Concealed Carrier Administers First Aid After Fatally Shooting Teen During Armed Robbery


A St. Paul, Minnesota, man fatally shot an armed teenager who tried to rob him before rushing to his aid in an attempt to then save his life.

The unidentified victim was at a park Friday night watching the blue moon when a teenage man approached him and started chatting about the weather. Shortly thereafter, 16-year-old Lavauntai Broadbent and two other teens rushed in and demanded money. Broadbent was armed, but so was the intended victim.

Broadbent donned a ski mask and gloves and was armed with a handgun. During the attempted robbery, the licensed concealed carrier pulled his own handgun and fired.

Broadbent was struck and the three other teens quickly dispersed. The victim quickly called police and took the shirt off his back to apply pressure to the teen’s wound. But despite his efforts, Broadbent was announced dead on the scene.

The three accomplices were later apprehended with the aid of a police helicopter and are awaiting charges.

The victim has not been charged.

Authorities said the victim acted rightly – from taking the shot, to calling the police, to administering first aid. However, Broadbent’s family members are demanding to know why the victim pulled the trigger,

“Why did you have to shoot him?” asked Jose Montez, Broadbent’s brother. “You couldn’t give him a second chance to live?”

Leean Broadbent, the teen’s mother, is also questioning the shooting, explaining that her son didn’t “have that kind of heart,” adding that if push came to shove he would not have fired his weapon.

In May, Broadbent pleaded guilty to charges of third-degree riot after video surveillance showed him repeatedly kicking someone lying on the ground during what appeared to be a gang-related riot at an Embassy Suites hotel.

(This article was a submission by freelance writer Brent Rogers)

  • Bob June 8, 2018, 10:07 am

    You’re right Mom, your boy was all heart. So much that he was out committing armed robbery.

  • Kb31416 October 21, 2017, 1:54 pm

    It appears that the mother is looking for a contingent fee lawyer so she can win the ghetto lottery at the expense of the crime victim.

  • Jimbo66 October 20, 2017, 10:11 am

    I have a hard time believing that parents can keep their head in the sand and pretend their kid can\’t be violent. The victim ( person being robbed) should be able to sue the parent for gross negligence. The robbers must have thought they were entitled to everyone\’s stuff for free. These and other bad guys are stupidly thinking they\’re the only one\’s with guns because the laws are to strict for regular citizens to have them.

  • oldfuzz695 June 2, 2017, 2:26 pm

    No thoughtful reasoning. That’s why they spend all their money at the Club on Sat. night, knowing that the rent is due on Monday. Go figure. It’s in their culture.

  • Rich. February 17, 2017, 11:39 am

    The parents are obviously very ignorant, if this situation occurred with me,I would do the exact same thing. the family should have taught there son, right from wrong. You aim a gun at me, I will do whatever it takes for me to live.

  • mike ehrig January 30, 2017, 10:51 am

    ya cant fix stupid…….im referring to the parents. 4 punks threaten you with loaded weapons, you shoot one and the others run…..then the parents think….why did you have to shoot him???/ dummy, the brought guns…not for looks. why on earth do you think THEY wouldnt shoot???????????????????????// you need a course in remedial parenting.

    • zenmonger June 2, 2017, 12:56 pm

      No point in remedial classes; you said it yourself – you can’t fix stupid. Mandatory sterilization is the kindest program I would suggest for the mother and brother.

  • Donnie Steen December 30, 2016, 12:09 pm

    If these people could be any stupider they would cease to breathe……
    He wuddn’t dooin nuffin……
    Your piece of shit criminal was robbing someone and got killed for it!!!!!!!!
    How about sympathy for the poor guy that was FORCED to shoot your stupid kid????
    and then get covered his his gangster blood trying to SAVE him from himself !!!!???!!!!
    This BULLSHIT about how the victim should just hand over their hard earned property is so damn ridiculous……..we need more dead criminals….some of these morons are slow……
    I wish the robbery VICTIM a speedy recovery and hope and pray he can come to grips with this….

  • mach37 August 26, 2016, 2:22 pm

    It appears that a great majority of black youths involved in violence have very fancy given names – Lavauntai in this case. Could there be a relationship between the names that teens have to put up with while growing up, and their anti-social behavior? I don’t understand the trend of parents giving their kids names that are clearly going to need special handling throughout their lives; no way anybody could avoid having to spell out ‘Lavauntai’ each time he met a stranger that needed to know the spelling. Even white kids are victim to this trend, with common-sounding names, but with odd spellings.

