Everyone Needs an AR Holster

in David Higginbotham, Holsters, Uncategorized
The SARRP. A holster for your AR.

The SARRP. A holster for your AR.

The Special Application Rifle Retention Platform Holster from Redline Pro Gear.

This is one of those odd-ball entries into our growing library of gear reviews that I wasn’t sure I’d like to well. It is a holster, but one made for AR-15 style rifles and pistols. Before I saw the holster, I wasn’t even aware that I needed one of these things. But now I’m sold. There is a time and a place for an AR holster, and the SARRP from Redline Pro Gear works.

Up to this point, I’ve been a single-point sling sort of guy. I’ve worn rifles on two point slings, too, and I’ve carried rifles without a sling. But the single-point typically does the trick. The gun hangs down at my side, lower than most wear their single-points, but I can let it dangle, wrap it around my back, or rest my hand on the grip no problem.

The SARRP and a PWS MK107.

The SARRP and a PWS MK107.

The issue is two-fold. A sling allows a gun to bounce around. That’s the point, really. It moves, but stays where you need it. Most of the time. It is also not 100% secure. If you forget to engage the safety, the exposed trigger presents a problem. If you are in a crowd, this may present an even bigger issue.

The SARRP Holster allows the same sort of access, but the gun stays where you put it. The weight is suspended from your belt instead of your shoulder (which may or may not be a good thing). Drawing from the holster isn’t as easy as pulling up from a single-point, but it isn’t that much slower. It is a bit slower, but a lot more secure.

The draw technique is different, though. You should grab the gun with two hands instead of one. You don’t have to, but it makes it easier. Since that is how most of us grip ARs anyhow, it isn’t much of a learning curve. The two-handed draw puts leverage on the grip and the forend and your twisting body does all the work. The gun presents very naturally. It is very easy to draw and point-shoot well before the sights are aligned.

And it holds securely. I jumped around like a mad man with the AR holstered, and couldn’t shake it loose. It swings a bit, but that’s to be expected.

I think the SARRP is a solid option for AR pistol shooters. You can confidently holster an AR pistol the same way you would any other pistol. On the range, where few people bother with slings, you won’t have to set down the gun. Simply holster it. And for those situations that require two-handed dexterity, the holster provides even more benefit.

Where can you find one of these gems? Hit them on their Facebook page (link at top). Their website is under construction. [one_half]

The gun should be safe when you put it in the holster. The edge of the Kydex may even ensure that.

The gun should be safe when you put it in the holster. The edge of the Kydex may even ensure that.


When the selector points to "Safe," the Kydex clears just fine.

When the selector points to “Safe,” the Kydex clears just fine.



The holster is open on the bottom to allow for mags to poke through.

The holster is open on the bottom to allow for mags to poke through.


The mount allows for attaching the holster to MOLLEE or to a belt.

The mount allows for attaching the holster to MOLLEE or to a belt.



A reinforced strap holds the gun securely in the holster, but it can be removed.

A reinforced strap holds the gun securely in the holster, but it can be removed.


Like most OWB holsters, this one presents the grip just above the waist line.

Like most OWB holsters, this one presents the grip just above the waist line.



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  • Dennis Hayes March 29, 2023, 5:53 pm

    Who has those holsters for sale

  • Gregory K Johnston April 21, 2021, 2:48 pm

    I see your holster all over the internet ,but where do I buy one at .this ant a spoof is it,????

  • Gregory K Johnston April 21, 2021, 2:46 pm

    Where do I go to buy one thankyou.

  • Johnny Stephens July 11, 2020, 11:44 am

    SARRP and a PWS MK107. I would love to purchase this holster dont see how or where to order it

  • Johnny Stephens October 18, 2019, 12:41 pm

    What website do i order this AR 15 holster sarrp

  • Johnny Stephens August 19, 2019, 11:02 pm

    I would love to know hiw to order this holster The SARRP and a PWS MK107 fir the AR 15 pistol

  • Scott Fletcher February 24, 2016, 4:02 pm

    Hello I am interested in the AR pistol holster. I am a veteran and am looking for a holster for my at pistol set up. Is there a link for purchase. I think this will come in handy while at the range instructing the local national guard unit!
    Scott Fletcher

  • Bob Smith January 3, 2016, 4:30 pm

    These were designed with a very specific purpose in mind, for shooting competitions where a holster is 100% required. It was a way to allow AR pistols to be used.

    Wasn’t so much to allow people to carry AR’s.

  • Eric S January 2, 2016, 5:15 pm

    I was looking for quick draw AR holster for a long time and finally this one seems to match my search. I do lots of tactical range shooting, and even though a custom made sling does the job, the rifle doesn’t sit solid in place. Your solution seems to create this sort of a comfort level, where I can still use my thigh handgun holster and AR, leaving flexibility on my front area. Could you send me an info how can I purchase the unit? I’m not Facebook registered, therefore email would be preferable. Thanks much.

  • kent January 2, 2016, 3:03 pm

    Will it fit my Rock River lefty?

  • Jeremy L April 17, 2015, 1:12 am

    Thanks for the really nice and objective review. You addressed most of the major points and kept it simple to understand. I just recently released a Gen 2 which has a more stable platform and an adjustable retention screw. Feel free to contact me through FB, I would like to speak with you when your not busy. Thanks again.

    • tom June 5, 2015, 6:07 am

      Please email me info on your AR-15 Holsters and Slings, also the one in the video in facebook

      • Jeremy Laudiano August 14, 2015, 12:46 am

        Hey Tom, sorry I didn’t realize you replied. Here is my latest video. Also if you contact me through FB I can give you my number and give you whatever information you need.
        Thanks again Tom.

  • Will Drider February 22, 2015, 12:56 pm

    Interesting. This is another application where a gas piston system is better then gas impingement as it eliminates the obstruction caused by the buffer tube. Initial loading with a low cap mag would cut down your cross section profile and possibly reduce presentation time. Retention strap and snap are a bad design. Strap should have a standard thumb release style or index finger push button release. Would it fit a Sig P556 since controls are the same?

    • Jeremy Laudiano August 14, 2015, 12:51 am

      It is a thumb release. What u think is an index button is actually a snap on button that can be removed if you don’t want a level 2. It is located on both sides for convenience.

      • Herman October 19, 2016, 5:22 pm

        Call Herman when you have time.

    • DRousse September 16, 2015, 12:40 pm

      You can get a cheek weld on the buffer tube and turn your pistol into a more controllable accurate platform, try that with a gas piston system.

  • kyle February 18, 2015, 10:00 am

    For something like this I think I’d rather have a serpa style retention system but then again im not one to carry my rifle in a public setting