Country Singer Slams NRA in New Song, ‘Thoughts & Prayers’ – Take a Listen


Country singer Will Hogue is not a fan of the NRA. (Photo: Lori West)

Country singer Will Hogue pulls no punches in his new song, titled, “Thoughts & Prayers.”

Written in the immediate aftermath of the mass killing in Sutherland Springs, TX, the song takes aim at pro-gun politicians and the NRA.

“Another politician sitting far away /Doesn’t matter how many people got gunned down today /As long as you can keep your re-election bills paid /You’re just a whore to the pimp that’s called the NRA,” sings the 45-year-old musician.

Hogue spoke to Rolling Stone Magazine about what led him to call out the nation’s gun lobby.

“I’d been becoming increasingly annoyed by the statement of ‘thoughts and prayers’ for some time,” said Hogue.”From my own experience, I know that phrase can be a kind and thoughtful way to express sympathy when there is no other way to help, but after these shootings, using that stock response from these cowards on Capitol Hill is incredibly insulting.”

“They have all the opportunities in the world to make a difference, but they do nothing,” he continued.  “Then to just send out a phrase like ‘thoughts and prayers,’ as if we don’t all know that there is something they could do? It’s shameful.”

SEE ALSO: Country Music Star Faith Hill: ‘Military Weapons Should Not Be in the Hands of Civilians’

Hogue went on to talk about how other country artists have partnered with the NRA under the organization’s “NRA Country” brand.  He said that the NRA even spoke to him about featuring one of his songs.  But Hogue declined the offer, turning down what is to many a great promotional opportunity.

“I’m very anti-NRA, and I had thought I had made that abundantly clear personally and career-wise, but I had been approached by NRA Country about featuring one of my songs, “Strong,” and I wasn’t willing to do that,” he explained.  “That’s not an organization I want anything to do with.”

Hmmm.  I wonder if Mr. Hogue knows that it was an NRA-certified instructor that confronted the killer at that small Texas church on Nov. 5. A man by the name of Stephen Willeford. He grabbed his AR-15 and engaged the maniac, sending the perp fleeing. Willeford’s actions that day indubitably saved lives.

Again, Willeford was a former NRA instructor.  Now I get Hogue’s point about “thoughts & prayers” being a rather hollow thing to say to victims in the wake of an unthinkable tragedy.  Makes sense.  It’s a futile attempt to console the inconsolable.

But don’t judge the NRA by their words, judge them by their actions. Willeford was able to intervene that day because his right to keep and bear arms was fully intact.  At the end of the day, that’s what the NRA fights for. Ensuring citizens can defend themselves and each other from those that seek to do them harm.

We live in a violent and unpredictable world.  When the chips are down, I am certain that I’d rather be armed than unarmed. As fallible as it is, I can thank the NRA that I still have a choice in the matter.

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  • Gary Williams June 2, 2020, 9:13 am

    If one even considers that to be of any musical talent, all I can say is wow. That song is of NO TALENT, just screaming and the same plain guitar beating. ZERO TALENT and LIBERAL LOGIC.

  • Bob Resor December 22, 2019, 9:47 am

    Why even give this clown recognition. Who is he? Country singer my ass. Another fake wanna be nobody ever heard of. It doesn’t matter who it comes from as long as they fit the narrative of anti gunners, it gets printed. Love the title, “Country singer slams NRA”

    • Peter Mills January 19, 2020, 5:18 am

      I agree !!!

  • Dean April 27, 2018, 8:25 pm

    Who the hell is Will Hogue? And I doubt the 3 people who do know who he is care what he thinks or sings about.

  • Hank Lipka December 25, 2017, 1:24 am

    This clown is not a country singer. I’m not sure what genre it is but I know it ain’t country and he doesn’t get to self-identity, Hi

  • ejharb December 24, 2017, 9:21 pm

    Country music is going into the can like freedom is.when we’re gone bury old glory with us and raise the hammer and sickle for another 75 years.

  • Walter December 23, 2017, 1:05 pm

    I am not to concerned about this joker getting his message out. His total lack of talent will relieve the masses from hearing his misguided message. His public stand will find him in the dust bin with many other no talent wanna be’s.

