The CMP Plan to Sell Army 1911s Reeks of A Power Trip

The CMP Plan to Sell Army 1911s Reeks of A Power Trip

The process for buying a surplus 1911 is more complicated than it needs to be.  But there is a method to CMP’s madness.  It’s not just bureaucrats on a power trip.  At least I hope not. (Photo: CMP)

When you begin to make things difficult for most, you start to make them impossible for some. That’s what went rattling through my skull when I saw the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s 14-point sales plan for the highly coveted 1911s it will surplusing in 2018.

With only 10,000 available, demand is through the roof. Everyone I’ve talked to wants one. Everyone I’ve talked also bitched about all the hoops CMP wants us to jump through to score a piece of history.

CMP is asking prospective purchasers to provide documents exhibiting:

1) proof of U.S. Citizenship,
2) proof of membership in a CMP affiliated club,
3) proof of participation in a marksmanship activity,
4) a new form 2A with notary,
5) successful completion of a NICS background check,
6) a signed copy of the 01 Federal Firearms License in which the 1911 will be transferred to.

Rather excessive, to say the least. To put all that together just for the chance of being allowed to buy a pistol — there are no guarantees that you’ll actually be selected — is a lot of work. Especially for those of us who work full-time, have kids to take care of, and are busy with the millions of other things life has us doing.

CMP is not dumb. They know this. They complicated the process on purpose. While it’s easy to write it off as a power trip by government bureaucrats, what it actually is is a way for CMP to vet prospective purchasers. The last thing they want is for these guns to fall into the hands of a feckless individual, or worse, a criminal.

CMP is banking on the fact that if responsible folk, like you or I, pass on putting in for a pistol because of all the red tape, then it’s an almost certainty that less responsible people will waive the white flag as well. From the CMP’s perspective, they can’t be too careful. It’s also why they will charge upwards of $1,000 for each pistol.

SEE ALSO: CMP Releases Important Info on Surplus 1911s

Mark Johnson, the Chief Operating Officer of CMP, spoke about the cost of the pistols with Lee Williams of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.

“It’s hard to say exactly, but a good guess will be around $1,000 minimum,” he said. “One reason for this is that the 1911 is a very valuable pistol. Even though they may be shot out or busted up, we don’t want them falling into the hands of people who will just leave them in a glove box. We want a perceived value — more of an heirloom. We don’t want them considered a standard sidearm. All we need is to have someone commit a liquor store robbery with one and then we’ll be held accountable.”

The inflated cost, like the process, is another way to guarantee that these guns end up in the hands of serious collectors and hobbyists. Not your average Joe Public.

Maybe there is middle ground. Maybe there is a way to streamline the process. For example, those who have already gone through the CMP process shouldn’t have to go through it again. Those files — proof of citizenship, proof of membership to CMP club, proof of marksmanship — should all still be on record. No need to have to resubmit all that paperwork again.

Anyways, that’s just one idea. Another, the requirement that everything has to be sent by mail, seems a little antiquated in the age of the Internet. Email works just fine. It’s secure, it’s free and it saves one a trip to the post office.

Who knows, maybe they’ll do something between now and then to ease the burden.  I won’t hold my breath, though.  Even with all the headaches, will I still try to purchase one of these government 1911s? Yup. And I’m betting you will too.

  • Mike August 15, 2020, 9:32 pm

    A very sad attempt at pimping a bunch hard ridden mix masters to a conned public at a premium prices.
    Even a blind man can see that any guns considered to be the cream of crop will fall victim to those sitting within the inner circle.
    The red-tape alone is the testament of a country collapsing under the weight of its own bureaucratic shit and laws of ignorance.
    Citizen beware,
    The invisible chains of bureaucratic red-tape tied to the deluded illusions of false democratic choices is the greatest form of race-less enslavement ever devised.

  • Jim FIORELLA August 12, 2020, 10:56 pm

    WTF is “non-profit” about the CMP?
    They are not a force for good for civilian marksmen.
    They should be ashamed.

  • Stuart May 18, 2020, 10:13 pm

    The CMP as i’ve experienced in trying to buy an M1-Garand, is a cliquish bunch of Communist like totalitarians, who probably served in the civilian air patrol and never in a real unit. I have found it almost impossible to get a Garand, so why try for a 1911?, i’m sure they’ve already promised them to their buddies. And i trust an organization who seems to have a need to teach little kids how to fire an M1 – which is ridiculous, the same as i treat other such organizations such as the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church, whom i would never leave a kid around for fear of their pedophile tendencies. As well, who ever heard of the CMP until the Garand Sales, No ONe i know! (but i only know soldiers, rangers, special ops personnel who i served with) probably as many that have heard about the CAP. another wanna-be organization. and i heard about the CAP from some Fat kid i went to grammar school with who never joined the armed forces and never flew a plane. So keep your M-1’s and your 1911’s, What should have been the 1st and only requirement to purchasing one of these is, were you in the armed forces? and tiered to ”did you use one in duty first” i did not, so let the older vets have first dibs, i went in during the M16A1-A2 conversion era and the Beretta side-arm (what a piece of clunky crap that was). So you want me to pay a lot of money and jump through your hoops? You have me mistaken for a civilian wanna be. I already jumped through my hoops.

