Conference of Mayors Endorses Every Gun Control Measure Under the Sun

Conference of Mayors Endorses Every Gun Control Measure Under the Sun

Stephen K. Benjamin is the president of the Conference.  He is also the mayor of Columbia, SC. (Photo: Facebook/U.S. Mayors)

The U.S. Conference of Mayors has 1,408 members representing cities across the country with a population of 30,000 or more people. This week the bipartisan group went to Boston for its annual meeting, during which its members passed numerous gun control resolutions.

Citing the recent shootings in Parkland, Florida and Santa Fe, Texas, the group said, “we are at a moment in time in which we may be able to enact meaningful gun safety legislation, both in our states and at the national level.”

“The U.S. Conference of Mayors has a 50-year history of formally adopting and aggressively promoting strong policies to reduce gun violence, all consistent with its support for the Second Amendment to the Constitution,” it continued.

It went on to list all of the policies it supports:

Strengthening the Regulation of Gun Sales and Dealers, including:

  • Limiting the number of guns a person may purchase in a single transaction or in a month or other specified period of time;
  • Banning replica handguns;
  • Increasing inspections of licensed gun dealers; and
  • Targeting and holding responsible gun dealers who break the law by knowingly selling guns to straw purchasers;

Banning Assault Weapons and Large-Capacity Magazines, including:

  • Reinstating a strengthened, effective ban on military-style assault weapons, such as AK-47s, and their component parts; and
  • Banning large capacity ammunition feeding devices and the importation of all large capacity ammunition clips.

Supporting Local Efforts to Reduce and Combat Gun Crimes, including:

  • Opposing concealed carry reciprocity policies and legislation that would circumvent city policies established to protect residents;
  • Providing local governments and law enforcement officials access to ATF gun trace data;
  • Opposing “Stand Your Ground” or “Shoot First” laws and urging state legislatures that have adopted such laws to repeal them; and
  • Encouraging mayors to take executive actions to combat gun violence and illegal use and trafficking of guns;

Protecting Young People, including:

  • Opposing proposals to allow teachers and other non-law enforcement, non-security personnel to carry firearms in K-12 schools;
  • Raising the youth handgun ban from 18 to 21 years of age;
  • Banning juvenile possession of semiautomatic assault rifles; and
  • Holding gun owners criminally liable when children gain access to improperly stored guns.

Protecting Domestic Violence Victims, including:

  • Prohibiting persons convicted of domestic violence crimes or subject to final domestic violence restraining orders from acquiring or possessing firearms; and
  • Requiring prohibited domestic abusers to turn in firearms they already own; and

And? And if that wasn’t enough the mayors also came out in favor of banning bump stocks and related devices, supporting red flag laws and universal background checks.

Not surprisingly, this agenda was music to the ears of Everytown for Gun Safety, the gun control organization funded by billionaire businessman Michael Bloomberg.  Everytown is the umbrella organization for Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns (which consists of over 1,000 mayors, many of whom probably also belong to the U.S. Conference of Mayors).

SEE ALSO: Cuomo’s Bill: NY State Police Will Disarm You if Your Child is ‘Red Flagged’

“Mayors are on the frontlines of America’s gun violence crisis, so it’s no surprise they’re also leading the charge to pass common-sense, life-saving laws,” Everytown President John Fienblatt said in a statement. “It’s time for our leaders in Washington to follow the lead of America’s mayors and put public safety over NRA priorities.”

Is your mayor part of this anti-gun Conference of Mayors?  Find out by searching their database.


  • buck June 18, 2018, 12:57 pm

    with out getting to down and dirty, i will put my answer to these libtard mayors in print for them to read ! here goes, these libtards can place all these idea’s and resolutions in a place where the sun does not shine ! they can stick them !!

  • Russ H June 17, 2018, 2:39 am

    With the exception of a couple proposals, they will do absolutely nothing to deter criminals. Nothing. Many of them are already laws – enforce them, we don’t need new laws. Nearly every proposal made will only punish law abiding citizens – next to none will change a thing for criminals. Useless. I can’t believe any intelligent person could truly believe these proposals will change anything related to criminal activity, they are nothing but knee jerk reactions from the mouths of idiot politicians. Vote them out of office.

  • JoshO June 17, 2018, 1:18 am

    Ironic that nearly all the crime happens in the hives of scum and villainy run by these liberal dooshers. I can\’t for the life of me see how anyone could live in a city.

  • Dilligaf June 16, 2018, 11:26 am

    Endorse all you idiots want….if someone wants to do mass killing, he or she will do it….regardless of the laws. Hell, the laws in place now are supposed to prevent mass shootings BUUUUUUUUUUT criminals and psychos DON’T CARE ABOUT LAWS OR GUN CONTROLS

  • Frank June 16, 2018, 8:50 am

    It is anti gun policy like this which is why the Second Amendment.was instated into our Constitution.

  • SeppW June 16, 2018, 4:51 am

    If this collection of caliginous clowns spent their time and effort on real problems, e.g. homelessness, illegal and unlawful aliens, drug abuse, domestic violence, human trafficking, and mental illness, instead of devising schemes to further restrict individual rights and subvert the Constitution, then we might be a little better off.

