walk into any store, restaurant, or even a school with my firearm of choice it should be so common as wearing clothes! If someone wants to do harm as we all know, these stupid rules, laws, or suggestions never ever stop the crazies!!!!!!! A round properly placed by a firearm does! If I were to see someone carrying a firearm of any kind anywhere it usually is an invitation to speak to kindred soul , one who also understands that those rights that are not exercised are soon lost!!!!!!! So to all of you quote experts you might want to pull your head out of your ass and join the real fight, are freedoms are under assault! As to the law enforcement sector of are society, most of you are now the problem! You have sold your soul for a little power over we the people and have lost most if not all of your humanity, shame on you. We are your family, friends, neighbors but when you suit up we somehow become your enemy. How about we take are country back by electing the right people not for what they will give us but for what they won’t take from us, are rights! We might be sheep to the elite of this world but in this country right now these sheep are armed and whenever possible we need to display it proudly until it is as common again as wearing clothes! Vote, assemble, rally, and speak out. This right to is under assault. God help us all!

    • Russ September 9, 2014, 12:46 am

      I can easily live in the world your talking about, but it’s just like you said in the beginning.
      Many in society are brainwashed and the lack knowledge.
      So now comes the lessons we may want to help them with.

      It’s kind of like this; I love my pet snake. And I know all about him because I’m a Herpetologist.
      But I don’t carry him around in public with me because he scares the s#!t out of some people.
      He also attracts too much attention to me, good and bad.
      At the very least I get stopped and asked all kinds of questions.

      It really depends on where you live. Idaho, Wyoming vs New York, Boston, huge difference in personalities
      It’s going to take a long time for people to get educated to the point of being comfortable with open carry.
      I imagine the majority of the public will have to be carrying before those glory days are back.

  • GuidoFL September 8, 2014, 9:18 am
    • shootbrownelk September 8, 2014, 6:35 pm

      Guido, I wonder where the hell Mellon Head Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are when things like these happen?? Those two race baiters have no business putting a “Reverend” before their names. When it’s BLACK on WHITE or even BLACK on BLACK crime, these two conveniently ignore it. The Black gang bangers in Chicago kill more people than ISIS.

      • Russ September 9, 2014, 12:24 am

        They are bad people and the call themselves reverends because they like to cheat taxes.

  • TS Atomic September 8, 2014, 8:58 am

    The few folks I’ve personally seen with an open-carry rifle have all appeared to have been merely playing “Dress-Up”. I personally have no problem with open-carry, but I would prefer that those who do display some semblance of competence. The jokers I’ve seen – my daughter could have walked right up to them, slapped them hard once and taken a weapon from them. Plus, the way the rifle was dangling around with the sling comically too long (over one shoulder / not cross-sling), they were constantly fiddling with it trying to keep it from sliding off their shoulders as they walked.

    I have not seen all open-carriers and I want to be clear that I’m not speaking about all of them, but the ones I have seen were folks I would *NOT* want behind me in a fire-fight. If they didn’t shoot themselves in the leg trying to bring their rifle to bear, they would probably shoot me in the back with panic fire.

    So, if the primary goal is to be able to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights and a subsequent goal is to win over the public’s perception of firearms, then the sort of behavior I witnessed is most assuredly not who we want representing open-carry. It is up to the shooting community to self-police in that regard and constantly and consistently encourage folks to present themselves reasonably well in public. There are far better reasons to open-carry a firearm than just to make a fashion statement or whatever those characters I saw were trying to accomplish. You may think I’m exaggerating, but if you saw the entirety of the scene, it would have been hilarious if it weren’t so sad. Face-palm worthy.

    All that being said, Kroger should abide by the laws in their areas. If the local laws allow open-carry, then Kroger should too.

  • Ted Smith September 8, 2014, 8:53 am

    You know. These ads do more damage than good to all of us who are law abiding firearm owners. Really-a freakin M4 as your open carry? For cryin out loud already. These ads paint us all as saber-rattling knuckleheads. The greater majority of firearm owners who use, collect and repair firearms know damn well we wouldn’t walk into a Kroger with an M4/AR-style long gun. Most of us respect the destructive power of firearms enough to know this is way out of bounds.

