Everytown Draws ‘Line in the Sand’ to Stop National Concealed Carry Reciprocity

Everytown Draws ‘Line in the Sand’ to Stop National Concealed Carry Reciprocity

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the purse behind Everytown for Gun Safety. (Photo: NBC)

In an announcement this week in Politico Everytown for Gun Safety, the pro-gun control organization funded by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, made defeating the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (S. 446) its “national priority.”

“This is a line in the sand on this issue, there’s no question about it. The NRA wants to normalize carrying guns in public. It’s not where the American public is,” said Everytown President John Feinblatt.

“We’re putting people on notice today that we’re watching … and that we expect to hold people accountable,” continued Feinblatt.

By “accountable” what Feinblatt means is that any politician voicing support for the measure will be blackballed from big daddy Bloomberg’s war chest or smashed with millions of dollars in attack ads during the 2018 midterms or, perhaps, both.

To make its point, the group rolled out the head (figuratively speaking, of course) of former Sen. Kelly Ayotte who voted against universal background checks in 2013. To punish Ayotte, a Republican senator from New Hampshire, Everytown and other gun control organizations spent $8 million to ensure she wasn’t re-elected in 2017.

Overall, Everytown spent $25 million in 2016 but has promised, in a statement on its website, that it will “spend what it takes to defeat” national reciprocity.

For the record, if passed, S.446 will do all of the following:

  • Ensure that valid concealed carry permits issued in one state are valid for carrying concealed handguns in other states that recognize their own resident’s right to concealed carry;
  • Allow those from constitutional carry states the ability to carry in other states that recognize their own resident’s right to concealed carry;
  • Put the burden of proof clearly on the state to show that an individual carrying concealed did not comply with the law, thus protecting law-abiding gun owners from onerous civil suits;
  • Provide legal protections against states that violate the intent of this bill, making attorney’s fees and damages available to victorious plaintiffs in civil suits, as well as to defendants who prevail in criminal cases; and
  • Allow individuals who are carrying concealed to do so in the National Park System, National Wildlife Refuge System, and on lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation.

Feinblatt opposes national reciprocity because “it would make the weakest link the law of the land and force states to allow domestic abusers, convicted stalkers, people with violent histories, and people who lack even the most basic gun safety training to carry concealed guns in public.”

Domestic abusers, convicted stalkers, and violent felons are prohibited from carrying firearms under federal law. The Gun Control Act (GCA), codified at 18 U.S.C. § 922(g), makes it unlawful for anyone who falls into any of the following categories to ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms or ammunition:

  • convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year; who is a fugitive from justice;
  • who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);
  • who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution; who is an illegal alien;
  • who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;
  • who has renounced his or her United States citizenship;
  • who is subject to a court order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of the intimate partner; or
  • who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.

Yeah, so, the notion that national reciprocity forces states to rubber-stamp permits to prohibited persons is nonsense. Feinblatt is blowing smoke. Passing S.446 won’t increase the number of bad guys in public with guns because all the bad guys who want to carry guns in public already do so!  They don’t care about the law!

What S.446 will do is actually increase the number of good guys with guns in public. That’s right. For example, what stops me from carrying when I travel to my old stomping ground in New York is the stupid state law that makes it illegal for me, a licensed KY permit holder, to do so. The question I’d pose to Feinblatt is how does keeping me, a law-abiding citizen, from carrying in New York make myself, my family, or my friends any safer?  Broadly speaking, how does preventing millions of permit holders from carrying make the public any safer?

Unlike Bloomberg, we don’t have armed guards who protect us.  Our 2A rights are the only thing we have to prevent us from becoming a statistic.