  • Lou June 5, 2019, 11:53 am

    I received my 1911a1 this week. It is a service graded pistol for $1050.00. The pistol was re done in 1977 by the Army. It’s a Colt lower with a Remington Rand slide. Barrel is crisp looks unused. The pistol is in excellent condition. Everything tight. I can’t complain one bit. These firearms are getting sold on the secondary market for double what was paid to CMP. I’ll keep mine. No nicks scratches or dings. It would have been nice to have the Colt slide. Maybe someone will set up a website to trade slides on these CMP pistols. This way you could have a brand complete m1911a1.

  • Tony March 24, 2019, 10:06 pm

    The CMP 1911 was never going to compete with $400-$700 commercial copies that are for shooters. There is intrinsic value in the paperwork and in the US government provenance. It’s not for everyone, but right out of the box it will be worth at least $200 more than you paid for it on the open market so chew on that for a while. Bellyaching about the process and the higher sales price just makes you sound petty and silly.

    • Barf April 19, 2019, 8:51 am

      Not nearly worth it – a marginal pistol to begin with, lack of provenance eliminates even “collector value”.

  • Billy Patterson February 7, 2019, 1:57 pm

    I read through the entire web comments and see only one major theme….the bad-mouthers could not pass the test!

  • Clay Mayberry December 6, 2018, 7:12 pm

    CMP has turned itself into a fraud of an organization. An organization full of cowardly cheats. We paid for these bastards with tax dollars, they didn’t pay for a damned thing. I’d like to meet one of these cowardly cheats face to face, and shove a 1911 up their rear end. I’ll pick one with sharp edges.

    • Stuart May 18, 2020, 10:15 pm


  • ROFCIBC October 6, 2018, 2:58 pm

    Damn, with all the whining (want cheese with it) pissing and moaning, and people who are going to try and get one, THANKS….increases my chances.

    I filled out all the forms, got my gun store to send the email to CMP, took the entire package to FedEx and the next day it was at the CMP.

    I live 500 miles from the Talladega CMP Range, but since I go to the Talladega Superspeedway for the NASCAR races twice a year and have been since 1994, no biggie for me. Ever since the range opened I haul my rifles and pistols plus a bunch of ammo and take advantage of that really nice range!

    To all the whiners, pissers, and moaners who aren’t going to try and by a 1911, THANKS, helps my chances!

  • Thomas R. Gooden September 8, 2018, 12:20 pm

    sounds like afair deal. ww11.45 can bring over$2000 in less than perfect shape. cmp hasgood deals you just have to be smart and be able to see it. have seen many m1s bought at camp perry for a little over $300 and sold for $1300 or more!

  • John M white September 7, 2018, 11:14 am

    Will these 1911’s serial number have an additional number or letter stamped on the frame so as to identify them as a CMP? I have my fathers colt 1911 from WW11 which last time I checked was valued at double the highest of the 3 grades for the CMP’s.
    So how does this effect that? also, Talk about government gun control laws that the NRA is so adamantly against. The CMP requirements seem like full control and borderline discriminatory. Gun dealers controlled by current government regulations through the F.F.L. should be the sellers of these pistols at regulated prices not a “non profit” CMP. If those regulations are good enough for individual states then there good enough to sell these 1911’s…..

  • Pete September 7, 2018, 6:38 am

    I’m a dealer. I wrote Mark Johnson and asked what the procedure would be for a member who also happens to hold an FFL. I’m the sort of person CMP says the guns must be sent through. I wrote twice,, and never received any answer. It’s a power trip, and Mark Johnson sounds like a gun control advocate with his talk about keeping the 1911s out of the wrong hands.

  • Thomas Coats May 25, 2018, 6:28 am

    The 1911 pistol remains an American icon. I would be happy to receive one as nice as the pistol in the photo attached to the story. I will not be on the list of potential buyers and agree that the burden to purchase is excessive. I do happen to have a couple of genuine WWII pistols, both Colt and Ithaca and have not traded, nor sold them. They are fun to handle and shoot. I don’t expect many of the CMP pistols will be up to new pistol manufacturing standards or quality, but they will always be desired by someone and no new pistol will ever have a history of the CMP pistols, nor likely to have been handled and fired by our WWII heroes. I would buy one if I had the extra cash.

  • Ceaig May 14, 2018, 6:36 am

    Not interested, why not C&R for these 1911s? Not worth the hassle….gee, who made it a hassle…hmmmm. Problem solved. We’ll make it so onerous and annoying people won’t go through all the hurdles. I know I sure won’t.