    • Ken D. September 8, 2014, 2:13 pm

      I agree 100%

  • martinos68 September 8, 2014, 8:07 am

    Why the hell would you bring your AR to the super market? I’m a gunowner and legally carry my gun everywhere I go. I don’t think I need my rifle at Krogers. I’m discreet when I’m carrying. I Prefer to have the upper hand in a SHTF situation. Sure its our right. But come on you don’t need an AR to go pick up some milk.

    • listen to this September 8, 2014, 12:04 pm

      For those of you who think open carry is stupid it can be for the MOMENT. However lets not forget where our country is heading with internal corruption-$17,000,000,000,000 debt and GROWING and kind of future this leads to down the road. At a time of collapse people should be able to open carry without fear. The more businesses that cave in to this, the less likely this is going to happen at a time when the global elite have manipulation of our government and country by use of the Federal Reserve.

      • ken D. September 8, 2014, 2:11 pm

        Open carry a pistol, as a firearms instructor you should never carry a LONG gun into any store. Your just asking for trouble. open carry your pistol and have your long gun in your car or truck.

      • Russ September 9, 2014, 12:20 am

        Well ok, when Putin is on my boarder I’ll have my AK at the market and give him back all that cheap ammo. 1 round at a time in short bursts.

  • Michael E. Hensley September 8, 2014, 7:58 am

    The funny part of all the ” Don’t bring the guns ” is it’s a Request only and if you talk to Target they will tell you CCW is fine or open we really do not care but stated this to shut up the anti-gun folks. I personally would rather have my Kimber or Ruger 1911 in a store than a rifle. Difficult to crawl around trying to get a shot with a rifle plus the Rifle round may endanger someone on the other side of the Target which in most cases a .45ACP would not.

  • mike kolendo September 8, 2014, 7:53 am

    Sorry for the multiple posts. I don’t know how that happened?

    • Russ September 9, 2014, 12:13 am

      It’s ok, the sites fault for being slow.
      And I agree. x 4 lol

  • mike kolendo September 8, 2014, 7:50 am

    I am a retired law enforcement officer and an Ex Academy firearms instructor. I am completely in favor of all 2nd Amendment rights and concealed carry by responsible citizens. However, I do think open carry is ridiculous and upsets many people antagonizing them to those of us who do carry weapons for self protection. I also think open carry leaves you susceptible to having your gun taken away. if someone knows you are carrying, it takes away the element of surprise in case of an altercation and would allow someone to hit you over the back of the head and take away your firearm. It simply has no place in an open, everyday society. when businesses establish gun free zones I quit patronizing them. But open carry prohibitions, I completely understand.

  • mike kolendo September 8, 2014, 7:49 am

    I am a retired law enforcement officer and an Ex Academy firearms instructor. I am completely in favor of all 2nd Amendment rights and concealed carry by responsible citizens. However, I do think open carry is ridiculous and upsets many people antagonizing them to those of us who do carry weapons for self protection. I also think open carry leaves you susceptible to having your gun taken away. if someone knows you are carrying, it takes away the element of surprise in case of an altercation and would allow someone to hit you over the back of the head and take away your firearm. It simply has no place in an open, everyday society. when businesses establish gun free zones I quit patronizing them. But open carry prohibitions, I completely understand.

  • mike kolendo September 8, 2014, 7:49 am

    I am a retired law enforcement officer and an Ex Academy firearms instructor. I am completely in favor of all 2nd Amendment rights and concealed carry by responsible citizens. However, I do think open carry is ridiculous and upsets many people antagonizing them to those of us who do carry weapons for self protection. I also think open carry leaves you susceptible to having your gun taken away. if someone knows you are carrying, it takes away the element of surprise in case of an altercation and would allow someone to hit you over the back of the head and take away your firearm. It simply has no place in an open, everyday society. when businesses establish gun free zones I quit patronizing them. But open carry prohibitions, I completely understand.

  • mike kolendo September 8, 2014, 7:49 am

    I am a retired law enforcement officer and an Ex Academy firearms instructor. I am completely in favor of all 2nd Amendment rights and concealed carry by responsible citizens. However, I do think open carry is ridiculous and upsets many people antagonizing them to those of us who do carry weapons for self protection. I also think open carry leaves you susceptible to having your gun taken away. if someone knows you are carrying, it takes away the element of surprise in case of an altercation and would allow someone to hit you over the back of the head and take away your firearm. It simply has no place in an open, everyday society. when businesses establish gun free zones I quit patronizing them. But open carry prohibitions, I completely understand.