  • Kim Curtis July 3, 2017, 7:00 pm

    When Mr. Feinblatt says, “… It’s not where the American public is,”, it’s quite obvious that he has NO IDEA where the American public is, on this issue!
    Why does he think we elected Donald Trump to the highest office in the land? It certainly WASN’T to continue the Obama/Clinton agenda of getting rid of guns!
    Mr. Feinblatt and former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg have an agenda and that agenda has NOTHING to do with what the American public wants! NOTHING!
    They and the Demoncratic Party have a NO-GUNS IN AMERICA agenda! Of course that is, no guns for anyone but the high muckety-mucks of politics and the movie stars and others that THINK they need body guards! It’s OK for THEM to have defenses! Just NOT the regular people of this Nation!
    What they want is to disarm the American public so that the criminals, who, by definition pay absolutely NO ATTENTION TO LAWS, can come into one’s home, steal from them, rape the women and torture the men and then kill them, without ANY form of self-defense!
    God gave man the RIGHT to self defense! The government of any country, State, County or city/town cannot take that right away! Michael Bloomberg is NOT GOD! He has no business promoting an agenda that will disarm and remove the means of self defense for Americans!
    How anyone in their right mind can believe that this is a good thing for America tends to boggle the mind!
    How anyone can believe the BS that the Demoncratic Party, Michael Bloomberg, Mr. Feinblatt and Everytown For Gun Safety puts out there and markets as a SAFE thing for Americans is way beyond belief!
    If they want gun safety, they should mandate that every citizen of America that is over the age of six years old, take the finest gun courses available! Perhaps they could all register for 2 or 4-day handgun courses from Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, the finest training facility in the world! It is located in Pahrump, Nevada, just outside Las Vegas! AND, there is another facility in Alaska Right now, it has the ability to train 2000 students EACH DAY!
    Mandating training which includes not only better than Military grade training on the use and firing techniques of a firearm, but also training on the laws and how to comply with them. What is safe to do and what is not safe to do! How to keep the muzzle of your firearm from covering, (pointing at) any art of the shooter’s body or anything else that is not intended to be fired upon! It takes training and PRACTICE with one’s firearm to become proficient and SAFE! Just buying a gun, loading it and sticking it your nightstand drawer does not make you safe!
    You NEED TO BE TRAINED BY COMPETENT TRAINERS that cover everything you need to know to be safe with that gun and when you can shoot and when you cannot!
    There is a lot more that goes into the owning and use of a gun! RESPONSIBILITY for one’s actions is the key!
    If everyone owned a gun and was proficient in it’s use and safety, the crime rate in this Nation would fall faster than the ball in Times Square on New Year’s Day at Midnight the 31st of December!
    There WOULD be a very noticeable drop in crime of all kinds, especially violent crime!
    THAT is something that Everytown For Gun Safety cannot guarantee with anything they have on their agenda!
    The Demoncratic Party should check what the American public REALLY wants and get with that program instead of the BS they are promoting as SAFE GUN CONTROL!
    What they are promoting, now, is nothing more than a scam, perpetrated on the American public in the guise of something that will make the streets of America safe! Just like SAFE SPACES, it WILL NOT WORK! A safe space is nothing more than a target rich environment for a shooter bent on killing as many people as possible! After all, if no one in this so-called SAFE space has a way to defend themselves and others there, it is a ripe target to kill a lot of people with nothing to worry about as far as defensive action by anyone there! They are ALL defenseless! How in the world can ANYONE think that is a SAFE place to be??
    Come on, America! Tell these idiots just what you REALLY think about their agenda!

  • Ronald miller April 20, 2017, 1:18 pm

    I hope Trump fixes this totally, if we can have a gun in our State we should be able to in any State in the USA and in any place, bad guys will soon learn where to rob and kill knowing we can’t protect ourselves in many places, that is so dumb it just shows that college grads who make such dumb laws are really stupid and should have never passed any classes

  • Bam1340 April 16, 2017, 1:55 pm

    So I read this and what keeps coming up is “we will spend what it takes to end this” we will bribe blackmail and blackball everyone that doesn’t think like us and we will bully them till they do. Congrats your an older highschool bully that never matured

  • Rick April 16, 2017, 1:25 pm

    If bloomberg is against guns why doesn’t he get rid of his security?? The guy is truly a piece of shit……

    • Ed Trubenbach April 21, 2017, 1:31 pm

      I will second that opinion Rick!

  • Mike Donovan April 15, 2017, 1:33 pm

    Judas goat Bloomberg want us all to get on the train. We will be given food and water at the next stop and at the final designation we can take a shower.

  • Wayne Clemon April 15, 2017, 11:15 am

    what’s never considered by the anti-gun types is that criminals and other generally irresponsible people are going to carry without a permit

  • Big John April 15, 2017, 8:49 am

    “To make its point, the group rolled out the head (figuratively speaking, of course) of former Sen. Kelly Ayotte who voted against universal background checks in 2013. To punish Ayotte, a Republican senator from New Hampshire, Everytown and other gun control organizations spent $8 million to ensure she wasn’t re-elected in 2017.”

    That’s a bunch of bullshit- Kelly Ayotte didn’t get re-elected because she’s a RINO and a conservative Republican ran against her as a third party independent splitting the vote. New Hampshire Republican races are getting to be circular firing squads with all of the RINO’s moving there from CT and Mass running for office.

  • jay April 15, 2017, 3:26 am

    Just another gun hating commie-crat that says do as I say not what I do. This totally about control of people, so we need the government to “protect us”. WORKS WELL IN CHICAGO, DOESN’T IT? scumberg is an asshole who should concern himself with his own shit.

  • Dave Haarstad April 14, 2017, 6:37 pm

    Dave here again. I own hundreds of training sessions at front sight and will give two day courses to the first ten that sing up with Front Sight and go though background checks to be able to train their. You must be new members and pay any transfer fees if required
    I own over a hundred lifetime memberships and will give one to the person of my choosing with best request.
    This is the best training available.
    The bad guys don’t get this training as you must pass a background check.
    “Gangstas” for the most part can’t hit a barn. Give me two to the thoracic and a follow up to the…….. if needed.
    Decide to protect yourself. Insurance is offer thou Front sight as well.
    What if you do have to protect yourself legally. Can you afford to make a mistake.
    A saying in the old days of jeeping.
    Go, but go prepared.
    I love this country. I don’t always agree with the policies. But it’s the best their is.
    I could write a book. That said.
    Watch. The bullit proof mind series by Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman.
    Keep learning all the time. Never stop!!

  • Z April 14, 2017, 5:37 pm

    Flush that basket !