  • John December 22, 2017, 7:53 pm

    How is is possible for someone who knows what happened in Texas can eveb sing such an ignorant (lousy) song. I find it scary that we have people like this running loose on the street. He needs go back to California or New York, New York City where the Mayors, and Governors are just as ignorant as him. It’s sad that there are such ignorant people on the street today. People like this makes me glad I carry. This reminds me of the old joke that ends (“And they walk among us”) Here’s another good one from an old politician (Anything is possible if you don’t know what you are talking about. “If ignorance and stupidity were PAINFUL,I’m sure we would see far less of it.) NRA yesterday, NRA TODAY and NRA forever!! Bro. John

  • Tony Romano December 22, 2017, 10:29 am

    I get tired of actors singers wannabe’s that pipe up with a song a video or just run there mouth about how they hate the NRA or the 2 amendment. Do us all a favor , If you don’t like guns! don’t by one and keep your opinions to your self.

  • Doug December 22, 2017, 10:24 am

    Who ??

  • Joe December 16, 2017, 11:18 am

    Rotflmmfao this assclown is a nobody.he can’t even put together a real set of lyrics. His lyrics are so off you would think a five year old wrote the song just mixing bs together to try and make a song. Now I’m a life member with the nra and have been for years I’m not to thrilled with them myyright now but the truth is if the government would just enforce the laws we have on the books now they would make a real difference. And know one thing will when you and the filthy left come for my guns you better bring youts you will need them.

  • jjkarn December 11, 2017, 10:55 pm

    Wow. That is considered “singing”? I guess anyone can be a country music “performer” these days–no talent required. I was wondering why I’d never heard of this clown before. After listening to his music, now I know.
    Beyond that, I’ll bet that what he “knows” could be done is probably the same genius approach that turned places like Chicago, Detroit, and D.C. into the glorious murder capitols that they are today.

  • Mark From Bristol December 11, 2017, 5:46 pm

    A few or maybe half a dozen years ago George Strait and Alan Jackson teamed up for a duet called “Murder On Music Row” about the “Country Western” stars of today, almost none of which are Country Western on their best days…taking over so that REAL Country Western stars such as Hank Williams Sr, Merl Haggard, and George Jones wouldn’t fit in or be given a chance in Nashville or anywhere else. What passes today as “Country Western” is put out by whoever performs and looks the best on the……..casting couch, male and female alike, but certainly isn’t Country Western, and there are no Country Western “stars” today because there was a “Murder On Music Row” at least a decade ago. I don’t know if I can put a link to the duet video here or not, so simply do a google search or go to YouTube and look “Murder On Music Row” by Alan Jackson and George Strait and watch the LAST Country Western song there ever was or will be.

  • Lonnie hamon December 10, 2017, 9:34 pm

    Coyotes make better music than that whatever it is

  • Lonnie hamon December 10, 2017, 9:30 pm

    Might be country but a long way from being a singer, doubtful if country!

  • Robert G December 10, 2017, 11:07 am

    I’m a country music fan and I’d never heard of this loser until this issue came up. Too bad he has to do something like this to get his name out there. Real talent lets their music do that for them.

  • BigD1964 December 10, 2017, 10:41 am

    I pay hard earned money to be entertained by entertainers; Hollywood, Nashville, NFL and the list goes on. They ALL need to Shut the F@#k Up and entertain me, that’s their job. Just because they have access to the giant media machine and can reach the masses, it doesn’t mean we want to hear their opinions on politics and every other liberal agenda BS issue. Again, STFU and entertain us or you all will be out af a job, nobody wants to hear your blowhard crap!!

  • bill kuhlmann December 10, 2017, 2:06 am

    he sings the way real country singers should. i do not like his words by any means. real country ain’t the hills or that bunch. real country is Iris Dement, Drew Landry band, Hazel Dickens, Brett Detar, Ray Wylie Hubbard and the like. not 20 piece bands rollin out of New York by way of Nashville.

  • Dr Jim L Davis December 9, 2017, 1:51 pm

    Who the hell is “Will Hoge”? Never heard of him. Next comments by retarded housewives will be news.

