Country Music Star Sturgill Simpson Defended Home w/ ‘Assault Rifle’

Like fire extinguishers and first-aid kits, no one needs an AR-15 until suddenly they need an AR-15.  And since no one can tell what the future holds, it’s better to have one and not need it then need it and not have it.

Country music star Sturgill Simpson can probably testify to this maxim following two separate home invasions by the same perp in a week’s span.  Simpson told Joe Rogan, on Rogan’s podcast Monday, that he used an “assault rife” to confront the man on what would be his last foray into the Simpson residence.

“I was looking at his head through a red dot like a video game, I’ll never forget that image of the guy thinking like, “I’m about to die,’” said Simpson, as he crept down the steps from the second floor toward the intruder, who was busy jacking the musician’s headphones when he suddenly realized he wasn’t alone in the house.

SEE ALSO: Texas Woman Stops Five Robbers With Two Shots

“What are we doing here, man,” said Simpson, coldly.

Seeing the rifle, which was probably a civilian AR-pattern firearm and not a select-fire weapon or actual “assault rifle” as Simpson described it, the man bolted out the back door and ran straight through the shuttered back gate, smashing it at its hinges.

“I’m holding a f*cking assault rifle, and he’s not a threat to me,” said Simpson, explaining how he got the drop on the dude.

“But if I put one through his dome, which I have every legal right to do right now there’s going to be news vans on my lawn, this is gonna be on your f*cking Wikipedia page,” he continued, referencing his reluctance to use lethal force against the burglar. 

And then Simpson had some pretty wild interactions with local law enforcement. I won’t spoil ’em for ya.  When you have some time, give this one a watch.  

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  • Billy M May 13, 2022, 1:50 pm

    Thanks for a good story. Especially when talked about all the things going thru his head as he was looking at this guy. I don’t feel so alone as it happened to me. Like Sturgill, I didn’t have to shoot for which I am thankful for.

  • Justin October 8, 2019, 4:46 pm

    lol. You are all so triggered.

  • Lars Ulrich October 4, 2019, 5:03 pm

    Long time listener, first time caller. Apparently I’ve been out of the loop for a while. So now saying the word ‘assault rifle’ makes you an asshole? Come on guys, we’ve been calling our ar-15s that for years, but now the anti-gun movement has everybody so scared that a word has become taboo? So clutching at our second amendment rights means we’ll give up our first amendment rights? And why the vicious attack on someone for using a word? Like, ‘hey man, you said the bad word, so you’re no longer one of us. In fact, I don’t really know you, or your history, but you said the bad word, so you’re an asshole and we all hate you.’

    So help me out here. I can’t say assault rifle. What other terms will now get me kicked out of the club? Can we still say black rifle at least, or will that make me an asshole too? What’s the current, most politically correct/harmless word? And since when do we care about using harmless words or political correctness?

    • Ib Larsen October 6, 2019, 12:28 am

      Lars, why not call it what it is, an AR-15, or a semi automatic rifle.
      Why in the hell promote the very term the anti gun lobby use all the time ?

    • Phil Whitehead October 9, 2019, 10:43 am

      Assault rifle…assault rifle…assault rifle…
      U.S. Military definition of an “Assault Weapon” of any type is; “A weapon capable of firing multiple rounds with a single pull of the trigger”.

  • Doug October 4, 2019, 4:19 pm

    I took his comment “assault rifle”, as a jab at the term, tongue in cheek back at’cha sort of thing. But I only read what he said. I could not watch the clip of him saying it. But, yeah, I’d never use those terms. “Assault” is an action.. not a gun! A gun is a tool, just like a wrench in a toolbox. Good on him for knowing “escalation of force”.