  • Rickey M April 14, 2017, 5:35 pm

    As that N.Y. Mistake found out in the last elections, only N.Y. cares what the hell he thinks. He spent Millions trying to spread his nonsense beyond the veil of the Land of No Downtown Sunlight, and he wasted his millions. The rest of America laughs at Bloomberg and the people that kept him in power for (3) terms? If you want to be shot, and attacked like they do in Chicago and other Democratic Battalions be my guest, but as for myself and millions of others who refuse to be victims, we spent a lot of time training safely, tested for, passed security and FBI checks, and paid a lot of money to be able to protect ourselves against those that don’t follow the laws, and intend to harm you. Every State we pass through has different laws on carry. Some we must lock them up, some we must separate Ammo from weapons, some must be made inconvenient to get to? “Excuse me: can you stay right there while I get my Ammo, and weapon together before you shoot me?” The reason this man and others say they don’t want a standard carry law is because of people of power don’t want you to, not necessarily the Police. They know they can’t be everywhere and protect everyone. In most places I’ve lived, they have little to no problem with legal carry laws, and trained people. They treat every stop with the possibility that you are armed now anyway. (part of my Family is in law enforcement.) For the people who want to be sheep and the next victim, don’t buy or carry a gun “I understand!” But don’t waste good money doing the Democratic thing of trying to disarm Americans because you know you can’t every over-throw a well-armed Citizenship, and call it by the name of protecting the safety of the people!

  • Darrin Raymond April 14, 2017, 3:56 pm

    You know, the Constitution states that it is our DUTY as American citizens to disobey ANY LAW THAT IS UNLAWFUL! Not a right but a DUTY! This disgusting pig who is constantly surrounded by full auto SBRs and handguns and SMGs is the perfect example of how disgusting our country has become! The Constitution guarantees EVERYONE had the RIGHT to a firearm and yes I would prefer they be trained but it is NOT a requirement to exercise ones right!

  • Jay S Leonard April 14, 2017, 3:51 pm

    Fuck Everytown and Bloomberg!!!!

  • Kent Groth April 14, 2017, 2:59 pm

    Says the asshole LIVING IN BERMUDA! Well, f^ck him!

  • Campbell A King April 14, 2017, 1:52 pm

    Toilet paper with a picture of Bloomberg on every sheet.

    • Kent Groth April 14, 2017, 3:02 pm

      Obama pics on the other side…

  • Ray April 14, 2017, 1:09 pm

    This coming from a guy who has armed guards protecting him 24/7. Are we to believe that when he travels out of state the firearms stay home?

    • RayJN April 14, 2017, 3:22 pm

      He is an elite Democrat who lives under different rules than the peasants, everyone else need to accept their fate and quit whining. Criminals are one of the top assets of the Dems/progressive/liberals/communist. How else can they motivate the sheep to cry for more “safety” while given away their freedoms and in the end becoming slaves?

  • Pat April 14, 2017, 1:05 pm

    what an idiot, bad guys and stalkers already have guns and are carrying them concealed wherever they want, doesn’t matter what state they’re in.

  • Maha April 14, 2017, 1:02 pm

    Bloomberg is such as asshat. He turned Business Week into a leftist rag.

  • Beachhawk April 14, 2017, 12:36 pm

    This is just a hobby for Bloomberg, who has more money than he knows what to do with it. Since leaving his job as NYC’s mayor, he has to find some way to spend his time. He just needs to retire and sit back and count his billions or maybe he could run for governor, except he probably wouldn’t find Albany very comfortable. Maybe he could chat up Chis Christie when the New Jersey governor isn’t messing with the traffic in Ft. Lee.

  • Charlie April 14, 2017, 12:07 pm

    Bring back the old west. If you had a gun you had an equal chance to defend yourself and your family. If not you were a target by those who used the gun against you .Any of the police people will tell you they can only proceed in a crime investigation or action only after you have been injured by a criminal.

  • jerry April 14, 2017, 11:32 am

    Bloomberg,Why don’t you take your money and go somewhere and enjoy it ?? Why do you think making people believe as you do,is the thing we should want!!! We have had laws and the bill of rights for years,till you one world guys started to get the idea that we ,the people should have no say!!?? You are asking for a war,on our own soil ,Keep it up and you might see this come to be !!! It won’t be pretty !!

  • RON April 14, 2017, 11:29 am

    The last little trip I took, I HAD TO CHANGE WHERE MY GUN WAS 6 TIMES! I have C.C. Permit in my state. Open carry in another, Locked in the trunk in the next and so forth every time I CROSS AN INVISIBLE LINE ! THAT’S THE STUPID LAW !

  • Pat Bryan April 14, 2017, 11:02 am

    One reason for our Federal system is that the limited autonomy of the States makes them ideal test-beds for legislation that might later be enacted nationwide. Current cannabis laws are an example. They give all of us actual proof of results rather than jawboning and extrapolating.
    Likewise for gun laws: I would like to find out why the spousal-abuse firearms murder rate is twice as high in states that do not have background checks that include history of spousal abuse.
    I believe that is why the NRA worked so hard lobbying to forbid considering gun violence as a public health problem.

    • Terry April 14, 2017, 5:26 pm

      Not too bright huh there Pat? You sound like one of the typical Liberals that lie to try and get things done the way they want it done. Just like the douche Bloomberg and his cronies in the article above. Just so you know, EVERY state requires a background check before you can purchase a firearm. Gun violence is NOT a public health problem. People like you are the public health problem. Because of liberals like yourself the way that our younger generations are raised they have no respect for life. That IS the public health problem. Maybe ***holes like Bloomberg and every other Libtard that thinks I should be thinking and acting like they do can work on that problem. If you ask me that’s a lot more important than worrying if honest law abiding Americans are able to carry their concealed firearm across state lines. Are you afraid that the crime rates in places like New York and California will go down with more honest people carrying and make you look bad if this bill is passed? Heaven forbid people being able to defend themselves without worrying about being prosecuted for carrying a firearm.