  • Ché December 9, 2017, 11:48 am

    ‪Notes to Will Hogue:
    1. When you announce you’re changing your ‘musical format’ because it’s what youve always wanted to play, but it’s really because no one in your target audience buys your music anymore, k d lang is looking for vegetarian, female-at-birth, lesbian, backup singers.
    2. I like my burgers with extra vegetables and my fries well-done.

  • Chuck December 9, 2017, 10:45 am

    Phuck Hogue. He’s a nobody.

  • BigD918 December 9, 2017, 9:28 am

    Horrible singer, couldn’t even listen to the whole thing. This dude can’t sing, no wonder i have never heard of him. What a joke!!!

  • Bruce Bluemel December 9, 2017, 1:35 am

    What a disgrace. This guy might be good if first, he had a little talent, then maybe a voice This is the stupidest song I ever heard.
    Brings to mind Tiny Tim. Everybody remember him? This one sounds like him. Can’t wait to see who comes to his first concert.

  • Jon Toepper December 8, 2017, 5:50 pm

    This guy is terrible and who cares what he has to say anyways!

  • Boss December 8, 2017, 4:38 pm

    Get a grip Will Hogue! liberal commie country singer, About a common as a flying pig. Wait! Maybe you ARE a flying pig!..
    I think you are ready for a crackup!

  • Boss December 8, 2017, 4:14 pm

    Get a grip Will Hogue!

  • TJ in OK December 8, 2017, 3:53 pm

    Exploitation of a tragedy to further one’s career. Nothing more.

  • Dennis December 8, 2017, 3:38 pm

    Will, who ever helped write that song, needs to expand their vocabulary, he repeated those words Thoughts and Prayers 100 times, got boring quick! He’s a pacifist, probably pandering to the millennials, and the snowflakes, of which I’m sure ALL his kids are, or will be when he grows some balls to make em! If all the men and women were pansy asses who blamed the gun for the violence and not the asshole that used it for illicit behavior, we’d be in a hell of a way, but some of us are grown up enough to know if your teenager drives recklessly and kills someone, only a total moron, would blame the car…. get that Will? lmao Besides you being TONE DEAF, don’t quit your day job…. there’s a whole lot better talent on the Voice and the other talent shows, than yours, get back in the kitchen and do those dishes before the boss fires you! LMAO

  • BR549 December 8, 2017, 3:29 pm

    See, that’s the problem with Libtards; always looking at THEIR version of the world as being the right one.

    This clown hasn’t even figured out that the majority of the CW community support the NRA.

  • Randy December 8, 2017, 1:56 pm


    • Kenny Smith December 8, 2017, 3:39 pm

      Just like Will Hogue this song sucks ass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Chris Berg December 8, 2017, 1:51 pm

    The Hills, Faith, and Tim, have also expressed their anti gun sentiments, quite loudly. It is your choice, of course, but I do not donate money to anti American mutilmillionaires, including politicians, actors, singers, rappers, professional athletes, or any other socialist idiots who laugh at us while taking our hard earned money.

  • DB December 8, 2017, 1:45 pm

    Not a star by any stretch of the imagination! Just another mangina!
    Exactly how many NRA members compared to progressives, were responsible for mass shootings?

  • Michael Keim December 8, 2017, 12:31 pm

    Who cares what this clown or any other celebrity jerk thinks?

  • MikeK29340 December 8, 2017, 12:03 pm

    I really have never heard of this guy who is definitely NOT memorable, monotone noise from between the lips, strumming a whole 2 chords on his guitar, or is he lip-sinking? pathetic either way.
    I suspect there are no brain-ers out there which today has definitely been proven to be true.
    They haven’t learned from the last election who we are and what we stand for.
    Drain the DC, Hollywood and Nashville swamps!!

  • Larry Abrams December 8, 2017, 11:09 am

    Never heard of this guy. Who in hell is he and what did he do with the money his Mother gave him for singing lessons? ????

  • Jay December 8, 2017, 11:07 am

    Who the hell is Will Hogue? I have never heard of this turd ball.

  • kurt December 8, 2017, 11:03 am

    This guy is paid by the libtards, that’s not country music. No wonder I have never heard of this douche bag.

