Competitive Edge w/ Rob Leatham: Ammo Selection for Competition

Is Rob Leatham spoiled?

Well, when you have Atlanta Arms & Ammo making ammunition to fit your personal specification with your name as the lot number, maybe you are a bit spoiled.

But then again, it’s hard not to argue that the 24-time USPSA National Champion and 7-time International Practical Shooting Confederation World Champion hasn’t earned it.  So, it could be that Leatham is deserving — not spoiled.

Anyways, Leatham explains why he chooses certain ammo for certain matches.  The goal is to create a round with the lightest possible recoil that also meets the minimum velocity requirements for the match.

  • John Paver September 6, 2017, 3:19 am

    I carry a 1911 in my right pocket. I carry a 4″ Python in my left pocket of my trousers. My uncles who taught me to defend myself with a gun mentioned this is known in the business as a Chicago reload. My two altercations ended successfully. Both altercations were at less than five feet.

    No holsters, fancy footwork nothing but good luck. Getting a hamburger in the middle of the day and looking weal whilst walking with a cane. Stupid young men making bad decisions. I deeply regretted the harm that befell certain young men but in one of the cases he survivrd. He is a father and a school teacher. He survived a .55a through and through.

    Debate as you ,may the purpose of informed conflict is to end the threat. Not to murder…

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