  • Mike Watkins April 14, 2017, 11:01 am

    Someday Michael Bloomberg will die.

    Someday I will take great pleasure from urinating on his grave.

    • PETE OSTERGARD April 14, 2017, 2:33 pm

      I’ll drink a six pack of IPA first. Make that two.

  • Retrocon April 14, 2017, 10:43 am

    National reciprocity needs to be attacked in another way… same as same sex marriage and drivers license. You have an enumerated right, unlike the other two, that has licenses in every state, the federal courts can just say “it’s a right, and states must recognize other states licenses, just like gay marriage licenses and drivers licenses.”

  • cisco kid April 14, 2017, 10:42 am

    I would ignore the comments from the \”Jethro Bodine\” crowd. I agree with you Nick 100 per cent. Here in Ohio we are required \”training to carry\” and required to \”know the law\” as to when you can and cannot shoot. That is just plain \”common sense\”, something the Jethro Bodine crowd is sadly lacking. I for one would vote against the new law unless it is amended to require a mandatory training certificate.ONE THING THAT WAS NOT MENTIONED AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. How in the world is one to know all of the myriad of laws in all of the U.S. States on \”when you can and cannot shoot\”. It often differs quite a bit between States. Again, the new law would have to have rules written into to it that would negate State Laws on this tricky problem. As you can see on the surface the new proposed law looks great but as we dig deeper it gets more and more complicated. Not that it could not be worked out but \”States Rights\” would result in a knock down drag out battle between the Federal New Law and the Older States laws as to \”when you can and cannot shoot\”. According to Conservatives \”States rights should always be given preference to Federal law especially where \”gun rights\” are concerned. It would be quite ironic if the people who originally wanted the new law \”the Conservatives\” end up being the majority of people who prevent the new law from being passed which is quite likely to happen when push comes to shove over \”States Rights\”. They say \”Politics often make strange bed fellows\” and in this case you just may see Bloomberg and the Republicans all agreeing that the \”New Law\” is not such a good idea after all. Sad for us gun owners but very true never the less.

  • JungleCogs April 14, 2017, 10:41 am

    As long as the Marxist Michael Bloomberg employs armed security he remains a raging hypocrite and anti-American for battling our Constitutional 2A. We would do best to ridicule him and ridicule him often.

  • Mark stern April 14, 2017, 10:32 am

    Captain bone head has his own team of body guards to protect his shitty ass. Our body guard is on our side. Come take it away and I will unload it special all rounds just for you.

  • Mark Are April 14, 2017, 10:21 am

    Who’da thunk it, y’know? For the millionth time, gun-free zones, magazine bans, “assault rifle” bans, carry permits — none of these garbage laws have any effect on criminals because they’re freaking criminals. AND maybe we should all be “criminals” because these idiotic “laws” VIOLATE our NATURAL RIGHTS. Maybe we need to shun the political process because all it does is attract psychopaths to positions of power and we enable them by supporting the whole insane apparatus that has proven to be a detriment to humanity time after time again. WHEN WILL WE EVER LEARN?

    • Mahatma Muhjesbude April 14, 2017, 2:02 pm

      Unfortunately, Mark, the flawed human race at this point in its evolution never learns without a mass catastrophic life changing event that ‘forces’ them to learn, usually the hard way. Some of us who study this sort of thing have seen the ‘event’ coming for some time now.

      I’ve been warning everybody since the first day of Trump’s presidency not to sleep peacefully just because he ‘said’ he’d protect the Constitution and 2nd/A. I explained that the Totalitarians will never rest and that Trumps victory was just a small delay, but not a permanent derailment of their Freight Train of Tyranny. And now you see that they are not even trying to hide it anymore.

      The Treasonous Totalitarians are in your FACE and Telling your stupid asses, that You ain’t gettin no fuckin Reciprocity if they got any skin in the game!

      The enemy feels confidant because they know they have the ‘numbers’ on their side. Remember, twice now, with GW and Algore, and now with trump. The Totalitarian Left had the popular vote numbers. This country is serious split divided as it was in the civil war. And for eerily similar non-issues that led to the Civil War. But this current gun rights non-issue will become an catalyst event when triggered by the same kind of tactics these Control Freak Despots are replicating from the Revolutionary War. When they actually start seizures and confiscations, like the British Soldiers did of civilian Patriot’s weapons to ‘prevent’ violence against the Crown… or ‘domestic terrorism’ as it would be called today, the Revolution commenced dramatically.

      And you’re right about making us all criminals. That’s part of the tactic. The ’68 GCA already prohibits convicted criminals from having guns, Even though the Framers of Constitution never considered eternal loss of your natural born liberties just for bad behavior? If you committed really Bad Behavior, types of weapons you may have used not withstanding, you were taken out of normal society and punished for however long it took for you to rehabilitate. If you were dangerously incorrigible and couldn’t be safely let loose on society, you stayed in prison indefinitely, or were hanged. If you once again became a law abiding citizen, ALL your rights were there waiting for you when you were released !