    • Slingblade December 8, 2017, 12:07 pm

      You damn right! EXACTLY

    • dave December 8, 2017, 12:22 pm

      Let,s define him.Is he “country” or “new country” ? We all know about real country music. New country has emerged in the last few years and is entirely different/. It has no meter or rhyme,and requires no song writing ability.They just talk along with music playing. Who needs it?? Certainly not me or anyone else who appreciates real country music.

  • Brandon Fitzhugh December 8, 2017, 10:52 am

    Its funny, has anyone else heard of this guy? I never heard of him…maybe this is a ploy for people to listen to his stupid ass music and sell records. Just like a democrat, using a tragedy for personal gain.

  • GradyPhilpott December 8, 2017, 10:50 am

    Thanks to the invention of the recording device, those of us who like country music can listen to the great performers forever without having to resort to listening to the watered down stuff produced these day.

    I have my entire music collection stored on an SD card in my phone, so that even when I’m on the road, I listen to what I want to, not what some radio disc jockey or some streaming service decides what I should like.

    Anyone who can’t stand for the constitution, the flag, and our nation, cannot stand with me.

    As for me, I’m a Benefactor Member of the NRA, a Golden Eagle, among other NRA programs.

  • Mark December 8, 2017, 10:30 am

    He is just angery because he can’t sing and this is the only way he can get people to notice him!

  • Nemo December 8, 2017, 10:12 am

    I wonder just how many of his security detail at his concerts are armed?

  • Glennon December 8, 2017, 9:56 am

    For the most part country music died a long time ago, most of the “stuff” we hear these days is nothing more than twangy pop music. So no one who knows anything about music should be surprised when bubble gum “country” stars whine about anything and especially obamanite, Clinton mafia trigger issues. Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, RIP because you are surely turning over in your graves. I know some of these stars spoke out about “people” issues, but they were not whiney pussies like this guy.

    • Chuck Matson December 8, 2017, 10:27 am

      Weedhead willie isn’t dead yet, you can probably find him at a leftist fundraiser, but why would we want to?

  • James December 8, 2017, 9:39 am

    You are one stupid ass man . Knows nothing about guns. You are anyone else will ever take gun lovers guns from us and where did you buy your singer lic. From toy department at Walmart’s . You are the one that need thoughts and prayers . Are you will in up in hell with all other gun haters

  • 45PocketPistol December 8, 2017, 9:04 am

    Such is the state of “country music” today.

  • Mike H. December 8, 2017, 8:33 am

    Personally,I’d just as soon listen to a big Mule fart,as to listen to so-called country music. Who the Hell cares what this Redneck Idiot has to say about anything? Just another way for a Nothing to get into the limelight. Who the Hell gives a big Rats’ass what he has to say about anything?

    • JL December 8, 2017, 9:48 am

      Looks more like a hipster than a redneck. Hipster redneck maybe?

  • mikelasnicov December 8, 2017, 8:25 am

    He can’t sing and him and Tim Mcgraw are a both little pussies, I can’t stand either one of them.

    • Mike H. December 8, 2017, 11:05 am

      Got that shit right!

  • Gary Cash December 8, 2017, 8:25 am

    Mr. Hoge, I have never in my 65 years on earth seen one gun pull its own trigger. Guns are not the problem. It is evil in men’s hearts that make them want to kill innocent people. Most of these murderers go to places that are gun free zones to do their killing so that they can have mass casualties. Most of them are not mentally ill, they are simply permeated by evil. The NRA allows us to keep and bear arms as noted in the 2nd Amendment. They are not anyone’s enemy. If guns can ever figure out how to kill people without a human being in control of it , then and only then can you blame guns and the NRA for the problem. There is always a person’s name associated with the gun related killings not Ruger ,Smith & Wesson, Remington or any other gun maker. It’s time that we Americans wake up to the truth, we kicked GOD out of our schools back in the 1960’s and have removed HIM from our public arena. No wonder all this evil in depraved men’s hearts has taken precedence over our society. If we once again believed that this is One Nation Under GOD, then maybe all these gun related murders would stop!!!!

    • RickR December 8, 2017, 9:56 am

      AMEN Brother!