  • Kerrigan May 11, 2018, 7:24 pm

    Picked up a very nice Korean-era 1911A1 at a recent gun show for a lot less than CMP is asking for comparable. They are not uncommon at shows on the West Coast.

  • Old Walt May 11, 2018, 7:22 am

    To me the CMP and the ability to buy effective weapons from the government is the canary in the coal mine of American liberty. I may not want or need a CMP 1911, but the fact that the government is willing to sell me one is an important sign that not all is lost as far as freedom goes in this country and century. I’m going to try and buy one.

  • Matt May 11, 2018, 7:03 am

    Not worth the time or the effort.

    Tell the bureaucrats at CMP to store them where the sun don’t shine.

    I’ll buy mine at the local gun shop/show!

  • Nikrnic February 23, 2018, 7:37 am

    They can stickem where the sun don’t shine. I’d rather have a nice government (pistol that is) anyway.

  • Wayne February 2, 2018, 4:00 pm

    the over hyped sale of 1911’s are just that, over hyped,these pistols are nothing more than parts guns,nothing collectable about them,they are 200 dollar wall hangers nothing more.

  • ejharb December 20, 2017, 2:35 pm

    Shoyld feed em all to the clinton scredder and grease it with libtards
    Who made america stupid again

  • ejharb December 20, 2017, 2:31 pm

    As much as i love ww2 history and the fact my father may have had one of these guns in korea.i will pass.for about $700 i can indulge a 1911 fancy with a new ruger sr1911 set up the way id want it and made of corosion resistant stainless.
    You all have fun😀

  • Harold Mendelson December 15, 2017, 5:37 pm

    The fact that the CMP is even allowed to sell handguns is a major victory for gun owners. I find the requirements a small bump in the road. The price starting at around $1,000 per pistol is lower than current market prices. I would suspect rare models such Singer would sell for higher prices. If there is no criteria for manufacturer, some lucky buyers will end up with a great buy.
    As for the paperwork, because they are selling a handgun, the CMP is making sure it is following all state and local laws and regulations.
    Granted there are a couple of extra hoops to jump through, but if you are motivated, you will jump at the chance to buy a piece of U.S. history.

    • trevor_phillips May 11, 2018, 6:28 am

      Yep you’re a moron

      • Pete September 7, 2018, 6:42 am

        AMEN, Trevor!

  • Richard Lampe December 15, 2017, 2:16 pm

    If the guns are the ones that my fellow Veterans used some years back they are worn out rattletraps and I wouldn’t pay 1000 for one , and Certainly not going to jump thru the hoops to get something the taxpayers already paid for. CMP’s charter says they are supposed to sell guns at “Fair Market Value” and if that’s the case , explain the Cream of the crop guns going to AUCTION so only someone with deep pockets can acquire one for their Collection. I also am a bit disheartened that they wont allow Membership in the NRA as a qualifier club , or GOA , or CCRKBA , but only clubs that pay them a fee!!!
    I refuse to buy a gun sight unseen like this and no recourse available if you get a POS !

  • M. Atkinson December 15, 2017, 9:18 am

    CMP won’t be getting $1000 out of my pocket, f..k them and they’re overpriced bullshit.

    • American USMC December 15, 2017, 9:30 am

      Me either You bet wrong I wont try and buy one !

    • ejharb December 20, 2017, 2:33 pm

      Agree effem

  • BrianNH December 15, 2017, 4:15 am

    I am rather miffed at their refusal to take C&R, even though these are clearly eligible. But what really takes the cake for me is all their idiotic and pointless special requirements, especially the one that buyers have to have TWO NICS checks? Really??? Seriously?? And what the heck is a “storefront” FFL? Do these people even know guns or how they are bought and sold? An 01 FFL is an 01 FFL, regardless of whether they have a “storefront” or not. And what’s the relevance of that? And all the other idiotic hoops they want to put buyers through? For what purpose? What is wrong with the standard procedures that have long been in place. Just have a lottery and normal purchase procedures and be done with it. Sounds like these people are very impressed with themselves and their bureaucracy, and want us to revel in it with them.

  • Jaque Bauer December 12, 2017, 4:33 pm

    Does anyone know how the prices of CMP sold guns are determined. Does the Army transfer the weapons to the CMP for zero dollars or the original acquisition cost or at cost reflecting its value after years of service. Does CMP add their costs to refit and rebuild the weapons. Does CMP earn a profit from each weapon sold. As for these old shot out 1911’s the CMP prices for a US GOVERNMENT marked 1911 are way out of line considering their condition and age. I guess some will pay any price for something they dearly want. But a grand for an old 1911 is too much for this grey beard, when I can use the same money to buy a new SIG P320 and a bunch of magazines.

