David Hogg Peddles New Website Criticizing Biden’s Record on Gun Control

David Hogg Peddles New Website Criticizing Biden’s Record on Gun Control
David Hogg is back on the cable news circuit promoting his new website, “Shock Market.” (Photo: CNN Screenshot)

President Joe Biden has called for gun bans, supported outlawing private transfers, and directed the ATF to change the definition of “firearm,” ban homemade firearms, and criminalize thousands of gun owners by changing the regulations governing arm braces.

For anti-gun activist David Hogg, that’s not enough.

Hogg and his allies have launched a new website dubbed “Shock Market” to pressure the Biden administration to pursue additional gun control measures.

“President Biden has fallen far short of the gun violence reform he promised during his campaign and has failed to take every available action in the face of congressional inaction to save lives,” the website reads.

A table lists “gun deaths and injuries,” mass shootings, minors killed and injured, and other categories of gun-related injuries underneath the title “Since Biden’s Inauguration.” Farther down the page, a standalone graphic reads “Gun Deaths Since Biden’s Inauguration” with the number 47,991 listed below.

SEE ALSO: Hogg Makes Demands to Biden Administration: We Need A Federal ‘Office of Gun Violence prevention’

Given Hogg’s promotion, it goes without saying that the data is skewed. For example, in the fine print at the bottom of the page, the group admits that it includes “defensive shootings” in its total list of “gun deaths.” This assumes, of course, that Biden should be doing something about the deaths that result from defensive gun use and that the victims were somehow wrong for defending themselves.

Anti-gun activists list on Shock Market four things they want Biden to do to “save lives tomorrow”:

  1. Establish a national office of gun violence prevention
  2. Invest in community violence intervention programs
  3. Hold the gun industry accountable by nominating a new director of the ATF
  4. Use the presidential bully pulpit to “coordinate a unified, national response to the gun violence epidemic by taking executive action.”

Installing a gun czar at the head of a new federal agency dedicated to “gun violence prevention” has long been a dream of anti-gun activists. Such an organization would give the anti-gun lobby a mechanism through which to cram down extra-legislative gun control policies.

SEE ALSO: Hogg on Spike in Gun Sales: ‘I think it’s about fear’

Much like the Biden administration used the Centers for Disease Control to establish an eviction moratorium during the COVID-19 pandemic, a “National Office of Gun Violence Prevention” could impose similar measures using similarly flimsy excuses.

Community violence intervention programs aren’t actually gun control, but many are controlled by anti-gun activists.

A new ATF director could make life difficult for gun stores and gun owners alike, but Biden may not be eager to wage another nomination battle after the pro-2A community defeated his last nominee, David Chipman.

“Biden has been a friend but not a leader,” Hogg told CNN. “He’s made small steps but it’s not enough. The President hasn’t been receptive to our demands. We expected this from (former President Donald) Trump, but we’re shocked that it’s coming from Biden.”

  • Andrew N. February 20, 2022, 8:13 pm

    David, don’t go away mad, just go away. Whoever is funding you is not very bright. You don
    ‘t seem to have any influence over anything.

  • Shanz February 20, 2022, 5:43 pm

    Just think, in the past men gave their lives to protect our liberty. Now little boys actively try to destroy liberty for money and power. Disgusting and shameful.

  • Margaret February 20, 2022, 1:07 am

    This little turd thinks he’s somebody important

  • Link Lackluster February 18, 2022, 1:49 pm

    Human hemorrhoid. Isn’t there some sort of cream that could shrink him down?

  • DAVID MILLER February 18, 2022, 12:25 pm

    David who phoney he was not at school at time of shooting his mommy told him get over there. she had a tv crew waiting to interview him. she was a big shot at one of tv networks

  • Streak February 18, 2022, 12:13 pm

    David Hog is like one of those turds floating in the Toilet that just wont flush down the drain and Worthless at the same time.

  • Hondo February 18, 2022, 10:35 am

    Isn’t Hogg bluedouche’s him/clown gay lover? That’s what I heard.

  • D.J. February 18, 2022, 8:18 am

    I find it hysterical when those on the left begin
    “ eating their own “ .

    It’s kind of similar to the events following the
    communist revolution , and the subsequent
    paranoia of the twenties & thirties .

    Man , now that’s entertainment !

  • Let's go Brandon, FJB February 18, 2022, 7:19 am

    Hogg needs to be epsteined.

  • Richard February 18, 2022, 6:13 am

    David Hoggo needs to go away. Forever

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