      • Mike H. December 8, 2017, 11:08 am

        You are absolutely right about that! Just like Christmas. I bet that 99% of the kids now days don’t even know what the true meaning of Christmas is. They think it’s a day to get presents!

    • Mike December 8, 2017, 12:18 pm

      This is the first intelligent reply I have read.
      Calling someone names an insults. Puts you in the same class as them. It also puts a dark shadow on the NRA.
      Mr. Cash has written a thoughtful response. It is only when the wrong people pick up a firearm can anything happen.
      A firearm is only a tool. Miss used an serious consequences can an do happen.
      Mr. Cash well said.

  • Ronnie December 8, 2017, 8:22 am

    I got a Question,
    Does anyone know how many of the monster lunatics belonged to the N.R.A.
    I don’t think I have heard of a single one.
    If anybody knows of one, Let us know.

  • John L December 8, 2017, 8:11 am

    Ironically, James Hetfield ( Metallica) is an NRA member. And his music is better:).

  • PiP's Pop December 8, 2017, 7:55 am

    My wife just says: “he better get his stuff together, they ain’t gonna buy that” .

  • PiP's Pop December 8, 2017, 7:48 am

    This man can’t hold a tune!! And he calls himself a ‘Country Singer’?

  • PiP's Pop December 8, 2017, 7:47 am

    This man can’t hold a tune!! And he calls himself a ‘Country Singer’?

    As for his song…not much to listen to.

  • MB December 8, 2017, 7:39 am

    Makes Bob Dylan sound like Luciano Pavarotti, can’t imagine he has a “career” to lose anyway.

  • Mitch Spence December 8, 2017, 7:30 am

    Dear Will,

    Your opines are duly noted and forgotten.


    A Free People

  • t monk December 8, 2017, 7:30 am

    This is just another obscure assho ** liberal trying to cash in on the loss suffered by others

  • Rick December 8, 2017, 7:10 am

    Well, I never heard of him. But I guess he could always have a gig with Boy George.

  • Mike December 8, 2017, 5:41 am

    Just another liberal that drank the koolaid. Doesn’t matter that he just ruined his career, the government will take care of him.

  • MB December 8, 2017, 4:50 am

    Who? Ownership of a cowboy hat and a guitar does not make you a country singer, a cowboy, a Texan, or an American. I assume he’s a want-a-be who’s just a fruitloop in reality. Go away little boy, title of country singer is reserved for Americans.

    • Mark December 8, 2017, 7:58 am

      Agreed. Looks and sounds more like a hobo riding the “wails” of his socialist handlers.

  • GMan December 8, 2017, 4:25 am

    Kind of reminds me of Alan Jackson’s song, He’s Gone Country. And sure enough, a look at his bio shows he’s a started life as a rock and roller.

    Clueless bastard.

  • luke December 8, 2017, 4:04 am

    (sigh) . . .at least these ass hats are dumb enough to speak up so the world knows where they’re at. He hasn’t had a bad turn of events in his career except for a devastating scooter accident a few years ago. Scooters should be banned. And, apparently he’s had a loyal fan base that has allowed him to tour successfully over the years. I’d like to see their reaction when he does this song live in a bar someplace.

    In other news today, Lindsey Vonn, (skier, blond, Tiger Woods, etc.), says she will represent the United States at the winter Olympics but not the President of the United States. She also said that she would not go to the White House if invited as a member of the olympic team. Relevance is in the eyes of the beholder. Another ass hat piece of work.

  • Wendell Harlow December 8, 2017, 3:14 am

    Will Hogue? Never heard of her.

    • jack December 8, 2017, 6:37 am

      Sounds like some kind of disease huh?………..Wait! Isn’t that socialism????

  • jime444 December 2, 2017, 2:14 pm

    Criminal Libtard Morons like this clown is just one reason why we are in the mess we have today. That darned Bill of Rights and Constitution just keep getting in the way of their One World Government and Socialist/Communist indoctrination, eh? Accordingly, if the Founding Fathers “keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” doesn’t apply; then the internet/TV/radio to the freedom of speech doesn’t apply either. Citizens having military style weapons was the SPECIFIC reason that the Founding Fathers put the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights. Why? Because they knew, as great students of history, that free people had the most to fear from their own government. And that, as a free people, they needed the ability to defend themselves and rein in tyranny in any form……I say to this lowlife, scumbag, talent-less hack, please leave, we don’t need or want you in the United States of America.