  • Silverbullet December 11, 2017, 3:20 pm

    The only way I’d buy one is it has to be less then a new 45 elsewhere. The thousand dollars start is the finish . You won’t be selling to the ones there ment to go to. It’s ok I’ve got mine from family . And a series 70 colt that’s sweet to shoot , accurized by the colt custom shop. Ill be buried with her when I wake up in hell ill be ready .
    The hoops don’t bother me it’s the super inflated prices for a gun we the people paid for , when there stuck with them and start selling them at $200.00 bucks where they should be in today’s overinflated lifestyle. Not everyone lives on a million dollars a year , most on less then $20,000 a year. I also am a member of the dcm club near me. Thieves incorporated should be the new name with dealings like this.

  • Silverbullet December 11, 2017, 2:43 pm

    In my opinion , it’s hype to justify the insane prices they get. The whole reason the dcm or cmp was formed was to give the common man a chance to own a well made firearm at a lower price then a new conventional firearm. The original garand sold for $125.00 twenty years ago and for $85.00 five years prior. Right now those same garands that were sold are a hundred times what the cost to buy by the government. Really you can’t tell me the dcm or cmp aren’t making millions off the guns we already paid for . They should be available for pennies on the dollar like other surplus . So ill not be paying a thousand dollars for an old 45 , but I’ve got enough to buy two new ones . Just by not being suckered into there lines of BS. FOLLOW THE MONEY FIND OUT WHOS MAKING THE MILLIONS .

  • Cyrus December 11, 2017, 10:05 am

    Not jumping through all those hoops to get an old used 45. Mine works just fine!

  • mike moran December 9, 2017, 7:31 pm

    know what—-$HITLERY called me and my kind a “DEPLORABLE”—–now many of YOU are doing the same——……………….”Even though they may be shot out or busted up, we don’t want them falling into the hands of people who will just leave them in a glove box. We want a perceived value”………how about you “GIVE” them to Certified Combat Vets???? OR, how about you just stick-em up your a$$ and pull the trigger???

  • Dr Jim L Davis December 9, 2017, 1:43 pm

    These pistols will not be collectable pistols. Their description indicates refurbishment so for a collectable the value is not there. At $1000 this is truly a ripoff, again, by our great government red tape. Forget it, I’ll invest in a real, original pistol for that kind of money.

  • Anthony December 9, 2017, 2:28 am

    I don’t know, $1000 minimum is a bit much. Also I have a C&R , along with my Permit it cost me near $500. If I’m to understand they plan not to issue to C&R but say the price is geared for True Collectors to appreciate and purchase. Well the money I spent was to purchase C&R qualified items and to save some cost in direct delivery to me. This should be a C&R item as why I have purchased my M1 for CWMP and why I’m on this list. Now the cost is over $1000 for collectors value plus the FFL cost to transfer to me ? As others have said the value is not their and would prefer to spend that money on some thing new! I appreciated the thought but!!!!! The fact remains one can still buy a collectors 1911 for much less locally , inspect the item in my hands then make an offer. In my opinion this method and prices is like being hand cuffed while handling it and so the value lost its luster in the thought of buying it here. Again in my opinion!

  • Tim December 8, 2017, 11:58 pm

    Will an FFL be ok to give me a signed copy of his or her FFL for ME to mail to CMP together with my paperwork, as CMP requires? The FFLs I work with would send that off themselves and I suspect they wouldn’t want me walking around with a “blank check” pre-signed FFL of theirs. But maybe I’m wrong and they wouldn’t mind at all.

  • Jimmie Hall December 8, 2017, 4:42 pm

    Be my luck I’d get the same piece of crap I carried in the Navy. I would be afraid to shoot the dam thing since the barrel rattle when you shook the gun. I’ll stck with my .357 mag revolver. Thanks but no thanks

  • DCM Customer December 8, 2017, 4:12 pm

    You guys must never have purchased from the DCM before? The random stuff is new, to beat the rush of mail and trying to do stuff “in order”.
    Since it’s a handgun, it falls outside their normal “fedex to your house”, so must transfer to a dealer.
    Everything else is how they have always sold stuff. You do the form, you show proof of citizenship, club membership, all that stuff. They do the NICS check. The additional steps are to send it to a dealer since it’s a pistol.

    They will probably be over priced, so not sure I’ll be interested, but harping on the procedure is just silly.

  • Boss December 8, 2017, 3:41 pm

    So we have to have 3) proof of participation in a marksmanship activity, for a “collector piece” of history. So they are looking for active shooters to buy these 1911s? Not collectors?
    Veterans not welcome, maybe it is because we have PTSD….

  • D Day Dog December 8, 2017, 2:22 pm

    LOL I just responded to this issue on another post. I don’t like paying a premium to any company or org. for a surplus firearm. They should be graded by the Govt. and sold to anyone and everyone, period. First come, first served – but only 1 per person so everyone gets a chance. If any mass amount is left after a year or two, then sell the remaining in bulk or as many as they want to a wholesaler, business, whatever. To sell them to an org. which makes you pay an overinflated price for one and jump through their specific hoops to get one is screwed up IMO. Bye CMP – you will never get my business.