      There wasn’t even an entertainment of the ‘Thought’ of permanently restricting inanimate objects from persons who committed crimes if they were deemed suitable for social interface like the ’68 GCA which has now evolved to invoke eternal gun prohibition even if the crime did not involve a gun, was on isolated incident or non-violent, or victimless. Which of course, everybody knows never stops serious habitual/professional miscreants and reprobates from getting a gun illegally, so why is this stupid background gun control and check farce still even in existence(Battlefield America)? A Freaking motor vehicle has been recently PROVEN to be a deadlier tool by extreme bad behavior persons? But we don’t prevent vehicular homides by banning anybody who did one from ever driving? When you think about it you get the big Orwellian Picture of the real motives of all these laws.

      The idea was fomented in the social consciousness during the turn of the century, actually, by the nascent emergence of the Marxist power elite here in American politics. In order to ‘milk’ the masses for every drop of milk and thread of wool, you couldn’t have them running around with access to tools like guns to force tyrants to stop trying to control them.

      “These hog wild and slop crazy American Citizens had something called a Constitution that allowed them to essentially do what they want as long as they didn’t hurt anybody. And they all have too many guns…”

      Well that had to stop. You simply can’t develop good Totalitarian economics with that ridiculous system. But they didn’t want to just do a Visigoth Barbecue on the masses. Too troublesome and messy and dead sheeple don’t maximize socialist profits.

      So they make laws. and more laws. and still more, mostly unconstitutional, laws. So that they can eventually target certain dissent groups, by making them ‘law-violators’ in some way or form which then can be subject to gun prohibition.

      And half the already dumbed down converted sheeples go along with those laws.

      Instead of repealing all gun control laws and then just dealing with criminals who also use weapons a bit more seriously and spending all those multi-millions not to violate a right of somebody who doesn’t do criminal behavior, but use the money to establish promote social behavior studies/programs to prevent violent and criminal behavior at the root cause with modern treatments and new ways of social psychological bad behavior adjustments.

      Not doing this not only is a criminal act also, by undermining and destroying our Constitution. But it proves beyond any reasonable doubt that we have treasonous elements of very Dangerous Tyranny agendas in our country that should be investigated and prosecuted.

      But don’t hold your breath, Mark. These Totalitarians are masters of the political corruption game. And they’ve got unlimited chips on the table. And Trump can’t even reign in his ATF gestapo from making Fiat regulations . They just illegally shut down and seized and home-invaded the legal business of another ‘solvent trap’ company in Florida after SD tactical a few weeks ago!

      Until we go back to the Original Constitution which had No NFA ACT, No agenda based ’68 GCAct, no background checks, no carry licenses, NO BULLSHIT Gunlaws enforced by hack booted Hitlarian gestapo, that do more damage to liberty and justice than any chance of being a potential solution, to a specious and fraudulent notion of ‘public safetey’ that is starting to insult the intelligence of Free Thinking citizesn… It will only get worse!.

      …And then really worse.

      • PETE OSTERGARD April 14, 2017, 2:40 pm

        Quite a lot of words there, but ohhh so true!

      • Mark Are April 14, 2017, 3:20 pm

        Well I hope I can help bring it back to the way it was before I am too incapacitated by age. I really WOULD like to see my sons grown up in a free world.

  • Scott April 14, 2017, 9:48 am

    I think Bloomberg is just a dirt bag that’s needs to be sent to Israel and out of our country this asshole is just to anti American.

  • Ron April 14, 2017, 9:45 am

    Let’s do it right and declare constutional carry to be the law of the land in all 50 states. No more BS half measures. Live the constution.

  • Ralph Sprovier April 14, 2017, 9:45 am

    Rust and power hungry politicians – both useless POS

  • Robert Havener April 14, 2017, 9:34 am

    If I lived in NY, Ill, R.I. or several other states I would have gun on me all the time. Properly all states with liberal Dem-O-Rats.

  • jake April 14, 2017, 9:32 am

    i like how the mentally ill are grouped with illegal aliens….. Jesus.

  • Infidel7.62 April 14, 2017, 8:46 am

    Let’s go for the whole ball of wax and end driver’s license and vehicle registration reciprocity while we are at it.

    • Retrocon April 14, 2017, 10:45 am

      Don’t forget, respect for licensing across state lines was the gay marriage argument.

  • Jesse Scott April 14, 2017, 8:31 am

    Will work about as good as obammy’s red line in Syria

  • Jim Jadwin April 14, 2017, 7:17 am

    Bloomberg has his head stuck up his butt as usual. “The NRA wants to normalize carrying guns in public. It’s not where the American public is,” said Everytown President John Feinblatt”. In today’s world, the LIBTARDS of America have created this situation by coddling the criminal element and making excuses for their behavior. LIBTARDS within our government are now trying to pass legislation to enable home invaders, robbers, rapists and potential murders with the ability to sue their victims.!!! WTF has this country turned into? With the Muslim terrorist attacks in the USA, from Dallas, to San Bernadino, to Orlando, to Boston, to even the streets of NYC, citizens are tired of being victims. The American public either defends itself from these homegrown jihadists or we become worm food. I for one am tired the only ones with guns, are the cops and the bad guys. The American people want and deserve to be safe, in their homes and on the streets. If the government can’t or will not provide that protection, we as citizens are obligated to protect ourselves.