  • John L September 8, 2014, 7:37 am

    This should be interesting where I live ( Arizona ). Our state constitution guarantees the right to open carry. Private businesses can request that you surrender you firearm, but they must provide a secure storage area and take responsibility for safekeeping. Add to that, concealed carry without a CCW is also a state right. I see open carry every day here in every business establishment. Nobody blinks an eye. It’s just accepted as no big deal.

  • Larry September 8, 2014, 7:34 am

    I am a life long supporter of the 2nd Amendment and NRA member and I think that open carry is just plain stupid. First it just unnecessarily antagonizes the public and second, these are the first guys a bad guy is going to shoot as they are a threat. Get a concealed carry permit and carry your weapon that way. Why parade around with long guns any way?

    • Mel September 8, 2014, 4:17 pm

      Open carry provides a deterrent factor that concealed carry doesn’t. The bad guys will go elsewhere, if they were to SEE guns on customers all around them, they’d look for easier prey. Open carry is a deterrent and concealed carry is a reaction only ability. I see comments from Arizonians, that when seeing armed citizens, they don’t give it a second thought (I am not an Arizonian, but I have seen it and had to get used to it and came to appreciate it). They have become accustomed to it, as a society, and they feel safer for it. Once that threshold is reached, where the public is accustomed to the sight of armed good guys, the environment becomes safer (just as an armed officer or security guard is a deterrent). It isn’t a foolproof answer, but criminals will almost always look for the most vulnerable target and concealed carry only does not send the message that this is not a area you want to attack, open carry does. It is valid that maybe open carry may make you a primary target, but what if there are many others around you that are also carrying open. Now, if you are the potential target and he SEES there are another half dozen or dozen weapons surrounding him, he is deterred most likely. For this reason, I give kuddos to those that step up and start showing the public that being a gun owner is not equal to being a bad guy. These people are paving the way, so that maybe one day the public will accept the fact that an armed society is a safer society. It has to begin somewhere and it takes some guts and will (that I don’t have) to start the enlightening process and hope one day that seeing the public armed is not a novelty, but the norm. Criminals will be outnumbered and they will know it. Arizona has made it work and good for you there. One caveat is, that what my thinking is, applies to hand guns more than long guns. I am guessing that those carrying long guns in public are doing so because of restrictions they are having to abide with and would not be of their choosing for the most part.

  • Doug K September 8, 2014, 7:17 am

    Don’t just sit back and watch, go to Kroger’s customer comment section and tell them you are a customer and are happy that they are standing up
    To the MDA and not restricting our Second Amendment rights. Let’s not let MDA be the vocal majority, gun owners!


  • Doug K September 8, 2014, 7:17 am

    Don’t just sit back and watch, go to Kroger’s customer comment section and tell them you are a customer and are happy that they are standing up
    To the MDA and not restricting our Second Amendment rights. Let’s not let MDA be the vocal majority, gun owners!

    • Russ September 8, 2014, 9:00 pm

      Real good idea doug. I will

  • Dave Robinson September 8, 2014, 7:05 am

    Why didn’t you furnish contact info for Kroger so we could tell them that main stream America is on their side and to thank them for not caving in to the anti-gun crowd?

  • Robert Daugherty September 8, 2014, 6:49 am

    Why are people so antagonistic in having to bring a long gun into a supermarket? There are many law biding citizens that own guns, carry guns and collect guns (like me) that would no more think of bringing a rifle to a supermarket than handing out matches at a fireworks factory. This type of behavior is insane and should be stopped immediately. I as a responsible gun owner are a shamed of this kind of activity. If one needs to carry a rifle into a supermarket you must be terribly insecure, a complete nutjob or just trying to get attention. In any case, have your groceries delivered and stop with this nonsense. You make us all look bad.

    • Neal Schwartz September 8, 2014, 1:01 pm

      Robert, Your comments are right on the mark. I can’t even imagine someone that truly believes in the Second Amendment doing this sort of thing, all it does is support one of the reasons some people are against it. An as far as Kroger, or any other business, I think it’s best not to comment on the issue at all. Most people carry for a reason, whatever that might be, and under the constitution. It does not matter what the signs might say, and unless something drastic and out of the ordinary happens no one will know anyway. How does a sign forgo a constitutional right? If Kroger wants a real weapons ban in their stores they need to hire armed guards and install detection devices to check everyone as they enter, like the courts do. If not, just remain silent. Apparently Kroger expressed an opinion and now all the nutcases want to rub it in everyone elses face. The nut cases do not represent the rest of us.