  • Me again December 8, 2017, 1:05 pm

    Another gay article with a gay perspective from a gay writer at guns America. CMP can keep those pieces of crap, power trip or not.

  • BRASS December 8, 2017, 12:57 pm

    At $1,000 per pistol, they’ll be largely for collectors. I sure won’t buy one.

  • Elmo C Sherman December 8, 2017, 12:40 pm

    I have read most of the comments of purchasing these CMP-1911’s. It seems that the CMP people want us to jump through more hoops than these guns are worth. Has the CMP given ” PREFERRED.” people first dibs on these guns.
    I have a couple Colt 45 1911’s and will not be buying any of these CMP 1911’s. I prefer purchase a new 1911 in lue of a 1911 that i can’t inspect of check out if it is worthy of my money. BUYER BEWARE.

  • David Rawls December 8, 2017, 12:33 pm

    In their requirements they state that a Form 4473 has to be filled out “in person”. Sounds like you are required to complete the first 4473 at the CMP store, then fill out another one at the dealer who receives it for transfer. Do I not understand something here?

  • JohnKHut December 8, 2017, 12:06 pm

    This really is bogus. The letter “further explaining” the CMP’s rules on purchase of the 1911s states that not ONE but TWO NCIS checks would be required to purchase. That means some of the rights I received when I qualified for my CCW are not valid with the CMP. Disgusting.

  • Ed Robinson December 8, 2017, 11:56 am

    What a bunch of whiners.

    • DaveP326 December 8, 2017, 4:33 pm

      Whining? I don’t understand why CMP members must re-submit the same paperwork as when we first joined and updated over the years. Most all of us bought M1 Garands and/or M1 carbines, so CMP knows who we are. What is so special about a bunch of beat up .45 autos that have probably been rebuilt several times since they were produced during WW2? Why a whole new set of paperwork? Come on, CMP, this is unnecessary. Two NICS checks- one for the original purchase from CMP and then another upon transfer from an FFL? OK- fine. But to require a whole new set of membership paperwork? No. Unacceptable. Keep your $1000 beat up old .45s. It’s not worth the hassle, as much as I’d like to have one…..

  • William M Durham December 8, 2017, 11:23 am

    First I carried and used one of these guns for 20 years and really love them, but I have been long retired and bought several nice 45’s that I use and carry. Other than for a sentimental value I see no need for one of these. Since everyone unless from a special source within the military is a weapon made from a pile of loose parts put together in an arms room at unit level. My last combat unit had 65 of these weapons and they were constantly being respired by replacing parts from all makes of 45’s since they all fit together so easily/ I have never seen a complete original 45 nor would I expect too since unit level armorers maintained them and everyone who carried one ordered and change parts to get what they though was the best for them.Look the weapon, but spend over $200 for one, no chance.

  • Dan in Ohio December 8, 2017, 11:04 am

    I’m a registered CMP purchaser,and I don’t want one. I just don’t like the pistol. That said, I think the CMP is handling this issue well. The CMP North Store is not set up to handle handgun sales, as theft is a issue. Quit your crying! If you think it’s too difficult, don’t order.

  • Tyler December 8, 2017, 10:44 am

    1K for an old most likely abused and poorly maintained gun just because it’s considered a piece of history. Not worth half that.

  • Ed December 8, 2017, 10:30 am

    I don’t know what the big deal is….I had to do exactly what is required for this gun as I did to purchase an M1 Garand to be delivered to New York State. It’s really not a hassle at all….

  • Mad Mac December 8, 2017, 10:29 am

    Hoops ? What hoops ?

    It is not necessary to join or participate in a CMP club. Merely pay annual dues to your CMP affiliated state rifle association which helps them lobby for gun rights and fight the gun grabbers in your state.

    Military service or a concealed handgun license is proof of participation in a marksmanship activity.

    To earn one $250 DCM M1 Garand in a lifetime, I had to compete in two national high-power rifle matches. That’s a 120 rounds. Now there is a hoop.

    Then CMP changed it to buy all the Garands you want, no shooting required. Buyers were of course reselling them at gun shows. Now it is reduced to 8 per year per customer; spouse, brother, sister, son, daughter, aunt and uncle. Still won’t be any problem to buy 50 or more to resell. It is my opinion that CMP should raise their prices for Garands until there is no profit to be had reselling them.

    In spite of the high price for a 1911, I will probably buy one to add next to my DCM M1 Garand and my CMP M1 Carbine. The firearms honor the memory of my grandfather, a veteran of WWII, and father, a veteran of Korea and Vietnam. And when I served during the Vietnam Era, the 1911 was still the standard sidearm.

    If you want a cheap one, CMP could always go back to the old way. Limit one per lifetime and shoot in two pistol matches. Hoops. Give me a break.

  • Jim December 8, 2017, 10:15 am

    Gone are the days when you could buy a surplus US firearm for a bargain price from the DCM. The CMP is supposed to be a non-profit organization. But,they sell guns and ammo at more than market prices gouging the average Joe, then spend our money on a $20 million shooting range that 90% of us can’t use because we don’t live close to Talladega!