    • DAVE HARRIS December 2, 2017, 8:23 pm

      Nothing to add you said it very well.

      • Scott December 8, 2017, 3:20 am


      • Tom. House December 8, 2017, 7:01 am

        To many fucking guns out on our streets. Don’t get into a car accident. You may die of a gunshot wound , if the crash don’t kill you.. Of course everyone needs an assault rifle with a 30 shot clip. Add one of those silencers to it, so you can hunt out of season , and safely kill animals, and humans without anyone hearing you. Isn’t that great. They should start working on getting 16 year olds , the right to carry. Maybe even allow them to bring their pistols to school, in case a teacher gives them a hard time, they can plug the teach. Saloons , sporting events, churches, can also dangerous places, without a gun. Commercial planes should also be open carry, in case there is a hijacker on board. Hooray for the good ole NRA, making life worse for all Americans.

        • Ronnie December 8, 2017, 8:36 am

          Hey Tom, I sure agree with everything you said,
          Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
          Except it ain’t a “CLIP” I think you may mean a 30 round “MAGAZINE”
          Oh, It is Not the N.R.A. making life worse for all Americans – It seams to be the democrat ‘one world’ communist that make life worse for all Americans.
          Well, I guess I’m a little wrong because I really don’t agree with everything you say.

        • Patriot December 8, 2017, 8:45 am

          well now Tom\’re special kind of Liberal retard aren\’t you,,go back to licking your handlers boots,dont forget your knee pads,clueless idiot.

        • Drew December 8, 2017, 9:11 am

          Hey Tom , obviously your parents failed you . When kids are exposed to Guns at an early age it teaches responsibility and respect for all firearms. It’s obvious you were never taught responsibility. Calling it a clip would be the first sign . How come these shootings have seem to be more frequent since liberals and the media that promotes their Anti American propaganda is 24/7 ? I only hope Tom that you don’t have kids .

        • Chuck Matson December 8, 2017, 10:36 am

          Well we all see tom. house is a special kind of stupid.

    • Maro December 8, 2017, 7:50 am

      Awesome comment.

  • Glenn Van Acker December 2, 2017, 11:30 am

    My “Thoughts and prayers” are that Will Hogue sticks his head in the oven.

    • knox December 4, 2017, 12:18 pm

      well, now I have to start screening my country stars. I’d hoped I would be safe with country music both no place in America is safe anymore from the socialists

      • Richard December 8, 2017, 4:59 am

        Faith Hill and Tim McGraw too

    • H34Choctaw December 8, 2017, 6:09 am

      Genn you owe me a new keyboard. I spit my coffee all over it-LOL

  • Trooper Sam December 2, 2017, 7:33 am

    Thoughts and prayers for his dead career.

    • Dr Motown December 3, 2017, 9:10 am

      Beat me to that one! Maybe he’ll switch to the “pop” venue or go “rapping” about evil cops

  • Sepp W December 2, 2017, 2:06 am

    Whatever. Using a tragedy to bring attention to himself. Liberals could care less who lives or dies. It all about themselves, how they can benefit from others misfortune, misery, or tragedy.

  • John R. Pyles 111 December 1, 2017, 11:20 pm

    Well this fine upstanding no account ill informed moron on meth and disease can kiss his own grits

  • Bobs yer uncle December 1, 2017, 11:06 pm

    He’s a singer? I thought someone was standing on a cats tail.

  • Dave Hickman December 1, 2017, 10:54 pm

    Remember what happened when the Dixie Chicks got political. The Country audience likes their guns.

  • Mrninjatoes December 1, 2017, 12:22 pm

    Will who? Just killed your career.

  • LHTwist December 1, 2017, 11:15 am

    Another celebrity in need of a cause and flag to wave,
    No matter how many people died in any other way,
    It’s always easy to blame the NRA,
    But you’re just another jester, far overpaid.

    • Taxx73 December 1, 2017, 3:12 pm

      Perfect!!!! Maybe you should write this nitwits music then maybe someone would know who this idiot is!

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