  • Eric Haulenbeek April 14, 2017, 7:12 am

    A line in the sand is about all this gun-grabbing numbskull can offer… as if it means anything at all!

  • Jay April 14, 2017, 6:31 am

    Of course, most anyone with 1/4 of a brain cell knows that old bloomberg is the poster boy for hypocrisy! This is the same guy who tried to tell other people that we are so stupid, we have to be told everything from what to eat, to how much soda we can drink. The same guy who surrounds himself with an armed security team making 6 figure salaries to protect this bum. He promises to spend on his anti-gun agenda less than he spends on his own security team salaries. The same guy who wants to tell you that your freedoms are subject to restrictions while his are not! I hope he chokes on his next burger that you and are not suppose to eat, even that’s too good for the likes of this hypocrite!

  • David Haarstad April 14, 2017, 6:06 am

    I am licensed ccw in Washington State were I was born/raised, owned a gun store. I am also licensed in Florida were I now live.
    I am trained by Front Sight Firearms Training Institute in Pahrump, NV. They are by far the largest and best training facility in the United States. They are hiring another hundred trainers as we speak to keep up with the new 25 more ranges.
    They occupy Hundreds of acres and growing faster than most can fatham.
    The point being!! Thousands of citizens are training to the highest standard weekly. THIS IS THE STANDARD FOR FIREARMS TRAINING.
    I have just become one of the highest standing members of Front Sight Firearms Training Facility, Yet any training through them is superior to any other facility.
    Our law enforcement show up after the incident, Let the people stop the violence in the streets and make us all safer.
    David Haarstad.

    • Sparksfly April 14, 2017, 7:26 am

      The issue, as I see it, is that the standard for concealed carry is the standard for the state you reside in–I live in a Constitutional Carry state and thus can carry concealed without a carry permit. The reciprocity law would make it legal for anyone from a Constitutional Carry state to carry without a permit in any other state. I believe that there should be a minimum standard of training required for concealed carry as mentioned above.

      • Pete April 14, 2017, 9:31 am

        Sure Make A legal gun owner CCW holder step up to the same standards as a criminal . Please outline for me the requirement on a Criminal to shoot me or my family .. I believe I already have about 100 times the training.

      • Eric Haulenbeek April 14, 2017, 9:59 am

        I agree Sparks that there really should be some standard of training. The onus though is on your/our home state to recognize this responsibility, especially considering that as a Constitutional Carry State that bar must be set fairly high. I know I’m pissing into the wind when I suggest that our public schools are shirking their responsibility where gun safety is concerned. How many ignorant kids have to die before these liberal tallywhackers stop shrieking in horror at the thought of something as sacrilegious as gun safety? It’s bad enough these dumb kids spend so much of their time listening to and idolizing these dim-witted clowns who glamorize a “gangsta'” lifestyle in their “music” without any regard at all to the disgusting example they’re setting for an entire generation of kids, many of whom are living in poor single-parent homes. How many of these kids do we choose to turn our backs on before we change the way we’re doing things? It’s obvious Mr. Bloomberg doesn’t care about these kids because nothing he’s doing has or will ever help any of them learn anything about gun safety, and their parent(s) aren’t reaching them because they’re still senselessly killing each other at epidemic levels.

      • Rouge1 April 14, 2017, 10:48 am

        Yes sparks fly. There should be an intelligence test as well
        The second amendment is a privilege and should be just as restricted as voting rights.

        • John Greaves April 14, 2017, 2:34 pm

          Rouge 1, the second amendment is NOT a privilege!! It is a RIGHT guaranteed by the constitution. The RIGHT to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Driving a car is a privilege owning and carrying a firearm is a right. Huge difference.

      • mauser6863 April 14, 2017, 11:06 am

        Perhaps you should have to also have mandatory training and a permit to do the following:

        1. Speak in public or write in a public forum. This would reduce cases of libel, illegal bullying and also result in more accurate and grammatically correct writing. 80 hours of class room time and $100 a year permit is completely reasonable. Now if you didn’t have a permit,you could still speak in the privacy of your own home,write a letter to a friend and of course speak on behalf of your employer.

        2. For an additional $50,you can add the ability to assemble with other licensed individuals to hold legally permitted public protests, parades,marches and picket activity. Training would include the law,property rights and non-violent methods to draw attention to your cause/complaints in a legal manner.Participation in community or government sponsored and permitted parades would not require a permit. Everyone has a right to feel safe in public and your rights don’t trump the rights of others.

        3. The internet continues to be a den of crime and a forum for terrorism. All communication needs to be traceable back to the individual responsible for the content and e-mails will need a registration number and a charge for postage to reduce and eliminate SPAM. All computers and individuals would need a registration number and to provide a credit card to post online or to send e-mail. This will allow government to easily trace problem users who may be violating the law or inciting hate,etc.

        Access to the internet and e-mail is not a right, it is a privilege. Responsible people should be able to agree to reasonable restriction to protect society as a whole.

        Sarcasm Off: – A Right is a Right or it is nothing. All you training and permit people, please take a look at what it takes to own a gun in New York City. Then take a look at how a normal person gets an “unrestricted” pistol, permit, that allows them to CCW a firearm. This is the true definition of “reasonable gun laws” by the enemies of freedom.