    Most of their proposals are already covered under Titles 18and 26 in some form or another. It never ceases to amaze the magnitude of ignorance when it comes to federal firearms laws.

  • Richard June 15, 2018, 2:27 pm

    There will be bloodshed on both sides.

  • kjj1564 June 15, 2018, 1:29 pm

    Adolf Hitler once said, “To conquer a nation, you must first disarm its citizens.”

  • Luis Bonilla June 15, 2018, 12:14 pm

    All of this is done to help themselves , politically . Keep voters happy and they will be re-elected into office .
    They are a group of people who need to ask voters to vote on any action that impacts it’s citizens .
    Is this a gang of mayor’s who are power hungry .
    Seems they are in the pros of tyranny .

  • Area 52 June 15, 2018, 11:30 am

    Did anyone expect anything less from these communists. Every year they have this conference and gun control proposals come out of it.

  • Vaughn Winslett June 15, 2018, 10:40 am

    The republic is dead. Democrat policies have killed it.

    • Josho June 17, 2018, 12:37 am

      It\’s not dead until I am.

  • Clint W. June 15, 2018, 10:38 am

    Assigning the cause of firearm related events to the members of, and the organization of, the NRA, could be used to focus assigning cause of much more destructive events to the ACLU. The ACLU has championed every law, law change, or law interpretation that has weakened the family unit. Nationwide gambling via the lottery has increased state expenses in child and family services, as noted by NC and SC being a couple of the last states to jump on that bandwagon and having good numbers to compare before and after expenses. Pornography laws have been lightened or removed to allow all forms of it to be easily accessed by the smallest child, either by accident or on purpose, with the changing mores making it acceptable as normal entertainment. There extreme support of changes to laws effecting how police can deal with threats and criminals, and interfering in the trial process, has let criminals go who have gone out again, maiming, killing, robbing, multiple times before they are dealt with. They have supported abortion as a means of birth control, with 50 million terminated unborn children as of 1973 – if you say it is \’fetus\’, perhaps you don\’t know that fetus is Latin for \’unborn child\’. Heck, Hitler was only responsible for 20 million innocents So, to assign a blood on hands descriptor to any one group, the ACLU has killed more and done more harm to the US than any other organization or groups or organizations. Found out how many politicians and judges take their money.

  • Clint W. June 15, 2018, 10:36 am

    Assigning the cause of firearm related events to the members of, and the organization of, the NRA, could be used to focus assigning cause of much more destructive events to the ACLU. The ACLU has championed every law, law change, or law interpretation that has weakened the family unit. Nationwide gambling via the lottery has increased state expenses in child and family services, as noted by NC and SC being a couple of the last states to jump on that bandwagon and having good numbers to compare before and after expenses. Pornography laws have been lightened or removed to allow all forms of it to be easily accessed by the smallest child, either by accident or on purpose, with the changing mores making it acceptable as normal entertainment. There extreme support of changes to laws effecting how police can deal with threats and criminals, and interfering in the trial process, has let criminals go who have gone out again, maiming, killing, robbing, multiple times before they are dealt with. They have supported abortion as a means of birth control, with 50 million terminated unborn children as of 1973 – if you say it is ‘fetus’, perhaps you don’t know that fetus is Latin for ‘unborn child’. Heck, Hitler was only responsible for 20 million innocents So, to assign a blood on hands descriptor to any one group, the ACLU has killed more and done more harm to the US than any other organization or groups or organizations. Found out how many politicians and judges take their money.

  • Silverbullet June 15, 2018, 9:40 am

    As long as we allow them to get in office this is what you get. We the people need to do back ground cks to see what and where they come from. Any body with money gets in office no normal person can. We need common sense in there not liberal taught democrats.

  • Jim June 15, 2018, 9:25 am

    As one very wise man once said, “Blame not the Prince of fools, but those in the electorate who would elect him (her) Prince of fools.”

  • Ronnie U June 15, 2018, 8:58 am

    These are the people you all voted into office so stop complaining when they do crap like this.

  • Robert Brennan June 15, 2018, 8:58 am

    Mayors are responsible for a much smaller number of people than those political figures on a state or federal level and therefore are more likely to be voted out of office on a volatile issue like gun control. NRA should be taking the lead on this by proposing better common-sense programs that would allow mayors to address this. Likewise, more NRA funding is needed to allow mayors to address these issues more effectively at the local level.

  • MadDog Mike June 15, 2018, 8:20 am

    Vote these bastards out. Then charge them with not upholding the Constitution and the Oath they took when they entered into Office. That fails – MOLON LABE MFers.

  • Lightengine June 15, 2018, 7:45 am

    How about affirmative fatherhood? Blacks have a 14X homicide rate mostly because of a 74% illegitimacy rate. To not admit that this is a problem is in fact racist!

  • Joe June 15, 2018, 5:16 am

    The fascists are coming for our Constitutional gun rights first, and installing a European style open border concept next. Don’t let them destroy our country piecemeal !!!

  • SuperG June 14, 2018, 10:54 am

    There are no “city policies established to protect residents”, there are just policies to ensure a bigger budget for a larger police force.

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