  • Carl October 4, 2019, 2:28 pm

    Sturgill Simpson\’s Call to arms is a great song! Love this guy\’s music, its all great. BUT after hearing him publicly call his weapon an
    *assault rifle*….I\’ll never hear his music or him the same again..
    Who The F says that but an anti gunner?? NO one I know would describe a new weapon in that liberal fashion.. I\’m a go sharpen my assault lawnmower blade and mow down the grass.. then I\’m a assault some beer\’s..then I\’m assault the breathtaking it must be for a liberal to confront a thief with a weapon for the first time..IF a liberal really did.. move into my neighborhood, on average I\’ve run a thief/thieves off every two years or more in the last 30 years I\’ve lived here. Just another day in the hood..with idiot\’s and druggies.. maybe now that sturgill\’s had his cherry busted he\’ll write a song about his *assault rifle* experience.. maybe the title could be *Assault Rifle Drama*
    or Laser Tag..or Liberal Talk 101..
    Or if a Liberal owned a rifle..
    Or… The Liberal Parrot !
    IF in fact this was a real story.. I commend someone so liberal to call their weapon an *assault rifle* and yet calm enough to make the right decision.. obviously not killing anyone if possible..
    Stick to singing Sturgill.. you\’re great at it !
    Leave the *assault rifle* biddness to the professionals..

    • Neil Schmidt October 5, 2019, 10:39 am

      RELAX….he said it in jest!

  • Carl October 4, 2019, 2:26 pm

    Sturgill Simpson’s Call to arms is a great song! Love this guy’s music, its all great. BUT after hearing him publicly call his weapon an
    *assault rifle*….I’ll never hear his music or him the same again..
    Who The F says that but an anti gunner?? NO one I know would describe a new weapon in that liberal fashion.. I’m a go sharpen my assault lawnmower blade and mow down the grass.. then I’m a assault some beer’s..then I’m assault the breathtaking it must be for a liberal to confront a thief with a weapon for the first time..IF a liberal really did.. move into my neighborhood, on average I’ve run a thief/thieves off every two years or more in the last 30 years I’ve lived here. Just another day in the hood..with idiot’s and druggies.. maybe now that sturgill’s had his cherry busted he’ll write a song about his *assault rifle* experience.. maybe the title could be *Assault Rifle Drama*
    or Laser Tag..or Liberal Talk 101..
    Or if a Liberal owned a rifle..
    Or… The Liberal Parrot !
    IF in fact this was a real story.. I commend someone so liberal to call their weapon an *assault rifle* and yet calm enough to make the right decision.. obviously not killing anyone if possible..
    Stick to singing Sturgill.. you’re great at it !
    Leave the *assault rifle* biddness to the professionals..

  • Leonard October 4, 2019, 10:10 am

    It’s speaks well of Mr. Simpson that when he knew he was in no danger, he let the thief flee rather than kill him. I have worked with convicts, and while I did know one that actually did try to turn his life around after 13 yrs in prison–going so far as to earn a degree in accounting, the rest showed no interest in ever being anything but criminals. One bragged about how he severely injured a man who caught the convict burglarizing his garage. He seemed very proud of this “accomplishment”…

  • chris joiner October 4, 2019, 9:06 am

    Should have shot him in the head! We need to educate people. There is no such thing as an assault rifle! It’s just a gun!

  • James McCarthy October 4, 2019, 9:05 am

    Who cares how he describes it. Yea, we all know assault rifles have select fire. It is so nice of you to point that out! only asshole in this thread is the guy calling him an asshole for doing the exact right thing, showing restraint and sparing his life. You morons would have emptied the mag and where would we be then? just do us a favor and STFU

  • Dr Motown October 4, 2019, 8:14 am

    When gun owners use terms like \”assault rifle\” without knowing what the hell they mean, they become an asset for the anti-gunners. Keep your mouth shut if you don\’t understand basic firearm terminology….SMDH

    • Zupglick October 4, 2019, 9:33 am

      Your right. I see it as further evidence of the lack of education even among gun owners, due mostly to MSM propaganda.

  • Retnavet October 4, 2019, 6:07 am

    Not sure if I buy this guy’s story….and what an a**hole to call an AR-15 an “assault-rifle”

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