        Also did you know that originally the 1934 Gun Control Act that registered machine-guns and required a $200 transfer tax,equivalent to 4 months average salary at the time,included pistols and revolvers? They had to drop handguns to get the law passed. The fact that they wanted it in the bill,should be chilling to you. How would that “reasonable” worked out for you???

        • Mahatma Muhjesbude April 14, 2017, 2:09 pm

          Hey Mauser, I was smiling at your Sarc for a moment but then I suddenly realized…THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE ALREADY TRYING TO DO1

          By the way, do you know why they never raised the 200 dollar tax stamp fee over the years to commensurate rates adjusted for inflation?

      • Terry April 14, 2017, 7:04 pm

        That’s wrong Sparksfly. You need to check your facts before stating something that is wrong. Under this Reciprocity law if you live in a state with Constitutional Carry the only other states you would be allowed to carry in are Constitutional Carry states. If you want to be able to carry in any state you would have to have a permit from your home state. That’s why states like North Dakota, where I live, recognize Constitutional Carry but at the same time are going to keep their permit system is place so with my permit I will be able to carry in any state. Please check your facts before writing something that isn’t true.

      • 0352 April 15, 2017, 8:50 pm

        A Natural and Constitutional right should not and morally cannot, be restricted by training requirements. I call BS on you and anyone else who thinks training should be a requirement for concealed carry. Is it a good idea to train on your own? Yes. Is it a good idea to go to a place like Gunsite for training? Yes. But should it be a requirement for concealed carry. NEVER!

    • Wayne Cook April 14, 2017, 7:26 am

      Hear, hear!!

    • Nick April 14, 2017, 7:27 am

      The only thing that gives me pause is that so many states and (at least I assume) ALL cc states do not require any training. I would therefore assume a lot of people do carry without having any formal training. I also assume 99% of other gun owners would say “so what?” Just like we gun owners might use analogies to describe irrationality on the gun grabber side, I think it fair to say this: should you allow for “constitutional drivers licenses?” Forget the argument for a moment as to whether or not driving a car is imbedded in the constitution as is gun-ownership (although libertarians think driving is). I know having to pay for training costs time and money and could therefore be considered “unfair.” Most of us don’t think proving competency to drive a 3,000 pound car at 70mph is unfair. I personally don’t think requiring training for ccw is unconstitutional. I also just have a hard time agreeing that anybody without a criminal record should be allowed to conceal carry without having a modicum of proof he or she is competent and knows the law with respect to use. In Illinois, we must do all of this and yes it’s a pain and yes I’m glad the requirement is present. I’d be ok with the new national law if it included a minimum training requirement. Complicated perhaps and likely not supportable on either side, but the law may come to fruition in any event. In which case, I’ll be sure to enjoy the right.

      • Jeff April 14, 2017, 8:13 am

        Your “assumption” is wrong snowflake. Do your homework before running your pie hole, twinkle toes.

      • Michael Keim April 14, 2017, 9:27 am

        Where in the 2A does it mention a training standard? I think I smell a weasel in the chicken coop.

      • cisco kid April 14, 2017, 10:37 am

        I would ignore the comments from the “Jethro Bodine” crowd. I agree with you Nick 100 per cent. Here in Ohio we are required “training to carry” and required to “know the law” as to when you can and cannot shoot. That is just plain “common sense”, something the Jethro Bodine crowd is sadly lacking. I for one would vote against the new law unless it is amended to require a mandatory training certificate.

        ONE THING THAT WAS NOT MENTIONED AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. How in the world is one to know all of the myriad of laws in all of the U.S. States on “when you can and cannot shoot”. It often differs quite a bit between States. Again, the new law would have to have rules written into to it that would negate State Laws on this tricky problem. As you can see on the surface the new proposed law looks great but as we dig deeper it gets more and more complicated. Not that it could not be worked out but “States Rights” would result in a knock down drag out battle between the Federal New Law and the Older States laws as to “when you can and cannot shoot”. According to Conservatives “States rights should always be given preference to Federal law especially where “gun rights” are concerned. It would be quite ironic if the people who originally wanted the new law “the Conservatives” end up being the majority of people who prevent the new law from being passed which is quite likely to happen when push comes to shove over “States Rights”. They say “Politics often make strange bed fellows” and in this case you just may see Bloomberg and the Republicans all agreeing that the “New Law” is not such a good idea after all. Sad for us gun owners but very true never the less.

      • cisco kid April 14, 2017, 10:42 am

        I would ignore the comments from the \”Jethro Bodine\” crowd. I agree with you Nick 100 per cent. Here in Ohio we are required \”training to carry\” and required to \”know the law\” as to when you can and cannot shoot. That is just plain \”common sense\”, something the Jethro Bodine crowd is sadly lacking. I for one would vote against the new law unless it is amended to require a mandatory training certificate.ONE THING THAT WAS NOT MENTIONED AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. How in the world is one to know all of the myriad of laws in all of the U.S. States on \”when you can and cannot shoot\”. It often differs quite a bit between States. Again, the new law would have to have rules written into to it that would negate State Laws on this tricky problem. As you can see on the surface the new proposed law looks great but as we dig deeper it gets more and more complicated. Not that it could not be worked out but \”States Rights\” would result in a knock down drag out battle between the Federal New Law and the Older States laws as to \”when you can and cannot shoot\”. According to Conservatives \”States rights should always be given preference to Federal law especially where \”gun rights\” are concerned. It would be quite ironic if the people who originally wanted the new law \”the Conservatives\” end up being the majority of people who prevent the new law from being passed which is quite likely to happen when push comes to shove over \”States Rights\”. They say \”Politics often make strange bed fellows\” and in this case you just may see Bloomberg and the Republicans all agreeing that the \”New Law\” is not such a good idea after all. Sad for us gun owners but very true never the less.