    • mtman2 September 8, 2014, 4:21 pm

      “Well”, concealed carry has a purpose and with the privacy of the concealment give pause to criminals not knowing who maybe armed. An open carry situation gives a criminal a chance to hit the citizen over the head and take their weapon while picking over the cantaloupes ~!

      • Russ September 9, 2014, 12:07 am


    • Lee Kramer September 8, 2014, 4:28 pm

      Assault, murder and robbery are, have, and will always be illegal and immoral. That’s how it should be. Nobody has a right to do these things. Unfortunately by the same token no law conceived in Heaven or ‘devised’ on Earth has or will stop people from doing these things.

      Drivers and especially semi-truckers that cruise in the left hand passing lane on the interstate ought to be arrested and jailed for being so inconsiderate to the motoring public. That is only my frustration talking when I encounter these dangerous idiots creating bottle-neck traffic on four lane highways. Now I truly hope nothing that extreme ever comes to pass. But states are passing laws in this regard in that last few years because many drivers fail to move back into the right hand cruising lane. Where will it end?

      I believe in your right to free speech, whether asinine or intelligent, but just who died and appointed you god? People who do seemingly stupid things don’t make it criminal or necessarily even stupid. It is a subjective matter of opinion, and everyone knows what opinions are like. All except for do-gooders, who more frightening to me than our adversaries who are at least honest about their desire to ban guns and killing the Second Amendment. If I spoke and acted on my opinion of how I ‘feel’ about all of the inconsiderate drivers on the road then wouldn’t that make me a do-gooder too. But the issue addressed isn’t and never will be about a ‘need’ to carry a rifle or any other weapon into a store or anyplace else for that matter. It is a question of ‘Liberty’ and more importantly the further undermining of Liberty. Do-gooder never has and never will understand that. Oh Lord deliver us from all thieving do-gooders who are always seeking to save us from ourselves! Even the ones who claim to support the Second Amendment.

      Your quote “You make us all look bad.” Chutzpah! All supporters of the Second Amendment whether they open carry, conceal carry, or don’t carry at all but have a gun in their closet at home are all seen by our adversaries the very same way. We by Liberty are armed, therefore we are evil. No gun owner makes another type of gun owner bad! As I said chutzpah!

      • Steve H. September 13, 2014, 12:59 pm

        Well said, Lee. This is the problem with the self-appointed righteous patrols; they want actions of someone else declared illegal simply because THEY do not condone whatever is being talked about. One mentions one of the open carry people maybe getting knocked in the head and their gun stolen: I defy them to show even one case in America where this scenario has played out. I don’t carry open, but I don’t condemn some who wants to. We lived in a small town in Wyoming and it was common to see someone with a big 6 shooter strapped to them while grocery shopping, even women at times. I never felt threatened or intimidated. Also never heard of a single instance where these open carry people committed a crime while expressing their constitutional right to open carry. Wake up people. The anti-gun people will break the pro-gun people apart one section at a time and one morning you will wake up and you can no longer skeet or trap shoot, or hunt, or anything else that pertains to the sport of shooting. Look what happened in Australia if you don’t believe this.

    • Lee Kramer September 8, 2014, 4:30 pm

      My comment to Neal, ditto!

    • jack marsh September 8, 2014, 10:21 pm

      The ad was put on by the gun haters. Few gun owners carry openly and fewer still would carry a long gun.
      Personally, I don’t go where my gun is not allowed. Gun free zones is where all the jerks go to shoot un-armed kids.
      Gun free zones are very dangerous, but then you have to have an IQ which is larger than your hat size to realize that
      As soon as a retailer announces that they don’t want guns in their store, then they also don’t want this old soldier.

      • mike ehrig September 9, 2014, 4:40 pm

        i totally agree with jack. i believe in concealed carry and i believe anybody that does accept that, cant accept me. my money, business, and time will welcomed some where else.

    • Ron K. September 10, 2014, 5:59 pm

      We don’t have a problem with it in Alaska. Its so common in most areas that it becomes an unnoticed nuance of your shopping experience. Most of these folks have either walked, rode a quad, or snowmobiled to the store and carry for protection from critters.. And, if you’ve ever seen a bear charge you know why a rifle and not a handgun! Its just a case of what people have become accustomed to…. The new generation just about fry their cookies at the sight of a gun…

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