    • bill February 3, 2017, 9:08 am

      again ; this crap , white man’s burden . when will the white people wake up and realize our pet negroes are violent dangerous animals ? medically proven many times over the average negro has an iq of 70 compared to whites iq of average 103 ; 90 is forest gump a retard . no more excuses no more lies and time to stop the spill over of the nigger in the white house obama ; he is just another nigger now .

  • Don June 14, 2016, 1:43 pm

    I wonder what color he was ; white ? The victim did the right thing. Broadbent’s parents did not raise him properly. Sue the parents.

  • Phred June 10, 2016, 9:54 am

    One less street thug…thank you Mr. Broadbent !

  • Scott August 8, 2015, 2:50 am

    Too bad for young Broadbent and his family. He made an incredibly bad set of decisions and paid for it eternally. I do feel bad that he squandered his life away so cheaply, but not so badly that the decision he forced on his target will be borne by him for the rest of his life, which he gets to keep. The criminal (Broadbent) lost, the target survived, justice was served. End of story, I hope.

  • Dr.Duke August 8, 2015, 2:39 am

    Why you should never give first aid to someone who tried to kill you

    There is also the simple matter of I would rather have it be my word against a corpse then my word against a living person in court.

    • zenmonger June 2, 2017, 1:03 pm

      I would have gladly administered first aid, though I must admit I have no training. In this case I think the first thing to do would be to check for a pulse rate by standing on his neck for sixty seconds while counting each pulse I feel through the soles of my boots.

  • John August 7, 2015, 7:31 pm

    I have a question for the whole family. Why was this kid such a criminal? They didn’t teach him any values or how to be a productive member of society. They have the balls to ask why he was shot. I guess this is the modern brand of minority family values. Whatever the government doesn’t give you, just steal . Another good kid, if you listen to the family. Good kids don’t commit armed robbery. As far as I’m concerned, justice was served.

  • LHTwist August 7, 2015, 5:01 pm

    “Why did you have to shoot him?” asked Jose Montez, Broadbent’s brother. “You couldn’t give him a second chance to live?”
    Leean Broadbent, the teen’s mother, is also questioning the shooting, explaining that her son didn’t “have that kind of heart,” adding that if push came to shove he would not have fired his weapon.
    In May, Broadbent pleaded guilty to charges of third-degree riot after video surveillance showed him repeatedly kicking someone lying on the ground during what appeared to be a gang-related riot at an Embassy Suites hotel.

    I would say that the teen burned his second chance when he decided to use a firearm to commit a crime. When faced with a choice about who gets the second chance, the victim chose self preservation, rightly so. As far as the teen’s mother claiming that the youth wouldn’t have fired his weapon, police records prove her wrong. The teen had a history of violence, he had already had more than one opportunity to learn from his mistakes but continued down the wrong path anyway.

    So let’s instead ask the mother and brother why they weren’t living up to their responsibilities and guiding a misspent youth. Ask too why the aren’t accepting the consequences of their failure instead of blaming an innocent victim.

    • DRAINO August 7, 2015, 8:06 pm

      SERIOUSLY??!! They really asked that?! How blindly ignorant can you be? A teenager that didn’t have “that kind of heart” would not have been out that late at night without his parents knowing exactly where he was and who he was with….and most likely would not have been out AT ALL….not to mention he would not have been out robbing people with a gun. WAKE UP, LADY!!! You can love your children, while at the same time realizing/acknowledging that they can make bad decisions. That’s another plague of our current society…..people thinking their kids are perfect and incapable of doing anything wrong. WAKE THE FLIP UP!!! And take your parental responsibilities seriously. Be a parent. Don’t let your kids out at night that late. I raised 5 kids that way….a very successful technique, I must say. Worked wonders for me and my kids.

    • JoeUSooner January 26, 2018, 8:43 pm

      The victim could indeed know a LOT of things about the juvenile delinquent. He knew that the kid was willing to openly commit felony armed robbery… and he knew that the kid possessed an (illegal) firearm… and he knew that the kid pointed that pistol directly at him… but HOW on earth was the victim (or anyone else) supposed to know/understand that the kid did not “have that kind of heart” or that he would not have fired his weapon… ? Should the parents hang a sign around the kid’s neck??

  • Mike August 7, 2015, 11:33 am

    So far this is how you want a criminal act to end- The criminals stopped, and the victim uninjured.
    I have no doubt that had the criminal survived, his mother would continue to advocate for him during all his future criminal system interactions.

    • Dave November 11, 2016, 3:36 am

      Totally agree Mike. Mom will probably blame the trauma and pain of this tragedy when his brother goes to prison for drugs or murder too someday. “It’s just not his fault”, rubbish. If you pull a gun on someone you have forced a game of kill or be killed upon them. Don’t whine to the victim about it if they are lucky enough to survive!

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