        • Retrocon April 14, 2017, 10:49 am

          There is no longer a “states rights” argument with the BoR enumerated rights. The fourteenth amendment nullified that argument a long time ago.

          This is a licensing issue combined with a rights issue. Think “gay marriage.”

    • John April 14, 2017, 8:17 am

      Our founders gave us the RIGHT to protect our selves & family’s !!!
      Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6!!!!!’

      • Brent Kauser April 14, 2017, 9:03 am

        Actually our founding fathers did not give us the right to protect our selves and family.
        They ensured through the Ammendment to the Constitution that our already possessed God hiven Natural right cannot be infringed upon. Our government does not grant us any rights, we allready have them, and they cannot be taken away. That’s what tights are. However I get what you’re saying. #2A

      • mauser6863 April 14, 2017, 11:14 am

        Correction: The Founders gave us nothing.

        The Bill of Rights simply recognized (not granted) our pre-existing rights as Englishmen. These Rights come from our Creator, not the government and can never be legally taken away. The Bill of Rights simply prohibits the Federal Government from abridging or denying us our rights, except by due process of law. The application of the 14th Amendment prohibits states and their subdivisions from legally acting against our rights.

  • RetNavet April 14, 2017, 5:35 am

    The sheer hypocrisy of satan’s disciple Bloom-ass is incredible…since he will not run out of money to fund this nonsense in his lifetime we can only hope that his “lifetime” is near an end.

    • American Constitution, SNBI April 14, 2017, 8:38 am

      If a person can drive a car or a motorcycle or a lawnmower across state lines, it’s a privilege to do so. It’s our Constitutional RIGHT TO KEEP AND BARE ARMS. Not a privilege , WE Have the right to protect our children, wives, pets, ourselves, and our property no matter what state we want to travel to or through, ( Bloomberg is a Ass Hole, who thinks control the guns, you control the people, . ). Criminals look for out of town travelers it’s a fact ! Tell Bloomberg to go F himself !

  • Dr. Strangelove April 14, 2017, 4:44 am

    What’s to stop states from ignoring the law? Heller and McDonald mean nothing to the gun grabbers, I sure don’t want to be the first test case.

  • Mike April 14, 2017, 3:50 am

    Bloomberg and his minions don’t believe ANYONE who owns guns is a “good guy.”

    • American Constitution, SNBI April 14, 2017, 8:46 am

      He’s a child rapist, involved with the rest of the big pigs, Soros and the UN . Power hungry disgusting maggot of filth and lies ! They are clinging on to their positions with white knuckles. Trying to push their world order agenda onto the lives of every single American in the country. Put him behind bars and throw away the key.

  • Don Eashuer April 14, 2017, 3:39 am

    I carry…… period. When I travel, ….. I carry,… period, If I travel to another state by auto, that prohibits me from carrying, ….. I carry! Period! I refuse to allow some stupid, unconstitutional law, from some snowflake liberal state put me, my wife, children and grandchildren in grave danger. I carry. End of story. If I get caught, I will spend my last dollar, fighting the state that tries to disarm me. Period! I may lose, and end up in their shlt hole prison, BUT. me, my wife and children will NOT be victims. I practice, at least 3 times a month, and my wife practices every other weekend. We both have CCW permits. I hope I NEVER even have to place my hand on my pistol, let alone draw it, to shoot someone. But, I prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I don’t want to shoot ANYBODY, good or bad, but I am prepared! Never submit! NEVER!

    • American Constitution, SNBI April 14, 2017, 9:00 am

      I like a straight shooter ! I also protect myself and my family especially when we go to dinner together, my mother gave me a hug the other night after we departed our favorite restaurant, and was like ! WHAT THE HECK DO YOU HAVE UNDER YOUR SWEATER ! Today I’m packed with my 629 – 44 mag. She replied is that all ? Of course not mom I keep a backup 380 on my ankle at all times ! Good Boy!

  • SuperG April 13, 2017, 11:23 am

    Several times I’ve not taken a trip because of anal-retentive laws of other states, and I will not leave myself defenseless and waive my right to protect myself in public, so those states have lost out on my travel dollar. If this passes, I can see tourism increasing.

    • Larry April 14, 2017, 10:03 am

      I declined an incredible job in Chicago because of their unconstitutional gun laws. I won’t attend professional meetings anywhere that restricts my CCW rights.

  • KUETSA April 12, 2017, 7:27 pm

    Leave YOUR guns home Bloomberg! Order YOUR security team to follow the law in Bermuda – LEAVE THEIR GUNS IN THE USA! YOU HYPOCRITICAL BASTARD – YOU’RE SURROUNDED BY GUNS PROTECTING YOU 24-7! It’s quite NORMAL for YOUR security team to carry guns in public – so what’s the problem, you hypocritical bastard!

    • Wayne Cook April 14, 2017, 7:28 am

      Bloombutt is another example of “do as I say, not as I do”!

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