    • Dan in Ohio December 8, 2017, 11:27 am

      I totally disagree. I was at the CMP north store, at Camp Perry Ohio, yesterday. I purchased and M 1903A3 , Smith Corona, Drill rifle. It is all correct. It cost me $160 out the door! I will buy a barrel for $185, install it, and have a great shooter for the Springfield match. You need to check current prices! As far as the Talledega range goes, I’m going to drive there next year from Ohio. What should the CMP do with all the money at mix? I thought it was a fine idea for them to build the Talledega range. Check commercial prices on rifles, you will be shocked.

      • Jim December 8, 2017, 3:39 pm

        Dan, this is a big country. Not everyone can travel to Camp Perry or Talledega. It would have made more sense to build twenty $1million dollar shooting ranges all over the US instead of one $20 million dollar range in Talledega. I’m sure you can build a really nice range for a million bucks! And you ask what should they have done with the money? They shouldn’t have had that much of a money surplus to begin with. They should drastically reduce the price for the firearms and limit them to one or two of each type. That way everyone can afford them and this would stop the greedy people from getting 8 Garands a year and selling them. Remember, the CMP is supposed to be a nonprofit. They are not supposed to build up a multi- million dollar surplus by overcharging us for surplus arms so their bureaucracy can use it on pet projects.

        • mike moran December 9, 2017, 7:35 pm

          SPOT-ON JIM!!!!!

          • Joseph February 4, 2018, 4:13 am

            Non-Profits are frequently a JOKE! So, on paper, there is no profit BUT just look at the executive’s pay checks and you will find where all the money goes! Meanwhile those same people want you to believe that they are working for free and are the equivalent to Mother Theresa working for a Non-Profit. It’s all BS!

  • Gregg Edwards December 8, 2017, 9:50 am

    Why is there a CMP anyway?

    • Steve Warren December 8, 2017, 10:55 am

      The CMP – “Civilian Marksmanship Program” is a corporation. It replaced the old DCM – “Director of Civilian Marksmanship” program back in 1996.
      It is to promote civilian marksmanship and works closely with the NRA.
      The annual “National Matches” at Camp Perry, Ohio is put on by the CMP. Back when the matches were run by the DCM they provided all the match ammo to Service Rifle Shooters during the National Matches and to a lot of DCM clubs.

  • Chuck Conrad December 8, 2017, 9:32 am

    If any government organization is not for the American citizens then it should be shut down.

    • Mark December 8, 2017, 7:58 pm

      Wake up Chuck! You’d have to shut down the whole gov’t in DC.

  • Chuck Conrad December 8, 2017, 9:27 am

    The CMP should be shut down . It is no longer a legit organization for the people.

    • Dan in Ohio December 8, 2017, 11:30 am

      What?!!!! The CMP does a great job training people, especially youth! Check out the small arms firing school, during the national matches, at camp perry Ohio.

  • Mike H. December 8, 2017, 8:52 am

    I’ve had a 1911A1 (Colt) for several years now. When my Aunt’s husband died several years ago,she went through his belongings and found several handguns. I just happened to be at my Mom’s house the night she came down,and she happened to have the guns with her. She asked my step-dad if he might be interested in some guns she had found in her deceased husband’s stuff? She got them out of her car and brought them in. I looked at them and low and behold,one was a 1911 Colt from the Korean War era. It was all rusted up. I asked her what she’d take for this one. She asked if it was worth a hundred dollars and I said yeah,I’ll give that for it. I took it home and cleaned the rust from it. Put on some new grips and shot it. Shot like a new one! Luck smiled on me that night!

  • BP December 8, 2017, 8:49 am

    So 10,000 pistols at $1,000.00 a piece will be “10 Million dollars” they want to clear with this one batch, Really, I mean WTF?

    They (CMP) also sent out a follow up email that specifically said they won’t allow the 1911’s to be transferred to C&R FFL Holders. To me this is another outrage because they are saying people who hold a FEDERAL FIREARMS LICENSE of the Curio and Relic type can also not be trusted. since many of us go out and hold up liquor stores I guess.

    Our C&R licenses give us the ability to buy firearms 50 years and older and have them transfer directly to us without having to go through an 01 FFL. Therefore 1967 and older qualify. The year 1911 is 106 years old so where is the logic with prohibiting C&R FFL’s to be disqualified for transfer?

    I know probably very few will be offered from the first year of manufacture and if they have any of those you know damn well the pricing for them will be much higher.
    My opinion when I saw the email from them was it wasn’t worth my time and money.

  • Jay December 8, 2017, 8:30 am

    The CMP has become nothing but another government bureaucracy. The days are gone when these types of items where on the cheap for members. Now they inflate their value with words and actions that are totally unfounded, yet people will fall for it right off the turnip truck!

