Competitive Edge w/ Rob Leatham: The Myth of the Magic Bullet for Self-Defense

When it comes to self-defense, is there a magic bullet that everyone should carry?  You know, an ideal self-defense round that will stop a home invader dead in his tracks?

Well, 24-time USPSA National Champion and 7-time International Practical Shooting Confederation World Champion, Rob Leatham weighs in on that question.

“I don’t believe in magic and what that means is that I don’t think I’m going to count on the bullet doing a lot of work,” says Leatham.  “I’m going to count on the placement of the bullet doing the work.”

In other words, one can argue about muzzle energy and wound channels and projectile tips, this round versus that round for self-defense, until the day is long, but, as Leatham says, “The one thing no one argues with is skill, accuracy, precision, speed.”

  • Willie-O October 7, 2019, 7:21 am

    Admittedly “educated speculation” on my part, I dare say this stems from a small qualified candidate pool. All businesses are suffering the effects of (VERY) low unemployment. Law enforcement agencies are government businesses. If potential candidates don’t possess certain skills and abilities on the front-end it creates a problem. Training time is limited and there is a great deal of training to be done. I dare say this is where the need for a “magic bullet” arises.

  • Tail Gunner March 4, 2019, 10:13 am

    Rob once said “I don’t do tactical training, but no one wants to get in a gun fight with me.” He believes being first and on target are the definitive skills.

    I hear the same concept in his disdain for a “magic bullet” — 230 grains of 45 ACP on target and first, is enough.

    Also HP’s and SWC’s don’t feed as reliably in my 1911 at high rates of fire. Sometimes simple is just better.

  • Will Drider December 6, 2016, 2:24 pm

    I agree 100% on all Rob’s points.
    In disagreement with this if the FBI latest gun and ammo change out. They have invested heavily in magic bullet theory.
    Icing without cake!

    • Lee April 10, 2017, 6:17 pm

      I second that!

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