  • Terry Landenberger December 8, 2017, 8:19 am

    I think I will pass on this offer, I donot have a CMP club within 100 miles of where I live and don’t have a marksman ship rating. I also think the $1000 price tag is a bit much, I remember back when we could buy a 1903 for $15 from the DCM. I’ll stick with my Kimber 1911 that I paid less than $500 for and be able to hit something with also. No wore out GI 1911’s for me at 1K.

    • George Carnahan December 8, 2017, 11:09 am

      I’m with you. $1,000 for worn out surplus junk is irrational. A new 1911 A1 from Colt, Kimber or Springfield Armory, Geneseo, Illinois, would be a better deal.

  • John L December 8, 2017, 7:50 am

    Comments from the CMP remind me of something. Hmmmm.. Oh yeah! The licensing requirements of the UK. Jump through multiple hoops for months and you might get permission to own a specific firearm. This is done to ensure that only the “right people” can own them. The right people? Maybe it’s just words, but it comes off as a tad elitist to my way of thinking.

    • Austin Reis Green December 8, 2017, 8:38 am

      The CMP is pricing and regulating itself into irrelevance. The larger issue is that the US govt supply of cmp salable firearms is all but dried up. There should be a push to authorize .mil to semi-auto convert and sell obsoleted firearms to get back to their original role.

      • George Carnahan December 8, 2017, 11:11 am

        Right. A simple spot weld to the point of metal deformation would disable the full auto feature of the M14 and make it suitable for the civilian market.

        • Sgt. Pop December 8, 2017, 2:48 pm

          That won’t work, (ATF) once produced as capable of auto fire, always be considered such no matter what you do to it. M2 for example, don’t care if all parts are M1, if the receive is stamped M2, it’s still considered auto fire….

  • Doug December 8, 2017, 7:16 am

    Pardon me, but didn’t “Joe Public” already pay for these once???????

  • Mike V December 8, 2017, 7:03 am

    bought and paid for by the taxpayers long ago.
    Maintained at taxpayer expense for decades.
    Now we have the opportunity to buy them back in possibly worn out condition for more than they were worth out of the factory….
    CMP, “Your welcome!”

  • KIM December 8, 2017, 6:58 am

    1) proof of U.S. Citizenship,
    2) proof of membership in a CMP affiliated club,
    3) proof of participation in a marksmanship activity,
    4) a new form 2A with notary,
    5) successful completion of a NICS background check,
    6) a signed copy of the 01 Federal Firearms License in which the 1911 will be transferred to.

    • Ed December 8, 2017, 10:33 am

      As an illegal alien, you won’t pass the background check….it’s one of the questions…if you lie and they catch you… also need proof of citizenship…a birth certificate worked for me.

    • Nimble Navigator February 2, 2018, 9:39 am

      Can’t have a gun in California anyways 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • Jamie Williams December 8, 2017, 6:49 am

    Seriously, your going to rip on the CMP over this? These requirements are how their charter works, they don’t just sit around and find ways to make things difficult just for fun. Government tells the CMP how they have to operate, and these requiremts are almost identical (or identical for those who already have to ship their rifles to a FFL) to what they currently are to purchase a M1 now, yet you’re not writing articles about how their M1 sales smell of a power trip.

    Guns America is starting to follow the trends of other main stream media outlets, report anything without actually doing any research or applying any logic to their articles.

    Those who are also complaining about the CMP, if you don’t want to go through their process, the process the our elected officials have told them to follow, then don’t get one. Yes you can get a new 1911 much cheaper, so go get one, or go purchase a USGI 1911 elsewhere, they are out there. Either way don’t get angry at the CMP for doing what they are told to do by our law makers, get mad at our government.

    • mark kenward December 8, 2017, 10:10 am

      Actually,the requirements are just what they are for long guns, EXCEPT, you need a new form 2A. You would need a new one anyway if you had not bought a weapon from them in 3 years I think it is. Any real estate has a notary. I don’t see a big deal.

    • Dewey December 8, 2017, 10:37 am

      Another Blannelberry paranoia rant.

  • Kb31416 December 8, 2017, 6:49 am

    The CMP’s mission has evolved considerably from when it was the DCM which was part of the army, and we can thank (curse) Clinton for it.
    The DCM promoted marksmanship by providing low cost surplus m1 rifles and ammunition to clubs and individuals in addition to supporting the National matches. Those were glorious days that I largely missed. A lot of the cost burden was relieved for new competitors, at least for the rifle and ammo.
    Now 20+ years later, the CMP uses sales to fund their marksmanship palace at Taladega, and rifles and ammunition are more expensive from them than other market sources. With m1 and 1903s there are no alternative commercial sources, and most people shoot ARs anyway, but that can not be said of the 1911s that have numerous high quality current manufacturers.
    So while I am glad that the 1911s are being released, I am also happy to see them go to someone else. I have a few M1s and 03s that I enjoy and sometimes compete with, but I personally have no need for a 45 to hang on the wall of my gun room next to my other 45s that were more recently manufactured and that are in near new condition.
    Part of the fun of collecting surplus rifles and bayonets was being able to buy them cheaply, which no longer applies to anything from the CMP. (Recall the days not so long ago when surplus mausers from various places could be purchased for $100-200 and bayonets for less than $20, all were in great condition. And we used to complain that they weren’t like the pre GCA days of even less expensive mail order surplus).

    • Jamie Williams December 8, 2017, 9:17 am

      If you look at inflation, and the other various costs associated with shipping, wages for employees to work at the CMP and such, the rifles aren’t priced much different than 30 years ago.

      The CMP charter has allowed more rifles to enter the market, and allowed people to actually get a rifle, rather then the rifles going to the cruncher.

      Additionally the price of the 1911’s are supposed to be just below market value, so it’s not like they are gouging the price. Yes you can buy a new 1911 cheaper, but you’d be hard pressed to find a new Les Bear or Kimber that has the same collector/cool historical factor.

  • Jake December 8, 2017, 6:37 am

    I would jump through the hoops… usually the more road blocks you set up in front of something I want just makes me more determined to get it. But that price is worthy of some serious ridicule, as are the CMP’s reasons for charging so much. They want to charge a premium to protect themselves politically, and add some perceived value so people won’t stick them in the console of their truck. Used, mass produced, surplus handguns are worth south of three hundred bucks, but they want to charge that a few times over for that tear in your eye when you lovingly pet your new rescue dog and place it in the safe, where it will stay. Don’t give me that it’s-worth-whatever-they-can-get-for-it argument. That’s just greed.

  • Iron Bottom December 8, 2017, 6:32 am

    Inflated cost and collectors? The sidearm of the collector rather than the men who carried them into harm’s way. You a holes give me a head ache.

  • Roger December 8, 2017, 5:56 am

    Only collectors need apply for wall hangers. Shootable firearms will be way north of $1000.
    For what? When you can get a new mfg 1911 for $400 or less.

  • Rich.. December 8, 2017, 5:29 am

    So a half worn out GI 1911 at twice the used market value and you want me to jump through hoops to get one?
    I think I’ll pass and let them collect dust at the CMP warehouse…

    • Nick M December 8, 2017, 7:25 am

      Exactly. It has nothing to do with being responsible, nor the idea somebody would do this and rob a store. Hi-points are bought and more often stolen for crime with the low to no cost.

  • Dr. Strangelove December 8, 2017, 5:22 am

    I saw the requirements for purchase and decided that I don’t need one that bad. Yes, it is a piece of history, but why do I have to be involved in a CMP program to buy one? Maybe if I see one when they eventually trickle down to the gun shows I’ll pick one up.

  • Ted Theewen December 8, 2017, 3:59 am

    I gave up on the CMP system a long time ago. I’m over 75 miles from the nearest affiliated range and that club demands all kinds of contributions of money and time I could never meet. It’s just not worth it to jump through all of those hoops. I’ve seen fraternities in college that didn’t require so many displays of loyalty as some of these ranges. It’s just not worth it. If the CMP honestly wishes to follow their mission statement then it wouldn’t have the air of an exclusive club. To me it’s nothing more than just another snobby country club that marginalizes Americans of lower income brackets. Those folks should stick to the golf clubs and let the millions of gun owners who vote and pay taxes be a part of what they’ve already paid for.

    • Tiny Tim February 2, 2018, 9:25 am

      Garand Collectors Association. $25/year, no further membership requirements, they’ll even provide proof of membership to the CMP for you. You can accomplish it from your recliner…

  • Will Drider December 8, 2017, 12:51 am

    The quantity of 10K is the first batch to be releases to CMP. There are supposed to be several follow on batches and upwards of 100K in follow on years: based on reviews of CMP’s handling and transfer of the 1911s. CMP is touting this batch like they will be the only 1911s they will get in order to drive high prices. Granted, nothing is available until CMP gets them but unless CMP screws the pooch, tens of thousands more will follow. CMP has stated that the sale of 1911s could fund CMP for years which is why they want artificial high prices and to trickle out the flow.
    Nostalgia for owning a piece of history is great but you can buy a much better 1911s. (Including Colts) for less then the $1K “Shooter grade” they will offer. Remember, thats the low end price and condition. At $1K and up, it sure seems that it not promoting marksmanship to citizens but restricting supply and inflating market prices while at the same time controling the only major source of supply!

    I’ll pass on these until/if they becomr reasonable @ $500.

  • Will December 7, 2017, 7:43 pm

    Excessive? It’s the exact same process you have to do to buy a M1 Garand, or any of the other surplus rifles they used have a stock of with the exception of requiring they be shipped to an FFL. If you thought the government was going to allow these to be shipped to your door you were expecting a bit much. At least they won’t be sitting in storage for another 30 years.

  • Taxpayer December 7, 2017, 6:30 pm

    I will only fill out a 4473 to buy any gun from anybody !!!

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